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Mcdees With My Kids And Heard The X Rated Copy Of "Want To Be A Billionaire"


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Went to McDees tonight with my boys for one of those rare occasions (please spare the nonsensical lectures and judgments on the nutrition and quality of McDees food is it's not relevant) and the song "I want to be a billionaire so f*@# bad" came on the PA system with piped in outside music. I like this song it has a nice beat and lyrics but the public version is cleaned up to use the word "fricking" in place of it's less desirable cousin eluded to in the OP title and this was not the cleaned up public version but the private home version :angry: .

The first thing my child says is uh!!! Daddy he said the "F" word!!!! I happend to be at the counter when it was playing as I went up to get a soda refill it was not very distinguishable for my ears back in our seats (or so I thought) but I was not happy to hear my boys did hear it :( repeatedly :annoyed: .

I tried to explain to the counter girls but all I got was clueless smiles and giggles but that word is repeated several times in that song I was pretty peeved, someone should have turned down the sound briefly, they do recognize that word here, God forbid if you call it out especially directing it towards anyone..

Then on a bit of the lighter side, my refill cost 28b and I gave the girl 100b but had some change in my pocket and as usual she just began to punch in the 100b without regard to my digging in my pocket for change (obviously not a common practice here as it's not the first time that has happened). Not wanting to carry a pocket full of change and seeing an opportunity to dump some of it, I pulled out my change and handed her 3b but realized I had the entire 8b to round it off but I had already given her the 3b and she punched that in for a total of 103b (the only time they seem to move at Warp speed).

So, I handed her the additional 5b knowing the total doesn't matter just the amount in the till balancing at the end of the night and she lost the plot completely, because little had I known but the register was done with it's math and it didn't include the additional 5b :blink: . I threw her entire night into disarray with this monumentally difficult mathematical conundrum, she ran around in a panic looking for the manager who had just walked out the door for locales unknown.

My Thai isn't so great but I caught something about not knowing how much change to give back the farang she said to her coworker and I kept trying to tell her "bet sip baht" but she wasn't hearing anything, she was in full on panic mode and finally ran in the back but I could still see her through the burger server window as she took her phone out of her pocket. I initially thought she was going to call the Thai central bank or something for confirmation but it turns out she wanted use the calculator to figure out that it was indeed bet sip baht change all along :lol: as if the farang would lie to her and go buy a house with the profit :rolleyes:.. We had a laugh about it but the song threw a monkey wrench in to the fun :( ...

After that we meandered next door to KFC to top off our well balanced meal with a double chocolate softee ice cream cone, a rare treat to be sure and I ordered 3 chocolate/chocolate covered cones with sprinkles, all was understood and we got our orders no poblem.. But all of the cones prices there are either based on 10's or 5's nothing like a 14b or 8baht cone they're all 10,15 and so on.. Well, she rings up the price and the cones were supposed to be 15b per cone for a total of 45b but she obviously inverted the numbers so the total came out to 54b instead, it wasn't worth the time or the void to wait but in both cases it displays a real shortcoming on basic math and numerical skills here, but at least sometimes it's quite entertaining :lol: except when it's frustrating :(<_< ...

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Sounds like your kids already knew the "f" word, so where's the harm really?

This is exactly the kind of thing Wrsterners get their panties in a wad about, and Thais can't figure out why.

I'm with the Thai on this one.

uhmm... americans....

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Come warby you wrote this so you could have a verbal war with some on here.:D

I say I would find it uncomfortable when the ' F ' word came out when I was out with my kids.

Mind you, there all grown up now.

I hear kids here and young people as well as some older Thai people shouting out ' chip hi ' a lot.

That why I ask for ' fries ' now.:D

As for the change thing I know what you mean, I always have the change ready if I know, before check out.

You right about 5's & 10's too, it seems to be only 7-11 & Big ' C ' alike that put commodities up in 1, 2, & 3's bahts even stangs.

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Sounds like your kids already knew the "f" word, so where's the harm really?

This is exactly the kind of thing Wrsterners get their panties in a wad about, and Thais can't figure out why.

I'm with the Thai on this one.

Agreed. This is something that has always baffled me, the censorship of American TV over those awful seven words. The kids are going to hear this stuff in school, and hear it on a frequent basis. Much more colorful versions, I might add. And in the movies. And in the music. Etc., etc. What do these government censors think, that these kids can avoid these words somehow through to adulthood...when it wouldn't matter (again, baffling)? As for hearing this in the MCD...well the Thais take a more common sense approach. They really don't give a hoot.

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Thank you for that enlightening if not usual off point response, now you can go back to your cartoons, troll..

And now that we clearly have your feathers all ruffled, your riposte is supposed to draw out a more salient response? A sympathetic ear perhaps?

"Failure to cope" is the least of the OP's worries. His kids should be really concerned about all that oxygen he's wasting.

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Well, I didn't read much of the OP's post, so I'm not sure what all the flak's about, but I was amused a few months ago when for a couple of weeks our local Tops supermarket was playing Lily Allen's "&lt;removed&gt; you!" song, and I thought "They wouldn't do that in Brisbane". On second thoughts, maybe they would. I'm a bit out of touch.

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Geeez with the exception of Kwasaki there sure is a lot of worthless twits here in this place aren't there?

Kwasaki I certainly didn't post it for any sort of fight, I have much better things to do with my time it was posted in the context of general conversation. I expected some intelligent exchange and objectivity but surely I should know better by now :rolleyes: .

The idea that there is more censorship in western countries over what is here, is well, just complete &lt;deleted&gt; <_< ...

I'm not overly sensitive but I am a responsible parent and the word F&*% is not acceptable in a family restaurant if I want to swear around my children that's my prerogative and no one elses so I'm also not going to respond to the idiocy being posted beyond this post as it's a sad commentary on the lacking quality of the posters and morality here and since most are Teflr's it reinforces my decision not to have my children in ANY schools here and instead home school them.

And to the poster who suggested he's heard the word before, yes, unfortunately he has by other &lt;deleted&gt; such as that poster who got an earful from me and withered just like he would as it was pointed out to him that he displayed the class & intelligence of a common street whore using such language in the presence of children....

Edited by WarpSpeed
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You'll be pleased no-one's gone off on the "Why are you taking them to McDos when they could have had MSG and Salmonella balls for 10 baht at any gutterside.

I don't even think that excessive drinking is an adequate excuse for foul language - there's no need for it, and it doesn't add anything to getting the point across.

Recording artists have the benefit of being able to write their material in advance, so really there is no excuse whatsoever; its not even being used to fit a rhyme!

I should try harder, as much as the next man, to be sure.


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You'll be pleased no-one's gone off on the "Why are you taking them to McDos when they could have had MSG and Salmonella balls for 10 baht at any gutterside.

I don't even think that excessive drinking is an adequate excuse for foul language - there's no need for it, and it doesn't add anything to getting the point across.

Recording artists have the benefit of being able to write their material in advance, so really there is no excuse whatsoever; its not even being used to fit a rhyme!

I should try harder, as much as the next man, to be sure.


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Consider yourself lucky a western woman didn't get her tits out to feed a baby while you were there.

Then the kids would have been saying '&lt;deleted&gt;$*ing tits' for a week.

Honestly I would have much rather preferred that as at least I'd get some eye candy, but seriously I don't have a problem with that it's very easily explained and they can't follow suit and breast feed like they can swearing like a cab driver :D ..

Cowboy, thank you for repeating your post :D I did discount the need for making such needless comments on the food in the OP though would have kinda been beating a dead horse but then that's never stopped anyone before either.... I too can most definitely curb my own language at times and that's been one of many good influences my children have had on me..

Yes too, on the songs content but as I said generally I like the tune in it's public version or even the private version for my own listening it's the only OTT word in it the rest is pretty cleverly written and it's used in this case for emphasis instead of just to rough or trash up the song but obviously not for little ears, it's not like I brought them to soi cowboy or something and expect different..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Well, at least I enjoyed the story, Warpspeed. If you don't take life too seriously then it can actually be fun. Of course, the same situation happens everywhere in the world. I can't recall all the times I've seen similar situations in Canadian fast food joints. Simple math is not a skill that many people of the modern generation have learned. I'm not particularly good at math, but I can add up things roughly in my head and come close to the right answer. I can buy a $100 worth of groceries and know within a few dollars what the total will be before going to the cash register.

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The dreaded " F" word has been rehabilitated and is now accepted. I learned this recently when reading Newsweek magazine. There was an interview with Arnold Swartzneger (actor and X governator of the great state of California), He was quoted saying "fuuk" and Newsweek printed it.

It is just a word, it can't hurt you OR your kids.

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I'm not overly sensitive but I am a responsible parent and the word F&*% is not acceptable in a family restaurant if I want to swear around my children that's my prerogative and no one elses so I'm also not going to respond to the idiocy being posted beyond this post as it's a sad commentary on the lacking quality of the posters and morality here and since most are Teflr's it reinforces my decision not to have my children in ANY schools here and instead home school them.

You can be sure they wouldn't allow certain Thai language in songs to be played at McDonalds...but in English you can't expect them to monitor what is played or to actually do anything about it. Few really understand English swear words, even if some have a vague idea it's bad they don't really know the extent. There is a reason you can see people with English shirts that say all sorts of ridiculous and rude stuff, the people wearing them don't know, just like the people at McDonalds aren't able to understand the song is offensive.

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The dreaded " F" word has been rehabilitated and is now accepted. I learned this recently when reading Newsweek magazine. There was an interview with Arnold Swartzneger (actor and X governator of the great state of California), He was quoted saying "fuuk" and Newsweek printed it.

It is just a word, it can't hurt you OR your kids.

Not too sure about that...

Teacher: "Did you complete your Homework Johnny?"

Johnny: "F#$kin' A I did Miss"

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The dreaded " F" word has been rehabilitated and is now accepted. I learned this recently when reading Newsweek magazine. There was an interview with Arnold Swartzneger (actor and X governator of the great state of California), He was quoted saying "fuuk" and Newsweek printed it.

It is just a word, it can't hurt you OR your kids.

Not too sure about that...

Teacher: "Did you complete your Homework Johnny?"

Johnny: "F#$kin' A I did Miss"

Agreed, that would be showing disrespect to a teacher, however there are many ways to be disrespectful using " accepted" words also. Sorry, I experienced George Carlin's humor at an early age and he influenced my outlook on many subjects.

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Geeez with the exception of Kwasaki there sure is a lot of worthless twits here in this place aren't there?

Kwasaki I certainly didn't post it for any sort of fight, I have much better things to do with my time it was posted in the context of general conversation. I expected some intelligent exchange and objectivity but surely I should know better by now :rolleyes: .

The idea that there is more censorship in western countries over what is here, is well, just complete &lt;deleted&gt; <_< ...

I'm not overly sensitive but I am a responsible parent and the word F&*% is not acceptable in a family restaurant if I want to swear around my children that's my prerogative and no one elses so I'm also not going to respond to the idiocy being posted beyond this post as it's a sad commentary on the lacking quality of the posters and morality here and since most are Teflr's it reinforces my decision not to have my children in ANY schools here and instead home school them.

And to the poster who suggested he's heard the word before, yes, unfortunately he has by other &lt;deleted&gt; such as that poster who got an earful from me and withered just like he would as it was pointed out to him that he displayed the class & intelligence of a common street whore using such language in the presence of children....

you certainly seem to provide living proof of your opening statement. Are we twits because we simply don't agree with you?

If you only required validation rather than the opinion of others, perhaps you would be better off posting in a vacuum or yelling at the mirror

In the meantime I highly recommend anger management, a good long think, and some treatment for those delusions of grandeur and sense of entitlement you seem to suffer.

Your complaint is rather ironic in that you yourself seem unable to post politely in a public forum.

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I did discount the need for making such needless comments on the food in the OP though would have kinda been beating a dead horse but then that's never stopped anyone before either.... I too can most definitely curb my own language at times and that's been one of many good influences my children have had on me..

In that place I think you are more likely to be 'eating a dead horse' than 'beating a dead horse'

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Agreed. In most cases only an American would be bothered.

Only a (censored) would make such a (censored) comment. jerk.gif

I'm an American, by the way. But I do acknowledged the shortcomings of many of my countrymen in the whole "politically correct" arena.

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I'm not overly sensitive but I am a responsible parent and the word F&*% is not acceptable in a family restaurant if I want to swear around my children that's my prerogative and no one elses so I'm also not going to respond to the idiocy being posted beyond this post as it's a sad commentary on the lacking quality of the posters and morality here and since most are Teflr's it reinforces my decision not to have my children in ANY schools here and instead home school them.

You can be sure they wouldn't allow certain Thai language in songs to be played at McDonalds...but in English you can't expect them to monitor what is played or to actually do anything about it. Few really understand English swear words, even if some have a vague idea it's bad they don't really know the extent. There is a reason you can see people with English shirts that say all sorts of ridiculous and rude stuff, the people wearing them don't know, just like the people at McDonalds aren't able to understand the song is offensive.

They KNOW that word, try going to down to the local motocy taxi stand and saying it and see what happens?? B) ON second thought don't I wouldn't want you to get a bollocking for nothing. I do agree about the shirts though, I find that very funny often times and tempting not to make mention if a cutie has some suggestive saying on her shirt it's hard to know when a pretty young lady really knows some of the signals her shirts are giving? :lol:

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