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Are Foreign Devit Cards Forgotten In Machines Just Eaten...

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What happens in this situation?

1. Foreign ATM card (mine is Canadian VISA debit card) used for cash withdrawal. Location is hospital ATM of BKK Bank

2. I take my money and receipt (still have some of first and all of second)

3. I forget to remove card

4. I return to ATM and it is gone (presumably 'eaten')

The helpful staff at Bumrungrad made telephone enquiries to BKK Bank who (they say) informed them that after 30 seconds it would have been sucked back in and destroyed.

Sounds far-fetched to me - maybe taken to branch and await 24 hours for foreign tourist to claim it?

They went so far as to speak to security guard who *says* he viewed video and that no one else came within 30 seconds AND I did take the card. And that I must have lost it in the hospital. Then on a chase to WCs and clinic beds etc. I truly don't remember whether I took it or not. The very helpful customer service girl tested her own card and determined that receipt is indeed printed BEFORE card taken (bad design if you ask me - this scatter brain has to blame somebody!) Guard refued to let me verify by watching footage myself.

Because I happen to have a BKK Bank ATM card of my own (more on that later) I called their 1333 info number at night and found them useless with vague, uncommital and vanned advise...

"cannot verify"

"Call branch tomorrow"

She refused to answer, or did not understand my very specific question:

"What happens if... what is bank policy if..."

This is going to be a major hassle, as my bank can't replace within 3 days. I am buying a ticket out of here.

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Agree with others.. no chance in getting your card back. You needto call yourbank report the card as lost. They will then cancel and send you another card.

If sending to the registered address with the bank, they can normally process and send out immediately.

Most will use standard post, but many ba\nks can also offer a faster FedEx rate and will deduct the charges from your account, if needed urgently.

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It seems there's some question about whether the OP's card actually was swallowed by the ATM, or whether he took the card after the ATM withdrawal and somehow lost it later.

In the event the ATM did swallow the card after it was left in the slot for 30 seconds or so, the card would ultimately be destroyed by BKK Bank staff the next time they service the machine. The ATM doesn't destroy the card itself. But there's also no chance to retrieve the card in that situation.

The only situation where it sometimes is possible to get back a swallowed card is where the ATM is located at an actual branch of the bank if you contact staff there immediately. I got a BKK Bank ATM card back from a BKK Bank branch one time after the ATM swallowed it. I had to come back the next day and show my passport ID to the bank officer who had retrieved my card the day before.

Either way, since the OP appears to have lost control of his card, he needs to call his bank immediately and report the card lost so it can be frozen/deactivated.

PS - Those kinds of situations are a good reason and reminder to carry more than one card when traveling, so you can be sure to have one with funds available as a backup in case needed.

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It seems there's some question about whether the OP's card actually was swallowed by the ATM, or whether he took the card after the ATM withdrawal and somehow lost it later.

In the event the ATM did swallow the card after it was left in the slot for 30 seconds or so, the card would ultimately be destroyed by BKK Bank staff the next time they service the machine. The ATM doesn't destroy the card itself. But there's also no chance to retrieve the card in that situation.

The only situation where it sometimes is possible to get back a swallowed card is where the ATM is located at an actual branch of the bank if you contact staff there immediately. I got a BKK Bank ATM card back from a BKK Bank branch one time after the ATM swallowed it. I had to come back the next day and show my passport ID to the bank officer who had retrieved my card the day before.

Either way, since the OP appears to have lost control of his card, he needs to call his bank immediately and report the card lost so it can be frozen/deactivated.

PS - Those kinds of situations are a good reason and reminder to carry more than one card when traveling, so you can be sure to have one with funds available as a backup in case needed.

The card is not destroyed in the machine.

It would be possible to retrieve a local card.

I had my Thai Farmers ATM card swallowed by another banks ATM (Bangkok Bank I think). I went into the BB branch and reported it and they told me it would be sent by them to the nearest TFB branch (not the branch I hold the account at) to deal with.

I went to the TFB branch they told me they would send it to and reported it there and was told to come back the next day in the afternoon and if it was received they would hold it for me, which they did. I had to provide my passbook and passport copies.

But that was for a local card lost in a branch ATM. In the OPs case with it being a remote ATM and a foreign card he is unlikely to get it returned unless he knows what branch the card would be taken to and can persuade them to return it by providing his proof of identity and ownership of the card.

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people who possess a wealth of no idea such as "destroyed after 30 seconds, never get it back" and the like should refrain from spreading fairy tales based on their assumptions.


Banks would have to order a shredder in every ATM to destroy the cards. Or mabye a blowtorch! I don't think any of the major manufacturers, NCR, Diebold, Nixdorf of Hitachi offer those. Maybe this is a business opportunity for somebody :lol:

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As ianguygil says, no shredding of the card by the machine.

I've seen several instances where cards have been swallowed. And, in all cases the kept card was returned to the traveler after a call to the bank.

The problem is the time for the bank to arrange an authorized person to go open the machine. And, if a holiday or weekend, then more delay.

The return of the card seems to range from one afternoon to three days. The latter due to holidays.


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I've seen several instances where cards have been swallowed. And, in all cases the kept card was returned to the traveler after a call to the bank.

reason: because the shredding dwarf on duty who sits in the machine was on lunch break.

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Only the OP here was talking about the notion that the ATM would destroy his card, which of course is not the case.

But the problem in his case is he thinks he lost his card at a BKK Bank ATM at Bumrungrad Hospital -- not a branch of the bank. Under that circumstance, the chance of getting someone at BKK Bank to find and retrieve the card -- if he lost it there at all -- would seem pretty unlikely.

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Only the OP here was talking about the notion that the ATM would destroy his card, which of course is not the case.

But the problem in his case is he thinks he lost his card at a BKK Bank ATM at Bumrungrad Hospital -- not a branch of the bank. Under that circumstance, the chance of getting someone at BKK Bank to find and retrieve the card -- if he lost it there at all -- would seem pretty unlikely.

We have a full branch on the ground floor right across from Starbucks. It is open on weekends also.

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The Regulations as set out by the Credit Card companies are that any card retained by the machine should not be returned. The reason cards are retained range from machine fault through to fraudulent activity. i.e. someone endeavoring to test a few PIN numbers on a stolen card. A staff member cannot determine from the machine what is the reason for retaining the card at the branch level.

If a Bank returns the card, they can be held liable for any losses subsequently incurred. alweays a good option to have a backup card if travelling away from home.

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Thanks for correcting my info re Bumrungrad, Ian...

Nice to see Dave here... Hope he surfaces in the other thread where folks have been waiting for an answer on BKKB's policy on liability for lost/stolen bank cards for quite some time now.

If a Bank returns the card, they can be held liable for any losses subsequently incurred. alweays a good option to have a backup card if travelling away from home.

PS - I've had BKKB staff at a branch retrieve a BKKB bank card that I'd absent-mindedly left in the ATM one day...and then realized it just as I was walking away but after the machine had swallowed the card.

That's probably a one rare instance where I'd be glad that the bank staff decide not to follow the applicable rules. :)

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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  • 3 months later...

Hope springs eternal in an old man's breast.

Got my card back by main branch of the bank whose ATM swallowed it. Painless. Took three days as I recall. And the security guard at the hospital was incorrect. He assured me he had seen me on the TV monitor or whatever retrieving my card. To be as polite and dipomatic as possible, 'he has vision problems.'

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Hope springs eternal in an old man's breast.

Got my card back by main branch of the bank whose ATM swallowed it. Painless. Took three days as I recall. And the security guard at the hospital was incorrect. He assured me he had seen me on the TV monitor or whatever retrieving my card. To be as polite and dipomatic as possible, 'he has vision problems.'

Interesting... but not about the card swallowed but about your inconsistencies...

- so you are using a foreign bank ATM card... even though you hate all those fees and the lousy exchange rates...

- so you have a BKK bank account... even though you claim in other threads to not trust, not want to pay transfer fees...

- so you had troubles paying your ticket out, even though you claim to always travel with "wads of cash"...

you sound more and more like fake...

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Swiss1960 wrote: "Interesting... but not about the card swallowed but about your inconsistencies..."

I am human therefore inconsistent.

Firstly, there is what is ideal and the compromises I accept (however reluctantly and with however much belly-aching) for convenience. Secondly, my financial status has changed considerably recently. Thirdly, I like to keep pieces of my assets in different places, in different countries, and in different forms - some in precious metals, some in currency, some in ATM accessible bank accounts. I have no idea what will appreciate and what will fail. Some asstes are in overseas, and some is back home. I also like to keep some in Yuan, some in C$, plus some in local currencies for spending in S.E. Asia. I don't find this strange. The only thing strange is the disconnect between my goals and the reality - politically and financially.

I just have a pot to piss in. I am not some jet-setting millionaire. I am definiely not a sophisticated investor. I am an idealistic ex-profesional, now unemployed, who has never handled serious money before. And I like to talk as I am a 'consumate bullshitter', i.e. a kibbitzer. But not fake or a liar. I suppose this is the time to challenge you to a duel. But I dislike the argumentative tone of forums.

Let it be.

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