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Bad Falang Or Bad Wife


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i have been here 11 years and when i first came all falangs said hi and got on with each other.

o i am in Sukhothai not BKK or Pats SO there is not so many up here,but you meet someone

and they are ok then the TW gets involved and the falang goes awol; then you hear he has got

millions and they are to good to speak to us poor falangs.

Then they try and bye a better car ,but all the do is put themselfs into more debt.

why is it with falangs dont they remeber their roots.

i'm sure you will all have your say

KDA ON TOUR :violin: :jerk: :redcard1::fight:

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It's something to do with the OP having his feelings hurt because the rich farangs won't talk to him because he's poor and the wives are to blame and they buy new cars....blah blah blah. I might understand better if someone can translate the OP's rant to English.

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I say better to move to a place where they ain't got no falangs then you ain't got nothin' to prove to nobody...

'and why do you find it necessary to wander about your house in just your underwear, (cough) tutsi?'

'that truck you got must pre-date the stone age...(ahem) tutsi'

'and you sure do drink a lot of vodka (ahem)tutsi...what's wrong with the local beer?'

a man's home is his castle to be defended from blaspheming invaders...falang or not...and I quite like being an eccentric local object of affection and I do wear shorts and a t-shirt to the market and attended by delectable teenaged nieces and nobody can say nothin' about nothin', godammit...

but then, it may all be a tissue of lies...a fragile house of cards imminently to collapse...and what shall happen to tutsi then?

well, I got a new AC unit in the bedroom and can always pull the covers over my heid...:(

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