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Don'T Have Cue System In Australia?

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At a local Tesco store in Huai Kwang. Finished picking our stuff together and me and my gf approaches the cashiers.

Notice that there is a decent line but that another cashier is opening another one. So I walk to it and start to unpack.

At this moment an, I think Australian, girl (28-30) walk up to us from the other cue "Excuse me, we have been standing here for aaaages.". My girlfriend don't even lock up, we just continue to unpack, she merely retorts with "well, we walked here when they opened the cashier. or so.

The pear-shaped girl walks back to her equally unattractive female friend in the other cue, while several other shoppers start to cue up behind us -- most of them previously located behind her and her friend in the other cue.

What is it about a cue-system that is hard to understand for some people?

Do the do the same in an even bigger super-market, run across 5 cashier-lines to a newly opened one and demand to be let infront since they have stood in their line for long?

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Had a little bit of a problem understanding what you were on about for a while. May I be allowed to point out a CUE is a stick used to play snooker ,billiards or pool with. It also has a meaning in the theatre. The word you were looking for is QUEUE, meaning to stand in line waiting for some kind of service. AND no Thais have no concept of queuing and love to jump , and get most upset ,when you tell them ,what they have done is wrong. Give them time and they will slowly come to understand. But very bad form for a farang to try and jump. Unless , it is done as a request,by asking you is it O.K.if we go first?

<br />Had a little bit of a problem understanding what you were on about for a while. May I be allowed to point out a CUE is a stick used to play snooker ,billiards or pool with. It also has a meaning in the theatre. The word you were looking for  is QUEUE, meaning to stand in line waiting for some kind of service. AND no Thais have no concept of queuing and love to jump , and get most upset ,when you tell them ,what they have done is wrong. Give them time and they will slowly come to understand. But very bad form for a farang to try and jump. Unless , it is done as a request,by asking you is it O.K.if we go first?<br />

"telling thai's jumping a queue is wrong" - who do you think you are? This is Thailand and all thai's do it, they are not wrong, you are, you are in THAILAND. You don't bring your rules from your own country, you follow the rules of the country you are in. That's why so many stupid farangs have a problem here .....

I don't have a problem with queuing, I do excatally the same as thai's and I love it. Last week I walked right down the middle of the line in the MajorCine, not my fault it was closed but still opened. I hopped in the queue and saved my self about 10minutes, rather than complaining, the Thais started hopping over from the other line and copying.

The smartest wins I'm afraid.



Thank you. For us non-British people the different versions of words with the same basic sound is sometimes hard to separate between.

And to the gentleman who commented:

The tread was opened since the women, in typical colonial style, decided to approach my gf [Thai] and make a fuss when she really shouldn't have as even in the west, and I presume in Australia, queues infront of cashiers are not of the common-feeder type but separate per cashier.

She, being tall and white, ofcourse thought she was going to educate some of the locals. And no, she didn't look like a tourist. She looked like one of the typical teachers I have seen when I looked for a mid-range priced private school around BKK.


Wow,thats a pretty presumptuous attitude. In grocery stores in the US usually the cashier will get the next person in line from a long line to move to the new check out rather than take the first pushy person to get there.


Wow,thats a pretty presumptuous attitude. In grocery stores in the US usually the cashier will get the next person in line from a long line to move to the new check out rather than take the first pushy person to get there.

And if the cashier does not say anything then she clearly did not give the primary attention to one shopper and the newly opened cashier line is up for grabs for anyone that actually walk there, right?

I mean, if they wanted to change queue, they could have used their legs as all other shoppers did...


Certainly but your amazingly poor attitude towards a woman who asked to move to the queue (rather than jump it) and extraordinarily judgmental assumptions based on the color of her skin and the shape of her body have really very little to do with the fact that the cashier did not do this, or that perhaps in her country its the done thing and she didn't know.

Wonder if you'd be as judgmental if it was a heavier farang guy that had asked you the same question??


I think most reasonable and considerate people might allow someone who was waiting in line longer to change lanes and go ahead of them, especially if asked. That's just civil behavior. The OP's girlfriend sounds like a complete douche, and what does the other people's physical appearance have to do with anything?

<br />Had a little bit of a problem understanding what you were on about for a while. May I be allowed to point out a CUE is a stick used to play snooker ,billiards or pool with. It also has a meaning in the theatre. The word you were looking for is QUEUE, meaning to stand in line waiting for some kind of service. AND no Thais have no concept of queuing and love to jump , and get most upset ,when you tell them ,what they have done is wrong. Give them time and they will slowly come to understand. But very bad form for a farang to try and jump. Unless , it is done as a request,by asking you is it O.K.if we go first?<br />

"telling thai's jumping a queue is wrong" - who do you think you are? This is Thailand and all thai's do it, they are not wrong, you are, you are in THAILAND. You don't bring your rules from your own country, you follow the rules of the country you are in. That's why so many stupid farangs have a problem here .....

I don't have a problem with queuing, I do excatally the same as thai's and I love it. Last week I walked right down the middle of the line in the MajorCine, not my fault it was closed but still opened. I hopped in the queue and saved my self about 10minutes, rather than complaining, the Thais started hopping over from the other line and copying.

The smartest wins I'm afraid.

You sound like a real stand up person. Let's hope we never meet when you push in front of me in a 'queue'. A lot of Thais actually do queue. It's good manners and etiquette. If someone has been waiting longer than you, then they deserve to go first. I've seen Thais get annoyed with fellow Thais for queue pushing. The only difference is most Thais are too reserved to complain. If I complain, the Thais around look quite happy.

You're the stupid 'farang'.


Yes, certainly but do you then also agree that he is within his rights to insult a woman who asked to move to the front of the line and to then make the most rabidly bizarre assumptions based on what is obviously his own personal issues?

You don't have to signal a social conscience by looking like a frump. Lace knickers won't hasten the holocaust, you can ban the bomb in a feather boa just as well as without, and a mild interest in the length of hemlines doesn't necessarily disqualify you from reading Das Kapital and agreeing with every word. ~Elizabeth Bibesco


rkidlad Oh, sorry, We shouldn't have allowed supermarkets to be brought here ,either? Nor cinemas?, Nor "bloody awful fast junk food joints "?Nor 7/11's?,nor other convenience stores? These are all Western in origin and there is an etiquette ,forms of acceptable behaviour, that comes with them,which many Thais have yet to learn.


etiquette ,forms of acceptable behaviour, that comes with them,which many Thais have yet to learn.

this waste of space thread should have been trashed by mods from the start, but it gets funnier by the minute, as the superior races talk down to the natives.

Whose etiquette, whose acceptable behaviour? And who will be arbiter?

Does this apply to farangs too - no shortage of examples of farangs lacking in both qualities you mention.

The country in many cases hardly attracts the 'cream of the crop' does it?


Certainly but your amazingly poor attitude towards a woman who asked to move to the queue (rather than jump it) and extraordinarily judgmental assumptions based on the color of her skin and the shape of her body have really very little to do with the fact that the cashier did not do this, or that perhaps in her country its the done thing and she didn't know.

Wonder if you'd be as judgmental if it was a heavier farang guy that had asked you the same question??

I think you read what you want to read since you are also a farang women.

She did NOT ask to move to our queue. There was no question at all. She merely belched out that she had 'stood here for aaages'. Maybe she wanted us to give her a medal for 'standing upright longer than 5 minutes'.

She obviously thought that moving to a newly opened cashier, where NOONE WAS CURRENTLY STANDING, was a very bad thing to do and had to 'lecture' us about it. And then turning around and walking back to her friend in the other queue.


You should try going to Malaysia, it doesn't seem to matter if you queue or not, people just walk past the queues and start unpacking. However, I personally think the Aussie girl was right, it isn't fair that people who wait in line for an age get pipped by someone just because they raced ahead to get to the newly opened checkout. But, hey that's the British for you, they used to be the epitome of politeness, how things have changed :(


I think most reasonable and considerate people might allow someone who was waiting in line longer to change lanes and go ahead of them, especially if asked. That's just civil behavior. The OP's girlfriend sounds like a complete douche, and what does the other people's physical appearance have to do with anything?

Hi douche.

If the woman had asked us perhaps we would have allowed her to go in front. Especially since she being a foreigner is valued higher than the Thai people sharing the queue with her. That is what you mean?

But alas, she did not ask anything, she just wanted to make a loud complaint and cause a ruckus. Hence why she walked straight back to her position in the other queue after blurting it out. Not even waiting for a reply.

But it is always fun reading deductions from people that didn't even read the OP or replies before responding... :D


rkidlad Oh, sorry, We shouldn't have allowed supermarkets to be brought here ,either? Nor cinemas?, Nor "bloody awful fast junk food joints "?Nor 7/11's?,nor other convenience stores? These are all Western in origin and there is an etiquette ,forms of acceptable behaviour, that comes with them,which many Thais have yet to learn.

What? I don't understand what you're getting at. Is this aimed at me? Or someone else?


Yes, certainly but do you then also agree that he is within his rights to insult a woman who asked to move to the front of the line and to then make the most rabidly bizarre assumptions based on what is obviously his own personal issues?

He did not insult her when she demanded to go in front of him. He simply said no.

He insulted her on Thai Visa for being pushy and since no one knows who she is, I do not see the harm.


Good to see lots of the usual shenanigans we love to see on threads like this, but not sure if anyone has really answered the OP's question..so:

YES Australia does have a queue system. From what i have noticed in this same situation...where an operator would open a new line, it IS polite for the people further back in the line to look towards the punters at the front first..to see if they are gonna change lanes..but if there is any indication of dithering or otherwise farting about its open slather.

Sometimes the lazy a$$es up the front can't be bothered mooving anyway, so who's to say whether the 2nd,3rd, or 4th person waiting (who might also be farting about) has the fair claim to the next lane??

NO NO NO, none of this namsy pamsy poonceing about waiting around and then crying to the first person who actually bothers to moove their pear shaped derrierre to the next available operator.

The quick and the dead, first in best dressed, a bird in the whole...and all that

I am with the OP on this one..politically correct big-girls-blouses and pussycat mammas boys have no place in Thailand...

AND TiT... if you dont like it...GO HOME.. where you can fill out one of those nincompoop toilet paper complaint forms and then stuff in your suggestion box where the sun don't shine

:sorry: someone had to say it :D just cant believe it was me :wacko:



Thank you. For us non-British people the different versions of words with the same basic sound is sometimes hard to separate between.

And to the gentleman who commented:

The tread was opened since the women, in typical colonial style, decided to approach my gf [Thai] and make a fuss when she really shouldn't have as even in the west, and I presume in Australia, queues infront of cashiers are not of the common-feeder type but separate per cashier.

She, being tall and white, ofcourse thought she was going to educate some of the locals. And no, she didn't look like a tourist. She looked like one of the typical teachers I have seen when I looked for a mid-range priced private school around BKK.

Err, nope fella it is exactly the same in Obamaland. You are just ignorant of how to use the language. Were you born in Kenya too?


Good to see lots of the usual shenanigans we love to see on threads like this, but not sure if anyone has really answered the OP's question..so:

YES Australia does have a queue system. From what i have noticed in this same situation...where an operator would open a new line, it IS polite for the people further back in the line to look towards the punters at the front first..to see if they are gonna change lanes..but if there is any indication of dithering or otherwise farting about its open slather.

Sometimes the lazy a$es up the front can't be bothered mooving anyway, so who's to say whether the 2nd,3rd, or 4th person waiting (who might also be farting about) has the fair claim to the next lane??

NO NO NO, none of this namsy pamsy poonceing about waiting around and then crying to the first person who actually bothers to moove their pear shaped derrierre to the next available operator.

The quick and the dead, first in best dressed, a bird in the whole...and all that

I am with the OP on this one..politically correct big-girls-blouses and pussycat mammas boys have no place in Thailand...

AND TiT... if you dont like it...GO HOME.. where you can fill out one of those nincompoop toilet paper complaint forms and then stuff in your suggestion box where the sun don't shine

:sorry: someone had to say it :D just cant believe it was me :wacko:

Thanks for setting the world to rights. Your wisdom is wasted in Thailand.


Good to see lots of the usual shenanigans we love to see on threads like this, but not sure if anyone has really answered the OP's question..so:

YES Australia does have a queue system. From what i have noticed in this same situation...where an operator would open a new line, it IS polite for the people further back in the line to look towards the punters at the front first..to see if they are gonna change lanes..but if there is any indication of dithering or otherwise farting about its open slather.

Sometimes the lazy a$es up the front can't be bothered mooving anyway, so who's to say whether the 2nd,3rd, or 4th person waiting (who might also be farting about) has the fair claim to the next lane??

NO NO NO, none of this namsy pamsy poonceing about waiting around and then crying to the first person who actually bothers to moove their pear shaped derrierre to the next available operator.

The quick and the dead, first in best dressed, a bird in the whole...and all that

I am with the OP on this one..politically correct big-girls-blouses and pussycat mammas boys have no place in Thailand...

AND TiT... if you dont like it...GO HOME.. where you can fill out one of those nincompoop toilet paper complaint forms and then stuff in your suggestion box where the sun don't shine

:sorry: someone had to say it :D just cant believe it was me :wacko:

Thanks for setting the world to rights. Your wisdom is wasted in Thailand.

Ummm, I dont know about that, that is quite a rap, i think your being way to kind :lol:


I don't get it, you were playing pool and some bird pushed in front of you?

Lucky it wasn't an American and the title would have been more confusing with the word 'line' in it.


rkidlad Oh, sorry, We shouldn't have allowed supermarkets to be brought here ,either? Nor cinemas?, Nor "bloody awful fast junk food joints "?Nor 7/11's?,nor other convenience stores? These are all Western in origin and there is an etiquette ,forms of acceptable behaviour, that comes with them,which many Thais have yet to learn.

I guess you've never heard the phrase 'cow tow'? which is a Thai phrase meaning form a queue which Thai children learn in school at an early age.


Yes, certainly but do you then also agree that he is within his rights to insult a woman who asked to move to the front of the line and to then make the most rabidly bizarre assumptions based on what is obviously his own personal issues?

He did not insult her when she demanded to go in front of him. He simply said no.

He insulted her on Thai Visa for being pushy and since no one knows who she is, I do not see the harm.

Perhaps but its quite enlightening and good information to know about our members . cheers :)

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