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Al-Qaeda Now In Thailand


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Whose fault ?

Take a look at my previous posts: I haven't use a single insult.

That may or may not be, but you obviously have egged it on. What's with the relentless fascination with American politics??? How about just minding your own business and let us mind ours! Or at least offer some solutions your country can do to help curb terrorism world-wide, how about that?

So many people here just want to wring their hands over what the "terrible Americans" are doing in the world...

WHAT IS YOUR COUNTRY DOING? What are YOUR SOLUTIONS? How about thinking that way for a change?

So much whining and no one offering any solutions--just griping and arguing!


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Nobody, no country has THE solution.

According to me the first step is to re-think our relations with Israel. We can't blindy support this country whatever they do to the palestinians.

(I have to admit that I'm pro-palestinian. BUT I'm not anti-semit. How could I be: both israelis and arabs are semits -sons of Sem, Noah's son-)

What else ?

Maybe we It's time to realise that we can't loot Third World countries anymore in order to get free access to their ressources and to maintain growth in our already rich countries.

Nothing justifies the contempt we have for others. Our western civilisation is not better than others. The gap that exists at the moment is not a gap between the US and the Arabs (the terrorists are a minority), It's a gap between rich and poor. It's a gap between those who have a bright future and those who dont' even have a future.

Whatever the solutions are, I'm almost sure that the first step is for westerners to take a look at in themselves. With humility.

This is probably not a great contribution but I can't be all wrong.

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According to me the first step is to re-think our relations with Israel.

OK, lets start from the beginning. Now, do you admit that the Palestinians and other Arabs want nothing other than to destroy Israel? To "push it into the sea"? If you are not realistic enough, or honest enough to admit this, then you are not even worth wasting time on.

So what do you suggest that we do? Drop a Nuclear Bomb on Israel or release chemical weapons and toxins? Get together a big coalition with the UN and attack them? That's what your Arab friends want to do.

But there is only one problem. You think that your Terrorist Palestinian buddies don't give up easily? What do you think will happen when the best Air Force in the world is cornered? When the tiny country that kicked the shit out of all those Arabs, over and over again, is coming after you?

What are you going to do about all those Nuclear Bombs in their Armory?

You know that they are not going to lie down and wait to die like they did for your friends in World War II, don't you?

So what's your plan? What do you want to "re-think"?

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