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They aren't celebrating it. They are calling her a proxy of Thaksin and that her only qualification is that she is proxy of Thaksin. Hardly a big achievement, being born lil' sis of the Big Kahuna. About as feminist an accomplishment as baking a chocolate cake.

They haven't had time yet; if you want I can save links to all the articles that will be written on her and post them some time next week. Not sure if that will turn you into a happy person regarding politics though.

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They aren't celebrating it. They are calling her a proxy of Thaksin and that her only qualification is that she is proxy of Thaksin. Hardly a big achievement, being born lil' sis of the Big Kahuna. About as feminist an accomplishment as baking a chocolate cake.

They haven't had time yet; if you want I can save links to all the articles that will be written on her and post them some time next week. Not sure if that will turn you into a happy person regarding politics though.

You're wrong, as usual.


The photogenic Yingluck has long been seen as the front-runner in the vote. Her popularity is almost entirely due to fact that she is the proxy of Thaksin.


Although Thaksin is credited for awakening what has become a democratic movement among the country’s marginalized poor who long stood silent, his opponents say he is no champion of freedom. During his time in office, Thaksin was loudly criticized for a sharp authoritarian streak and stood accused of corruption, cronyism and abuse of power.


Some of my wife's family in Korat told her that they were offered (or maybe given) 500 baht to vote Taksin (reds)......... I told my wife to tell them to take the money but vote as they pleased.......... Who is going to know??????? But obviously they bought more than enough votes ----------- TIT


After Taksin's conviction for graft he was banned from Thai politics yet he's remained active and have continued to campaign for a political party and has installed his "clone" into power as his proxy.

So we have a convicted criminal (who chose to run away rather than appeal his conviction) illegally running and campaigning for a political party and installing his "clone" sister (his words) as his proxy.

In any country governed by rule of law a political party that is run by a convicted criminal would be dissolved, but TiT, it's not so simple here...

A sad though not surprising outcome, but of course this resolves nothing and the conflict between educated minority and corrupt/ignorant majority will continue ad nauseum.

Good luck Thailand- you need it! :jap:


While her business credentials are well known, observers say she has given few concrete clues about what kind of leader she would be.

Yet she wins a landslide. Government they deserve ... government they deserve.

Not unlike a single term senator who is now president of the US eh? :lol:


While her business credentials are well known, observers say she has given few concrete clues about what kind of leader she would be.

Yet she wins a landslide. Government they deserve ... government they deserve.

Not unlike a single term senator who is now president of the US eh? :lol:

Very unlike. US senator, leading constitutional scholar vs. a lady given a business job based on family name whose stated political experience is nothing, but assures that she has taken care of many customers. Try harder.


While her business credentials are well known, observers say she has given few concrete clues about what kind of leader she would be.

Yet she wins a landslide. Government they deserve ... government they deserve.

Not unlike a single term senator who is now president of the US eh? :lol:

Very unlike. US senator, leading constitutional scholar vs. a lady given a business job based on family name whose stated political experience is nothing, but assures that she has taken care of many customers. Try harder.

And yet she soundly bear Abhisit, the political pure-bred who had 3 years to build a case for himself. That should tell us something.


Everybody i spoke to here in thailand voting for Yingluck

Same here! People on this forum been so out of tough with Thais I am sure 90% live overseas but are experts.

This next thing they will say everyone was paid to vote red :lol:

Unfortunately the poor have been paid to vote. Thailand will stay in the corruption zone. :(

Political parties in the US also pay people to register to vote.The more people who vote the better i would've thought.

Here in Australia it is compulsory to vote if you are over 18. If the Thais had the same law the margin might have been a greater one!

You're clutching at straws i think.

Actually according to my Thai wife you can be black-listed by the government if you do not vote. My sister-in-law did not vote in one election and when using a government service was admonished for not voting. Apparently it may affect any retirement benefits (e.g. 500 baht per month old age pension). At least this is what the familt believes. Not sure if this is written policy.


Not unlike a single term senator who is now president of the US eh? :lol:

Very unlike. US senator, leading constitutional scholar vs. a lady given a business job based on family name whose stated political experience is nothing, but assures that she has taken care of many customers. Try harder.

And yet she soundly bear Abhisit, the political pure-bred who had 3 years to build a case for himself. That should tell us something.

Well, there is a distinct possibility that Ms. Yingluck bearing the family name 'Shinawatra' has contributed in PTP beating the Dem's soundly. As far as I know Ms. Yingluck wouldn't hurt a fly, just smile at it :)


"Thaskin 'Clone" set to be PM"

Real impartial headline that one!whistling.gifwhistling.gif

This forum can not except how dead wrong they been the last couple of years and still love to throw mud. The Thai people have spoken. Except it! Go ahead and censor me.

Thaksin throws mud on Yingluck you mean?


First off, the word election should not continue to be used. When the votes are all bought, it simply becomes an exercise in how much money needs to be spent in order to get the front position at the feeding trough. A sad day for Thailand....... Thaksin has proven to be anti farang in the past, guess we will have to keep a close eye on what he does, and have an exit strategy to another country

Do you think this any better than the money poured into parties and the media in the USA? Come on. It is time to shut up, especially if you are a farang, and let them get on with it. Besides, both sides were dishing out money.

Being from the USA, I'll second that emotion. Its just a different more effective way of buying votes in the USA and I doubt that its much better in Europe. And of more importance with all the money the wealthy interests spend lobbying and contributing to campaigns, they basically own all the elected representatives after they've been elected no matter which party they belong to. I really take exception to the superior attitude many people on this forum take toward the Thai democracy. Its not like any of the western democracies are anywhere near perfect.

I am from the US as well and the dramatic difference between the two countries is the blatant corruption in the government agencies that is seen in Thailand. I wouldn't dare bribe a US policeman, nor would you see money changing hands in full view at immigration for a favor (I have witnessed both). The money that is stolen from government coffers here is tragic. Police or any government official are never discharged for these crimes if they become public knowledge, (that I know of) only possibly demoted or transferred. Thaksin is the only high ranking official i can think of that has ever received a corruption sentence despite the continual news of government corruption. I believe there have been 18 military coups here since the formation of a constitutional monarchy. I agree that representatives are "owned" by the special interest groups in US, but the large scale corruption i write of is not present. Another example, could a policeman or group of policemen own brothels in the US or make their own stickers for 18 wheel rigs that violate safety laws and not see jail time? How are the people of Thailand benefiting from their votes with every government official that has budget access or public access taking a piece of tax money or a bribe on the street. This is not my understanding of demoncracy and certainly not what i expereinced in the US or what I believe Europe expereinces on a daily basis.


Captain Fantastic - a good post.

I expect you will be flamed, your post may well be taken down. But hey, it doesn't alter the fact that PTT won the election despite their candidate being "not qualified".

There are many on this forum who treat the Thai People with contempt, today the Thai people have shown their contempt for the views which they espouse.


Captain Fantastic, fantastic post.

I expect that you will be flamed, and quite possibly your post will be taken down.But don't worry, if it is it will be because the truth hurts!

And at the end of the day, PTT won the election, even though their candidate was "not qualified".

Thank you.

Your reply was all the more surprising because I was expecting a kick in the delicates as a first reply.

Nice to know I'm not totally alone, here.:)


Amazing how many on this thread align themselves with the Bkk elite and the Yellows (as I assume you must be if you think Thaksin is so bad).

As far as Yingluck's conduct as PM will go, strange how no one here is willing to apply the concept of "innocent till proven guilty" to her, but it is a concept that many on this site, judging from many other threads, pay lip service to.

Not a single person posting here has the faintest idea what she will do in practice. When you see her clearly carrying out the orders of Big Brother, then, and then only, should you be making all these silly insulting remarks, and shouting 'guilty".

How many on this thread have siblings or parents or children whose behaviour sometimes embarrasses you? Would you want to be judged by THEIR behaviour?


Oh dear, TV.

Three posts, not necessarily pro red - but neither pro yellow , as is the norm - in a row.

Is that a record for this site?

I love the smell of a Thai spring, in the morning.

Maybe time to start considering the wisdom of your current and patently obvious affiliations.

Unless you're financed by A N Other force/doctrine, regardless.



As ever with Thailand same same but different and for the 'little people' which must surely mean those that post on internet forums- the song remains the same . If there will be no violence then that will be a good result.

Flame away, guys :jap:

VIVA Yingluck Shinawatra ! ! !

No flaming from me CaptainFantastic. I have been here long time, doing business and I am happy to see a business mind back in the leadership of this beautiful country which I now call HOME!

I trust we are going to see a lot of surprise movements by this Lady with the pretty smile - AND strong personality of her own. Do not make a mistake Kn. Yingluck Shinawatra has tungsten steel in her own bones. She might not have political experience, but she definitely got business sense and that is going to make her a big winner.

Some might be painful;

1) Expect increase in minimum salaries and benefits for workers; but then I will be happy for that too. My workers are anyway paid well above minimum wages.

2) Oh and for corruption that was on the rise again - there is going to be a death blow from Tungsten Lady. She (and her Brother) has always been dead set against that.

3) Immigration will be tighten again; no problem for the welcome legal expats.

4) Taxes on those who have big money - will rise; for those who are common workers will reduce.

Shucks, I already feel sorry for Yingluck Shinawatra

All the changes she is going to implement is again going to be an advantage to the general population - and that is not loved by the Bangkok elite Establishment.

THAT my friends were the only mistake her older brother made. I do not believe he was guilty as charged.

We all know the magic and wonders that can be done in this lovely country. In Thailand reality can be stranger than fiction.

Remember, the EX-Military coup government had to replace at least four high court judges before they could bring charges.

First Female Prime Minister for Thailand.

First democratic elected government in five years.

But there is one more world winner: Now Thailand definitely has the prettiest Prime Minister anywhere in the world!

I for one am VERY happy, excited and look forward to a new era in Thailand (and in my own business again). I do not think anything better could have happened this year.


Now talks of a coup to overthrow this demacratically elected government. Will do wonders for thailands economy and may be the last straw as far as the world is concerned.

Flame away, guys :jap:

VIVA Yingluck Shinawatra ! ! !

No flaming from me CaptainFantastic. I have been here long time, doing business and I am happy to see a business mind back in the leadership of this beautiful country which I now call HOME!

I trust we are going to see a lot of surprise movements by this Lady with the pretty smile - AND strong personality of her own. Do not make a mistake Kn. Yingluck Shinawatra has tungsten steel in her own bones. She might not have political experience, but she definitely got business sense and that is going to make her a big winner.

Some might be painful;

1) Expect increase in minimum salaries and benefits for workers; but then I will be happy for that too. My workers are anyway paid well above minimum wages.

2) Oh and for corruption that was on the rise again - there is going to be a death blow from Tungsten Lady. She (and her Brother) has always been dead set against that.

3) Immigration will be tighten again; no problem for the welcome legal expats.

4) Taxes on those who have big money - will rise; for those who are common workers will reduce.

Shucks, I already feel sorry for Yingluck Shinawatra

All the changes she is going to implement is again going to be an advantage to the general population - and that is not loved by the Bangkok elite Establishment.

THAT my friends were the only mistake her older brother made. I do not believe he was guilty as charged.

We all know the magic and wonders that can be done in this lovely country. In Thailand reality can be stranger than fiction.

Remember, the EX-Military coup government had to replace at least four high court judges before they could bring charges.

First Female Prime Minister for Thailand.

First democratic elected government in five years.

But there is one more world winner: Now Thailand definitely has the prettiest Prime Minister anywhere in the world!

I for one am VERY happy, excited and look forward to a new era in Thailand (and in my own business again). I do not think anything better could have happened this year.

(1) As salaries rise so will inflation or people will simply hire more illegals from Burma

(2) You mean no more "tea money" for the boys in grey? Yea, right

(3) Tighter how? Any tighter and tourism might as well stop...This is still a tourist country and that would be an epic fail. With Chiang Mai hotels at less than 40% occupancy rate it is pretty cleat they need to loosen tourism regulations, not tighten them.

(4) Tax who? Thai companies? You will simply see more underground economics. Foreign companies? They will move to China if you do that.

As a classic band put it "meet the new boss, same ad the old boss'

And we all know who really calls the tune...

Flame away, guys :jap:

VIVA Yingluck Shinawatra ! ! !

No flaming from me CaptainFantastic. I have been here long time, doing business and I am happy to see a business mind back in the leadership of this beautiful country which I now call HOME!

I trust we are going to see a lot of surprise movements by this Lady with the pretty smile - AND strong personality of her own. Do not make a mistake Kn. Yingluck Shinawatra has tungsten steel in her own bones. She might not have political experience, but she definitely got business sense and that is going to make her a big winner.

Some might be painful;

1) Expect increase in minimum salaries and benefits for workers; but then I will be happy for that too. My workers are anyway paid well above minimum wages.

2) Oh and for corruption that was on the rise again - there is going to be a death blow from Tungsten Lady. She (and her Brother) has always been dead set against that.

3) Immigration will be tighten again; no problem for the welcome legal expats.

4) Taxes on those who have big money - will rise; for those who are common workers will reduce.

Shucks, I already feel sorry for Yingluck Shinawatra

All the changes she is going to implement is again going to be an advantage to the general population - and that is not loved by the Bangkok elite Establishment.

THAT my friends were the only mistake her older brother made. I do not believe he was guilty as charged.

We all know the magic and wonders that can be done in this lovely country. In Thailand reality can be stranger than fiction.

Remember, the EX-Military coup government had to replace at least four high court judges before they could bring charges.

First Female Prime Minister for Thailand.

First democratic elected government in five years.

But there is one more world winner: Now Thailand definitely has the prettiest Prime Minister anywhere in the world!

I for one am VERY happy, excited and look forward to a new era in Thailand (and in my own business again). I do not think anything better could have happened this year.

Hear hear.

Forget the Arab spring.

There is a world spring brewing.

I, too, am an employer. I pay my staff well. I treat them well. I afford them the same courtesies I would wish to be afforded. I even take them on holiday and don't feel slighted by those who prefer to stay at home. I pay them a cash equivalent of what it would have cost me to take them on holiday.

It's called "empathy". Not everything I enjoy is enjoyed by everyone. But often it is.



Do I smell a propaganda campaign brewing to taint this site as an enemy of the new Thaksin regime? Something is fishy about this revisionist history. Most posters here, based on polls here, have been against Thaksin, SO WHAT?!?, but I have seen plenty of pro red posts here for years now. It isn't the fault of the site about the politics of the majority of its posters. I don't accept that any one side has been over-moderated more than another side based on some kind of anti-Thaksin political agenda.


And yet she soundly bear Abhisit, the political pure-bred who had 3 years to build a case for himself. That should tell us something.

My wifes comment when the results came out says it all. "Finally Thaksin wins again." She voted for Thaksin not Yingluck and I suspect that is the case for most of the people that voted Red. Thaksin could have put anyone in the #1 position and still have won because they know thaksin will be calling the shots. In thaksins case she is the only one that might not grow a backbone and do everything he says.


Do I smell a propaganda campaign brewing to taint this site as an enemy of the new Thaksin regime? Something is fishy about this revisionist history. Most posters here, based on polls here, have been against Thaksin, SO WHAT?!?, but I have seen plenty of pro red posts here for years now. It isn't the fault of the site about the politics of the majority of its posters. I don't accept that any one side has been over-moderated more than another side based on some kind of anti-Thaksin political agenda.

It is a shame Thais were not given a real alternative to the current "system." When is a win a loss? That question might become more relevant as time passes. Right now, the real winners are the Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam and Malaysia, all of whom benefit every time Thailand makes a huge mistake.


Do I smell a propaganda campaign brewing to taint this site as an enemy of the new Thaksin regime? Something is fishy about this revisionist history. Most posters here, based on polls here, have been against Thaksin, SO WHAT?!?, but I have seen plenty of pro red posts here for years now. It isn't the fault of the site about the politics of the majority of its posters. I don't accept that any one side has been over-moderated more than another side based on some kind of anti-Thaksin political agenda.

Hi Jingthing.

You've got twenty-five thousand and sixty-three post under your belt here.

Glad to see you're reply is unlikely to be one endorsed or encouraged by the establishment. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do yourselves a favour and accept the paddle.:)


Do I smell a propaganda campaign brewing to taint this site as an enemy of the new Thaksin regime? Something is fishy about this revisionist history. Most posters here, based on polls here, have been against Thaksin, SO WHAT?!?, but I have seen plenty of pro red posts here for years now. It isn't the fault of the site about the politics of the majority of its posters. I don't accept that any one side has been over-moderated more than another side based on some kind of anti-Thaksin political agenda.

Hi Jingthing.

You've got twenty-five thousand and sixty-three post under your belt here.

Glad to see you're reply is unlikely to be one endorsed or encouraged by the establishment. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do yourselves a favour and accept the paddle.:)

What are you saying? That people should change their politics because YOU say so. Are you working for someone? I am feeling some kind of strange subtle INTIMIDATION from the tone of the sum of your posts. Is this the so called "democracy" your side has voted for? Fall in line North Korea style, or else? Sounds like it dude.


"Yet she wins a landslide. Government they deserve ... government they deserve."

As compared to the government that you want them to have, right?

Let's hope that her tenure is peaceful, and she's successful.

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