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Ex-Premier Thaksin Return To Thailand Not Possible: Deputy PM Suthep

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Thaksin's return (as stated by Suthep) can be at any time he wishes. He will be arrested on the spot and taken to jail. He can apply for bail, but in his case it would obviously be denied as he has fled the jurisdiction of the courts already. He can then be arraigned on all the other counts against him.

Isnt this a country where laws including the constitution are regularly changed by whoever is in power? I think you might be in for a surprise.


We weren't the last time Thaksin bought himself a government.

In fact both of them failed spectacularly and he left the country yet again.

His historical track record is spotty at best.

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President Ford pardoned Nixon, there must be some sort of mechanism for the same thing to happen in Thailand.

I'm sure Thaksin is ready to pardon Abhisit biggrin.gif

K. Chalerm who has been appointed by Ms. Yingluck to organise the amnesty which has no priority, has said that the amnesty will be for about all, except k. Abhisit and k. Suthep of course who have to answer for the 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists' in March - May 2010. All this under the motto of reconciliation and 'justice shall be served' and under double standards we all fight for ( or was it against?) <_<

Don't worry, Abhisit and Suthep are such small potatoes, nobody really cares about them.

Maybe Abhisit will have to do some community service. Nothing worse that what his wife asks him to do.

I'm sure his main worry is how he's going to explain his wife he's jobless.

She's a fierce lady. The future is not that bright for him, I feel almost sorry for the poor guy


"All 65 million Thais might find it unacceptable"

All of 'em? Ha, ha! Wait and see K. Suthep, wait and see.

You wait and see. It ain't gonna happen. Ms Yingluck may get in, she may form a coalition, but Thaksin isn't coming back. Actually, for the things he cares about, it's not that important to come back. It's not like he has any regard for the place or people. He can mine Thailand from afar, just like his blood diamonds.

God, I hope i never meet one of you people that love the taste of his shit.

they will maybe see how stupid and wrong they are If Taksin comes back prepare to evacuate because it will be a fight to death. I dont understand how people can support red thugs and their master. However one has to admit a large number do but then most of germany supported hitler most of Zimbabwie voted and supported Mugabwie most of Libya supported Gaddafi. jap.gif enjoy your short victory before it really gets serious




Conflict of Interest

I think that's a good deal??

Suthep I have 2 words to say to you and they are "Palm Oil"

Did DSI already complete its investigation? :lol:


im sure taksin wont make the same mistakes as last time.

and i think you f/t forum taksin haters should keep yr predictions alone for a while.

because if the polls are accurate, you all got it totally wrong!!


President Ford pardoned Nixon, there must be some sort of mechanism for the same thing to happen in Thailand.

I'm sure Thaksin is ready to pardon Abhisit biggrin.gif

K. Chalerm who has been appointed by Ms. Yingluck to organise the amnesty which has no priority, has said that the amnesty will be for about all, except k. Abhisit and k. Suthep of course who have to answer for the 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists' in March - May 2010. All this under the motto of reconciliation and 'justice shall be served' and under double standards we all fight for ( or was it against?) <_<

Don't worry, Abhisit and Suthep are such small potatoes, nobody really cares about them.

Maybe Abhisit will have to do some community service. Nothing worse that what his wife asks him to do.

I'm sure his main worry is how he's going to explain his wife he's jobless.

She's a fierce lady. The future is not that bright for him, I feel almost sorry for the poor guy

FM would be a great job for Abhisit.

I am sure even PTP would employ him as such.

I do remember he once stood up to the army over the GT200 bomb detectors but think he got a smack bum over that and remained quiet ever since.


Listen to this. No matter what the polls say or the boob tube Dems will continue to enjoy their current position in the Government. The Reds/ PTP supporters do not out number the silent majority that is a fact. You red/Thaskin supporters who's head's and ego's are is inflated as your hero's is. To claim victory and to run on a false platform to help one person is in no way going to happen. Forget the army getting involved it will be the silent majority that will make the red head's spin.

For some reason, some on this thread remind me of these guys...


I think their back under differnt names


President Ford pardoned Nixon, there must be some sort of mechanism for the same thing to happen in Thailand.

I'm sure Thaksin is ready to pardon Abhisit biggrin.gif

K. Chalerm who has been appointed by Ms. Yingluck to organise the amnesty which has no priority, has said that the amnesty will be for about all, except k. Abhisit and k. Suthep of course who have to answer for the 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists' in March - May 2010. All this under the motto of reconciliation and 'justice shall be served' and under double standards we all fight for ( or was it against?) <_<

Don't worry, Abhisit and Suthep are such small potatoes, nobody really cares about them.

Maybe Abhisit will have to do some community service. Nothing worse that what his wife asks him to do.

I'm sure his main worry is how he's going to explain his wife he's jobless.

She's a fierce lady. The future is not that bright for him, I feel almost sorry for the poor guy

Given some remarks of k. Chalerm PTP has more than just a bit of community service in mind. Of course those friendly UDD leaders who are on the safe part of the PTP party list will be automatically granted parliamentary immunity. K. Abhisit will get elected MP as party list candidate and should do community service? Double standards? 'Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai accts'.

Democracy for all, and a bit more for me :ermm:


I still donot get it why do farangs support the redshirts they will run over you in a heart beat, Hell they donot care what they do to their own people.


I still donot get it why do farangs support the redshirts they will run over you in a heart beat, Hell they donot care what they do to their own people.

Lack of knowledge of who and what they are really supporting!


"All 65 million Thais might find it unacceptable"

All of 'em? Ha, ha! Wait and see K. Suthep, wait and see.

Suthept is living in fantasy land - most Thais I meet (up North and in BKK) support PT - I'm sure they will win the largest single vote for any party and have a mandate

and bring back Robin Hood


Dick Turpin

count the zero's, might give people at least a clue as to how much money was removed from thailand by one single evil man 000000.


The good news here is if Pheu Thai wins and try to bring back Thaksin for the wedding then we can also be assured that Pheu Thai will not remain in power. So, any victory they may get from the votes of the uneducated in this country buying into their lies would be very short lived. Sadly it would also result in another political crisis in Thailand but clearly one that would be unavoidable.


I've repeated suggested to the BP and Nation that they commission an legal expert to write an article on the various channels and hurdles towards Thaksin returning, one way or another, pity no one has clarified it. From what I know these are scenarios;

1. A PTP majority in parliament can push through constitutional changes that alter the circumstances of his verdict. Since it's a criminal case, relating to a law pre 2007, they cannot absolve him of political crimes, nor can an amnesty reverse this verdict. However, they can change the 2007 which says that those in high political office found guilty DO NOT have the privilege of appeal. With an appeal he can then walk free and sit around for years while the appeal inches through the courts, by which time, he could get his own men in courts and get a re-trial.

2. BUT pushing through such a controversial bill is likely to be blocked by the senate and challenged in its legal validity by the constitutional courts, and could take up to a year to succeed.

3. The cabinet could approve a pardon for Thaksin, though this will be too blatant, and would have to be hidden in a general amnesty for all, which again wouldn't be something a cabinet or PM can willy nilly approve, otherwise they would be using it to let off all their buddies. Besides, as I understand it, an individual pardon has to be made by the King and only after the person has served part of the sentence.

It seems arrogant bluster to me, for what sort of country in the world can function when a govt can so easily pardon people so soon after taking office, for example the red shirts could go around murdering Dem candidates, win the election then get a pardon.

But let's read between the lines, Thaksin should know it's not that easy, his lawyers would have advised that, but he's after the sympathy voter here 'Gee, all I want to do is come home for my daughter's wedding and those horrible army guys won't let me' - says a lot about Thailand.

It wouldn't surprise me if he just got off the plane and challenged the police to arrest him, and them refusing, citing it to be 'political'. And we all know what the reaction from the streets will be, unfortunately Thaksin doesn't give a dam_n does he!


"All 65 million Thais might find it unacceptable"

All of 'em? Ha, ha! Wait and see K. Suthep, wait and see.

Suthept is living in fantasy land - most Thais I meet (up North and in BKK) support PT - I'm sure they will win the largest single vote for any party and have a mandate

and bring back Robin Hood


Dick Turpin

count the zero's, might give people at least a clue as to how much money was removed from thailand by one single evil man 000000.

Strange how the man who runs The Bank of Thailand stated a couple of weeks ago that the supposedly 10 billion baht withdrawn and that certain politicians claimed would be used to buy votes was a total nonsense, try to figure that out.


I still donot get it why do farangs support the redshirts they will run over you in a heart beat, Hell they donot care what they do to their own people.

Lack of knowledge of who and what they are really supporting!

Perhaps you could enlighten me with your quote of "Lack of knowledge of who and what they are really supporting", as I see it you, like most posters on here will read the newspapers or listen to the radio, even watch the tv and inwardly digest the news that in most cases is pro government, run and censored by the same, how many truly independant media outlets do you actually believe exist in this country, even the army has it's own propoganda tv stations.

I ask this question simply so I can be privy to this totally unbiased view by posters of the encumbent government and all the wonderfull corrupt free things they do, {excluding Suthep and the Palm Oil}.

I fully understand that Thaksin broke the law, several times although at present only convicted the one time but I fail to see how not taking action against ones own and coalition MPs who your in bed with and need their support to remain in power can be excused, swept under the carpet or simply believe "Needs must when the devil drives".

I would truly love to watch, listen and read totally unbiased news reporting from a country I have lived in for 21 years, my own view is that all media here has to toe the line of any respective government.

When any country is overshadowed by a strong military presence that always give support tacit or otherwise to their own kind then you will never have a true Democracy, I always believed it was the emcumbent government duly elected on a free vote that ran the country and THE ARMED FORCES not the other way round.


"All 65 million Thais might find it unacceptable"

All of 'em? Ha, ha! Wait and see K. Suthep, wait and see.

You wait and see.

Wow! Great comeback. :lol:

It ain't gonna happen. Ms Yingluck may get in, she may form a coalition, but Thaksin isn't coming back.

<snipped revolting stuff>

So what else does your crystal ball tell you?

What you should say is: "According to the current laws and constitution, Thaksin would be arrested if he returned to Thailand."

You have absolutely no idea what will actually happen, and neither do I.


The simple fact is that a high percentage of Thai's do not feel like they are benefiting from the progress that the country is producing. They are fed up with being nice and asking for what they believe they are entitled to. They have expectations and those expectations are not being met. They are supporting these red thugs because they don't give a shit who does it, they want it done.

Every society that gets to this point of imbalance is looking for someone who can get the job done. Do you think that the Germans cared one wit about Hitler's background and megalomania? No, in his early stage he was getting the job done and even the "intelligent hi-so's" supported him. He was a great leader at that point because he was a megalomaniac and wasn't opposed to getting rough to do the job. There is a element of that in every great leader. They thought they could control him so they supported him, but he outsmarted them just like many other megalomaniac's before him.

With the exception of a handful of the intelligentsia, who are looking at the long term most Thai's want change. They want the change that they have been promised since the 1932 revolution. They don't care about the "how" they want it done. That they have chosen some bad people to bust down the doors for them is only an indication of the level of their frustration. Thaksin has done some things for them like eliminate the drug problem in the villages. They could give a shit about what the international courts think about it, they wanted it done!

It's all nice and PC to think about "the big picture" and believe that your leaders are "smart" (Abhisit, Obama) enough to pull it off, but where the rubber hits the road is "making it happen" move your ass and do something!

Leadership is about "getting the job done" I wish I had a dollar for every stupid "planning" meeting (with a bunch of bean counters who couldn't lead a children's group) I was forced to sit in on during my career. When I was "doing" my job and not just "talking" about doing it I was kicking some ass.

It makes me sick to see the people of my own country sitting on their couches with their Budweisers and chips and getting fatter by the second while their country goes down the drain. When the shit hits the fan, as it most certainly will in the US, they will be too fat to drag their asses off the couch.

I respect the Thai's for their willingness to risk their lives for their cause. There wouldn't be a cause if the leadership was doing their job.


God, I hope i never meet one of you people that love the taste of his shit.

No,you like more the shit of the generals.

Go to Birma.laugh.gif

"All 65 million Thais might find it unacceptable"

All of 'em? Ha, ha! Wait and see K. Suthep, wait and see.

You wait and see. It ain't gonna happen. Ms Yingluck may get in, she may form a coalition, but Thaksin isn't coming back. Actually, for the things he cares about, it's not that important to come back. It's not like he has any regard for the place or people. He can mine Thailand from afar, just like his blood diamonds.

God, I hope i never meet one of you people that love the taste of his shit.


What a nonsense: "“All 65 million Thais might find it unacceptable as it is unfair and goes against international practice"

A lot people vote PTP...they find it acceptable and since when did Thailand care for international practice??

If the PTP wins they can change the constitution, reverse everything the Army did and as well give a general amnesty for all in the name of peace.

For Red, Yellow, Thaksin, Sondhi, Sonthi etc etc.

And if some courts try to point out that corruption and political things are a different case, they will agree after 1-2 of them get a bullet from some unknown bad guy.

I think Thaksin won't take the soft approach this time.


He can come back anytime he wants. And he's got 2 years of free accommodation too.

And if i recall correctly he faces a number of other charges they never pursued once he fled.

IMO, this guy is not just a threat to Thailand but actually harming Thailand and he is likely violating numerous laws with his continued interference in Thai politics as well as his hand in the riots. At this point I would have no problem with him being treated as a terrorist and having the Thai government contract with the US or CIA to treat him as the US treats other fugitive terrorists. The only problem with this is the USA really could care less who is running the show in Thailand. But bottom line is enough is enough with this guy. Thailand has handled this situation very badly and should have had a clear cut campaign of wire taps and such to show the public his true motives and then anyone in communication with him should be charged with helping to harbor a fugitive. There may be a lot of uneducated people in Thailand who buy into his lies and see him as a demigod but clearly he is not and it is the Thai government's fault they have not run a campaign to show these people he is actually the enemy of the people in Thailand .... That's my opinion anyway.


He can come back anytime he wants. And he's got 2 years of free accommodation too.

And if i recall correctly he faces a number of other charges they never pursued once he fled.

IMO, this guy is not just a threat to Thailand but actually harming Thailand and he is likely violating numerous laws with his continued interference in Thai politics as well as his hand in the riots. At this point I would have no problem with him being treated as a terrorist and having the Thai government contract with the US or CIA to treat him as the US treats other fugitive terrorists. The only problem with this is the USA really could care less who is running the show in Thailand. But bottom line is enough is enough with this guy. Thailand has handled this situation very badly and should have had a clear cut campaign of wire taps and such to show the public his true motives and then anyone in communication with him should be charged with helping to harbor a fugitive. There may be a lot of uneducated people in Thailand who buy into his lies and see him as a demigod but clearly he is not and it is the Thai government's fault they have not run a campaign to show these people he is actually the enemy of the people in Thailand .... That's my opinion anyway.

There are sure some deals made. The Thai government never seriously tried to get him back. Even after the red riots they didn't try to get him on Interpol or contacted countries in which he hide in a serious manner.


Thaksin told Reuters in an interview in Dubai on Thursday that he hoped to return to Thailand by December to attend his eldest daughter's wedding.

Interesting article in the other paper regarding the approaching marriage.

Pinthongta has just recently been appointed Executive Director of SC Assets taking over for her PM candidate aunt.

She's worth Billions. At age 23, she was previously the richest stockholder in Thailand for 2004 and again in 2005.

Thaksin's Daughter Thailand's Richest Stockholder

Amazingly, very little is known about the groom, besides that he is an architect with SC Assets who was just promoted to an executive position with the company.

His name is unpublished.



You guys are missing the point completely. There is a power vacuum that exists in Thailand. Weather it's real or perceived it doesn't matter. What matters is that Thai's are fed up with the lack of progress at balancing the benefits of the progress of the country and they are sick of the failure to address some pretty big issues like drugs and corruption. That fact that it has reached this level of desperation that would make Thakson appear to be the savior only points to the gross failure of the dem's to manage things.

They had their shot and they blew it. They couldn't control their own people who shut down the airport and they weren't smart enough to inspect the protesters entering the red demonstration to prevent weapons. They have demonstrated their incompetence which has lead to the desperation for leadership.

Where do you think these people like Hitler and Saddam come from? They are the products of a leadership vacuum. Before they went nuts, both of them lead their countries in the way that the people wanted. They produced dramatic results that no committee has ever done or ever will do.


...Amazingly, very little is known about the groom, besides that he is an architect with SC Assets who was just promoted to an executive position with the company.

His name is unpublished.


No doubt this is not illegal, and the Thaksin supporters will loudly tell us so, but for a publicly listed company to promote someone based on the fact that he is to marry the largest shareholder does seem to be ethically wrong. Maybe he is worthy of the job, but has he bypassed anyone more suitable? Or has the position been manufactured just for him (just as Yingluck's apparently was)? Surely the "common" shareholders deserve to know, and this guy's name and qualifications should be made known to them. To me this just reeks of the grubby nature in which the Shinawatra family does business.


...Amazingly, very little is known about the groom, besides that he is an architect with SC Assets who was just promoted to an executive position with the company.

His name is unpublished.


No doubt this is not illegal, and the Thaksin supporters will loudly tell us so, but for a publicly listed company to promote someone based on the fact that he is to marry the largest shareholder does seem to be ethically wrong. Maybe he is worthy of the job, but has he bypassed anyone more suitable? Or has the position been manufactured just for him (just as Yingluck's apparently was)? Surely the "common" shareholders deserve to know, and this guy's name and qualifications should be made known to them. To me this just reeks of the grubby nature in which the Shinawatra family does business.

I'm less concerned with the promotion than the fact nobody knows who he is.


I think it is hilarious how all you farang go on and on and on and on about your political theories of how democracy is "supposed to work" when the fact is that each and every western civilization when through this exact same process. Now the big, bad democracies who have given themselves over to committees of incompetents are all failing.

Please, someone explain to me what your "clean politicians" have brought you lately? Progress? Equality? Hope? Balance?

None of that. What they have brought you is war and economic collapse and a bunch of new idle billionaires who contribute little. None of the western civilizations, save for maybe Germany and the Scandinavian countries will survive and even those country's, who I believe have managed things well, will be sucked down into the vortex of failure due to poor leadership.

Fortunately for the Americans they are already numbed to it all from overeating and laziness.

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