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1 PT 13,868,654 44% 61

2 DP 10,130,264 32% 44

3 BJT 1,150,341 3% 5

4 R.TL.P 859,567 2% 4

5 CP 811,570 2% 4

6 CPN 446,745 1% 2

Some of you guys act like all of the voters voted for Thaksin. Keep in mind that 56% did not vote for thaksin and/or PT.

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1 PT 13,868,654 44% 61

2 DP 10,130,264 32% 44

3 BJT 1,150,341 3% 5

4 R.TL.P 859,567 2% 4

5 CP 811,570 2% 4

6 CPN 446,745 1% 2

Some of you guys act like all of the voters voted for Thaksin. Keep in mind that 56% did not vote for thaksin and/or PT.

And 68% did NOT vote for Abhisit by your reckoning. That's over two-thirds did NOT want Abhisit to continue.

Two-thirds DID NOT want him.

Are you still listening?

Over two-third's DIDN'T want.... Oh, I give up.


The people have spoken and have democratically elected a government regardless of what others might say about vote buying.

If there there is a coup in the near future, its quite feasible that the UN could intervene this time.

Watch this space!


I am well aware that Abhisits vote got split up among several other parties. I am just pointing out to you guys that are claiming "Thailand" has spoken and the THAI people want Thaksin. The fact still remains that the majority of the thai people do not want thaksin. A fact that should be taken into account when PT tries to bring Thaksin back to thailand.


I am well aware that Abhisits vote got split up among several other parties. I am just pointing out to you guys that are claiming "Thailand" has spoken and the THAI people want Thaksin. The fact still remains that the majority of the thai people do not want thaksin. A fact that should be taken into account when PT tries to bring Thaksin back to thailand.

It works for both parties in similar fashion. If Abhisit's vote got split, so did Yingluck's.

You can't have it both ways.

You sound like a boxer crying after he lost cuz of his "broken toe".:lol:


I am well aware that Abhisits vote got split up among several other parties. I am just pointing out to you guys that are claiming "Thailand" has spoken and the THAI people want Thaksin. The fact still remains that the majority of the thai people do not want thaksin. A fact that should be taken into account when PT tries to bring Thaksin back to thailand.

It was a win against all the odds. My own suspicion is that far more than 50% voted Pheu Thai. All the exit polls agreed. The 260+ tally is the modified result. It can be worked on ;) .


Several posts have been deleted for discussion of moderation, a violation of forum rules. Next post like this gets a warning. Please read the forum rules if you are unclear on forum policies.

Another post was edited to correct the spelling of Thaksin. Please do not misspell politicians names.


While her business credentials are well known, observers say she has given few concrete clues about what kind of leader she would be.

Yet she wins a landslide. Government they deserve ... government they deserve.

Give the lady a chnc i have a feeling she may well urprise everyone.


I am well aware that Abhisits vote got split up among several other parties. I am just pointing out to you guys that are claiming "Thailand" has spoken and the THAI people want Thaksin. The fact still remains that the majority of the thai people do not want thaksin. A fact that should be taken into account when PT tries to bring Thaksin back to thailand.

It works for both parties in similar fashion. If Abhisit's vote got split, so did Yingluck's.

You can't have it both ways.

You sound like a boxer crying after he lost cuz of his "broken toe".:lol:

You sound like a boxer crying after he lost cuz of his "broken toe".:lol:

5555555555 that comment is showing how little you know about boxing. A broken toe would greatly diminish a person ability to box. It would cause the boxer to be much slower, have less power in their punches and make him a flat footed fighter. Flat footed fighters normally do not do very well.

We know that a vote for BJT was a vote for an Abhisit coalition since it was announced weeks ago that BJT would not be in a coalition with PT. That is all we know about the split vote. If it was a 2 party election neither of us know what the result would have been. My POINT, which you do not seem to be able to grasp, is that PT DID NOT get a landslide of the popular vote. They DID NOT even get a majority (50% +1) of the popular vote.

I agree that Abhisit did not run the campaign very well.

I agree that the Dems lost the vote.

I agree that Thaksin won the vote.

I agree that PT has the right to form the next Governement.

I DO NOT agree that the majority (50% +1) of the people voted for PT or Thaksin like many of you are claiming.


The people have spoken and have democratically elected a government regardless of what others might say about vote buying.

If there there is a coup in the near future, its quite feasible that the UN could intervene this time.

Watch this space!

How can you say 'democratically elected' when there is massive vote buying? Doesn't compute.

Massive manipulation is relevant.

Massive education is needed so that all Thais understand why they should vote for policies which ultimately bring a situation where the vast majority of Thais (any country) can have a good quality of life through their own productivity. Please indicate where PT have addressed this point in any way, and please don't say tablet computers for Prathom 1 students.

"If there there is a coup in the near future, its quite feasible that the UN could intervene this time".

The Thai political scenario is nowhere near the mandate of the UN.


The people have spoken and have democratically elected a government regardless of what others might say about vote buying.

If there there is a coup in the near future, its quite feasible that the UN could intervene this time.

Watch this space!

How can you say 'democratically elected' when there is massive vote buying? Doesn't compute.

Massive manipulation is relevant.

Massive education is needed so that all Thais understand why they should vote for policies which ultimately bring a situation where the vast majority of Thais (any country) can have a good quality of life through their own productivity. Please indicate where PT have addressed this point in any way, and please don't say tablet computers for Prathom 1 students.

"If there there is a coup in the near future, its quite feasible that the UN could intervene this time".

The Thai political scenario is nowhere near the mandate of the UN.

There is vote buying from both sides .Anyway most of the people who voted in the North east would've voted for Thaksin anyway.Like i said before in another post, if voting were compulsory the result would have been far worse for the democrats!


Do I smell a propaganda campaign brewing to taint this site as an enemy of the new Thaksin regime? Something is fishy about this revisionist history. Most posters here, based on polls here, have been against Thaksin, SO WHAT?!?, but I have seen plenty of pro red posts here for years now. It isn't the fault of the site about the politics of the majority of its posters. I don't accept that any one side has been over-moderated more than another side based on some kind of anti-Thaksin political agenda.

Perception Management Team at work again?

Wouldn't surprise, Are we trending your way yet boys?


"Yet she wins a landslide. Government they deserve ... government they deserve."

As compared to the government that you want them to have, right?

Let's hope that her tenure is peaceful, and she's successful.

And let's hope that they practice what they preach, no double standards, equal justice for all, etc.


Do I smell a propaganda campaign brewing to taint this site as an enemy of the new Thaksin regime? Something is fishy about this revisionist history. Most posters here, based on polls here, have been against Thaksin, SO WHAT?!?, but I have seen plenty of pro red posts here for years now. It isn't the fault of the site about the politics of the majority of its posters. I don't accept that any one side has been over-moderated more than another side based on some kind of anti-Thaksin political agenda.

Perception Management Team at work again?

Wouldn't surprise, Are we trending your way yet boys?

People are entitled to voice their opinions here without being accused of being outside propaganda. Drop this now please.


The people have spoken once again with their votes.

Even with a huge propaganda machine and with major control of all Thai media, the ruling party could not stop the people.

There must be extreme pressure on the Thai ruling class to give in to Democratic rule this time. They have done coup after coup using military and puppet Courts. But now, this lady PM will be standing there and a Coup against her would likely bring huge trade sanctions against Thailand thus shutting the Thai economy down.

It is indeed humiliating for the ruling class that has done everything possible to stop the Thaksin political machine.

No matter how much nonsense they have said on TV, radio, and in press, the people have ignored them and gone back to vote for the Thaksin party.

There has been massive control and pressure put upon web sites to delete all posts against the Government and yet the people have voted against the ruling government.

People all over were aloud to post and slime attack they wanted on The Men in Red. But if you posted anything even a little negative about the elections and coups, your posts were likely deleted.

Even with all the huge push against the Red party, it has won AGAIN.

After it's leaders were jailed and or left the nation, it won again.

After it was shot in the streets of Bangkok by Thai military, it has won again.

After kids at Universities were shot down like dogs, the people have won again.

Let freedom rain

Let freedom rain

Free at last

Free at last

Thank God Almighty

Free At last.


The people have spoken and have democratically elected a government regardless of what others might say about vote buying.

If there there is a coup in the near future, its quite feasible that the UN could intervene this time.

Watch this space!

How can you say 'democratically elected' when there is massive vote buying? Doesn't compute.

Massive manipulation is relevant.

Massive education is needed so that all Thais understand why they should vote for policies which ultimately bring a situation where the vast majority of Thais (any country) can have a good quality of life through their own productivity. Please indicate where PT have addressed this point in any way, and please don't say tablet computers for Prathom 1 students.

"If there there is a coup in the near future, its quite feasible that the UN could intervene this time".

The Thai political scenario is nowhere near the mandate of the UN.

There is vote buying from both sides .Anyway most of the people who voted in the North east would've voted for Thaksin anyway.Like i said before in another post. if voting were compulsory the result would have been far worse for the democrats!

No doubt there is vote buying in all directions, that doesn't mean it's OK.

Sure most of them would have voted for Thaksin - manipulation with no morals!

Did the dems slip up? Yes. They should have made much more progress to get to a point where thaksins manipulation and sweeteners were irrelevant, and at the same time the dem's should have gained a lot more ground to show all Thais that policies which mean that all Thais have the capability and opportunity to gain a much better quality of life through their own productivity are much more important and valuable.


Everybody i spoke to here in thailand voting for Yingluck

Are those "everybody" the bar girls from Udon?


The people have spoken and have democratically elected a government regardless of what others might say about vote buying.

If there there is a coup in the near future, its quite feasible that the UN could intervene this time.

Watch this space!

How can you say 'democratically elected' when there is massive vote buying? Doesn't compute.

Massive manipulation is relevant.

Massive education is needed so that all Thais understand why they should vote for policies which ultimately bring a situation where the vast majority of Thais (any country) can have a good quality of life through their own productivity. Please indicate where PT have addressed this point in any way, and please don't say tablet computers for Prathom 1 students.

"If there there is a coup in the near future, its quite feasible that the UN could intervene this time".

The Thai political scenario is nowhere near the mandate of the UN.

Yes, massive manipulation is relevant, and despite that massive manipulation, Pheu Thai has won an outright majority. The population just won't be told, will they?


More than likely, given some time, we will see the yellow shirts attempt to manipulate the government and pull off several polictical shenanigans that put themselves back in power.

That should come as no surprise to anyone.

If you do not see the yellow shirts forcefully gain the upper hand again you will for sure see them trying and keep on trying and lots of dirty politics for sure.

Yingluck is going to be spending a whole lot of time just trying to stay in power while the yellow shirts continually dog her and block her nearly every which way they can and discredit her every chance they get.

The people have voted more so against the elites and their status quo policies, rather than voting for Taksin, per say, or voting for Yingluck because they actually think she can run the government correctly or better.

I would surmize the people are saying: "We want to TRY to move ahead and give more people the chance to share some of the wealth and we want the yellow shirts out "

A noble gesture but realy not in touch with how the inside mechanics of Thai politics really work.

When I hear her talk about reconciliation I read between the lines and what I hear her saying is: "We will still share the money and the spoils with you"

As long as the elites are allowed to make lots and lots of money under Yinglucks rule then she may be able to keep the opposition under control.

As long as she shows great respect to the Monarchy and not seen as a threat then she will have a better chance.

Same with the military and armed forces. She will have to work hard at charming them to death and make sure they all keep their honoured and highly respect positions while also allowing them to share in the money...lots of money.... or they get angry and resentfull.

How it all works out is going to be seen and felt by everyone living in Thailand including the foriegners.

More than likely some aspects will get better but some aspects will change significantly and then you will see and experience how it all evolves the "Thai Way"

I am trying to be optomistic and I am hoping the business climate will continue and foriegners that choose to live here are not targeted in any sinister way

and there are no new restrictions and additional silly rules concerning foriegners living here and doing business.

It could work out better but I wont be surprised if her administration goes overboard in their "zeal" to contain the foreigner "problems"....including the naughty night life that attracts so many foriegn men.

If the new government promotes tourism in a big way, bigger than now, I dont see how they will be able to contain the naughty night life scene because of the money involved.

It has a way of evolving on its own and if there is money to be made and paid then it will find the "THAI WAY to survive and probably flourish all the more.

Lets watch what happens


Everybody i spoke to here in thailand voting for Yingluck

Are those "everybody" the bar girls from Udon?

It appears to have been some of the educated and wealthy of Bangkok. :o


The people have spoken once again with their votes.

Even with a huge propaganda machine and with major control of all Thai media, the ruling party could not stop the people.

There must be extreme pressure on the Thai ruling class to give in to Democratic rule this time. They have done coup after coup using military and puppet Courts. But now, this lady PM will be standing there and a Coup against her would likely bring huge trade sanctions against Thailand thus shutting the Thai economy down.

It is indeed humiliating for the ruling class that has done everything possible to stop the Thaksin political machine.

No matter how much nonsense they have said on TV, radio, and in press, the people have ignored them and gone back to vote for the Thaksin party.

There has been massive control and pressure put upon web sites to delete all posts against the Government and yet the people have voted against the ruling government.

People all over were aloud to post and slime attack they wanted on The Men in Red. But if you posted anything even a little negative about the elections and coups, your posts were likely deleted.

Even with all the huge push against the Red party, it has won AGAIN.

After it's leaders were jailed and or left the nation, it won again.

After it was shot in the streets of Bangkok by Thai military, it has won again.

After kids at Universities were shot down like dogs, the people have won again.

Let freedom rain

Let freedom rain

Free at last

Free at last

Thank God Almighty

Free At last.

Suggest you broaden your knowledge of Thai politic history.

Part quote: "People all over were aloud to post and slime attack they wanted on The Men in Red. But if you posted anything even a little negative about the elections and coups, your posts were likely deleted.

Please share some evidence on this point.


Oh dear!!!! What have you done, the people of Thailand - I truly fear for you!!!

It will be interesting to see when Yingluck places that order for all of those millions of tablet PC's that have been promised.

I don't suppose that Thaksin owns any companies that manufacture tablets!!

Nope. They will hopefully be produced at one of the many hardware manufacturing facilities located in Thailand. For example, Funai, the Japanese conglomerate has facilities in Thailand. Funai produces part or all of products sold by Toshiba, Hitachi, Matsushita, Mitsumi, Murata, Alps, Kaga, Rohm, Nichican, Philips, and Lexicon. Parts may be sourced from China or Taiwan, but at the very least will be assembled in Thailand. If anything, it will be some of the wealthy "elites" of Thailand that will prosper and those elites were typically aligned with the Democrats.

Do you SERIOUSLY think this will happen??

Most (nearly all) of Thaksin's policies were either bungled, didn't work in the way intended or made people worse off in the long run. I know that I criticised the poor yesterday for voting Pheua Thai in and said that I wished them ill (not literally) basically as a consequence for doing it but I will withdraw everything I stated if they succeed in implementing their populist propaganda policies and they are effective without bankrupting the country.

I have got my rational head on now that it must be accepted that Thaksin's lot are in charge of Thailands destiny for the next few years (in the absence of an army coup)!!! I just pray and hope that Yingluck heeds her own words about the amnesty question but fear that it was simply a ploy as it was doing her no favours in the popularity stakes and they back tracked on this to get their ratings back on track and it clearly worked as the election shows.

It is without question that Yingluck's popularity (largely deserved I have to admit) gives us Abhisit fans small hope that things will not be too bad as she actually SEEMS like a pleasant person with genuine concern for the people - so different to her older brother who seemed to be more concerned with his burgeoning bank balance and mercilessly used the poor people as his tool for achieving this despite them being totally unaware of it, it seems. He is extremely clever at manipulation, even to the extent of using his baby sister solely for this purpose. I would love to see her be her own woman and take control back from him and do things HER way ie: for the people (OK, poor people primarily) as she will do no favours for the rich who despise him, her, and all things red. She DOES seem capable however, and from her unhysterical and cool and calm approach to the attacks on her shares bug bear, did well to fend this off without damage to her standing.

Where I think she MIGHT (lets not pre-judge her too much on this) fall down somewhat is in her lack of statesmanship qualities and the total absence of political experience, but there again she surprised us all by her admirable campaign credentials and may do so again in the areas that she has been criticised in, before brushing those away in a most capable and dismissive fashion.

I actually feel much better than I did last night when the realisation as to who was going to be governing Thailand hit home but fear that Thaksin's over-powering, control freak (I want to be president of Thailand) ambitions will prove too much and his much more likeable sibling will be railed into the sidings - job admirably done, but it's revenge time for him with his bank manager (licking his lips at revving up his money making machine again, no doubt) . As for his faithful disciples, they will remain oblivious to his real motives and will smile away at the mention of his name. So come on Yingluck, surprise us all again and take the helm and do it your way - after all the people elected YOU and not your dispicable brother. Learn fast - and soon maybe, ALL of the people will warm to you, give you a fair run at it and Thailand can be a success again!!!

Here's hoping and praying!!!

Flame away, guys :jap:

VIVA Yingluck Shinawatra ! ! !

No flaming from me CaptainFantastic. I have been here long time, doing business and I am happy to see a business mind back in the leadership of this beautiful country which I now call HOME!

I trust we are going to see a lot of surprise movements by this Lady with the pretty smile - AND strong personality of her own. Do not make a mistake Kn. Yingluck Shinawatra has tungsten steel in her own bones. She might not have political experience, but she definitely got business sense and that is going to make her a big winner.

Some might be painful;

1) Expect increase in minimum salaries and benefits for workers; but then I will be happy for that too. My workers are anyway paid well above minimum wages.

2) Oh and for corruption that was on the rise again - there is going to be a death blow from Tungsten Lady. She (and her Brother) has always been dead set against that.

3) Immigration will be tighten again; no problem for the welcome legal expats.

4) Taxes on those who have big money - will rise; for those who are common workers will reduce.

Shucks, I already feel sorry for Yingluck Shinawatra

All the changes she is going to implement is again going to be an advantage to the general population - and that is not loved by the Bangkok elite Establishment.

THAT my friends were the only mistake her older brother made. I do not believe he was guilty as charged.

We all know the magic and wonders that can be done in this lovely country. In Thailand reality can be stranger than fiction.

Remember, the EX-Military coup government had to replace at least four high court judges before they could bring charges.

First Female Prime Minister for Thailand.

First democratic elected government in five years.

But there is one more world winner: Now Thailand definitely has the prettiest Prime Minister anywhere in the world!

I for one am VERY happy, excited and look forward to a new era in Thailand (and in my own business again). I do not think anything better could have happened this year.

Hear hear.

Forget the Arab spring.

There is a world spring brewing.

I, too, am an employer. I pay my staff well. I treat them well. I afford them the same courtesies I would wish to be afforded. I even take them on holiday and don't feel slighted by those who prefer to stay at home. I pay them a cash equivalent of what it would have cost me to take them on holiday.

It's called "empathy". Not everything I enjoy is enjoyed by everyone. But often it is.

Wholly agree with you and well said.


Everybody i spoke to here in thailand voting for Yingluck

Not surprising if your username is any indication what people you speak to.

Lovely people I am sure, but not very educated.

The only difference between those from a privileged background to those from a less fortunate one is money- not IQ!

I agree, hence why I wrote 'educated'.

Sadly however one has to be educated, atleast about the political parties and how their policies will affect the nation, to make an educated choice in an election. Anything else is either group-think, peer-pressure or purely emotional reasons.

The process is called 'democracy' my friend. In this process ALL people have the right to cast a vote, not just certain strata of society.

By the very nature of the process, some people will be satisfied with the result, others not so.

<br />The people have spoken once again with their votes.<br /><br />Even with a huge propaganda machine and with major control of all Thai media, the ruling party could not stop the people.<br /><br />There must be extreme pressure on the Thai ruling class to give in to Democratic rule this time. They have done coup after coup using military and puppet Courts. But now, this lady PM will be standing there and a Coup against her would likely bring huge trade sanctions against Thailand thus shutting the Thai economy down.<br /><br />It is indeed humiliating for the ruling class that has done everything possible to stop the Thaksin political machine.<br />No matter how much nonsense they have said on TV, radio, and in press, the people have ignored them and gone back to vote for the Thaksin party. <br /><br />There has been massive control and pressure put upon web sites to delete all posts against the Government and yet the people have voted against the ruling government. <br />People all over were aloud to post and slime attack they wanted on The Men in Red. But if you posted anything even a little negative about the elections and coups, your posts were likely deleted.<br /><br />Even with all the huge push against the Red party, it has won AGAIN.<br />After it's leaders were jailed and or left the nation, it won again.<br />After it was shot in the streets of Bangkok by Thai military, it has won again.<br />After kids at Universities were shot down like dogs, the people have won again.<br /><br />Let freedom rain<br />Let freedom rain<br />Free at last<br />Free at last<br />Thank God Almighty<br />Free At last.<br /><br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Thaksin is now Martin Luther King Jr? Its to early for that kind of ridiculousness.

Flame away, guys :jap:

VIVA Yingluck Shinawatra ! ! !

No flaming from me CaptainFantastic. I have been here long time, doing business and I am happy to see a business mind back in the leadership of this beautiful country which I now call HOME!

I trust we are going to see a lot of surprise movements by this Lady with the pretty smile - AND strong personality of her own. Do not make a mistake Kn. Yingluck Shinawatra has tungsten steel in her own bones. She might not have political experience, but she definitely got business sense and that is going to make her a big winner.

Some might be painful;

1) Expect increase in minimum salaries and benefits for workers; but then I will be happy for that too. My workers are anyway paid well above minimum wages.

2) Oh and for corruption that was on the rise again - there is going to be a death blow from Tungsten Lady. She (and her Brother) has always been dead set against that.

3) Immigration will be tighten again; no problem for the welcome legal expats.

4) Taxes on those who have big money - will rise; for those who are common workers will reduce.

Shucks, I already feel sorry for Yingluck Shinawatra

All the changes she is going to implement is again going to be an advantage to the general population - and that is not loved by the Bangkok elite Establishment.

THAT my friends were the only mistake her older brother made. I do not believe he was guilty as charged.

We all know the magic and wonders that can be done in this lovely country. In Thailand reality can be stranger than fiction.

Remember, the EX-Military coup government had to replace at least four high court judges before they could bring charges.

First Female Prime Minister for Thailand.

First democratic elected government in five years.

But there is one more world winner: Now Thailand definitely has the prettiest Prime Minister anywhere in the world!

I for one am VERY happy, excited and look forward to a new era in Thailand (and in my own business again). I do not think anything better could have happened this year.

Hear hear.

Forget the Arab spring.

There is a world spring brewing.

I, too, am an employer. I pay my staff well. I treat them well. I afford them the same courtesies I would wish to be afforded. I even take them on holiday and don't feel slighted by those who prefer to stay at home. I pay them a cash equivalent of what it would have cost me to take them on holiday.

It's called "empathy". Not everything I enjoy is enjoyed by everyone. But often it is.

Wholly agree with you and well said.

Thumbs up from me as well. :thumbsup:


The people have spoken and have democratically elected a government regardless of what others might say about vote buying.

If there there is a coup in the near future, its quite feasible that the UN could intervene this time.

Watch this space!

How can you say 'democratically elected' when there is massive vote buying? Doesn't compute.

Here's one that probably doesn't compute either. You can't "buy a vote". You can offer someone money as encouragement to vote for the candidate of your choice but you have no control nor actual confirmation over whether they do or not. So....when both parties offer money in the same village, it's the lucky voter who gets to take money from both and then vote PT anyway

<br />The people have spoken once again with their votes.<br /><br />Even with a huge propaganda machine and with major control of all Thai media, the ruling party could not stop the people.<br /><br />There must be extreme pressure on the Thai ruling class to give in to Democratic rule this time. They have done coup after coup using military and puppet Courts. But now, this lady PM will be standing there and a Coup against her would likely bring huge trade sanctions against Thailand thus shutting the Thai economy down.<br /><br />It is indeed humiliating for the ruling class that has done everything possible to stop the Thaksin political machine.<br />No matter how much nonsense they have said on TV, radio, and in press, the people have ignored them and gone back to vote for the Thaksin party. <br /><br />There has been massive control and pressure put upon web sites to delete all posts against the Government and yet the people have voted against the ruling government. <br />People all over were aloud to post and slime attack they wanted on The Men in Red. But if you posted anything even a little negative about the elections and coups, your posts were likely deleted.<br /><br />Even with all the huge push against the Red party, it has won AGAIN.<br />After it's leaders were jailed and or left the nation, it won again.<br />After it was shot in the streets of Bangkok by Thai military, it has won again.<br />After kids at Universities were shot down like dogs, the people have won again.<br /><br />Let freedom rain<br />Let freedom rain<br />Free at last<br />Free at last<br />Thank God Almighty<br />Free At last.<br /><br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Thaksin is now Martin Luther King Jr? Its to early for that kind of ridiculousness.

No one said Thaksin was MLK.

But the quote is true for Thai people who won another vote against massive power and odds.

By the way--A lady being PM is a big deal you know.

Do you understand?

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