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If You Dont Like Thailand Why Not Leave?


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#9 If some very attractive SYT ( sweet young thing ) catches you looking at her ( in admiration ) she doesn't react as if you're an evil pervert, like they would back in PC world; rather, she smiles back at you.

and that applies even to SYTs which could be your great-granddaughters :lol:

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From what I've been able to see after 15 years of coming to Thaiand is the very things we complain about, which are valid complaints, are also the very things that makes Thailand unique and attractive. It's a place where you DO have to make it on your own. You get very little support from government. There is a quiet satisfaction of being able to survive DESPITE all the obstacles.


Once you've lived here for decent stretch of time - and I'm thinking 15 years plus here - you will come to the realisation that the world that you came from; the world that you, so often, use as a baseline for your criticisms of the way things are in Thailand, does not exist anymore. You will be severely dissappointed to find that the only place where it exists is inside your head. And if you were to go back to that mythical place, that you cling to as a crutch to justify why your view of how things should be in Thailand is correct (and why the Thai have it wrong), you will be incredibly shocked to find that you don't fit in anymore and that life there is far more difficult and tedious than it could ever be in the "land of Smiles."

You will appreciate the following:

1. That you can step out of your door at any time of the day or night and get a decent bowl of noodle soup within 5 minutes walk of your abode.

2. You can buy a reasonable range of alcohol from a 7/11 and that there are plenty of them everywhere.

3. That you can go to a bar/gogo/night club and receive undevided attention from a bevy of lovely ladies (even though it is largely an act).

4. That you are, everyday, eating some of the worlds best food that people back in those mythical lands (you come from) pay a fortune for and only get to eat occaissionally.

5. That the weather is always warm, and as you advance on in years, the problems with old joint injuries seem to be more managable in the said warm climate.

6. That health care is, by and large, very good and is inexpensive compared to the cost back in those mythical lands - As an aside; I have comprehensive accident and medical insurance through SCB. It's 26000 baht a year. I've used it a couple of times and I've never handed over a single baht at the hospitals I use. I just hand over my insurance card and that's the end of it.

7. If you give someone a smile - even someone you've never met before - you will almost always get a smile back in return.

8. That Thailand is a relatively free and easy place to live and that those mythical lands have become PC governed, over taxing, police states.


What many people do not realize is that all that knowledge we accumulate in the West is what causes the self-rejection. We can barely live up to our own images of perfection anyway. So it's hard for some people to believe that there are some people who can accept themselves just as they are, with no outside recognition needed. Of course in the West there is a constant need to seek acceptance, approval, or recognition either from the government or other people.

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My goodness, a thread littered with sarcasm, satire and irony, if only certain individuals knew the difference of each meaning, its a bit like your mind being a parachute, if it doesn't open, you're beaten. To paraphrase Don williams jr.

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I hate it here. there, I have said it! I miss the cool dampness of the UK winter, that seeps into your bones and joints to make me, a young man, feel old. I miss the opportunity to wander into a nightclub, only to be glared at as if i am a perv because i am older than the average clubber, knwing that merely glancing at a 21 year old tescos checkout girl dancing around her handbag will get me arrested and that the only thing I will leave with is weakened self image and, possibly, a very drunk 50 something with boobs that grace her knees with a knock as she bends down to do up her doctor martens in the morning light.

I resent not paying more for fuel here. its pathetic that the cost of a tank is under £30, whereas thats the cost of a litre back in GOOD OLD BLIGHTY and I miss the fact that I cant wriggle in fear as I make a dash for the local co op in the evening and try to avoid the little hoodies who are dying to taunt me as I go in to buy my cigs, 400 baht a pack and a microwave thai curry for two at a mere 450 baht.

Why cant these beastly people catch up with the western world, include OUR values in their schooling and guarantee that I and many more move on to pastures new, where we can continue to bitch and moan about how difficult it is to bear the cross of superiority in life

Well, thats me banned ;)

Well said, DEAR OLD BLIGHTY was good, problem is that it has not been that way for a long time and it was getting to be a place I did not recognize anymore or wanted too. The best bitts I remember in my head thats why I left and came here, There are not many cherries left to pick in the Uk, other people have arrived speak in strange tongues and pick them. The UK has got less perfect as time as gone on. Thailand is not perfect, nowhere is,but, on balance I am happier here, much happier, of course there are things we would like to change but probably have little chance of it, so we have a moan, we always have a moan wherever we are, but to stay if you are not happy why dont you leave is like a default setting when you have not got anything else to add. For us to have a moan is like a term of endearment, do we really want to change it to the place we have come from? Of course not, we generally are very happy with our lot here, but we hope for some of the cherries that we no longer have at hope might turn up here to make a happy life, happier.

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My history here is short. I've been here since May of last year, which amounts to 17 months spent here, plus two holidays previous to that within months of each other. I moved here because of two reasons, or perhaps, three reasons.

1) I was fed up of just 'existing' in the UK. That 'wriggling in fear' quip that TommyDee wrote concerning walking to the shops at night is no joke. I'll be honest, and risk attracting a lot of sarcasm and insults for this, but I still am not comfortable with going for nights out here because of life back home. I never experienced any direct trouble in the UK, but that feeling of trouble lurking around the corner kept me from enjoying or even going on nights out with my friends, and still hits me here. I have a girlfriend here, so I'm not really going out clubbing much at all anyway, even if I wanted to. So yes, I'm a bit of a wimp with regards to the danger factor that seems to be hitting the UK hard.

2) I loved Thailand as a holiday destination. It was everything about the place that made me come back. The people were welcoming, the girls were stunning, and the Country was beautiful. Sure, I live in Bangkok and Bangkok most definitely isn't beautiful, but life here can be. My life is pretty held back - my brother's friend was living here for 8 years before I came for his wedding and living it up - and he's made one or two comments about me not going out, going crazy and sleeping with a different girl every night (OK, he's not said this bit, but I can tell he disapproves of my 'sabai sabai' life whilst in such a crazy city) but I love it. I like my life here, and that's all that matters. I've never been a crazy party guy, and to some that may seem odd for someone who recently just turned 29 but who sounds 60, but that's just me. I'm happy, that's why I'm here. Having a girl here from the wedding before I moved helped, too. I probably don't have the balls to just move somewhere alone. That's who I am.

3) I had the travelling bug. I went to Australia for a month in 2009, went back to England for various reasons, then came to Thailand for aforementioned brother's friend's wedding a few months later. I was still buzzing with excitement for travelling.

I mention all this so you get an idea that I'm just a normal, sometimes shy and insecure and pretty gutless guy living here. I can survive here without fear - and that's what keeps me here. I can lead a pretty relaxed lifestyle and that's amazing to me. I wake up and don't mind going to work. I LIKE going to work. I like the people I work with and I love the atmosphere. At home I never had that. The UK is my home, but it's a pretty grim place to be right now. That's why I'm here and why I will stay for a while longer.

However, I do agree with the OP regarding those who complain constantly. I'm not talking 'venting' - and I get the impression that the OP is talking about those who really lay into Thai society, culture and politics. I agree that those idiots shouldn't be here. But for everyone on here venting, complaining about the stupid and crazy things we all see on a daily basis, then yes, I understand. Despite my short time here I've had enough outbursts of frustration (never in front of a Thai, except the girlfriend!) that make me question what kind of place I'm living in. I quickly cool down and accept it as part of life. There are, however, an obvious few idiots around who haven't realised that their 'superiority complex' is something quite natural but absurd, who seem to think that carrying on with it as though it were actual higher functioning brain activity is normal. I get the impression the OP is talking about these people.

Anyway, sorry for the lengthy post!

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Despite my short time here I've had enough outbursts of frustration (never in front of a Thai, except the girlfriend!) that make me question what kind of place I'm living in.

Don't have outbursts in front of Thai gf, it will upset the gf greatly, damage your relationship with her and is a cultural no no.

It also encourages Thai gf to have outbursts, hers will be less controlled and may involve a large kitchen knife.

Better to shout at people you don't know.

Edited by ludditeman
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Despite my short time here I've had enough outbursts of frustration (never in front of a Thai, except the girlfriend!) that make me question what kind of place I'm living in.

Don't have outbursts in front of Thai gf, it will upset the gf greatly, damage your relationship with her and is a cultural no no.

It also encourages Thai gf to have outbursts, hers will be less controlled and may involve a large kitchen knife.

Better to shout at people you don't know.

Excellent advice, I thank you! Although I will just say my 'outbursts' are more like muttered complaints. I'm not the screaming or shouting type, and I know my place in this Country.

However, I do thank you for pointing that out, as sometimes I might become a bit over-opinionated and that's something I wish to avoid at all costs!

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Despite my short time here I've had enough outbursts of frustration (never in front of a Thai, except the girlfriend!) that make me question what kind of place I'm living in.

Don't have outbursts in front of Thai gf, it will upset the gf greatly, damage your relationship with her and is a cultural no no.

It also encourages Thai gf to have outbursts, hers will be less controlled and may involve a large kitchen knife.

Better to shout at people you don't know.

If you're prone to sudden outbursts, this thread might be helpful




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  • 3 weeks later...

Later we were on the songtaew and there were 2 young guys talking together. All I heard was "Farang" this and " Farang" that. I was incensed even after my bride to be told me that they were discussing a westerner who was aiding famine relief in Africa and not talking about me personally but I know racism when I see it.

You are well rid of her!

I'm not sure, UG, but I think his entire rant was somewhat satirical.

You don't say?, and there I was still under the impression that most Americans think Irony is a small country in Africa.


That was sarcasm, not irony, the Brits often confuse the two.

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I would agree with you, if you hate Thailand why do you stay? You have mentioned some of the things that annoy people and that thye would like to see change, we all have our pets "if I could only change this" This is normal in any society as you say no where is perfect and people like to let off steam. We will find it difficult to change things too much in our lifetime so we have to learn to live with what is a better option that our homelands, now open a beer relax and enjoy the lifestyle and dont forget to be alert if the opportunity to make a subtle change should present itself.

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Isn't the simple answer to this trollish thread "Why does anyone stay somewhere if they don't like it and are allowed to leave when they like?"

Lack of money to allow preferred options. I don't really understand the persistent bitching on here about the place because whilst its far from perfect, there are a hell of a lot worse places to live...and i'll start with England, or whats left of it.

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Original Post of the week.........................................Not!

Was just thinking the same thing.

All we need now is a sin-sod thread, and perhaps one about whether or not the word 'farang' is racist.

Lets not forget about the, where can i buy toothpaste from thread whistling.gif

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Any connection between your reality and most others, I assure you, is purely coincidental. I've never heard your idea before anywhere. However, Thank You, I'm all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view !


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Original Post of the week.........................................Not!

Was just thinking the same thing.

All we need now is a sin-sod thread, and perhaps one about whether or not the word 'farang' is racist.

Lets not forget about the, where can i buy toothpaste from thread whistling.gif

Don't you mean fridge? :whistling:


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I agree with most of the posters here. What makes Thailand so attractive are the very things that often make it so irritating.

And the logic is, well take the good with the bad, and I do agree with that.

However, I think what posts like the OP's tend to forget to factor in is that despite the ranting, all of who do live here certainly DO indeed take the good with the bad. How could we not if we are still here? Just because there are not an equal number of threads with titles like: "Change of pace: What things do you absolutely love about Thailand?" does not mean that many in our complaining crowd don't also have these positive views.

It's just human nature, really. How often do you see in any information forums where people go out of their way to compliment a product or service? And then how often do you see them go out of their way to complain? It's the same here. Human psychology. We ALL expect to be treated well and have a good time. Humans are self-centered that way. It is only when we feel we are slighted or that something doesn't agree with us that we 'take to the airwaves'.

I am a very happy, easy going but ambitious person typically, but I do complain my arse off once in awhile. Some stuff I like here, like the 'mai bpen rai' style of the culture. Some stuff I strongly dislike here, like the 'mai bpen rai' style of the culture.


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