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Gazzett Ads


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Today I asked to put in an on-line (only) ad today because the original I put in with them was about 30 days old so as to freshen up to the front of the queue, I thought to repay my ad 600bt again to put it on-line fresh. This time I was told that the Gazette ad would cost me1580bt online which I categorically said I only wanted on-line not newspaper ad.They told me now it will be in both (on-line with 1 picture). Again I went through the explaining about only on-line not newspaper which they were very nice and helpful saying it was in both and the price would be the same even if they canceled the newspaper part of it. From one month it went from 600bt to 1580bt. has anyone else had a problem like mine?

I use ThaiVisa too which is free or a small price to upgrade. They have aThaiVisa sign on their marquee which they have told me at another visit that it is not the place for ThaiVisa ads. Then where is it? Can you tell me? They said it was not in their building, are they right? Anyway I would like to know if anyone else has had problems with that newspaper.


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Classifieds ads on Thaivisa are free ... and can only be placed here ...

As for PG, only commercial ads are charged. Policy here http://www.phuketgazette.net/classifieds/classified_policies.asp

600 baht will only buy you a minimal word advert, image (500 baht) and web link (350 baht) are extra. Tariff is 120 baht per line. Each online ad will be printed in PG the next 2 weeks hard copy free of charge. I suspect the person you talked to misunderstood your requirements. I myself always place ads online here http://www.phuketgazette.net/classifieds/placead.asp

Then you can see immediately the cost and alter to suit your budget. You pay by credit card or copy the reference number and pay at various locations (PG local agents or PG main office).

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The Phuket Gazette ii a monopoly as far as advertising goes in Phuket

When we advertised to buy a house we put regular adds in and they told me

i was not a private buyer and wanted to charge me

They are also very selective in who they allow to respond to the articles in there paper

An example is when they closed the main road over the hill to patong for repairs

My suggestion was do it in the middle hours of the night with 2 lollipop men

controlling the traffic with two-way radios and flood light the work

Of coarse it was never posted

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The Phuket Gazette ii a monopoly as far as advertising goes in Phuket

When we advertised to buy a house we put regular adds in and they told me

i was not a private buyer and wanted to charge me

They are also very selective in who they allow to respond to the articles in there paper

An example is when they closed the main road over the hill to patong for repairs

My suggestion was do it in the middle hours of the night with 2 lollipop men

controlling the traffic with two-way radios and flood light the work

Of coarse it was never posted

I have heard things like this before and can only think that they are maybearrogant or too big. Listen it's not a lot of money but living here 35 yearsyou would think I know what I am doing here but every time I go to PG I am afarang to them I guess, hey I guess it tourist season.


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I feel that TV is rapidly becoming the best place to advertise. It's free, ergonomic and is linked to the best source of info about what you want to buy/sell.

PG is possibly more aimed at the less well informed, perhaps wealthier people checking out Phuket from abroad? Would anyone agree?

I point all my friends to TV for ads etc.

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I feel that TV is rapidly becoming the best place to advertise. It's free, ergonomic and is linked to the best source of info about what you want to buy/sell.

PG is possibly more aimed at the less well informed, perhaps wealthier people checking out Phuket from abroad? Would anyone agree?

I point all my friends to TV for ads etc.

I got a lot better response from PG compared to TV when i Sponsored OOPS sorry advertised

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I feel that TV is rapidly becoming the best place to advertise. It's free, ergonomic and is linked to the best source of info about what you want to buy/sell.

PG is possibly more aimed at the less well informed, perhaps wealthier people checking out Phuket from abroad? Would anyone agree?

I point all my friends to TV for ads etc.

Well, TV is free so no harm done. But in my experience for good response you need PG. I know a lot of people don't like TV for one reason or another, but they do look at PG on occasion.

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I have ordered ad at PG and they are calculating the price online when you enter the text - they add for the link and for printed version. Didnt do that before, but maybe the reason they changed something?

I have a question, some of you mention FREE TV ads - how can be free? Please reffer me to this place :)

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I have ordered ad at PG and they are calculating the price online when you enter the text - they add for the link and for printed version. Didnt do that before, but maybe the reason they changed something?

I have a question, some of you mention FREE TV ads - how can be free? Please reffer me to this place :)

TV classifieds

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