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I'm trying to find a Thai supplier of components for some small-medium lighting projects.

Stuff I'm looking for is individual LED's; resistors; toggle-switches; small solar panels; crocodile clips; strip-board; breadboard; PCB's; solder; flux and suchlike.

Would ideally like to visit a supplier's store rather than just order on-line.

I'm guessing Bangkok would be the only place with such suppliers and Pantip Plaza etc are (I assume) not what I'm looking for as they seem to sell finished articles, rather than the raw components (but I could be wrong as I've never been looking for components when I've visited Pantip, in the past).

I would be grateful if anyone has any info to share?


I'm moving this to the Technical forum where similar question have been asked. If worse comes to worse, look at the pinned topic on online stores. I have some electronic stores listed. If you have Amorn near you they can fit you out.


I'm moving this to the Technical forum where similar question have been asked. If worse comes to worse, look at the pinned topic on online stores. I have some electronic stores listed. If you have Amorn near you they can fit you out.


I'll take a browse through the Technical forum and investigate Amon, as you suggest.


Where are you located? I finally located an 'Aladdins Cave' component shop in a backstreet of Phuket which has been able to supply all my needs, (RF power transistors, switches, heatshrink tubing, 15 watt resistors etc). Amazing place, (if you able to get to Phuket)

Or, if you send me a list of components etc, I can drop by and purchase them for you



Try Amarin Plaza opposite Gaysorn Plaza in Bangkok.

I recall there used to be a Radio Shack but I think they are now called A&T Hut still selling Radio Shack products.

Hope this helps if you are in Bangkok.


Have a look at NPE, there's a store in Zeer Rangsit (probably not accessible right now) but they also do online ordering http://www.mynpe.com/index_product.php Google Translate is your friend with that site.

You mention lighting, if you're looking for power LEDs then check out the many Chinese suppliers online, I've not seen any sensibly priced devices in Thailand. SatisLED and Satistronics (actually the same company with two different product ranges) are not the cheapest but I've used both, they are reliable and accept PayPal.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Not so helpful, but I scrounge the streets and alleys of China Town and find all kinds of components and tools, including electronics. Sadly, I work Mon-Fri and a lot of the real good shops close during the weekends.


In Phuket, Big C, lower level. Large electronics shop to the far right off the escalator. They sell caps, res and other stuff. Not pretty like Radio Shack, but they have some inventory. Heck, they even have air con remotes for all models and new hose for my vacuum cleaner!


There are lots of factories in Bangkok most are having problems with the floods but I do know that Panasonic has a sales office in Ratchada, but there is not shortage of place to buy stuff I have also seen the stuff in NPE in Zeer it is limited but a good starter just Google the brands you want and you will find them in Thailand.


Thanks for all the suggestions.

We're not entering the best of shopping periods, with the flooding and all that.

What I'm after is components, not completed items. I want the parts that make the torch as opposed to the torch itself, for instance.

My most pressing project is a home-made LED sign - such as we see pretty much everywhere, these days - either providing information or advertising a manufacturer's products.

So I'm seeking individual LED bulbs in various colours and intensities, "breadboard" for testing a proptotype, stripboard for creating a finished prototype, switches, crocodile-clips, flash-controllers etc. Once done, I'd like to see if anyone can mass produce the item at reasonable cost, so I can book my slot on The Dragon's Den :lol:.

Some items I won't even know that I want, until I see, them - I'd imagine.

Is there a particular area or street in Bangkok from which electrical suppliers and specialists trade, does anyone know?


IT Mall, I think 5th floor (or 4th). There is an electronics parts shop when you exit the IT Mall portion. I believe it is all Chinese parts on sale though. I have seen circuit boards, LED's, DYI kits etc.


IT Mall, I think 5th floor (or 4th). There is an electronics parts shop when you exit the IT Mall portion. I believe it is all Chinese parts on sale though. I have seen circuit boards, LED's, DYI kits etc.


Where is IT Mall? Is it near Pantip Plaza?


IT Mall, I think 5th floor (or 4th). There is an electronics parts shop when you exit the IT Mall portion. I believe it is all Chinese parts on sale though. I have seen circuit boards, LED's, DYI kits etc.


Where is IT Mall? Is it near Pantip Plaza?

I think he means Fortune Town (Pha Ram 9 metro station), there's an Amorn on the top floor. In BKK Chinatown is your best bet but hunting and browsing is required.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


The best place for components is Ban Moh in Chinatown . A maze of soi's full of electronic's shops.

Don't miss the airco mini malls , they are the best .

Power Leds ,solar panels, individually sold. And near Th . Mahachak market , lot of LED's lighting too.

Just don't buy batteries from streetvendors , big chance they are fake.


The best place for components is Ban Moh in Chinatown . A maze of soi's full of electronic's shops.

Don't miss the airco mini malls , they are the best .

Power Leds ,solar panels, individually sold. And near Th . Mahachak market , lot of LED's lighting too.

Just don't buy batteries from streetvendors , big chance they are fake.

I second that, I was looking for some resistors not to long ago and I just happened to stumble by some at Pantip before heading to Ban Moh, but be for warned that place is really a maze you should have a list with pictures before heading there.

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