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Girlfriends Lil Boy Sick .. They Just Dont Get It... Like Talking To A Brick Wall


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My girlfriends little boy is sick.. He keeps throwing up and wont eat... Nearly everymonth him or his little friend are sick... Im sick of telling her that they are getting sick all the time because they are eating when there hands are coverd in shit... Putting fingers in the communial rice bowl with everone else and chopping cooked meat and raw meat on the same chopping board... I told her you shudnt put raw meat with cooked meat, Her reply ohhh its ok we always eat like that.. Ive tried to tell her WHY do you think ppl are sick more than falangs all the time... Now her mum is taking him to surin to see a doctor <deleted> why surin they live in buriram ... Nothing wrong with the doctors in buriram but take him to surin its just like banging ur head against a wall it really is...I love living in thailand but sometimes i just feel like shouting are you stupid, why dont you get it <deleted>... Why wont they listen?? Its like falangs dont know anything about health and they know it all... Anyway rant over hope you all have a nice sunday

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Let it slide man, it's not your kid...

Its not about him being my child... Its about her being ignorant to the fact of common sense... Also listening to the same shit about him being sick everymonth is pretty tiring

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Anybody else had this converstion with there wife/ gf or is it a rare thing

Having lived in the village for more than 12 years, no I have never had to suffer this problem. Generally, as they have grown up with this system from birth , there immune system is way better than ours. My kids used to do the normal Thai things ,playing, cooking eating. Never washed their hands. Never got sick. Only time they went to Hospital or Health Clinic was because of accidents, like standing on Sharpened Bamboo sticks, that required 4 stitches.

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Let it slide man, it's not your kid...

Its not about him being my child... Its about her being ignorant to the fact of common sense... Also listening to the same shit about him being sick everymonth is pretty tiring

gave up years ago, may as well let it go make sure you dont pay for the trip to Surin, my thinking must be another eason to want to go to surin. thanksfully my wifes kid lives at home withb mum and dad, told her at least 5 years ago unless somebody gets a grip on him he will be a bad un, now shes had to go home because he is being a bad un and grandad and granma who spoilt him to hell cannot get him to go to school. not my problem. dont let it bother you or it will do your head in.

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Anybody else had this converstion with there wife/ gf or is it a rare thing

Having lived in the village for more than 12 years, no I have never had to suffer this problem. Generally, as they have grown up with this system from birth , there immune system is way better than ours. My kids used to do the normal Thai things ,playing, cooking eating. Never washed their hands. Never got sick. Only time they went to Hospital or Health Clinic was because of accidents, like standing on Sharpened Bamboo sticks, that required 4 stitches.

Maybe not a common thing then... Another thing that gets my goat is just dropping there trousers and pissing anywhere and ppl just sit there laughing..

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Let it slide man, it's not your kid...

Its not about him being my child... Its about her being ignorant to the fact of common sense... Also listening to the same shit about him being sick everymonth is pretty tiring

gave up years ago, may as well let it go make sure you dont pay for the trip to Surin, my thinking must be another eason to want to go to surin. thanksfully my wifes kid lives at home withb mum and dad, told her at least 5 years ago unless somebody gets a grip on him he will be a bad un, now shes had to go home because he is being a bad un and grandad and granma who spoilt him to hell cannot get him to go to school. not my problem. dont let it bother you or it will do your head in.

Thans but after today im just letting it rest .. Not gonna even comment if she asks me anymore..

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i see it almost every week,young kids,one is only 18months 3 of them play to gether in the park,eating food,nothing on their feet and dog shit every where,the wife told one of the mothers 2weeks ago the baby had shit on is hands,in through one ear and out the other,this week baby in hospice sick,last week one of the 3 was taken to the hospice sick,so let them get on with it.

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Well at least you are still in the relationship "trial" period so you can back out now and find a GF that has developed some understanding of civilised living standards.

Thais that are receptive to farang education as well as our money develop as people, those that can only do as the previous generation will continue to live as they did.

What steps can you take? Big ones away from this situation.

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I don't live in Thailand yet and although my gf lives in a farming village she's well educated and understands these things. I wouldn't say she's perfect but she's ok. In the west we often complain about health and safety laws and advice but maybe this makes it seem more sensible.

They do accept things from western and other cultures. Think of how many you see with motorbikes, tobacco, mobile/cell phones, tv, electric lights. Go to a wat and see the monks being cooled by an electric fan sitting under an electric clock. Listen to the over amplified music in the evening or the pick up with speakers in the morning. Even their religion is imported. A lot of Thai girls met their bf over the internet or when they arrived by plane from the west after seeing pictures on the internet or tv taken with western invented cameras even though they are now made in Japan, China or wherever.

I can understand your concern even if they are not your own kids. How many of us give money to charities to help kids, adults and animals we never meet. I think maybe you need to be less forceful as that can make people defensive. What may help is if another Thai ( a neighbour or if you're lucky a monk) who they respect suggests to them that there is a way that they can help themselves. As for going to Surin rather than Buriram, have they already been to Surin where a doctor told them the problem was exactly as you say and so they're trying to find one who agrees with them. My mother in law in the UK has smoked for years and she had problems with her feet. When she went to the doctor he said she should cut down or give up smoking so she went to another and another until she found one who realised the futility of telling her and didn't bother.

Anyway best of luck.

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[sic].... there immune system is way better than ours.

Indeed it is. Most consistently. Though, you'd have a difficult time convincing the outsiders of such reality.

One of the statements provided by the OP has suggested that Westerners are healthier overall than Thais or any other society that isn't Western. Highly fanciful, if one regards the comparatives in a truer light.

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I don't live in Thailand yet and although my gf lives in a farming village she's well educated and understands these things. I wouldn't say she's perfect but she's ok. In the west we often complain about health and safety laws and advice but maybe this makes it seem more sensible.

They do accept things from western and other cultures. Think of how many you see with motorbikes, tobacco, mobile/cell phones, tv, electric lights. Go to a wat and see the monks being cooled by an electric fan sitting under an electric clock. Listen to the over amplified music in the evening or the pick up with speakers in the morning. Even their religion is imported. A lot of Thai girls met their bf over the internet or when they arrived by plane from the west after seeing pictures on the internet or tv taken with western invented cameras even though they are now made in Japan, China or wherever.

I can understand your concern even if they are not your own kids. How many of us give money to charities to help kids, adults and animals we never meet. I think maybe you need to be less forceful as that can make people defensive. What may help is if another Thai ( a neighbour or if you're lucky a monk) who they respect suggests to them that there is a way that they can help themselves. As for going to Surin rather than Buriram, have they already been to Surin where a doctor told them the problem was exactly as you say and so they're trying to find one who agrees with them. My mother in law in the UK has smoked for years and she had problems with her feet. When she went to the doctor he said she should cut down or give up smoking so she went to another and another until she found one who realised the futility of telling her and didn't bother.He just has a tummy bug... you can get the same tablets here in buriram that you can in surin lol

Anyway best of luck.

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The first person that manages to successfully talk common sense to a local deserves a Nobel prize

Online dictionaries are free

What do you mean when referring to common sense?

There is no such beast as a defined absolute. This would only apply when referencing standing comparatives and superlatives, as it is in this predictable instance.

Edited by zzaa09
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Thailand reports 19,148 cases of food poisoning nationwide so far this year

According to the Thai Ministry of Public Health, Bureau of Epidemiology (BOE)'s food poisoning report, dated 22 Mar 2011, available in Thai at http://www.boe.moph.go.th/boedb/surd...4/d03_1054.pdf, between 1 Jan 2011 and 14 Mar 2011, a total of 19 148 cases due to food poisoning with no deaths were reported nationwide. The attack rate was 30.14 per 100 000 population. The highest attack rates were reported in the northeastern region (47.10 per 100 000 population), followed by northern region (38.59), the central region (16.98) and the southern region (9.54).


Says it all really. That was in 2 1/2 months

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[sic].... there immune system is way better than ours.

Indeed it is. Most consistently. Though, you'd have a difficult time convincing the outsiders of such reality.

One of the statements provided by the OP has suggested that Westerners are healthier overall than Thais or any other society that isn't Western. Highly fanciful, if one regards the comparatives in a truer light.

Whilst there may be some truth in their immune system being different than a farang it obviously isn't working in this case or they wouldn't be getting sick all the time. I'm also guessing that the doctors they are going to, practice western rather than traditional Thai medicine. I suspect that Thai life expectancy like that of Chinese and other non western races has gone up after using more western approaches. Many of these countries now develop their own medicine themselves along western lines. Unfortunately this does mean that they now get conditions that they would previously not lived long enough to get. I beleive cancer rates in China have increased for this reason. Of course it's also true that many modern medicines are developed from traditional ones with the positive active ingredients separated from the inactive or damaging ones.

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The first person that manages to successfully talk common sense to a local deserves a Nobel prize

Online dictionaries are free

What do you mean when referring to common sense?

There is no such beast as a defined absolute. This would only apply when referencing standing comparatives and superlatives, as it is in this predictable instance.

About 8.30 but i won't be able to make it to the party

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Thailand reports 19,148 cases of food poisoning nationwide so far this year

According to the Thai Ministry of Public Health, Bureau of Epidemiology (BOE)'s food poisoning report, dated 22 Mar 2011, available in Thai at http://www.boe.moph.go.th/boedb/surd...4/d03_1054.pdf, between 1 Jan 2011 and 14 Mar 2011, a total of 19 148 cases due to food poisoning with no deaths were reported nationwide. The attack rate was 30.14 per 100 000 population. The highest attack rates were reported in the northeastern region (47.10 per 100 000 population), followed by northern region (38.59), the central region (16.98) and the southern region (9.54).


Says it all really. That was in 2 1/2 months

Interesting that the South is less than a quarter of the NE as tbh, most of the Thai people I know are very clean. Southerners in general don't eat with their hands and my husband is completely grossed out (as are most other people at the table) and refuses to eat when someone dips their spoon into the soup bowl at a wedding.

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Anybody else had this converstion with there wife/ gf or is it a rare thing

No, just too stressful to discuss. Though my Mrs. is now well in line and to her credit it didn't take much for her to understand but still have had to deal with the locals who as you say are mostly dumber than a box of rocks as long as they hold a Buddha amulet, they're impermeable..

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I used to live in a Surin village with my Thai ex-wife. I had two kids. Basically, I had to get out of that set-up. I got a divorce. Won custody of my kids and moved to Bangkok. Best thing I ever did.

It felt like I was banging my head against the wall trying to point out dangerous situations. There was rat shit in the kitchen drawers where the cultlery was kept. Knives were left around the house ground-level for any kid to pick up and start playing with. But I was the stupid farang who didn't understand that this is Thailand etc. Kids walk ouut onto the road and shit in the street.

I don't know where the mentailty comes from. But for me I couldn't teach or change it and I should never for a moment expected that I could. The only thing was to get away from that set-up. What a nightmare.

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UPDATE;;; Little boy went to doctors and as expected has a tummy bug thats why keeps throwing up... I sat on sofa and waited for her to tell me what the doctor said... After 4 hours of waiting i asked her what was wrong with him.... I didnt even reply i went and made a coffee :rolleyes:

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