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Passport Pickpocketed At Markets


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I was at pratunnam markets in bkk two weeks back when i had my passport pickpocketed from me. I had been to the markets 5 or 6 times before and i am generally fairly watchful.

I had it in the thigh leg pocket of my cargo pants with my wallet. The pocket was button closed. I was walking through one of the main laneways when I was 'boxed' in by a very fat thai lady in front of me, a drink cart on one side and someone behind me, and scores of surrounding shoppers. I was jostled and pushed and i couldn't really move.. i tried to go sideways and backwards and forwards. The fat lady in front of me was doing this strange shuffle dance like she was incapacitated and could only move by doing a oone centimetre step at a time. all in all a slick operation. I realised 30 seconds after it was taken that it was gone, but by that time it was too late. Thank god they didn't get my wallet with the cards and cash, though replacing the passport was a hassle itself.

I didn't report it to the police at the markets as there seemed to be an important muay thai boxing fixture on the TV the two BiBs were watching..laugh.gif (i reported it later at ramkamhaeng).

I used to keep my wallet in my bag, in an inside pocket, but after an attempted opening of the bag in sampeng lane 6 months back , i decided on keeping them in a front closed pocket of my trousers or shorts. i also keep cash in my top shirt pocket so i dont have to access my wallet in public..

Where do other people keep their passport and wallet when they go out? Do other people take their passport with them? of do you just take a photocopy? Next time i am only carrying a photocopy of the passport with me!

be interested to know peoples security tips of the trade.

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I never carry my passport although it lives in my work bag with my PC and work permit. It's just too much hassle to replace.

Thai driving licence has always worked when I've been asked for ID.

Agree, either that or a copy of the passport does it for me.

A wallet just makes it convenient for a would be pickpocket.

Yermanee :jap:

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ive never carried my passport , i have never been asked for it,i have been coming here since 1987 and never had to produce it only for bank and imigration use

It is the law to have an ID on you. If something major happened, it could cause you problems. Not worth the risk.

I got a laminated copy of my passport and visa stamp. Cost 20B. Works perfect. I never carry my passport with me unless it is in my money belt. I also hardly every carry my wallet. Just some cash. But always have my passport copy with me.

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havent you heard of a money belt,you must be a tourist to carry all that on your person pickpockets will spot you a mile away.no.one rule if your visiting busy area's,dont wear gold,dont carry your passport,dont carry a camera,hide your money,better still stay away from them.:unsure:

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20 years here and never carry my passport with me unless I'm traveling outside of province. Even then it gets locked up in the hotel safe. Copy in my wallet, a hirez scanned copy uploaded to my large screen smartphone and a copy on my secure server in an emergency if I need to print it out. Also never been asked for it except sometimes hotels, bank if outside of province and doing some business such as buying a car. Immigration and labor department of course.

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I don't carry it, it would get destroyed carrying it around in jeans. Never been asked for it. I've been randomly stopped and searched on the street about a dozen times by the police for drugs, and they've never cared that I didn't have my passport. I'd rather pay a fine for not having it than lose it or have it ruined by carrying it around.

Edited by DP25
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Why would a thief take the passport and not the wallet!

Are you sure you didn't lose it somewhere?

Perhaps you didn't button up your cargo leg button and it fell out whilst sitting down somewhere (easily happens).

I just can't see the reason behind a pickpocket prefering a passport rather than a tourists wallet!

They are not smart enough to do identity theft, market pickpockets are after ready cash/credit cards.

Edited by Livinginexile
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Never carried my passport with me wherever ive been in the world

Not good advise. Try Russia. If caught, it's a HUGE deal. Same with many other countries.

I was curious about the post though wallet and passport in same pocket.:unsure:

Any way quite right, in Thailand it is a requirement to have a copy of your passport, which I keep in the scoot and the car.

A Thai drivers license is good ID as it has your passport number on it.

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Why would a thief take the passport and not the wallet!

Are you sure you didn't lose it somewhere?

Perhaps you didn't button up your cargo leg button and it fell out whilst sitting down somewhere (easily happens).

I just can't see the reason behind a pickpocket prefering a passport rather than a tourists wallet!

They are not smart enough to do identity theft, market pickpockets are after ready cash/credit cards.

i dont know , i should ask the thief next time? laugh.gif

OBVIOUSLY i am sure it was stolen...its not every day i have random fat ladies doing shuffle dances in front of me to block me way...and i habitually check the buttons and the outline of the wallet..so i know it was there 10 minutes before

seriously though.. the pocket is deep, the buttons were done up... the wallet would have sat well below the top of the passport (it's actually a half size wallet just for cards and cash)...The thieves clearly would have loved the wallet, but im guessing they took what they could get in the given time and the passport was the first thing they could reach...

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ive never carried my passport , i have never been asked for it,i have been coming here since 1987 and never had to produce it only for bank and imigration use

It is the law to have an ID on you. If something major happened, it could cause you problems. Not worth the risk.

I got a laminated copy of my passport and visa stamp. Cost 20B. Works perfect. I never carry my passport with me unless it is in my money belt. I also hardly every carry my wallet. Just some cash. But always have my passport copy with me.

sage advice...ill be doing a laminated copy of the replacement for sure

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20 years here and never carry my passport with me unless I'm traveling outside of province. Even then it gets locked up in the hotel safe. Copy in my wallet, a hirez scanned copy uploaded to my large screen smartphone and a copy on my secure server in an emergency if I need to print it out. Also never been asked for it except sometimes hotels, bank if outside of province and doing some business such as buying a car. Immigration and labor department of course.

good advice

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Passports are quite valuable. They can get a fair amount of money for it.

I've traveled a lot...in many developing countries. I had one attempt at the port in Manila. I had some money in a pocket with a zipper. I was talking with some travel buddies, happened to turn quickly, and my hand caught a guys hand all the way inside that pocket with his hand on my money. I never felt a thing.

I grabbed my money and he let go...and then he just casually walked away. I tried to catch him, but had a big backpack on, was carrying another one...just couldn't keep up with him. The police showed up, but the guy just blended in with the crowed...it was really packed with people.

I caught a guy trying to get into my zipper pocket on the subway in Madrid. Had a coat over his hand and tried to unzip my pocket. I pushed him away and he came right back and tried it again! There were a few Euros in the pocket, but nothing else. I yelled for the police and pushed again...he just got out at the next stop and got into another car. Nobody helped, nobody did a thing. Very crowded.

When I was in Ecuador, they warned us about the main square. I was with 8-10 other backpackers. We all knew the dangers and were fully prepared. Still, one girl had some money taken from her pocket and another guy had his cargo pocket cut with a razor and lost some money. And we knew it was going to happen and were hyper sensitive to our surroundings. They are that good.

I've seen a few attempts in person. One outside Notre Dame where a gypsy had her hand inside a lady's purse. Luckily, another person nearby shoved her away and saved the day. I've seen a few successes in Rome. You can just sit there and watch them work. They are very slick...and just disappear into the crowds...hard to catch them even if you know it just happened. They work in pairs, or more.

These crooks are very, very good at what they do. My wife had her purse stolen in Portugal. It was hooked around her chair at the restaurant and they were still able to unhook it and get away. I ran after him, but he was too fast...just disappeared into the crowds. We spent a lovely 2 hours at the local police station.

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"It is the law to have an ID on you. If something major happened, it could cause you problems."

Many forms of ID.

"...in Thailand it is a requirement to have a copy of your passport..."

Where is that listed?

"A Thai drivers license is good ID as it has your passport number on it."

At least until you get a new passport.

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Your fat Thai lady may well have been Khmer. I saw a couple of members of a Khmer gang nabbed at Chatuchak last year and one of the stallholders told me there were quite a few of them operating there.

My daughter had her phone stolen from her bag in Oxford St last month, she noticed it within minutes and we had the Sim blocked very quickly. I said to her at the time I bet we still end up being charged for a few calls to Romania...when the bill came in I wasn't wrong !Pickpocketing often seems to be an immigrant activity wherever you are. :unsure:


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Never carried my passport with me wherever ive been in the world

Not good advise. Try Russia. If caught, it's a HUGE deal. Same with many other countries.

Completely disagree, perfect advise! Identity theft is now a world wide phenomena and even the most backward countries can identify with it and will give the individual the chance to produce their passport in time. AND If they are more backward than that I, for one, will never be visiting! Edited by bdenner
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Your fat Thai lady may well have been Khmer. I saw a couple of members of a Khmer gang nabbed at Chatuchak last year and one of the stallholders told me there were quite a few of them operating there.

My daughter had her phone stolen from her bag in Oxford St last month, she noticed it within minutes and we had the Sim blocked very quickly. I said to her at the time I bet we still end up being charged for a few calls to Romania...when the bill came in I wasn't wrong !Pickpocketing often seems to be an immigrant activity wherever you are. :unsure:

true, she may not have been Thai at all...if she was Thai she was the widest thai woman i have seen.. she certainly had no problem moving after i got past...

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Where do other people keep their passport and wallet when they go out?

I keep mine in my desk drawer, I never take it out with me, nor a photocopy. If some official wants to see it then I can present it on demand or they can go to my apartment and look at it.

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Not good advise. Try Russia. If caught, it's a HUGE deal. Same with many other countries.

I haven't been to Russia in a long time but when I went to Moscow you couldn't carry your passport if you wanted to as it was held by the hotel and you wouldn't get it back until you'd settled your account. Things were a bit different back then as you had to stay in a government hotel (Intourist).

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Not good advise. Try Russia. If caught, it's a HUGE deal. Same with many other countries.

I haven't been to Russia in a long time but when I went to Moscow you couldn't carry your passport if you wanted to as it was held by the hotel and you wouldn't get it back until you'd settled your account. Things were a bit different back then as you had to stay in a government hotel (Intourist).

There have been a few countries I've been where the hotel was required to keep passports. That was also a long time ago so don't know the current policies of various countries.

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