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2000 Dogs Saved In Nakhon Phanom From Dinner Tables


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So what's the real difference between a dog and a cow - apart from the endearing expression? and that's a real question...

I don't know .

I like to have my dogs sleeping at the side of my bed.

I'm not so sure I will enjoy a cow so much

think about it, you wake up, open your eyes and there they are.... 4 pairs of tits looking right at you.

you cant get that with a dog. plus think of the extra milk. sweet. :P:D:wacko:

You seem to be unfamiliar with both animals. 4 pairs = 8

a dog has 8 nipples, a cow has 4 teats. :unsure::unsure:

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So what's the real difference between a dog and a cow - apart from the endearing expression? and that's a real question...

There is another question...Have you had a pet cow before and a dog? There is a difference and if you can't see it, then your not ready for the answer.

Had a pet rabbit.. And love rabbit stew..

Your point is ??

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So what's the real difference between a dog and a cow - apart from the endearing expression? and that's a real question...

The difference is that carnivores taste disgusting, thats why we eat herbivores,

Animal haters/abusers show little reguard for any life and should be treated as the lowlifes they are

I love animals, I just don't like those mangy strays that you see on the streets in Thailand..On a couple of occasions while in Thailand I've feared for my personal safety after being surrounded by a pack of strays on a back street. In Bali the stray dogs,many with rabies, are in plague proportions and attacks on tourists are commonplace.The problem is so bad the authorities have resorted to culling them to reduce their numbers.

Edited by dmcguire70
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We humans are at the top of the food chain and every country has different customs. Really who are we to judge. If some group of people have been eating dog for centuries then that is the way it is. Personally, I find it disgusting that people eat veal and the chicken industry is a nightmare. But we are at the top of the food chain.

When forced between choosing between the rounding up and eating of dogs versus the current street dog situation, as a dog lover, I say eat them. :jap:

With that logic, who are we to judge female mutilation in Congo, slavery and human trafficking, child marriages in Middle Eastern countries, rape in sub-Saharan countries or killing elephants for their ivory? I mean, if they've been mutilating women for centuries, it must be acceptable, right? Just because a civilization is ignorant doesn't mean we have to forgive them their ignorance. I'd gladly kick the crap out of any Vietnamese that tells me eating a dog is acceptable. Or, since I'm a woman and I might not be able to take a big guy, I'd have no problem whatsoever telling this person what an ignorant lowlife he is.

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Saw this on Thai TV. The caring gentle labourers rolled or threw the cages off the truck - sickening to watch.

I also have owned both dogs and cows, though currently only a dog. When your neighbor takes a liking to your goods and chattels, your cow might give a shit if it felt the urge. On the other hand, your dog will feel possessive and protective of items in its home area, and a well trained dog will discourage your neighbour from entering your property for possession appropriation - especially if he happens to be Thai.

If I am not at home, you could enter and leave my property unharmed. If you tried to remove anything from the property, the dog will aurally warn you that this is not a good idea, and if you persist, prevent you from leaving with the item by less gentle persuasion. This is a combination of training and natural instinct.

It may be possible to train your cow to do this, but you would probably have more success teaching your pig to whistle. Good luck!

In colder climates, a dog can also be a useful bed warmer. In fact, a particularly cold night is sometimes described as a 3 dog night, the origin of the name of the rock group so I believe.

Dogs will also give their lives to save yours, and they even put themselves on the line for other animals. There are accounts of their loyalty and bravery all over the internet and youtube. That's why I guess soldiers will take dogs into war with them, but now cows, yeah. Many other cultures also recognize the unique close relationship between dogs and humans, which has spanned thousands of years.

I do love dogs, but I was also open-minded enough to entertain the possibility that they might be food to other cultures. That is, until, I learned how they are killed. It is believed by East Asian, dog-eating cultures that the dog must suffer a brutal death, to release the hormones that make it taste good. And, of course, those hormones supposedly increase the virility of the men who eat them, as well as cool people off during the "dog days of summer." When you understand how they are killed (strung up alive, beaten with clubs until their bones are broken, fur burnt off and skinned alive), for the whimsy of "virility" or good tasting flesh, well, I have a hard time recognizing someone's humanity in that case, especially with animals who are inclined to trust you.

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i don't see why it is a bad thing to sell this dogs to Vietnam, here in bangkok, there are thousands of street dogs, this animals in many cases get sick with rabics and can infect another people, in my neighborhood one litle guirl died last month because of that, bisides this animals are extreamly dangereous for the traffic of people and cars on the streets etc, i would like to see the eliminination of all the street-dogs numbers or at least a decreae in the number of it.

The point is the cruelty involved - got it now or is it the same as the Carribean?

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Dogs saved from dinner tables: Thai authorities

BANGKOK, August 13, 2011 (AFP) - Thai authorities have rescued more than a thousand dogs, which were found stuffed into tiny cages and being smuggled out of the country to be cooked and eaten in Vietnam, officials said Saturday.

Police intercepted four trucks stacked high with crates packed with the animals in an operation on Thursday evening in Nakhon Phanom province in northeastern Thailand near the border with Laos.

A Nakhon Phanom livestock development official said 1,011 dogs were being held in a government shelter after two separate raids in Nathom and Si Songkhram districts.

She said an additional 119 had died either through suffocation in the cramped cages or when they were thrown from the back of the trucks as the alleged traffickers sped away from arresting officers.

Two Thai men and a Vietnamese man have been charged with trafficking and the illegal transportation of animals, police case officer Captain Prawat Pholsuwan told AFP.

"The maximum punishment is a one year jail term and a fine of up to 20,000 baht ($670)," he said.

The dogs were transported from nearby Sakon Nakhon province and were destined to be taken across the Mekong river in Laos and into Vietnam, Prawat added.

Traffickers, who round up stray dogs and barter for pets in rural Thai villages, can receive up to $33 per dog in Vietnam, police said.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2011-08-13

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What a shame they intercepted that delivery. Now the dogs will finish there lives being diseased and mistreated in overcrowded situation. And no one will benefit that's lose lose.

Shipping street dogs out of Thailand is a great idea and getting paid for it is win win.

I don't hate dogs, but I would rather they died quick than suffer for a lifetime, which most dogs here do. I would also prefer to see a neutering program nationwide. Thailand has the worst stray dog problem on the planet.

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Who ever said the medieval period was over?

Makes me want to cry. It's not hard to ensure humane killing of animals for food. Eggs, one reason why I ONLY buy free range eggs. Sad thing is ignorance is often peoples own 'get out free' card when it comes to all this stuff. I don't think Australia is as bad as the US in the video as I've been on a few pig farms, etc. Surprised how shocking the US treat's their animals. .

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What a shame they intercepted that delivery. Now the dogs will finish there lives being diseased and mistreated in overcrowded situation. And no one will benefit that's lose lose.

Shipping street dogs out of Thailand is a great idea and getting paid for it is win win.

I don't hate dogs, but I would rather they died quick than suffer for a lifetime, which most dogs here do. I would also prefer to see a neutering program nationwide. Thailand has the worst stray dog problem on the planet.

I guess ignorance is everywhere.

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So what's the real difference between a dog and a cow - apart from the endearing expression? and that's a real question...

Yeah right on better luck next time, eat em all I say best thing for dogs in Thailand.................. cue the dog lovers!!!

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What a shame they intercepted that delivery. Now the dogs will finish there lives being diseased and mistreated in overcrowded situation. And no one will benefit that's lose lose.

Shipping street dogs out of Thailand is a great idea and getting paid for it is win win.

I don't hate dogs, but I would rather they died quick than suffer for a lifetime, which most dogs here do. I would also prefer to see a neutering program nationwide. Thailand has the worst stray dog problem on the planet.

I guess ignorance is everywhere.

Yes I find that with most dog lovers

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What a shame they intercepted that delivery. Now the dogs will finish there lives being diseased and mistreated in overcrowded situation. And no one will benefit that's lose lose.

Shipping street dogs out of Thailand is a great idea and getting paid for it is win win.

I don't hate dogs, but I would rather they died quick than suffer for a lifetime, which most dogs here do. I would also prefer to see a neutering program nationwide. Thailand has the worst stray dog problem on the planet.

I guess ignorance is everywhere.

Yes I find that with most dog lovers

Sure you do.

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I don't think they are out of the woods yet.

from OP:

Rerngsak said police were told that Noppadon had earlier released 600 other dogs into a forest.

jokes aside, whether they are out of the woods or into a forest, what can the authorities possibly do with all these dogs?

Not release the rest of them into a forest I hope?

Used to see the dog collection pickups when we lived in Sa Kaeo province, plastic buckets/bowls on top of the cages. It's an endless supply, every week another load of dogs 'taking a holiday'.

Don't have an answer to this one.

They won't euthanise them, the suggestion of adoption won't attract many takers either.

Looks like the Thais just put a spanner in the works of the solution, a swift end (i.e. they wont starve to death) and nothing wasted.

Same goes for the rats in the country, put then on the menu and that keeps the numbers down.

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And, I don't want to come across as holier-than-thou, because I'm not. I would like to become permanently raw vegan, but I have health issues that prevent it on a longterm basis. So, yes, I do eat meat. I try to eat free range eggs and meat, but in Asia that is a little tough. I would pay more money and eat less meat if that meant more humane treatment of animals as food, though. I definitely would not relish the DELIBERATE and BRUTAL TORTURE of animals because of some mythical and selfish belief system. There are necessities in life: many animals eat other animals (although they say we humans don't need any animal products to stay healthy, that can be debatable for some on a longterm basis), however we don't need to needlessly torture animals to make them "taste good."

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I bet I could guess the age, sex and marital status of every person saying "eat them." I bet they all fit into the exact same group. I bet I could guess how old your wives are and where you met them too.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of westerners who end up in Thailand are not the brightest people out there.

It's just too easy, so I'm not even going to try.

For those who have a problem with stray dogs, maybe you could get up your ass and do something?

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That's a very sad photo, seeing all those dogs kept like that

seeing any animal is such bad conditions is sad, so maybe the cooking pot is the best place for em.

lets be honest most of these Doggies have a terrible existance anyway, their so called owners only have any interest if a farang runs one over and they want

5000 baht for their loss, the fact that they have not fed it, wormed it or ever taken it to a vet never comes into it.

I tried eatin dog in Bangkok a few months ago but when I went to the restaurant in Sukhumvit the following day they had sold out.

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if these dogs are strays then i dont see the problem.. as long as they are not carrying some kind of disease that could spread to

other animals or humans...

Its given me a great idea..if indeed they are delicacies..

why not set up a Mac Dogals.. simmilar to the Mac Donalds..

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And, I don't want to come across as holier-than-thou, because I'm not. I would like to become permanently raw vegan, but I have health issues that prevent it on a longterm basis. So, yes, I do eat meat. I try to eat free range eggs and meat, but in Asia that is a little tough. I would pay more money and eat less meat if that meant more humane treatment of animals as food, though. I definitely would not relish the DELIBERATE and BRUTAL TORTURE of animals because of some mythical and selfish belief system. There are necessities in life: many animals eat other animals (although they say we humans don't need any animal products to stay healthy, that can be debatable for some on a longterm basis), however we don't need to needlessly torture animals to make them "taste good."

You could go and live up country where you can raise chickens and frogs and stuff in your own yard for to make the soup and so on . You don't need to have more money to eat free range you just need the inclination and butchering skills .

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This breaks ones heart. I wish I thought they were saved in the nick of time but for some reason I don't think they are out of the woods yet. The practice is still common in the Northeast and many are never shipped out of country. So Sad.

Finaly someone who wants to clean the streets from those filthy dogs ,

and instead of giving the guy a medal ,..................................

Hope some other guys pick up the idee !

It's the best i know in 10 years here !

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Sorry to say that doesn't break my heart, looking at a 5 years old kid cleaning a wind shield at 3 in the morning break my heart.

Never understood why people over react about dogs, pathetic anthropomorphism. It's just a steak on legs for some people on poor region of the world.

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So what's the real difference between a dog and a cow - apart from the endearing expression? and that's a real question...

I have owned both cows and dogs and have no problem in seeing the difference. But I guess it is a personal thing.

Cows don't eat french fries but rather are eaten with them and cows don't eat dogs either.

Poor dogs, but where can you let 2000 dogs run free?

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I bet I could guess the age, sex and marital status of every person saying "eat them." I bet they all fit into the exact same group. I bet I could guess how old your wives are and where you met them too.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of westerners who end up in Thailand are not the brightest people out there.

It's just too easy, so I'm not even going to try.

For those who have a problem with stray dogs, maybe you could get up your ass and do something?

Well I'm a single male Australian and living here in Australia. How does that fit?

And what's your "bright" solution? Humane too I hope, you neglected to say.

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if these dogs are strays then i dont see the problem.. as long as they are not carrying some kind of disease that could spread to

other animals or humans...

Its given me a great idea..if indeed they are delicacies..

why not set up a Mac Dogals.. simmilar to the Mac Donalds..

What about Mac Humans ???......................Dogs starving on the streets are a sad sorry sight, says a lot for caring Thais. ooopps. My idea is when you can train and educate dogs to do tasks that we cannot--Drug sniffers==mountain rescue== Tsunami victims==earthquakes==civil unrest==a true friend==a guard==THE BLIND GUIDE==old peoples therapy== I could go on and on, but it's not up to me what anyone eats, it's not my business.

BUT some comments from some posters near condoning-lack of care about animals-is sick sure.

The small list of what these animals do for us is fantastic, and they love doing it and it shows with the love between man and dog. Society problem....and some peoples attitude that is non caring.

It's the nature of the plight of the animals how they are transported and kept. For sick gain. If a society cannot find a happy medium....... then I'm sorry .... this land is mostly for sick personal gain.

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I think it depends on how the animals are killed.

Many years ago I was sent photos of a family pet (dog) being SLOWLY hanged in the Phillipines for the family BBQ. The dog had been raised as a pet and had trusted his 'family' implicitly.

It horrified me - I still have nightmares about it. If it had been a quick death I would have understood and thought that at least the dog had a good life before being eaten.

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Sorry to say that doesn't break my heart, looking at a 5 years old kid cleaning a wind shield at 3 in the morning break my heart.

Never understood why people over react about dogs, pathetic anthropomorphism. It's just a steak on legs for some people on poor region of the world.

cold hearted supershot------A steak on legs--if you like..... BUT this steak on legs is NOT for the low income people it's sold at a high price per kilo. POOR region of the world has nothing to do with it. poor sick non caring people sums it up.

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