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Where Are The Eggs Now?


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loads of stir fried vegetables as you stated sounds both excessive and very unhealthy, I imagine the oil they are fried in is probably not top shelf either

note somtam is made from papaya which is a fruit. not a vegetable

That's probably because you dont know what these stir-fried vegetables actually look like. There is hardly any oil in them at all.

Dont quite see the importance of differentiating between fruit and vegetable in this instance, but be my guest. Thai salads are a good source of both.

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BTW, I haven't noticed any shortage or price increase for CHICKENS. I heard millions of chickens died in the floods. Do we really want to know the story behind the story of the ample supply of cheap chicken?

Edited by Jingthing
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I am not sure that I need to visually examine the vegetables to understand what is being discussed.

Stir fried vegetables without any oil will result in burning and dehydration of the vegetables....sorry but oil of some type is used...to say otherwise is nonsense

The differences between fruit and vegetable are many...suggest you do some research...repeat the following mantra 100 times "google is my friend, google is my friend"

You seem to have a habit of overlooking important details....

loads of stir fried vegetables as you stated sounds both excessive and very unhealthy, I imagine the oil they are fried in is probably not top shelf either

note somtam is made from papaya which is a fruit. not a vegetable

That's probably because you dont know what these stir-fried vegetables actually look like. There is hardly any oil in them at all.

Dont quite see the importance of differentiating between fruit and vegetable in this instance, but be my guest. Thai salads are a good source of both.

Edited by tailspin
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BTW, I haven't noticed any shortage or price increase for CHICKENS. I heard millions of chickens died in the floods. Do we really want to know the story behind the story of the ample supply of cheap chicken?

whole roasted chicken was up from 89 baht to 129 in Big C at the weekend

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BTW, I haven't noticed any shortage or price increase for CHICKENS. I heard millions of chickens died in the floods. Do we really want to know the story behind the story of the ample supply of cheap chicken?

whole roasted chicken was up from 89 baht to 129 in Big C at the weekend

In Jomtien Market the honey-glazed roast chicken has gone down from 130 to 120 baht.

Some people are not so greedy.

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I know that. Some people are decidedly lacking in humour on here.

I dont remember saying that I looked like my avatar. In fact I said the opposite.

I am not in the least concerned about the amount of cholesterol in eggs; I don't eat enough of them (or anything else) for it to make any difference to me.

That's great, you know what a lipid profile is. Are yours in healthy range with all the "balanced and varied" meals you consume?

You stated the following: "you probably look more like my avatar than I do." which would indicate you look somewhat like your avatar. I suspect you do.

You are concerned with cholesterol. That's why you keep your egg consumption low and freak out when you hear of others eating 10 times your number.

Edited by tropo
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That's great, you know what a lipid profile is. Are yours in healthy range with all the "balanced and varied" meals you consume?

You stated the following: "you probably look more like my avatar than I do." which would indicate you look somewhat like your avatar. I suspect you do.

You are concerned with cholesterol. That's why you keep your egg consumption low and freak out when you hear of others eating 10 times your number.

You make a lot of absurd assumptions based on no knowledge at all.

My health is fine, thanks.

To say that someone else probably looks more like my avatar than I do doesn't indicate whether I look a lot like it or not. The comment is relative.

I am not concerned with cholesterol. I eat one egg because I want to eat one egg. More than one egg would fill me up and prevent me from eating other things that I like, all of which have varied flavours and nutritional qualities. So I eat one egg and numerous other things. Seems reasonable to me. To eat only one thing seems rather dull and boring but that would certainly suit the character of many people here. So if that's what they like, let them get on with it.

I dont freak out about anything at all. I'm far too relaxed for that. You may imagine that I do, but you are wrong.

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so what was the orginal question again, was tellling to friends on holiday supposed to be egg shortage just as a pick full of them turned up at market all being sold at normal price. no shortage of eggs in thai markets, however stores where weterners go seem to have a lot of so called panic buying. Darkside all ok

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Any chance that this could get back on topic ? nobody is concerned with what you or tropo eat.

You're wrong of course. We want to see the details of what each of them eat per day....down to the last milligram. Then we can decide which one will be henceforth known as "porky". biggrin.gif

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I was always told that even one egg a day is more than one should really be eating, for health reasons. I eat one most days, but not all.

Here's the comment you made that lead to the assumption that you have a fear of cholesterol. The only reason people started restricting egg intake decades ago was their fear of cholesterol.

Edited by sbk
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BTW, I haven't noticed any shortage or price increase for CHICKENS. I heard millions of chickens died in the floods. Do we really want to know the story behind the story of the ample supply of cheap chicken?

Probably 'cos the chickens come from one of the many chicken farms around Pattaya.

You might try there for your eggs too, farm fresh straight from the hen's bum.

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I was always told that even one egg a day is more than one should really be eating, for health reasons. I eat one most days, but not all.

Here's the comment you made that lead to the assumption that you have a fear of cholesterol.

That's where assumptions will get you, I'm afraid.

Just because the two phrases are next to each other doesn't imply cause and effect.

"Everything in moderation" is more to the point as far as I'm concerned.

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other than the twisted egg lady from 'Pink Flamingos', I really don't get the egg hysteria. Eggs are tasty, sure. But this strange egg fixation.. lack of eggs, rationing of eggs, price increase of eggs, PM's price cap proposal for eggs.. it seem little bit odd

I mean, I would love to scream EGGS! EGGS! as much as the next caged semi retarded lady, but still..

Oh, Darrel, Malaysian eggs!!? Cant be trusted yo, if the eggs are not Thai, they are up to no good, they will be sent here just to use us, Thai people!

edit: to caution Darrel and other naive egg affictionados

Edited by valgehiir
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other than the twisted egg lady from 'Pink Flamingos', I really don't get the egg hysteria. Eggs are tasty, sure. But this strange egg fixation.. lack of eggs, rationing of eggs, price increase of eggs, PM's price cap proposal for eggs.. it seem little bit odd

I mean, I would love to scream EGGS! EGGS! as much as the next caged semi retarded lady, but still..

Oh, Darrel, Malaysian eggs!!? Cant be trusted yo, if the eggs are not Thai, they are up to no good, they will be sent here just to use us, Thai people!

edit: to caution Darrel and other naive egg affictionados

I think you might be over-egging the pudding (:lol: ) somewhat, I don't believe anyone is getting hysterical over eggs or is fixated on them.

Speaking for myself, I tend to go to the gym a lot, between 30 and 60 mins every day. I don't eat much eat and as I am getting on a bit I like to eat protein fairly regularly to make sure I keep on repairing the muscles etc (the body cannot store protein reserves as it can energy).

If you are trying to eliminate meat from your diet then protein sources are limited; I tend to consume milk, eggs, tuna and bits and bobs like tofu. And in that list, eggs are by far the most versatile.

And to another poster above, I would be tempted to remove bacon from your diet as much as possible before starting to fret over egg consumption. I understand the more up to date medical boffins frown on regular cured meat consumption :(

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If you are trying to eliminate meat from your diet then protein sources are limited; I tend to consume milk, eggs, tuna and bits and bobs like tofu. And in that list, eggs are by far the most versatile.

I tend to eat fish and squid instead of meat. Seems to do the trick. Also widely available in Thai dishes, which make up 90% of what I eat anyway.

And to another poster above, I would be tempted to remove bacon from your diet as much as possible before starting to fret over egg consumption. I understand the more up to date medical boffins frown on regular cured meat consumption

If I'm the "other poster", I dont fret about eggs. In fact I dont fret about anything. I just dont eat many of them for reasons that were explained.

I do eat a small amount of bacon. Why? For the same reason that I eat one egg: I like it. Apart from that I never eat cured meat.

Moderation is the key, I think.

I wish I knew why people keep on fretting about me fretting. :unsure:

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I hereby declare the Great Pattaya Egg Famine of the year of our lard, 2011, to be officially over!


You're not going to catch me getting up at the crack of dawn to buy no eggs (the crack of dawn is the time to go to sleep).

Eggs, glorious eggs found in the deep afternoon at

Family Mart Jomtien Hanuman

Eggs, spheres of joy, found after SIX PM at night at Tops Tukcom. Plenty of them too ...

Prices up a bit but not bad.

I think the gougers have seen their day.

Edited by Jingthing
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Jingthing, as a fellow egg lover, I take these latest news with the greatest of exubaration!

God willing, the egg supply will not be interrupted ever again!

BTW, when dietitians say you should only eat egg whites, they are SO wrong! Even tho egg whites are the purest form of protein we can get (and it is) please my fellow expats, do not disregard the yellows in haste. All this cholesterol nonsense about egg yellows and cholesterol is just BS.

It pains me to admit this, but this also applies to eggs imported from Malaysia (Farang eggs if you will) I am suspicious about any egg that didn't come from Thai chicken. But one must compromise ones principles in the time off crises.

I would call for an Egg Festival, but it is difficult to make friends with fellow egg lovers in Pattaya, I find..

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Strangely enough, eggs in the market today were all over the place (i.e. lots), but large eggs were 80 baht for 10, and smaller ones were 60 baht. Duck eggs were 60 baht, but of course ducks can swim.

Anyway, it will all settle down soon, and we can go back to boring normal.

Now, if we could only get these people from BKK to go home.

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Jingthing, as a fellow egg lover, I take these latest news with the greatest of exubaration!

God willing, the egg supply will not be interrupted ever again!

BTW, when dietitians say you should only eat egg whites, they are SO wrong! Even tho egg whites are the purest form of protein we can get (and it is) please my fellow expats, do not disregard the yellows in haste. All this cholesterol nonsense about egg yellows and cholesterol is just BS.

It pains me to admit this, but this also applies to eggs imported from Malaysia (Farang eggs if you will) I am suspicious about any egg that didn't come from Thai chicken. But one must compromise ones principles in the time off crises.

I would call for an Egg Festival, but it is difficult to make friends with fellow egg lovers in Pattaya, I find..

Clucking marvellous yolk....


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