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Are You A Compulsive Cheater?


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I've often wondered if all people are cheaters? I know myself I can be a very good guy for about 2-3 months of time then the next thing you know I'm out cheating wether it be with a woman, man, Thai, Farang or whatever! Sometimes I think it's the copious amounts of booze guzzled that night or day or whenever it happens.....But at other times there's no drinks and most of the situations are some what bizarre (like when room service gets ordered and the drinks come and next thing you know wham bam thank you man, as the other is out shopping) You know times like that.

So is it just me or is everyone a dawg cheater like me??? :o

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Everyone can be tempted, it's human nature. So, yes everyone has the potential be a cheater, but what makes us human is our abilty to control ourselves. So, you are not taking the precautions needed to keep yourself from being tempted. Why that is up to you to find out.

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A man's true nature is not to be monogamous. It is a man's nature to spread his seed into anything he can. That's just the way it is and our bodies will never change. Over time, people have placed these rules of monogamy on ourselves to show loyalty to our partners. It never started out this way but it has become this way.

I do believe a person should remain loyal to one he/she loves or cares about. But at the same time, it is also possible for one to love or care deeply about more than one person at a time too. Lots of grey area in this matter IMO.

Have I ever cheated? No. Have I come close before? Yes! I don't feel bad about it because the person was someone I care about and have real feelings for.

Edited by TRIPxCORE
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...... I can be a very good guy for about 2-3 months of time then the next thing you know I'm out cheating wether it be with a woman, man, Thai, Farang or whatever!

So is it just me or is everyone a dawg cheater like me??? :o

Please tell us more about the whatever.

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A man's true nature is not to be monogamous.  It is a man's nature to spread his seed into anything he can.  That's just the way it is and our bodies will never change.  Over time, people have placed these rules of monogamy on ourselves to show loyalty to our partners.  It never started out this way but it has become this way. 

I do believe a person should remain loyal to one he/she loves or cares about.  But at the same time, it is also possible for one to love or care deeply about more than one person at a time too.  Lots of grey area in this matter IMO.

Have I ever cheated?  No.  Have I come close before?  Yes!  I don't feel bad about it because the person was someone I care about and have real feelings for.

Where did you find this wonderful revelation about man's true nature? Do they talk about woman's true nature too?

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So is it just me or is everyone a dawg cheater like me??? tongue.gif

I'm not, yet. From everyone I know who has and does, it doesn't seem worth losing what I have.

As for the guys who say, "she doesn't mind" - <deleted>, of course she does.

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The Dude commends the dude who came up with the idea for this thread. The Dude thinks that this is very relevant to Thailand. What needs to be added here is "how many partners cheat either on a regular basis on you, or have cheated, or think about and attempt to cheat on you on a continuing basis". You know how it is over here; leave your lady alone for a while (days, weeks, months) and you got problems, huge problems. She don't like to be alone. This is a hard fact that The Dude does not dig. Be wary of it, very wary. The Dude thinks it's embedded in the culture somewhere and that there are several reasons for it. The Dude vows to lock up all of his shovels on this issue because it is most undiggable. Can you dig?

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I have been with only one man for 5 years now, never thought I could do it as I am easily bored :D It must be love. :D Personally I think, if you cheat on your partner, you never really loved them in the truest sense, as if you did, you would never want to cause them hurt or humiliation. :o

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I have been with only one man for 5 years now, never thought I could do it as I am easily bored :D It must be love. :D  Personally I think, if you cheat on your partner, you never really loved them in the truest sense, as if you did, you would never want to cause them hurt or humiliation. :o

I'm with Boo on this one. If you love someone then you are considerate of their feelings. If you are a serial cheater then it's best to be straight with the girl from the start. Then, its her choice to put up with you or not. But don't fool yourself (or her) that you love the girl if you are willing to cheat on her ...again and again.

I guess it goes without saying that I am not a cheater then? :D

Edited by sbk
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BJ's don't count......President Clinton said so.

So i can go with anybody and i'll be OK :D

Mr BJ :o

im not sure what would be defined as cheating if yer married to a hooker?

Sleeping with the same woman every night for more than a month? :D

Joey Boy, could you please expand on what you mean by your comments above. Is this personal at Me or Sir Burr as you are using our quotes. Or, is it answering the Topic title.

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Havent cheated once in the 4 years I have been with my GF.

Did cheat in two previous (short) relationships when I was a teenager. In both cases I broke up very soon afterwards as I realized I wouldnt cheat unless there was something missing.

I tend to agree with sbk and Boo. If you love and value your partner you will not cheat on them - even though we all get the impulses.

Will add though that I have a friend who does seem to genuinely love his gf, but still cannot be completely faithful, which is pretty frustrating for both of them. He is not the instigator of anything though, he is the type that has girls make nasty suggestions to him on a regular basis. He looks like crap but is one of the sharpest and funniest persons I have known - and apparently this is a huge turnon for many very foxy girls.

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I have only had one serious relationship so far but I'd be telling lies if I said I didn't cheat. It is no excuse but it was towards the end of the relationship and my friends encouraged me to go out for some drinks, at the time it sounded better than looking at the phone all night.

A few drinks later I got chatting to a male my friends had brought along on purpose and before you know it we ended up kissing but I didn't let it go any further. It's still classed as cheating though and I confessed all. It dosen't make it any better but I'd rather tell the truth than carry a burden.

But at the end of the day I'm still a teenager I shouldn't be taking life so seriously It's a whole learning process.

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I'm with Boo on this one. If you love someone then you are considerate of their feelings. If you are a  serial cheater then  it's best to be straight with the girl from the start. Then, its her choice to put up with you or not. But don't fool yourself (or her) that you love the girl if you are willing to cheat on her ...again and again.

I guess it goes without saying that I am not a cheater then?  :o

But if you are honest with your partner from the start about your philandering ways, surely this is no longer 'cheating'?

If no lies are involved, is it not possible to love the girl whilst still being open to other sexual liasons?

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I'm with Boo on this one. If you love someone then you are considerate of their feelings. If you are a  serial cheater then  it's best to be straight with the girl from the start. Then, its her choice to put up with you or not. But don't fool yourself (or her) that you love the girl if you are willing to cheat on her ...again and again.

I guess it goes without saying that I am not a cheater then?  :o

But if you are honest with your partner from the start about your philandering ways, surely this is no longer 'cheating'?

If no lies are involved, is it not possible to love the girl whilst still being open to other sexual liasons?

Yes, but this rarely goes both ways. Just because a person is honest doesn't mean the behavior is acceptable for the partner, agreed? Just because there isn't a lie being told doesn't make it "not cheating" when the partner in the relationship is unhappy with the behavior. Look at it from the other side of the coin, how would you feel if the tables were turned and your lady said, "Hey, I feel like screwing around. You don't mind since I've told you, do you?"

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