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Wife Parents Selling Her Land


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As others have said, need to get to the bottom of "why" the land was placed in the father's name not the daughter's if she was buying it.

If everything is as you've explained, and there wasn't anything paid by the father etc, then I'd say, that you should make them a counter off, 20k commission to the parents, and 100% of the value of the land to her.

If they don't agree, then take whatever they give you (Even if that's nothing), and then promise them that they'll never see a single penny from you.

If they want to rip off their own daughter, then that's an absolutely brilliant way to alienate both their daughter and her farang husband. And I'm sure, that as a guy in his 20s with a long working life ahead of them, that you and your wife's contributions towards their family would be significantly more than the 100k or so bhat that they're trying to steal from her.

When they've spent their money in a year or two, and are asking you for assistance in paying back their loans or whatever else they'll ask for, you can then take great pleasure by saying "Maii Chaii, Som Nam Naaa" (Som Nam Naa is probably one of my favourite Thai phrases lol, it just brings me soo much pleasure every time lol)

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Hi, thanks for all the replies. It was just a rant of mine anyway. The money and land belongs to my wife so she can do anything she wants to it. However incidentally, money that is mine, she has a say to it as well...

She told me the land was registered in her father's name because she doesnt have a blue book and it appears that to register land in your name, you needed to have a blue book? (I am not exactly sure of this but she was young when she bought the land, maybe that is why she let her parents safeguard but thing to note is her parents never gave a baht to finance the land) One of the reason I am not keen to sell the land is because it has been aprpeciating. 2 years ago, we got a 200k offer, last year 250k, now 310k. To add, not all the land in this moo ban is appreciating, ours is one of the vew few due to the very good proximity at the entrance of the moo ban. You know right typical moo bans go all the way in...deep inside sometimes on narrow road. This land sits almost at the mouth of the exit.

We dont exactly need money for any big item purchase so I will be keen to see how much that land can rise though it is without chanote. The land is only half rai, small but enough to build a house and good access to a main road. I have seen the land myself, was suitable for farming small crops as well but having said that, it is located in a moo ban so building a house is the obvious choice. I was told the buyer is intending to build a house as well.

The reason my wife bought the land was to build a house there. Obviously she hadn't met me at that point in time, I wouldn't want to live so close to her parents...

On why her parents want 100k for the sale of the land, well, they have their excuses (typical ones)...which i wouldn't trust but my wife will. We are in a fix as my wife has quite abit of her jewellery (Including those I gave her for marriage) in her parent's home. We havent had a chance to take time back as I havent been to her parent's home since 2008. Her mother visits us here and she goes home like twice a year too but never brings them back, says she is scared...well woman...hehe

So I will be escorting her in Songkran to bring back whatever jewellery we have. I guess we still need her parents as we need them to babysit our children while we have a short holiday so I can consider that as babysit fee. Morever my wife said they wont ask for money anymore given that this is considered a large sum to them.

We will see...but recently I just realised she lent her cousin 20k and has been on loan for almost a year as well! I nearly flipped when I found out but that is another story...

My understanding is you don't have to have a blue book, just be registered in any ones blue book as do all Thais.

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Thai culture is different to western thought, the father is head of the family and that includes son in laws.. We have a business here and my FIL honestly believes I should give him all the money each month so he can dispense it as he sees fix. This has lead To many arguments, as he often makes decisions about our business without getting my OK and he is thick as pig shit, but he thinks he knows best. There are only 2 options, try and work around the family system or cut all ties and live as far away as possible. Jim

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its not your wifes land its her fathers and your lucky they are not taking it all IMO No way would any of my wifes land or property be in her family's name in fact a lot of it is in our childrens name since although my wife would not allow it their could be a little pressure should i pop it to do something weve totally refused to do in 15+ years. It was probably a bit of a mistake putting so much in our children's names since as our lawyer warned it cant be sold until they are 20 and since weve been busy selling most of our assets and taking money out in case that nice person Taksin manages to turn Thailand into his own state.

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Lets see the woman in question saves her own cash to buy some land. For whatever reason she registers same land in her fathers name. Land is now being sold and father (parents) demand 33%.

How typically Thai -- a society so corrupt and sick that instead of protecting their children they feel it is acceptable to sell them, prostitute them and rip them off. Wow Thai kids sure do pay a heavy price.

Me I'd take the 33% loss and sever all links with the greedy barstewards.

When you make obscene and absurd comments like "How typically Thai -- a society so corrupt and sick that instead of protecting their children they feel it is acceptable to sell them, prostitute them and rip them off....," then you are going to get responses that you probably are not going to like.

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When my friend's grandfather was terminally ill, he made out a will which gave his three kids equal shares of land in Phuket. After he died, my friend's uncle asked her mother if he could get someone to farm her share of the land, which he would manage as he would be living on his parcel. She agreed. This was about 15 years ago. Last year, when she needed some medical care, she wanted to see how much her land was worth, but to her surprise, her brother had somehow gotten her parcel into his name when their father died.

My friend is incensed and wants to pursue it, but her mother can't believe that her older brother had any ulterior motives and all of this must be a mistake which her brother will rectify on his own.

My friend's mother cannot read, and my friend thinks that the "lease agreement" that her mother signed so the land could be farmed was actually a document giving her brother her land.

My partners sister stole land from their mother in a similar way.

Mother and father couldn't read or write, sister went to the Amphur office to transfer land from Father to Mother, but accidentally put it in her own name. Mother only found out when Father died.

Edited by ludditeman
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When my friend's grandfather was terminally ill, he made out a will which gave his three kids equal shares of land in Phuket. After he died, my friend's uncle asked her mother if he could get someone to farm her share of the land, which he would manage as he would be living on his parcel. She agreed. This was about 15 years ago. Last year, when she needed some medical care, she wanted to see how much her land was worth, but to her surprise, her brother had somehow gotten her parcel into his name when their father died.

My friend is incensed and wants to pursue it, but her mother can't believe that her older brother had any ulterior motives and all of this must be a mistake which her brother will rectify on his own.

My friend's mother cannot read, and my friend thinks that the "lease agreement" that her mother signed so the land could be farmed was actually a document giving her brother her land.

My partners sister stole land from their mother in a similar way.

Mother and father couldn't read or write, sister went to the Amphur office to transfer land from Father to Mother, but accidentally put it in her own name. Mother only found out when Father died.

I hear this sort of thing all the time and have to say we as farangs just don't understand how things work. If the land was transferred at the amphor office, chances are they didn't own it in the first place, but merely rent it off the crown. To do the transfer the mother would need to be there with the father. Then comes the question of who is paying the taxes and using the land. It's a case of use it or lose it. We never get the whole story. Jim
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How do you know that the prospective buyer has offered 310000 baht for the land? Sometimes the land purchase price is decreased on paper for tax purposes, when often the actual purchase price can be much higher.

If your wife has given an alleged loan of 20000 baht to her cousin without your prior knowledge, then it appears she has her own agenda that does not include you. In many cases when family are involved, it is wise not to expect payback of a loan, and then you won’t be disappointed.

Personally, if it were me, I would not accept what my wife is doing without involving me as the husband, otherwise what’s the point of having a partner who treats you like an idiot or not worthy enough to become involved with her and her family’s business. Plus of course how could you ever trust someone like that?

Anyway, good luck and hope you get this matter resolved.

Edited by astral
No need to quote the entire post. Just pick out the relevant points, please - Astral
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She told me the land was registered in her father's name because she doesnt have a blue book and it appears that to register land in your name, you needed to have a blue book?

This all sounds very dodgy. :whistling:

If she has no Tabien Bahn, then how does she have an id card?

How did you manage to get legally married at the amphur office?

At the very least she will be on the Tabien Bahn of her parents.....

I don't think we, or perhaps you, are getting the full story.

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She told me the land was registered in her father's name because she doesn't have a blue book and it appears that to register land in your name, you needed to have a blue book?

This all sounds very dodgy. :whistling:

If she has no Tabina Ban, then how does she have an id card?

How did you manage to get legally married at the amour office?

At the very least she will be on the Tabina Ban of her parents.....

I don't think we, or perhaps you, are getting the full story.

Could she have bought the land before she was old enough to actually have it put in the blue book, there for having to put it in her Fathers name.

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She told me the land was registered in her father's name because she doesn't have a blue book and it appears that to register land in your name, you needed to have a blue book?

This all sounds very dodgy. :whistling:

If she has no Tabina Ban, then how does she have an id card?

How did you manage to get legally married at the amour office?

At the very least she will be on the Tabina Ban of her parents.....

I don't think we, or perhaps you, are getting the full story.

Could she have bought the land before she was old enough to actually have it put in the blue book, there for having to put it in her Fathers name.

Our daughter who is 3 weeks old is already in our blue book so....unless she bought the land a couple of days after she arrived on this earth then this is really no reason.

If she was not in any blue book the logically course of action would be to go to the district department and have your name put in parents book (which takes about 10 minutes), then go and register the land in your own name...if she is too ignorant to even do this what is she doing buying land anyways?

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She told me the land was registered in her father's name because she doesn't have a blue book and it appears that to register land in your name, you needed to have a blue book?

This all sounds very dodgy. :whistling:

If she has no Tabina Ban, then how does she have an id card?

How did you manage to get legally married at the amour office?

At the very least she will be on the Tabina Ban of her parents.....

I don't think we, or perhaps you, are getting the full story.

Could she have bought the land before she was old enough to actually have it put in the blue book, there for having to put it in her Fathers name.

How would a girl that young come up with 75K in cash on her own? None of this makes any sense.

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Who holds Chanute? Who sold land to your wife? Does she have proof of ownership? If it is her land then she does not have to sell. But if she put it in her dads name, it is technically his land. :whistling:


Try reading the OP.

OP's wife bought some land to her father's name.

So paid by OP's wife.

And her father hold's the title.

Parents been actually nice here, willing to give 67% to the daughter who financed their investment to the land. Better rate than banks or SET offer.

I would suggest that you try readiing the Op again. Plus the op title? As I am sure the daughter did not mean the investment to be for her parents? Then try re reading my post, or at least my last sentence.

Edited by jimbeam1
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Lets see the woman in question saves her own cash to buy some land. For whatever reason she registers same land in her fathers name. Land is now being sold and father (parents) demand 33%.

How typically Thai -- a society so corrupt and sick that instead of protecting their children they feel it is acceptable to sell them, prostitute them and rip them off. Wow Thai kids sure do pay a heavy price.

Me I'd take the 33% loss and sever all links with the greedy barstewards.

When you make obscene and absurd comments like "How typically Thai -- a society so corrupt and sick that instead of protecting their children they feel it is acceptable to sell them, prostitute them and rip them off....," then you are going to get responses that you probably are not going to like.

That statement is not all that absurd or sick. It is quite accurate in many respects though obviously it does not apply to 100% of the population it does apply to significant numbers. Even well respected Thai journalists have written about such issues in society. Cheating, corruption, greed, impunity, and educational levels all contribute to these issues.

I had an experience with a lovely intelligent, somewhat educated Thai woman whose family proved to be awful, both to her and to themselves. Not easy to find conscienceness and morality though it does exist.

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She told me the land was registered in her father's name because she doesnt have a blue book and it appears that to register land in your name, you needed to have a blue book?

This all sounds very dodgy. :whistling:

If she has no Tabien Bahn, then how does she have an id card?

How did you manage to get legally married at the amphur office?

At the very least she will be on the Tabien Bahn of her parents.....

I don't think we, or perhaps you, are getting the full story.

I am not up on Thai laws of land ownership. I am puzzled by the fact? That there is no Chanute, as I believe that this is an title deed, for proof on ownership? Does anyone know the legality of this? :wai:


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My wife just sold a land owned by her deceased father but paid by her. Her mother took all of the sales proceed. For me, am an outsider and this is her family affair so i just stay out of it. Frankly, why bother when it's not my money but try selling my children's land and i will let the hounds of hell loose.

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When I read such stories the Oscar winning 'Secrets and Lies' springs to mind. I am sure the Farang who posed this question is a nice guy,but could well be perceived by his wife's family and community as 'that stupid Falang' He appears to be in his early twenties and already has two children. This would suggest his wife was in her teens when she managed to find 70,000+ baht to buy a plot of land. I can only conclude that she received a dowry from a Thai suitor, or that she was financed by an earlier Farang beau. Nothing intrinsically wrong with this, although it would be reasonable for the questioner to know the facts Anyway the land appears to have now been sold to a third party and the in-laws have trousered 120,000 baht. Now is the time for the family to have a 'second bite at the cherry'. This young family will doubtless be looking for a further plot of land on which to build their dream home. Up steps this new foreigner with a 200,000 or so to buy a new plot of land which is placed in his in-laws name (It is, apparently 'good luck' to do this). And so the cycle continues. I hope this guy only ever parts with money that he can afford to lose

Edited by astral
No need to shout in bold type
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When I read such stories the Oscar winning 'Secrets and Lies' springs to mind. I am sure the Farang who posed this question is a nice guy,but could well be perceived by his wife's family and community as 'that stupid Falang' He appears to be in his early twenties and already has two children. This would suggest his wife was in her teens when she managed to find 70,000+ baht to buy a plot of land.

Quite a lot of young foreign guys get snagged by bar girls 10-15 years older than them.

They don't understand Thailand, what is happening, or what is available to them.

(I have met at least 3 foreign guys in their 20s with older ex-bar girl wives in their 30s in the last year alone)

Not saying this is the case here, but merely pointing out the error of your assumptions.

Edited by ludditeman
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She told me the land was registered in her father's name because she doesnt have a blue book and it appears that to register land in your name, you needed to have a blue book?

This all sounds very dodgy. :whistling:

If she has no Tabien Bahn, then how does she have an id card?

How did you manage to get legally married at the amphur office?

At the very least she will be on the Tabien Bahn of her parents.....

I don't think we, or perhaps you, are getting the full story.


Something definately doesn't sound right,including the Gold,failing to make an appearance?

And is it just me? or does 310,000 Baht sound too much for half a Rai of land? in the boonies.

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She told me the land was registered in her father's name because she doesnt have a blue book and it appears that to register land in your name, you needed to have a blue book?

This all sounds very dodgy. :whistling:

If she has no Tabien Bahn, then how does she have an id card?

How did you manage to get legally married at the amphur office?

At the very least she will be on the Tabien Bahn of her parents.....

I don't think we, or perhaps you, are getting the full story.


Something definately doesn't sound right,including the Gold,failing to make an appearance?

And is it just me? or does 310,000 Baht sound too much for half a Rai of land? in the boonies.

Editing/Formatting another poster's quote is against forum rules.

I suggest you read the forum rules or you may be given a little holiday.

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She told me the land was registered in her father's name because she doesnt have a blue book and it appears that to register land in your name, you needed to have a blue book?

This all sounds very dodgy. :whistling:

If she has no Tabien Bahn, then how does she have an id card?

How did you manage to get legally married at the amphur office?

At the very least she will be on the Tabien Bahn of her parents.....

I don't think we, or perhaps you, are getting the full story.


Something definately doesn't sound right,including the Gold,failing to make an appearance?

And is it just me? or does 310,000 Baht sound too much for half a Rai of land? in the boonies.

Tend to agree ;). Think the OP is a little in the dark here. :(

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She told me the land was registered in her father's name because she doesnt have a blue book and it appears that to register land in your name, you needed to have a blue book?

This all sounds very dodgy. :whistling:

If she has no Tabien Bahn, then how does she have an id card?

How did you manage to get legally married at the amphur office?

At the very least she will be on the Tabien Bahn of her parents.....

I don't think we, or perhaps you, are getting the full story.


Something definately doesn't sound right,including the Gold,failing to make an appearance?

And is it just me? or does 310,000 Baht sound too much for half a Rai of land? in the boonies.

Editing/Formatting another poster's quote is against forum rules.

I suggest you read the forum rules or you may be given a little holiday.

Perhaps you should apply for the job eh. :rolleyes:

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