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Dog Doo Blues


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It really is best to go with the non-confrontational method here in Thailand. Resentment from the neighbours can come back and bite you in the future. I highly recommend you just go for the chilli and pepper powder. Or dilute the bleach....regardless of how satisfying it feels to have made them notice.....

I was already told to take it on the chin and allow myself to be p!ssed off by the neighbours and that if i did not like it, then go home.....

Now I am being told the opposite.

I will let you guys discuss this one between you. i will stick with the thick bleach till the dogs and neighbours get the message I think.

I hardly think they are going to burn my house down, we actually do get on in a way.

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20 years ago me and a mate of mine used to place dogs <deleted> outside another Farangs gate when we knew he had a prospective buyer coming round to view his property. !! :lol:

He had a hell of a job selling that place. :)

WHY did you do such a thing ???

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" i let my dogs walk free too.. others do too. "

"I was 35 years old when I was placing the dogs <deleted>"

"In my area there are dogs, cats and chickens all roaming about. They sleep, crap, pee, fight each other, do whatever they please ......."

"I have dogs that bark, my neighbors have dogs that bark, we use our neighbors land as a short cut to the main road"

" I just remembered what we used to do as kids to neighbors we didn't like.

Put nice fresh soggy turds in a big paper bag. Place on doorstep of neighbor. Light on fire. Run like hell."

Who would want to live on an estate with neighbours like that? Not me, for one. Give me a nice condo any day.

I have long thought that some of the world's nastiest turds can be found in Thailand.

Seems like I was right.

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Remember that high pressure Songkran water pistol/cannon? The good news is you don't have to wait till next Songkran to dig it out again. Lie low and await target (i.e. dog sniffing around). Once target is in position (i.e. dog squats) you turn on your weapon and go for it. I don't have dog poo in front of my house anymore! Neighbours thought it was funny, even if it was their dog I targetted.:lol:

PS No dog was injured, merely very startled!!!

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If you can smell the bleach it is to strong, as a dog has a nose a lot more sensitive than a human.

I have sent an email to my friend to ask where he got the ultrasonic dog zapper.

I was having a bit of a laugh with a friend last night and as happens with a few ales to lubricate, the idea of ultrasonic dog protection bounced backwards and forwards a few times. My last thought was I ought to see about importing (finding? specifying) some solar powered garden lights that incorporate a short ultrasonic burst every 30 seconds or so. Put these on the gate posts or wherever and be fido free. My friend who is a business type thought they may well sell a few thousand in Thailand and probably Australia as well.


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Remember that high pressure Songkran water pistol/cannon? The good news is you don't have to wait till next Songkran to dig it out again. Lie low and await target (i.e. dog sniffing around). Once target is in position (i.e. dog squats) you turn on your weapon and go for it. I don't have dog poo in front of my house anymore! Neighbours thought it was funny, even if it was their dog I targetted.:lol:

PS No dog was injured, merely very startled!!!

That was my first thought too, although I thought spray them with a hose.

Bleach should work, as other posters have pointed out - dogs are looking to 'impose' their smell on previous dogs' urine.

Look forward to hearing how you get on with this.

Edit - I don't believe for one minute that a neighbour would be upset by the smell of bleach!

Edited by F1fanatic
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Firecrackers. Small ones will suffice.

Dogs learn based on the consequences of their actions.

Action+good result (nice pooping + feels oh so good when uninterrupted) = keep on doing (pun intended).

Action + nuetral result ( pooping + crazy farang screaming about something?) = not quite so plesant but I'll come back again and again.

Action + bad result (Half a poop hanging out + big bang outa nowhere) = choose a different toilet.


Try not to throw where the dog can see it. The more it is a surprise the better. Mid-poop is best. Try not to throw it on the dogs back :o .

Best not to be seen by the offending canine :ph34r: - more effective; nor the neighbors :angry: ;

No mumbling or mad scientist laughter before explosion. Dogs are smarter than you think.

An alternative is a gas boat horn, the kind they use at football games when people get really drunk. But I have no idea where to get them (the horns, I know where to get really drunk people in Thailand.)

You have to be present, (and unseen) but only a few times will be very effective. I have used them on many an occasion and dogs now cut a wide path around my garden.

Now, if I could just get the same result from using them on my neighbor, Khun Burnalot, everytime she decides to burn light bulbs and baby diapers.

Just throw one (unopened) in the fire and wait 15 minutes. :D


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Get a big dog the others will stay away.

But this is Thailand i let my dogs walk free too.. others do too. Thank god there is grass and green around here where the dogs go. But what are the dogs to do if there is no place like that.

Its not only the dogs fault, the Thais should have kept a place for it. Owners don't walk with their dogs here.

Oh... there is no question of blaming the dogs. It is the uncaring thais.. P**ses me off big time when they just smile at what they are doing to other people's property.

There should be controls in place. If you got a garden, and everyone here has one here, then keep your dog in there or walk it or pay tea money.

Anyway. How do i stop it?

I don't want a dog, i have an alarm system, and i don't have to feed that, and it won't have lots of little alarm systems running around the place and we don't have to worry about treading in alarm system sh*t.

Someone said pepper, and i heard washing the entrance with water and washing powder?.. seems a bit odd to me.

Your not in Kansas anymore. I used to walk with my dogs all the time.. Thais never did it so in the end i just opened the gate just like they do.

I have heard using bleach help because once a dog pees somewhere it will come back there. I see dogs peeing against my cars wheels. Cant say im really bothered about it. Its just part of Thailand.

Lets hope then you dont wear a helmet on your bike too after all Thais do that dont they, the word Lemming springs to mind.:whistling:

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Get a big dog the others will stay away.

But this is Thailand i let my dogs walk free too.. others do too. Thank god there is grass and green around here where the dogs go. But what are the dogs to do if there is no place like that.

Its not only the dogs fault, the Thais should have kept a place for it. Owners don't walk with their dogs here.

Oh... there is no question of blaming the dogs. It is the uncaring thais.. P**ses me off big time when they just smile at what they are doing to other people's property.

There should be controls in place. If you got a garden, and everyone here has one here, then keep your dog in there or walk it or pay tea money.

Anyway. How do i stop it?

I don't want a dog, i have an alarm system, and i don't have to feed that, and it won't have lots of little alarm systems running around the place and we don't have to worry about treading in alarm system sh*t.

Someone said pepper, and i heard washing the entrance with water and washing powder?.. seems a bit odd to me.

Your not in Kansas anymore. I used to walk with my dogs all the time.. Thais never did it so in the end i just opened the gate just like they do.

I have heard using bleach help because once a dog pees somewhere it will come back there. I see dogs peeing against my cars wheels. Cant say im really bothered about it. Its just part of Thailand.

Lets hope then you dont wear a helmet on your bike too after all Thais do that dont they, the word Lemming springs to mind.:whistling:

I wear a helmet, and sure you can call me a lemming. I just selectively obey the phrase "When in Rome" I cherry pick what i like or dislike.

I pay the village for sweeping and cleaning. They do the dog poo too. So what is the big problem ?

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I pay the village for sweeping and cleaning. They do the dog poo too. So what is the big problem ?

Do they do this daily? :rolleyes:

Yes they do actually. And collect the trash from the houses. You pay for the service. Some people don't pay and they village has no way of forcing them.

But yes they sweep it every day. But my dogs in general don't crap on the street but in the green zone around the house where all the dogs crap.

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5 days in and not a turd for 20 yards :)

The bleach was the winner, and it rained a few times since putting it down. Could hardly smell it the next day, yet the dogs obviously can.

Next one to figure out, is how to keep the dam_n scorpions out? I do get quite a few here. I had one come in the house the other day.. Came in under the back door and curled up for a sleep in the mop strands. I go to pick up the mop, and it falls out onto my bare foot. boy did that freak me. Only about 2 inches, but they can still pack a sting.

I had a sting in Malawi about 15 years ago, when one found its way into my backpack, I reached in to pull a book out and it got me on the back of the hand... Hurt for bloody days and I still got the scar.

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5 days in and not a turd for 20 yards :)

The bleach was the winner, and it rained a few times since putting it down. Could hardly smell it the next day, yet the dogs obviously can.

Next one to figure out, is how to keep the dam_n scorpions out? I do get quite a few here. I had one come in the house the other day.. Came in under the back door and curled up for a sleep in the mop strands. I go to pick up the mop, and it falls out onto my bare foot. boy did that freak me. Only about 2 inches, but they can still pack a sting.

I had a sting in Malawi about 15 years ago, when one found its way into my backpack, I reached in to pull a book out and it got me on the back of the hand... Hurt for bloody days and I still got the scar.

Damm... thank god i never saw a scorpion here yet. I think my dogs keep them out :D (just joking)

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There were some new laws regarding dogs made in just the last couple of years. Some only apply in bangkok others country-wide. Which ones and why that is I can't tell you as they all make sense. Relevant ones here are

1) Dog should not be on street unless on a leash less than 50cm long and under control of a person 15 - 60 years of age.

2) You must pick up and dispose of properly any 'dog waste'.

So your neighbours dogs shouldn't (if your area adopted the law) be free-roaming your street allowing them to foul your front gate. And if they do the dog's owner should clean it up.

Try visiting your city vet and make an official complaint. I did and he turned up at my neighbours and read them the riot act. As soon as he was gone however they all opened their gates and let their dogs out again to terrorize anybody who walks up the street. You can try ... you might not win. I find, generally, that Thais are very bad neighbours, making lots of noise, parking badly blocking the whole street, encroaching on public land, footpaths etc...in fact just about doing what they like with no consideration for others or the law.

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There are certain plants they do not like , the same goes for cats, maybe put some in pots around your drive, There are many dangerous deceases you can get from Dog Pooh, Blindness for one .But because Thais are, live and let live people mostly. its up to them.

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Several years ago in Pattaya, a house owned by Thai's, had 5 poodles that they let out twice a day. These dogs would sh1t any and every where and someone finally got tired of it. One day someone collected all of the sh1t they could find and placed it on their door step. They got the message and took their dust bin out daily to collect the waste.

Edited by BillyBobThai
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[sic]... so perhaps you need to ask yourself, is living among a close Thai packed community really for you?

This might be the real culprit. As city and country life are two worlds apart and community atmosphere [or vacancy thereof] that is attached.

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