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Live Videocast Direct From Pattaya City Hall: Seminar On Rights Of Foreigners In Thailand


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Grow up: You have no rights in Thailand. Once you have learned your lesson you should advise anybody and everybody DO NOT put any money here, the most anti farang country in the world. Read there national anthem. They are the most disillusiouned nation in the world.

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1. Have heard countless stories of people making complaints to the Police and then either the Police do nothing or demand money from the complainant in order to act. What should a person do if this happens? Is there any organization that overseas the Police and ensures that they actually do their jobs?

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Can I refuse the entry to my property by police who don't have any search warrant? I've heard about the cases of such police officers finding drugs or other incriminating items during uninvited visits. It has been suggested to me that such items may be implanted and later found. How can I protect myself from this happening? What are my rights in such cases?

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Does a law exist in Thailand regarding 'Duty of Care' whereby institutions, companies & individuals alike are held accountable for unsafe practice or construction ?

i.e. accidents / injury caused by :

unprotected excavations on public footpaths, poorly constructed, uneven or collapsed footpaths, low hanging (head height) metal bars such as those used for sun shades on shop fronts, slipping on glazed ceramic tiles, electrocution from unprotected cables, etc..

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Everyone knows that Farang buy land and house in the name of their wives. There are many Thai women that chace farang to get this. Then they divorce and get the property

and the farang loose everything. Isn t the Thai justice system being very unfair here and

actually propmoting ciminality. It also defeats the whole idea of farangs owning property

The reason this Thai law exists is to keep prices from rising because farang are buying properties in Thailand and make it unaffordable for Thais. So why does the Thai justice

system wish to promote criminality and wouldn t it be better to make certain area s of

Thailand availble for owner ship of farang. Then Thailand could control farang more easily because they would all live in these area's and it would take this ciminal aspect out of

Thai society and its laws

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Is the double standard practice between Thai and foreigners legal? Example, when a Thai is caught DUI there is a 20,000 bail set until the court hearing. However when it comes to a foreigner in the same situation, I have heard of bails setup up to as high as 100,000. Why is there a difference is bail for the same offence between a Thai and a foreigner?

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1. If I am detained or arrested by Police, what rights do I have?

- do I have the right to make a phone call using my own cell phone? How many calls can be made on my own cell phone?

- how long can I be detained without being formally charged with an offence?

- do I have the right to an interpreter or translator?

- how long can I be detained until seeing a judge?

- how much time can pass before I am allowed to contact by country’s embassy or consulate?

- while in detention, when and for what reasons can visitors be disallowed to visit me?

2. After being charged with an offence by the Police and the charges are dropped or having been found innocent in a court of law, is it possible to have the police charged with false arrest? What are adequate grounds to have Police charged and found guilty of false arrest and/or detention?

3. Is it legal to video record, using a hidden camera, a Police officer asking for money, to continue an investigation of a criminal matter or any other matter, and instructing me to give the money to his wife, and the recording of such giving? In the event that such a recording is available, what is the proper process to ensure the Police Officer is charged with an offence found guilty and is penalized?

4. What steps may I perform to evict a person from my condominium, when a person refuses to leave, after being asked to do so?

5. Often we see vendors setup their business on a public street. If I am on the public street (roadway or sidewalk) where a vendor wants to setup business (like a restaurant, or to sell merchandise) must I move? Do I have the right to stand on the public street in the place where the merchant wants to do business?

In this matter, if the merchant touches me, or physically pushes me or tries to move me from the public roadway or sidewalk, can he be arrested for assault or some other offence?

6. What are my rights to protect my property from damage or theft? May I legally physically assault the person when he is damaging my property?

7. Must I obey each and every instruction from a Police Officer in all circumstances? Do I have the right to request and examine a Police Officer’s identification card and badge? May I record, by photograph or by writing, such identification?

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I'm arrested in a (fake) criminal case and free on bail. The court told me that I can get a free visa from immigration during the case. But the immigration want to charge me anyway including 2000 Baht fine for not reporting 90 days. I was not able to do that because my pasport was not in my possession (now I have it back). What are the excacty rules about this matter? Can I have also a multi entry visa because I have to go working for paying my lawyers? Or can I work in Thailand?

The case I have was only setup by police to extort money from me what I refused. There was an arrest warrent but I go many times to the police station voluntary to let me arrest but everytime the send me away. Finaly tourist police helped me and arrest me. I had to pay 23300 Baht (tea money?) to get me released from police station and 100000 Baht for bail. The 300 Baht was for taking my finger prints. If I'm unguilty how to get back my money?

Edited by bigbossron
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This case as I was evedience my friends family was visiting him for a period of month, My friend legally owned a Bussiness and do have Work Permit, This Bussiness was a Restaurant, One day The Immigration showed up and arrested his father because he was sitting next to his son near the counter, arrested his brother because he was found standing in the kitchen . His family visited first time to Thailand and it was there first ten days as the passport shows, But the authorities did not hear anything and put them behind bars, In this case what do you want my friend to do .

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Please re-read the OP if you are unsure as to how to post questions or what questions are relevant.

Also any further commentary will result in more than mere deletion. It has been made quite clear this thread is for questions for the panel of judges.

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In countries with credible justice systems, rights of appealing a guilty verdict are limited to errors of law, fact or procedure. Until an appeal is heard the guilty verdict stands and the convicted begins serving their sentence. In Thailand here it seems that the appeals process rehashes the entire case at one or more apellate courts until a favorable verdict is reached. Usually only rich people have this avenue of appeal and of course it makes the judiciary a laughing-stock. My question is, based on the foregoing; why is it that the laws and the court system in Thailand seem to favor criminals, especially rich criminals, rather than the well being of the wider society.

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security is a hot-topic for foreigners in Thailand.

MY question...........is about


What to do if one really feels he/she/ is mishandled without proper legal framework to support this mishandling.

Verbal abuse included in this question.


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I am married to a Thai woman and now own a house together. The villa in which I live wants me to sign a letter that indicates that my Thai wife has used HER money to pay for the house and property?! This is untrue, false and illegal under any law. I also believe that a visa for a foreigner married to a Thai woman who owns a house in Thailand should be changed to benefit the foreigner. Why can't I live in Thailand longer and without paying such large fees for extended visas or having to update my visa every month? This has to change, especially for a married couple who may want to live in Thailand and start a family.

Edited by freedom4life
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I am married to a Thai woman and now own a house together. The villa in which I live wants me to sign a letter that indicates that my Thai wife has used HER money to pay for the house and property?! This is untrue, false and illegal under any law. I also believe that a visa for a foreigner married to a Thai woman who owns a house in Thailand should be changed to benefit the foreigner. Why can't I live in Thailand longer and without paying such large fees for extended visas or having to update my visa every month? This has to change, especially for a married couple who may want to live in Thailand and start a family.

Having trouble understanding this.

For your wifes birthday you gave her a cash present, this is now her money, she now uses her money to buy a house and land, nothing untrue false or illegal there.

Large visa fees, it costs me 1,900 baht each year to apply for an extension and I dont need to update my visa each month.

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I'd also like to add that anybody that knows anything about internet usage here should know that video streaming is not a good option. Even streaming audio cannot be considered a good choice. On the other hand, archive files of audio and video available for download is probably the best option. Next, it would be great to place the link to said files somewhere easy to locate. I suggest a news flash and a YouTube for the video.

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Posted 2011-08-23 14:56:54

Live videocast direct from Pattaya City Hall: seminar on rights of foreigners in Thailand

CHONBURI: -- For the first time ever, Thai judges will be answering foreign expats questions directly and live on the internet. The Chief Justice of the Chonburi Provincial Court and five Criminal Court Judges will preside over a free seminar sponsored by the Pattaya City Administration that will be broadcast live via the internet from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, August 24. The recording will be held in archives for members to view later if they miss the live broadcast.

"The recording will be held in archives for members to view later"Can you please provide a link to the archives for members to view later.Thank you
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