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Sad Dinner-Table Stories From Strangers

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I met the alter ego lady in the OP. She stayed with the German guy till he died. She took care of him well and pushed him around in a wheelchair for two years. He died of natural causes. She now has a 3 mil baht house, two cars and a big bank account and 10 young Thai boyfriends. <snip>

I know a guy who is about 10 years away from that situation (not me, BTW).

I am sure I met her about 5 years ago ..lovely lady..glad she has got her "reward"...


I met the alter ego lady in the OP. She stayed with the German guy till he died. She took care of him well and pushed him around in a wheelchair for two years. He died of natural causes. She now has a 3 mil baht house, two cars and a big bank account and 10 young Thai boyfriends. <snip>

I know a guy who is about 10 years away from that situation (not me, BTW).

It could be worse. What better way to spend your final few years than with a young, attractive woman looking after you... even if she is in it only for the money? There are worse ways of spending your money. However, a little common sense would go a long way in preventing heart ache. As for myself, I wish all the young ladies the best of luck in finding a nice guy who will take care of them. The really sad stories are the ones with children involved. Don't tell me that women are the only ones who love kids and want to care for them.


there are a lot of sad stories, but the stories are also found on the other way.

Based on a trail against a german child-prostitute-abuser, the german police sent agents and translator to Pattaya,

to interview a girl, who was abused, when she was 15.

Now at the age of 18, she was forced to answer all the questions detailed,

that she switched her on light off.

When she left the interview, she was so mad (having a ticket to Rayong in mind),

that she committed suicide,

just in the way of Vanilla Sky, she jumped.



Oh dear, sorry to rain on the parade. I must be the odd one out. Usually when a total stranger wants to vent his spleen over MY dinner, I tend to avoid eye contact with him, quickly finish off my dinner and excuse myself pronto. :D

Yeah, one of those poor guys are going to come on here shortly saying 'I tried to overcome my deep fear of social interaction once, by trying to chat to a friendly looking fellow in a restaurant. He wouldn't even look at me. Then he ran off. Now I'm even more scarred for life" :(

You are too kind to imply I might be friendly looking. I must practise my "bugger off, I am not interested in chatting look" because I live in Pattaya and would be terribly bored by another bar-girl story or the unverifiable boasts of ex-SAS commandos or miscellaneous attempts to bung a ciggie/drink/baht off me. Maybe I AM the sad story!


I particularly like the story about the guy with a money grubbing girlfriend that made the rounds a few years back.

It seems that the argument over sin sot grew heated and he realized he was being taken for a ride, and confirmed this fact while overseas by having her watched.

In lieu of sin sot he promised, while still overseas, a house, an expensive vehicle,and theyhe began to make plans with his beloved for a large showy wedding, promising that price was no object and convincing the family to fork out deposits for all so they could begin before he returned.

he never returned leaving the family holding the bag.

Yes, I remember that one from years ago.

My story concerns a friend of a guy I met in a bar ( sorry, don't go to a high enough standard of restaurant to meet farangs there ), who was renting an apartment. Lady manager asked him for a loan of many thousands of baht, which he refused to provide. She paid the police to frame him and keep him in jail till he "paid up".

Don't know the outcome, as the friend still in jail, and never met the stranger again.


there are a lot of sad stories, but the stories are also found on the other way.

Based on a trail against a german child-prostitute-abuser, the german police sent agents and translator to Pattaya,

to interview a girl, who was abused, when she was 15.

Now at the age of 18, she was forced to answer all the questions detailed,

that she switched her on light off.

When she left the interview, she was so mad (having a ticket to Rayong in mind),

that she committed suicide,

just in the way of Vanilla Sky, she jumped.


I don't speak German. Just ran the story from the link through Google Translate. It seems she offed herself because he'd given her AIDS .

Or perhaps she thought she had it.

"A Thai child prostitute who was allegedly abused by a trial in Luneburg sex tourists, has committed suicide by jumping from a building's life. The time of the crime fell 15 year old girl in Pattaya, Thailand in depth, as they should testify against a Frenchman. That the lead detective in the case reported on Monday before the district court. The Frenchman also said to have abused the girl. It was seen on a video with the musician accused of Celle, the investigators said. The 65-year-old man accused in more than 400 cases of Thai children and teenagers to have abused. He should not have informed the girls about his HIV infection."


I don't keep dining company with Farang, so difficult for me to relate.

Same old woe is me tale of good Farang gentlemen done wrong by scamming Thai girl.

Ho hum....


I don't keep dining company with Farang, so difficult for me to relate.

Same old woe is me tale of good Farang gentlemen done wrong by scamming Thai girl.

Khun ZZ, who do you dine with?


I don't keep dining company with Farang, so difficult for me to relate.

Same old woe is me tale of good Farang gentlemen done wrong by scamming Thai girl.

Ho hum....

Neither do I. Tonight I cooked steamed Fish with peppers and Issan weeds for the Thai people and a corned beef and swiss cheese sandwich for myself. The story of the night was about aunty who had a basketball sized lump in her tummy that the doctor thinks is cancer. Aunty has not been a happy person since her 65 year old husband hung himself. Aunty talked him into selling his old bus because the repairs were becoming too costly. This left him with no purpose in life and he committed suicide. Aunty had not realized how important the old bus was to the guy even after 40 years of marriage. You have to wonder what they talked about.


I don't keep dining company with Farang, so difficult for me to relate.

Same old woe is me tale of good Farang gentlemen done wrong by scamming Thai girl.

Ho hum....

Neither do I. Tonight I cooked steamed Fish with peppers and Issan weeds for the Thai people and a corned beef and swiss cheese sandwich for myself. The story of the night was about aunty who had a basketball sized lump in her tummy that the doctor thinks is cancer. Aunty has not been a happy person since her 65 year old husband hung himself. Aunty talked him into selling his old bus because the repairs were becoming too costly. This left him with no purpose in life and he committed suicide. Aunty had not realized how important the old bus was to the guy even after 40 years of marriage. You have to wonder what they talked about.

one would also wonder why he agreed to sell.


I don't keep dining company with Farang, so difficult for me to relate.

Same old woe is me tale of good Farang gentlemen done wrong by scamming Thai girl.

Ho hum....

Neither do I. Tonight I cooked steamed Fish with peppers and Issan weeds for the Thai people and a corned beef and swiss cheese sandwich for myself. The story of the night was about aunty who had a basketball sized lump in her tummy that the doctor thinks is cancer. Aunty has not been a happy person since her 65 year old husband hung himself. Aunty talked him into selling his old bus because the repairs were becoming too costly. This left him with no purpose in life and he committed suicide. Aunty had not realized how important the old bus was to the guy even after 40 years of marriage. You have to wonder what they talked about.

one would also wonder why he agreed to sell.

Probably like me. When I was young I did things my wife wanted so I could get sex as I got older I did things she wanted so I could get some sleep.


I had forgotten this story until this thread brought it back to me.

A few years back i met a guy, about 30, who lived on Nana and had a decent job on an expat package.

Every day, returning home from work, he passed a bar where a slightly cross-eyed but very beautiful woman would simply smile at him as he passed. One evening while in his cups he stopped in to talk to her, and as it often happens, ended up bringing her home.

According to him, she was a very sweet thing and as time passed they began to spend more time together, though she never stayed for long.

As the relationship progressed, she became more and more lethargic and eventually lost her job in the bar for not showing up all that regularly. Despite the fact that they had always gotten on very well and she never really asked anything of him, they lost contact until one night after about 3 months she appeared at his door with a bag asking to spend the night. He decided to let her stay just the one night though he claimed did have many reservations. He insisted she stay on the sofa, which she happily did.

Of course, she ended up staying longer than the single day, and a couple weeks of weeks passed while she remained on the sofa. When he was home, she remained unobtrusive and frequently cleaned and did his laundry, though she seemed to be slipping deeper and deeper into what he suspected was depression.

One day he returned home to find her asleep on the sofa again, and having had more than enough decided that was it, she had to go. Angrily he pulled the blanket off of her and went to shake her awake only to find her unresponsive. shaking her again, he discovered that she was dead.

Scared out of his mind he called the police and after a few hours they appeared, collected the body and took him into custody.

After a few hours he was released. In her bags were medical records from a nearby government hospital. It seems, he said, that she had been diagnosed with an inoperable tumour and had been receiving meds for over a year.

It turns out she had had an aneurysm or something of the sort in her sleep and that was the end of her. He had unwittingly provided her a safe place to die.

the police were very apologetic as they released him, though at first they thought he had something to do with her death.

he was quite drunk when he told me the story, and i never had any reason to disbelieve him. In fact, it stuck with me for some time.


I don't keep dining company with Farang, so difficult for me to relate.

Same old woe is me tale of good Farang gentlemen done wrong by scamming Thai girl.

Khun ZZ, who do you dine with?

From his posts, I assume that, like me, he dines with no company but his own.

God its boring, hearing the same sad old stories over and over again.

The teeth story.

"Isn't that some kind of gun?"

"So I went to Manila."

"twenty-two year in Hong Kong wi Swire Pacific. D'ye ken Swire Pacific?"

I can't even be bothered telling the whole story, I've heard them all so many times...



I don't keep dining company with Farang, so difficult for me to relate.

Same old woe is me tale of good Farang gentlemen done wrong by scamming Thai girl.

Khun ZZ, who do you dine with?

The Savages.


I had forgotten this story until this thread brought it back to me.

A few years back i met a guy, about 30, who lived on Nana and had a decent job on an expat package.

Every day, returning home from work, he passed a bar where a slightly cross-eyed but very beautiful woman would simply smile at him as he passed. One evening while in his cups he stopped in to talk to her, and as it often happens, ended up bringing her home.

According to him, she was a very sweet thing and as time passed they began to spend more time together, though she never stayed for long.

As the relationship progressed, she became more and more lethargic and eventually lost her job in the bar for not showing up all that regularly. Despite the fact that they had always gotten on very well and she never really asked anything of him, they lost contact until one night after about 3 months she appeared at his door with a bag asking to spend the night. He decided to let her stay just the one night though he claimed did have many reservations. He insisted she stay on the sofa, which she happily did.

Of course, she ended up staying longer than the single day, and a couple weeks of weeks passed while she remained on the sofa. When he was home, she remained unobtrusive and frequently cleaned and did his laundry, though she seemed to be slipping deeper and deeper into what he suspected was depression.

One day he returned home to find her asleep on the sofa again, and having had more than enough decided that was it, she had to go. Angrily he pulled the blanket off of her and went to shake her awake only to find her unresponsive. shaking her again, he discovered that she was dead.

Scared out of his mind he called the police and after a few hours they appeared, collected the body and took him into custody.

After a few hours he was released. In her bags were medical records from a nearby government hospital. It seems, he said, that she had been diagnosed with an inoperable tumour and had been receiving meds for over a year.

It turns out she had had an aneurysm or something of the sort in her sleep and that was the end of her. He had unwittingly provided her a safe place to die.

the police were very apologetic as they released him, though at first they thought he had something to do with her death.

he was quite drunk when he told me the story, and i never had any reason to disbelieve him. In fact, it stuck with me for some time.

What a horrible and very sad story. I've never heard anything like that before.


I don't keep dining company with Farang, so difficult for me to relate.

Same old woe is me tale of good Farang gentlemen done wrong by scamming Thai girl.

Khun ZZ, who do you dine with?

The Savages.

You never cease to amaze me. Have a nice evening, Khun ZZ.


I had forgotten this story until this thread brought it back to me.

A few years back i met a guy, about 30, who lived on Nana and had a decent job on an expat package.

Every day, returning home from work, he passed a bar where a slightly cross-eyed but very beautiful woman would simply smile at him as he passed. One evening while in his cups he stopped in to talk to her, and as it often happens, ended up bringing her home.

According to him, she was a very sweet thing and as time passed they began to spend more time together, though she never stayed for long.

As the relationship progressed, she became more and more lethargic and eventually lost her job in the bar for not showing up all that regularly. Despite the fact that they had always gotten on very well and she never really asked anything of him, they lost contact until one night after about 3 months she appeared at his door with a bag asking to spend the night. He decided to let her stay just the one night though he claimed did have many reservations. He insisted she stay on the sofa, which she happily did.

Of course, she ended up staying longer than the single day, and a couple weeks of weeks passed while she remained on the sofa. When he was home, she remained unobtrusive and frequently cleaned and did his laundry, though she seemed to be slipping deeper and deeper into what he suspected was depression.

One day he returned home to find her asleep on the sofa again, and having had more than enough decided that was it, she had to go. Angrily he pulled the blanket off of her and went to shake her awake only to find her unresponsive. shaking her again, he discovered that she was dead.

Scared out of his mind he called the police and after a few hours they appeared, collected the body and took him into custody.

After a few hours he was released. In her bags were medical records from a nearby government hospital. It seems, he said, that she had been diagnosed with an inoperable tumour and had been receiving meds for over a year.

It turns out she had had an aneurysm or something of the sort in her sleep and that was the end of her. He had unwittingly provided her a safe place to die.

the police were very apologetic as they released him, though at first they thought he had something to do with her death.

he was quite drunk when he told me the story, and i never had any reason to disbelieve him. In fact, it stuck with me for some time.

What a horrible and very sad story. I've never heard anything like that before.

I thought it was quite moving.

It reminds one - even though you may not be much of a friend, you may be the best that the person has...



I don't speak German. Just ran the story from the link through Google Translate. It seems she offed herself because he'd given her AIDS .

Or perhaps she thought she had it.

thks for your work, I also tried my best on the translation,

the girl first testify against a german musician from Celle, who is accused in Lüneburg.

After this, she should testify again, against a french man, who abused her together with the german in a video.

This was to much for her.

The German got his 9 years in prison,


it was the result of a deal, that he accepted the 9 years, and no futher girls has to testify against him.

The Nation wrote,

The full trial which is to include witnesses from Thailand is expected to last two years


After the suicide of the girl, the german court didn`t want to risk, that futher girls could commit suicide, under the pressure, of traveling to germany as a witness at court.

That was the chance for the child abuser, to get a good deal, after 6 years, he will be free, based on the 2/3 reduction method.

His story was published everywhere,

but the story of the girl was just a small notice in the local newspaper.

"A Thai child prostitute who was allegedly abused by (german) sex tourists, who is accused in Lüneburg, has committed suicide, by jumping from a building. The girl, at time of the crime 15 years old, jumped in the thai city of Pattaya in depth, as she should testify against a Frenchman. The leading detective in the case, reported on Monday at the district court. The Frenchman also have abused the girl. The investigators said, he was seen on a video with the accused musician from the german city of Celle, . The 65-year-old man is accused, to have abused Thai children and teenagers in more than 400 cases. He should not have informed the girls about his HIV infection."

I had forgotten this story until this thread brought it back to me.

A few years back i met a guy, about 30, who lived on Nana and had a decent job on an expat package.

Every day, returning home from work, he passed a bar where a slightly cross-eyed but very beautiful woman would simply smile at him as he passed. One evening while in his cups he stopped in to talk to her, and as it often happens, ended up bringing her home.

According to him, she was a very sweet thing and as time passed they began to spend more time together, though she never stayed for long.

As the relationship progressed, she became more and more lethargic and eventually lost her job in the bar for not showing up all that regularly. Despite the fact that they had always gotten on very well and she never really asked anything of him, they lost contact until one night after about 3 months she appeared at his door with a bag asking to spend the night. He decided to let her stay just the one night though he claimed did have many reservations. He insisted she stay on the sofa, which she happily did.

Of course, she ended up staying longer than the single day, and a couple weeks of weeks passed while she remained on the sofa. When he was home, she remained unobtrusive and frequently cleaned and did his laundry, though she seemed to be slipping deeper and deeper into what he suspected was depression.

One day he returned home to find her asleep on the sofa again, and having had more than enough decided that was it, she had to go. Angrily he pulled the blanket off of her and went to shake her awake only to find her unresponsive. shaking her again, he discovered that she was dead.

Scared out of his mind he called the police and after a few hours they appeared, collected the body and took him into custody.

After a few hours he was released. In her bags were medical records from a nearby government hospital. It seems, he said, that she had been diagnosed with an inoperable tumour and had been receiving meds for over a year.

It turns out she had had an aneurysm or something of the sort in her sleep and that was the end of her. He had unwittingly provided her a safe place to die.

the police were very apologetic as they released him, though at first they thought he had something to do with her death.

he was quite drunk when he told me the story, and i never had any reason to disbelieve him. In fact, it stuck with me for some time.

What a horrible and very sad story. I've never heard anything like that before.

I thought it was quite moving.

It reminds one - even though you may not be much of a friend, you may be the best that the person has...


oddly enough i said something similar to the man who told it to me.

the whole thing was quite uncomfortable at the time.


Those things have happened since Patts started to evolve during the Vietnam war, so whats your point?

The point is I'm hoping to hear some of the sad stories that strangers have told other people over the dinner table.

This isnt a thread about the relative merits of scheming bar girls; that's already been done to death.

I was hoping to read some and you made a good start. Good thread mate.

yeah it is a good thread, I like to read these storries as I have many many friends getting to that age and thinking about Thailand as a place to head. The more I know the better I can inform them.


I had forgotten this story until this thread brought it back to me.

A few years back i met a guy, about 30, who lived on Nana and had a decent job on an expat package.

Every day, returning home from work, he passed a bar where a slightly cross-eyed but very beautiful woman would simply smile at him as he passed. One evening while in his cups he stopped in to talk to her, and as it often happens, ended up bringing her home.

According to him, she was a very sweet thing and as time passed they began to spend more time together, though she never stayed for long.

As the relationship progressed, she became more and more lethargic and eventually lost her job in the bar for not showing up all that regularly. Despite the fact that they had always gotten on very well and she never really asked anything of him, they lost contact until one night after about 3 months she appeared at his door with a bag asking to spend the night. He decided to let her stay just the one night though he claimed did have many reservations. He insisted she stay on the sofa, which she happily did.

Of course, she ended up staying longer than the single day, and a couple weeks of weeks passed while she remained on the sofa. When he was home, she remained unobtrusive and frequently cleaned and did his laundry, though she seemed to be slipping deeper and deeper into what he suspected was depression.

One day he returned home to find her asleep on the sofa again, and having had more than enough decided that was it, she had to go. Angrily he pulled the blanket off of her and went to shake her awake only to find her unresponsive. shaking her again, he discovered that she was dead.

Scared out of his mind he called the police and after a few hours they appeared, collected the body and took him into custody.

After a few hours he was released. In her bags were medical records from a nearby government hospital. It seems, he said, that she had been diagnosed with an inoperable tumour and had been receiving meds for over a year.

It turns out she had had an aneurysm or something of the sort in her sleep and that was the end of her. He had unwittingly provided her a safe place to die.

the police were very apologetic as they released him, though at first they thought he had something to do with her death.

he was quite drunk when he told me the story, and i never had any reason to disbelieve him. In fact, it stuck with me for some time.

Thats so sad that she had no other place to go, no family and friends.


I had forgotten this story until this thread brought it back to me.

A few years back i met a guy, about 30, who lived on Nana and had a decent job on an expat package.

Every day, returning home from work, he passed a bar where a slightly cross-eyed but very beautiful woman would simply smile at him as he passed. One evening while in his cups he stopped in to talk to her, and as it often happens, ended up bringing her home.

According to him, she was a very sweet thing and as time passed they began to spend more time together, though she never stayed for long.

As the relationship progressed, she became more and more lethargic and eventually lost her job in the bar for not showing up all that regularly. Despite the fact that they had always gotten on very well and she never really asked anything of him, they lost contact until one night after about 3 months she appeared at his door with a bag asking to spend the night. He decided to let her stay just the one night though he claimed did have many reservations. He insisted she stay on the sofa, which she happily did.

Of course, she ended up staying longer than the single day, and a couple weeks of weeks passed while she remained on the sofa. When he was home, she remained unobtrusive and frequently cleaned and did his laundry, though she seemed to be slipping deeper and deeper into what he suspected was depression.

One day he returned home to find her asleep on the sofa again, and having had more than enough decided that was it, she had to go. Angrily he pulled the blanket off of her and went to shake her awake only to find her unresponsive. shaking her again, he discovered that she was dead.

Scared out of his mind he called the police and after a few hours they appeared, collected the body and took him into custody.

After a few hours he was released. In her bags were medical records from a nearby government hospital. It seems, he said, that she had been diagnosed with an inoperable tumour and had been receiving meds for over a year.

It turns out she had had an aneurysm or something of the sort in her sleep and that was the end of her. He had unwittingly provided her a safe place to die.

the police were very apologetic as they released him, though at first they thought he had something to do with her death.

he was quite drunk when he told me the story, and i never had any reason to disbelieve him. In fact, it stuck with me for some time.

What a horrible and very sad story. I've never heard anything like that before.


A story that has haunted me for many years is one concerning a poor Thai man that had been looking after a charming young boy for some years. Having become destitute, and seeing no future for himself, decided to commit suicide, so dressed in his best clothes and hung himself. The thing that really affects me though, is that he also dressed the young boy in his best clothes, and hung him before himself.

I still get emotional years later to think that such awful despair can exist.


If you want a good read about what can happen when you get involved with a Thai Lady or ladies....I recommend

"THE BIG BLUE DIAMOND" by Jack Fraser. download as an e-book from Bangkok books website....great story...


Oh dear, sorry to rain on the parade. I must be the odd one out. Usually when a total stranger wants to vent his spleen over MY dinner, I tend to avoid eye contact with him, quickly finish off my dinner and excuse myself pronto. :D

Yeah, one of those poor guys are going to come on here shortly saying 'I tried to overcome my deep fear of social interaction once, by trying to chat to a friendly looking fellow in a restaurant. He wouldn't even look at me. Then he ran off. Now I'm even more scarred for life" :(



Recently while having dinner in a cheap Thai food place a guy joined me who was Ex SAS.

It appears that im alone in not being SAS or FBI in this establishnment, as the next week I was sat down with a guy who was working for MI5.

I found that quite sad.


I was having a beer in a farang restaurant in the next town when a youngish bloke came in and sat by himself at an outside table and ordered coffee.

After he left the owner told me the poor bloke's tale of woe.

He'd met a girl on one of the islands, fell in lust and followed her back to her village where he bought a rai of land from his new found friend's mother for one million baht, built a house, bought a car and was promptly told by the 'brother' to go away or he will be killed.

He went away but kept coming back saying that he wasn't that easy to kill.

I must go and ask if he's still around.


I had forgotten this story until this thread brought it back to me.


It seems, he said, that she had been diagnosed with an inoperable tumour and had been receiving meds for over a year.

It turns out she had had an aneurysm or something of the sort in her sleep and that was the end of her. He had unwittingly provided her a safe place to die.




A story that has haunted me for many years is one concerning a poor Thai man that had been looking after a charming young boy for some years. Having become destitute, and seeing no future for himself, decided to commit suicide, so dressed in his best clothes and hung himself. The thing that really affects me though, is that he also dressed the young boy in his best clothes, and hung him before himself.

I still get emotional years later to think that such awful despair can exist.

Off topic but back home years ago I read a report in the paper about this little girl. She was 12 years old. She wore glasses and was a bit chubby so consequently she was bullied at school ( we know how evil kids can be ) and had no friends. A teacher said she just used to walk around alone a break times. She came home one day, told her mum she was going to her room and hung herself. She left a note saying she was sorry but she was so lonely and wished she had some pals. They had a picture of her in the paper in her school uniform posing for her first day school photo.. That picture will be in my memory forever.

For some reason all the terrible things that happen in the world like war, famine etc are just news items at 10pm to me but her story stuck with me. I'm a hulking great bloke (and if you saw me walking behind you at night on the street you might speed up despite me being completely harmless) but whenever I think of her I well up. I'm doing it now typing this.

How sad. What a waste of a life. :(

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