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NACC Begins Probe Into Suphoth Case


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NACC begins probe into Suphoth case

The Nation


The National Anti-Corruption Commission yesterday launched a graft investigation into Transport Ministry permanent secretary Suphoth Sublom's alleged amassing of wealth, and impounded Bt15 million in cash pending the outcome of the probe.

"The probe has stemmed from an unusually large amount of cash stolen from Suphoth's home," NACC secretary-general Apinan Isarangura na Ayutthaya said.

The investigation panel will be jointly led by two NACC members, Jaided Pornchaiya and Preecha Lertkamolmart, he said.

Police recovery of more than Bt15 million in stolen cash led to doubts on how Suphoth came to be in possession of the money, he said.

Suphoth did not report any changes in his net worth of Bt15 million since assuming office in 2010, Apinan said.

The probe panel will focus on answering three questions: whether Suphoth filed a false assets statement; whether he amassed ill-gotten gains; and whether he was involved in any irregularities.

The panel has the mandate to check into Suphoth's assets without having to seek cooperation from the Anti-Money-Laundering Office.

Suphoth is expected to be summoned to give a statement on the whole incident. The police report on the break-in into Suphoth's home on November 12 will be factored into the graft probe.

Under the anti-graft law, the NACC has the mandate to grant immunity to suspects who agree to become a prosecution witness in a corruption trial.

Weerasak Chualee, a key suspect at the centre of the burglary at Suphoth's Bangkok home, who remains at large, is critical to the police investigation into who ordered the heist and allegedly received Bt200 million of stolen cash, a senior policeman said yesterday.

Weerasak has reportedly fled to Laos and is staying with a local businessman with whom he runs an illegal logging business, said Pol Maj-General Ronnasill Phoosara, the chief detective attached to the Metropolitan Police Bureau, who heads the investigation into the high-profile case.

Three other suspects on the run are likely still to be in Thailand, he added.

The officer said he was confident that police would soon arrest Weerasak and three other fugitive suspects. Seven suspects are already in police or court custody.

The newly appointed Metropolitan Police Bureau chief, Pol Maj-General Winai Thongsong, said about Bt26 million was stolen from Suphoth's house, including the Bt16 million seized from the seven suspects who are now in custody. Suphoth told the police he was robbed of about Bt5 million.

Another suspect, Chayathat Jannachai, who turned himself in to police, was taken into court custody yesterday. He denied all the charges levelled against him of armed burglary, coercion, carrying firearms without good reasons, and possession of stolen items.


-- The Nation 2011-11-23

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As someone has mentioned, this could be made into a movie. It might be a good History channel documentary, but who could survive the inquires that would be required, just to follow this dog and pony show? The 3 points of question/ investigation should be fairly straight forward to answer, but sometimes the system seems blind, deaf and mute.

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The true tragedy of this affair, is that NOTHING will happen. The foxes that rob the hen house will never give up one of their own. Because the news was so astonishing ( for the amount, not the fact cash was stashed in a government official's home), the NAAC is obligated to do something in order to justify their existence and make the government look " anti-corruption". The reality is that some cock and bull story will be produced, such as he was holding the money for a wealthy friend. The wedding dowry story was made up on the spur of the moment, and did not fly very well.... :rolleyes:

Then the news will slowly fade away, and there will never be a follow up. This is what has always happened when a corrupt hand is caught in the cookie jar, and this is what what will always happen until the Thai people get fed up with this corruption cr*p. The money this guy had is from regular Thai people in the form of tax money.

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Transport Ministry shaken by top official's cash: Sukumpol

The Nation

The discovery of more than Bt15 million in cash stolen from the home of Transport permanent secretary Suphoth Sublom has shocked and shaken the ministry.

"The controversial cash involving Suphoth is quite a shock," Transport Minister Sukumpol Suwanatat said on Wednesday.

Sukumpol said in his capacity as the political overseer, he was obligated to appoint a fact-finding committee to uncover how Suphoth came to possess so much cash.

"I named a neutral official to lead the investigation so as to avoid speculation about framing or faulting Suphoth," he said.

PM's Office permanent secretary Tongthong Chandransu would head the fact-finding probe which is an internal check to decide whether to target Suphoth for disciplinary and criminal proceedings.

The fact finding is a separate work from the ongoing graft probe conducted by the National Anti Corruption Commission.

The minister said before the cash discovery, he had no problem working with Suphoth whom he found to be a capable official.

He dismissed any linkage between the censure debate led by the Pheu Thai Party when it was in the opposition and Suphoth finding himself in a hot seat.


-- The Nation 2011-11-23

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Is it me or nobody is asking where is the rest of the money? the one the burglars couldn't take away (note to self, when planning a heist on a government civil servant's home bring an 18 wheeler to haul the loot)

Some one already had that idea ???

I dont know if it has 18 wheels though !!!! So where is the 700 - 1000 million baht that has reportedly been seen by the burglars in the civil servants house???? Why do the numbers involvded in this case always seem to be changing so much?

Maybe other Govt officials / politicians have realised they need to keep their assets somewhere else too!!!!


Edited by daiwill60
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A Probe against Transport Permanent Secretary Launched

The transport permanent secretary was assigned to an inactive post at the PM's Office during a probe to investigate his unusual wealth.

Transport Minister Sukumpol Suwanatat revealed that transport Permanent Secretary Supoj Saplom has been moved to an inactive post at the PM's Office following a scandal concerning his unusual wealth.

Deputy Transport Permanent Secretary Silpachai Charukasemrattana was appointed as the acting permanent secretary.

The Transport Ministry has assigned the PM's Office Permanent Secretary Thongthong Chandrangsu to head the fact-finding panel investigating Supoj's scandal case.

At the same time, Office of National Anti Corruption Commission or NACC Secretary-General Apinant Isarangkura na Ayudhaya reiterated that the NACC has also established a special panel to investigate whether Supoj falsely reported his wealth on his account declaring personal property and assets, as he has accumulated unusual wealth and may have been involved in malfeasance.

He said the special panel is headed by NACC Commissioner Jaidet Pornchaiya, while Preecha Lertkamalart will be a sub-committee member.

The two were urged to prioritize the case and to expedite the investigation process in accordance with the stipulated law before forwarding the case to the NACC.


-- Tan Network 2011-11-23


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Here is a free tip to the Transportation Ministry that seems so " shocked " by the discovery of this money. Simply go to each of the contractors that built roads that Suphoth had control over the contracts. Then ask each of them how much they had to pay him. Then add up all these sums. Bingo !! Case solved in two days, no need for long term foot dragging....

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I am led to believe that these thieves are really quite honest. Of the money that they stole, they have returned all of it? They didn't spend any? None was stashed or given to family or friends?

They're probably just in shock. There they were expecting to get a couple of mill from the wedding, and they come across a billion baht instead. :whistling:

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It sounded from the article that the whole burglary was a set up. It may have been set up to expose his corruption, something that would be very difficult to do as long as the money was not found.

At any rate, the cat is now out of the bag.

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It sounds more like the son of the fired assistant (or whatever his mom was for Suphoth) got angry, had heard his mom angrily mention that he had a lot of money at home but couldn't even pay the full severance pay and then decided to rob the house in revenge...thinking Suphoth couldn't possibly be stupid enough to contact the police to report illegal money being stolen. Which he didn't, sadly the maid however did...

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This is definitely the funniest Thailand story to emerge in a long time. I don't know if Supoj is guilty of malfeasance or not but undoubtedly there are people in his position in many Thai ministries and state enterprises who are posing as well educated, honest and respectable poo yai sacrificing themselves for the country on meagre salaries, while actually systematically looting hundreds of millions of baht from taxpayers and cynically depriving them of government goods and services they are entitled to, so they can live lives of luxury and send their arrogant, worthless brats to overseas universities and have them follow in their corrupt footsteps. The contradictory and shifty stories that have emerged in this case create a strong impression that we are dealing with anything but an honest man here.

For the police Christmas has come early this year. And we haven't even started to consider the potential demands for a cut from the Happy Toilet family. I can't wait to see what kind of incredible story is going to be concocted to cover everyone's tracks and let them get back to the corrupt business as usual that passes for government.

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It sounded from the article that the whole burglary was a set up. It may have been set up to expose his corruption, something that would be very difficult to do as long as the money was not found.

At any rate, the cat is now out of the bag.

Definitely there is an element of set up. It looks like the burglars were mere pawns in the game but we will never know the whole story.

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Supposing (just supposin) he could have made the numbers add up.

Imagine, no need for an investigation.

This story will run and run, but nobody will ever hear the end. Which allows lots of scope for soap operas ---- it never stops -- ever -- ever--- ever.

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This is definitely the funniest Thailand story to emerge in a long time. I don't know if Supoj is guilty of malfeasance or not but undoubtedly there are people in his position in many Thai ministries and state enterprises who are posing as well educated, honest and respectable poo yai sacrificing themselves for the country on meagre salaries, while actually systematically looting hundreds of millions of baht from taxpayers and cynically depriving them of government goods and services they are entitled to, so they can live lives of luxury and send their arrogant, worthless brats to overseas universities and have them follow in their corrupt footsteps. The contradictory and shifty stories that have emerged in this case create a strong impression that we are dealing with anything but an honest man here.

For the police Christmas has come early this year. And we haven't even started to consider the potential demands for a cut from the Happy Toilet family. I can't wait to see what kind of incredible story is going to be concocted to cover everyone's tracks and let them get back to the corrupt business as usual that passes for government.

Good post Arkady, A sad familiar story with a touch of good old fashioned humour thrown in to the mix, I await developments with more than a passing interest ;)
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AMLO to assist in Suphoth graft probe


The Anti-Money-Laundering Office is helping the national anti-graft agency investigate the source of millions of baht in cash involved in a robbery at the house of suspended Transport Ministry permanent secretary Suphoth Sublom, the AMLO chief said yesterday.

Seehanart Prayoonrat, the caretaker secretary-general of the AMLO, said the agency would investigate "all relevant monetary aspects" of the affair, and not only the Bt15 million allegedly stolen from Suphoth's house.

The National Anti-Corruption Commission on Tuesday launched an investigation to determine whether Suphoth had filed a false assets statement with the NACC, whether he had amassed ill-gotten gains, and whether he was involved in any irregularities. The anti-graft agency also impounded the Bt15 million in cash retrieved from the robbers pending the probe's outcome.

Seehanart said yesterday that because of the NACC's lack of expertise and special tools in tracing the source of the money, his agency would help fill the gap. He added that the AMLO would submit its findings to the NACC.

"The AMLO has worked closely with the police investigators and we now have some information on this case. In the next step we will conduct a monetary investigation," Seehanart said. But he refused to discuss the matter in detail.

Meanwhile, MP Korkaew Pikulthong of the ruling Pheu Thai Party yesterday tried to link the scandal to the previous transport minister, Sophon Saram, and Sophon's "boss". He called on the AMLO and the NACC to investigate Sophon.

"If Suphoth really has Bt100 million in cash at his home, the former transport minister may have Bt1 billion at his home, and the former transport minister's boss may have Bt10 billion," Korkaew said, referring to banned politician Newin Chidchob.

Suphoth became the top permanent official at the Transport Ministry in 2009, during the tenure of the previous Democrat-led government.

Opposition Democrat MP Watchara Phetthong yesterday called on the AMLO to confiscate Suphoth's assets believed to have been obtained dishonestly. He also said the NACC should be tough on politicians suspected of being corrupt.

In a related development, Prime Minister's Office permanent secretary Tongthong Chandrangsu, who was appointed by the transport minister to head a fact-finding team to investigate the graft allegation against Suphoth, said yesterday that he would try to complete the task as soon as possible.

He said he expected the probe to begin tomorrow. (Nov 25).

"If the fact-finding team finds some ground to believe there was irregularity, we will suggest establishment of disciplinary investigation," he said.

"We are not setting a timetable for the task to be completed. It depends on the amount of work. But we will try to complete the task as soon as possible."

Deputy Prime Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit said yesterday about his order transferring Sopoth to the PM’s Office last Friday that because he wanted to clear the way for any investigation related to Suphoth case.

"We have to care about people thinking. Most people believe that the issue was unusual so I had to moved him suddenly although the result was not available," Yongyuth said.

Meanwhile a key suspect in the high-profile burglary which exposed Transport Ministry permanent secreatry Suphoth Sublom’s alleged corruption, Praphan Ruengkhrua, yesterday surrendered to police, and denied he had Bt9 million in cash stolen in the heist with him.

He denied all wrongdoing after a two-hour questioning, and said he only knew Bunsueb Jomekan, a suspect in custody, only because he was a colleague at a THAI Airways workplace. Praphan is in custody of Wang Thong Lang police and will likely be put in court custody today.

Citing his alibi, Praphan said he was driving a commuter boat in Pathum Thani, and that he had no idea why Bunsueb told police that he had Bt9 million with him. Reporters present during a police press conference yesterday said Praphan was unusally excited and not speaking naturally, while asking his brother lawyer to answer many questions.


-- The Nation 2011-11-24

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If your not guilty, you can't be set up. In any civilized country he would be in jail alreay instead of looking for the thieves.

No he wouldn't. He would be free until a case could be made. What has occured here so far is hearsay, numbers being thrown around that don't add up, unsubstantiated allegations and supposition. He's probably dirty alright, but thusfar the case has yet to be made.

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a probe ? what we can expected ? a long winding story until everyone forget about it ?

a probe on a 'little potato' ? there are many big tigers still display their money as usual :-)

I was thinking the same thing. This guy is a bit of small fry, with supposedly a billion baht at his home. Hard to even imagine what the big fish have stashed in their mansions... What a sickening process, this endless looting of the government. Hey maybe this is a good time for a Robin Hood. ! Rob the mansions full of corruption cash, then give the money back to poor people in Isan !!!

I was traveling with a Thai guy who did not really speak English. The truck hit a hit a pothole in the middle of good highway. He looked over at me, smiled, and said

" corruption !! ". So everyone knows what is going on, but nothing is ever done. Maybe a bit like the jet ski scam, with so much money at stake nothing will EVER be done.

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Unsurprisingly the case is now being used to target Supoj's boss under the previous government, the Bhumjai Thai minister and his boss Newin. It is not clear whether that was the intended target all along but I suspect it is just a target of opportunity seized on by red shirt scavengers. While both must have salted away hundreds of millions during their control of the ministry, Newin is a teflon man as far as corruption charges are concerned. They never stick to him. More likely the whole thing was set up by other corrupt ministry officials who felt Supoj was unfairly hogging the trough and thought it was time for him to move over. Perhaps he was also perceived to have got too cosy with Newin and his boy at the ministry, so PT gave the green light for him to be offed. A lot of senior Interior Ministry officials are also now paying for their closeness to the Buriram football enthusiast with inactive posts.

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Unsurprisingly the case is now being used to target Supoj's boss under the previous government, the Bhumjai Thai minister and his boss Newin. It is not clear whether that was the intended target all along but I suspect it is just a target of opportunity seized on by red shirt scavengers. While both must have salted away hundreds of millions during their control of the ministry, Newin is a teflon man as far as corruption charges are concerned. They never stick to him. More likely the whole thing was set up by other corrupt ministry officials who felt Supoj was unfairly hogging the trough and thought it was time for him to move over. Perhaps he was also perceived to have got too cosy with Newin and his boy at the ministry, so PT gave the green light for him to be offed. A lot of senior Interior Ministry officials are also now paying for their closeness to the Buriram football enthusiast with inactive posts.

If you have any evidence for any of these "hogging the trough" thoughts, it would be interesting to see it.Otherwise it's just ill informed speculation.Somehow you have introduced "red scavengers" to the picture as well not to mention the PT giving the green light for Supoth to be "offed"!

Sometimes the most obvious explanation is the most likely, namely the likelihood that a corrupt official has been exposed, possibly quite inadvertently.Who knows what the full background is but it would seem sensible to defer complicated analyses until the picture is clearer.

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If you have any evidence for any of these "hogging the trough" thoughts, it would be interesting to see it.Otherwise it's just ill informed speculation.Somehow you have introduced "red scavengers" to the picture as well not to mention the PT giving the green light for Supoth to be "offed"!

Sometimes the most obvious explanation is the most likely, namely the likelihood that a corrupt official has been exposed, possibly quite inadvertently.Who knows what the full background is but it would seem sensible to defer complicated analyses until the picture is clearer.

I'm beginning to doubt the "inadvertently" part.

Meanwhile, MP Korkaew Pikulthong of the ruling Pheu Thai Party yesterday tried to link the scandal to the previous transport minister, Sophon Saram, and Sophon's "boss". He called on the AMLO and the NACC to investigate Sophon.

"If Suphoth really has Bt100 million in cash at his home, the former transport minister may have Bt1 billion at his home, and the former transport minister's boss may have Bt10 billion," Korkaew said, referring to banned politician Newin Chidchob.

I wonder if this could lead to a defamation suit ... or maybe not given the can of worms it could open.

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