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Just an observation. If you're the kinda guy who's lived a fairly boring life, and coming to Thailand, doing the scene, is considered adventurous and a bit out of the norm, then a lot may sound like lies to you. Sometimes the perspective is the problem.

Very well put!!

I seem to be the opposite, I've led an adventurous life, even spent 3 years in the SAS, I came to Thailand looking for a happily boring retired old age in a quiet village. Instead I've had coups, street riots and fighting, a tsunami and two floods. Where did I go wrong?blink.gif

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Just an observation. If you're the kinda guy who's lived a fairly boring life, and coming to Thailand, doing the scene, is considered adventurous and a bit out of the norm, then a lot may sound like lies to you. Sometimes the perspective is the problem.

Very well put!!

I seem to be the opposite, I've led an adventurous life, even spent 3 years in the SAS, I came to Thailand looking for a happily boring retired old age in a quiet village. Instead I've had coups, street riots and fighting, a tsunami and two floods. Where did I go wrong?blink.gif

Have we met before?


If the girl was so hot why did you not bring her home with your car instead of dropping her at the BTS?

Sounds weird to me :)

I dont like driving back from where she stays i always end up in china town and always get lost for hours. Better for her and me that she went BTS.

Stop trolling.

On topic please.,

So what is the topic, your hot date or weirdo's. If it is just weirdo's, then I fail to see why your hot date was even brought up. I guess it sounds a little weird to me too.


On the other hand, there is a Special Forces Association here in Bangkok, and they vet their people pretty closely, so yes, there are some snake-eaters in the country.  Not all are wannabes.  And by pure statistical chance, there has to be some SAS, SEALs, Marine Recon, CIA, etc.  here as well. 

There's some guys working for Contractors that lead interesting lives.

I met someone who was a medic assigned to a chopper that was involved in cocaine crop destruction in Columbia.

The stories he told were pretty interesting.


Seems this thread has turned into "its impossible to meet a Chinese/Thai or Thai/Chinese" girl or whatever you wanna call them.

Its sooooooo easy to get decent girls if you know where to look ;).

I feel sorry for most of you as most seem to think its impossible :D Infact hilarious :D

Well after all TITV :D

I don't see the facination with chinese girls.

So are most people here of the opinion that chinese girls are superior, and Thai girls are never decent.

> want to hear more about this so-called Chinese girl from the OP...is this mainland, taiwan, hk, macau, overseas chinese, or bangkok hiso? so many varieties...so little time

> Thai/Chinese Chinese/Thai Thainese/Chai Chai/Thainese whatever you wanna call them. I prefer Thainese. Are all Thainese girls "decent" then?

Personally I avoid them all like the plague, from my experience every bit as much trouble as the ones back home. Actually they all are, maybe I should say "the same kind of trouble".

Can't believe he bragged about her having white skin, either a real weirdo, been here too long or both


Just an observation. If you're the kinda guy who's lived a fairly boring life, and coming to Thailand, doing the scene, is considered adventurous and a bit out of the norm, then a lot may sound like lies to you. Sometimes the perspective is the problem.

All that I inow for sure is that when I go out for a drink there are so many guys claiming to be CIA (or MI5) that if you say that you aren't CIA people are going to be very suspicious of you.


Just an observation. If you're the kinda guy who's lived a fairly boring life, and coming to Thailand, doing the scene, is considered adventurous and a bit out of the norm, then a lot may sound like lies to you. Sometimes the perspective is the problem.

Very well put!!

I seem to be the opposite, I've led an adventurous life, even spent 3 years in the SAS, I came to Thailand looking for a happily boring retired old age in a quiet village. Instead I've had coups, street riots and fighting, a tsunami and two floods. Where did I go wrong?blink.gif

Have we met before?

Is that a straight question? I was in the SAS 1967 to 69. 21st regiment (artists rifles).Was active as an observer in Eastern Europe in 1968. The Prague uprising.


want to hear more about this so-called Chinese girl from the OP...is this mainland, taiwan, hk, macau, overseas chinese, or bangkok hiso? so many varieties...so little time

Why would someone saying that the had a Chinese be a suspicious claim? There are a lot of ethnically Chinese women in Thailand and worldwide there must be a couple of billion of them.

Why would someone saying that the had a Chinese be a suspicious claim?

I've know a couple of nice eligible Chinese Thai girls if anyone's interested. Although they don't quite conform to the TVF stereotype as one works in Dairy Queen and the others a room attendant in a hotel.


... Is a manager of a american oil/gas firm in downtown bkk and earns much more than most farang teachers make here even with extra teaching. Very young and succesful as she is only 26.


Depending on what bar you went into, your Irish friend sounds like Kevin having a bit of fun with you. Kevin is actually a London trader who very much enjoys his business trips to Bangkok.

There are no "american oil/gas" firms in downtown bkk. They are all located out on Vibhavadi Rangsit Road near PTT and the Energy Complex. Nor do any of them have 26 year female Chinese managers. Sounds like she is having a bit of go at you as well...



But she could be "a" manager at an american oi/lgas company (as oppsoed to "the" manager). Some companies use the title "manager" for almost anyone who supervises anyone else.


Years ago I used to meet Belgian Jack sometimes in the bars.

He was a bit weird with his portable radio cassette player with Austrian SS music :D

I knew the same guy I think. By any chance did he ride motorcycles sometime, did he have a T-shirt that read something like "Friendship through better firepower-Uzi machine guns".

And when he got drunk he would start Heil Hitler stuff? ha ha I think he was married to a Philippine lady if I remember right. ha ha. Yes the good old days


... Is a manager of a american oil/gas firm in downtown bkk and earns much more than most farang teachers make here even with extra teaching. Very young and succesful as she is only 26.


Depending on what bar you went into, your Irish friend sounds like Kevin having a bit of fun with you. Kevin is actually a London trader who very much enjoys his business trips to Bangkok.

There are no "american oil/gas" firms in downtown bkk. They are all located out on Vibhavadi Rangsit Road near PTT and the Energy Complex. Nor do any of them have 26 year female Chinese managers. Sounds like she is having a bit of go at you as well...



But she could be "a" manager at an american oi/lgas company (as oppsoed to "the" manager). Some companies use the title "manager" for almost anyone who supervises anyone else.

Yes, "a" fair point. Since the OBummer administration in the US; the folks asking if you want fries with that are "sales associates."


A pommie bloke i met in Pattaya, he said he was a "hard man". He's still around, last time I heard he was selling shares in gold. Early 40s, over 6ft tall, says he used to be a bodyguard for the Kray twins. ( He would have been about 5 years at the time).

I bet he was a tough 5 year old, hey don't mess with the kid! ha ha



I've met pretty much all of A Squadron SAS at one time or another over the years, mostly in or around Nana, there was a time there when I almost started to believe that Nana really was a secret SAS base


All the ex pats out here who have great jobs or great businesses, but can't tell you what they are, who nurse one beer all night or have a large bar tab they can't pay.

All those whose websites will be the new ebay or facebook.

All the highly succesful professional gamblers, especially those professional street gamblers who have police body guards for 500B. Yet seem not to be able to afford dental work.

And of course as previously mentioned the 1000400485867768674699390575 ex SAS and special shhhh forces members I have met.


I have tremendous respect for anyone who is genuinely a serving or past member of special services such as the SAS, the problem is that most people today can't tell the difference between the real thing and the poor copy. But one small test that might help the next time you meet someone in that category and you're unsure, ask him to tell you his serial number which in the UK army is eight digits long and a soldier never forgets it, ever and without exception. So, if someone gives you a ten digit number or tells you they can't remember what it is, you've got a duffer on your hands for sure.


A wise man once said to me that any farang who makes a point of saying that their wife/girlfriend/date/overnight/short-time (delete as aprop) is chinese, is a liar.

I must be a liar then.


I don't drink, I seldom visit bars, I have a non-Thai partner, I don't have tattoos, I don't shave my head, I am not morbidly obese, I exercise regularly, I have given up smoking, I don't think all Thais are stupid or lazy or both and I am generally positive about life here. In Pattaya, I AM the weirdo !!!!:blink:


I don't drink, I seldom visit bars, I have a non-Thai partner, I don't have tattoos, I don't shave my head, I am not morbidly obese, I exercise regularly, I have given up smoking, I don't think all Thais are stupid or lazy or both and I am generally positive about life here. In Pattaya, I AM the weirdo !!!!:blink:

More like a unicorn.


I don't drink, I seldom visit bars, I have a non-Thai partner, I don't have tattoos, I don't shave my head, I am not morbidly obese, I exercise regularly, I have given up smoking, I don't think all Thais are stupid or lazy or both and I am generally positive about life here. In Pattaya, I AM the weirdo !!!!:blink:

More like a unicorn.

Nope, surely both Delta Force and French Foreign Legion.


I don't drink, I seldom visit bars, I have a non-Thai partner, I don't have tattoos, I don't shave my head, I am not morbidly obese, I exercise regularly, I have given up smoking, I don't think all Thais are stupid or lazy or both and I am generally positive about life here. In Pattaya, I AM the weirdo !!!!:blink:


One of the best answers this morning....


Just an observation. If you're the kinda guy who's lived a fairly boring life, and coming to Thailand, doing the scene, is considered adventurous and a bit out of the norm, then a lot may sound like lies to you. Sometimes the perspective is the problem.

A bit out of the norm is sitting outside family mart with 6 bags of ice shrink wrapped to your legs?

Yeap, normally 4 bags will do the trick.


I have spent a lot of time in Thailand bars and have heard more lies and BS than any one person should ever have to endure, not from the bargirls so much as from the farangs. The bargirls have a reason to lie in telling you how handsome, smart, powerful and sexy you are as they want a customer. But for the life of me I could never really understand why some farang guy would want to "impress" me or some other farangs with his BS? Out of all the guys who I have sat and listened to about how very wealthy they are I don't think i ever saw one of them buy a round of drinks for the table much less for the entire bar. Hell if i had a few million bucks I think every once in a while I might just throw a few thousand baht out and pick up a tab just for fun. More likely after sitting and listening to some long line of BS when the check bin comes it is "lets see i had one chang" and not so much as a one baht tip for the waitress.

And there were times that I thought i had to listen to one more idiot grown man farang describe his latest sexual adventures in way more detail than necessary I would just run screaming from the bar. Congratulations aren't you the brilliant one..you and you alone with your infinite wisdom, charm personality, sexual prowess and good looks along with a couple thousand baht have managed to get laid in Thailand. What an accomplishment. How proud your mom must be.

Yes Thailand does have a way of attracting a lot of liars and BS artists. Many of them are obviously runnning from some demons or exwives or the law or who knows what. Part of the "charm" of Thailand I suppose.

And I always seem to find that many of these guys who seem incapable of telling the truth are the very ones that complain the loudest about how some Thai bar girl LIED to them. Oh my god, the horror.


I concur, many ex SAS, Paras, US Special forces in Thailand, I take it that they just want to 'get away'!!!

I have also met many EX Brtitish Airways pilots who are retired in their 40's. Wish I had joined BA and became a pilot to retire very early!!What a geat job that must have been, seeing the world, pretty cabin crew, good salary and obviously a great pension scheme! I know what I will tell me kids to be!!!!!

The thing that I find funny is that they think others believe them!!! Maybe some do but me??? nah.


I could never really understand why some farang guy would want to "impress" me or some other farangs with his BS? Out of all the guys who I have sat and listened to about how very wealthy they are I don't think i ever saw one of them buy a round of drinks for the table much less for the entire bar.

Well, they all have one thing in common, they are Alcoholics, will try anything to befriend someone so they can justify why they are boozing and of course, get the person to buy them more booze.

Another sub-group of weirdos are those who wear flip-flops, have 'chickens legs' and wear those revolting loose baggy shorts, topped off with a stained T-shirt which has shrunk so that their obese/beer gut is uncovered and is so large they probably haven't seen their 'courting tackle/pet maggot' for about 10 years. Unfortunately see quite a few of these around Pattaya. lowering the tone of the place, invariably trying to chat up some Thai woman who would look ugly when wearing the strongest pair of 'beer goggles'.

I often wonder why Thai Immigration refuses them entry into their country via a 'minimum dress code' ?


I concur, many ex SAS, Paras, US Special forces in Thailand, I take it that they just want to 'get away'!!!

I have also met many EX Brtitish Airways pilots who are retired in their 40's. Wish I had joined BA and became a pilot to retire very early!!What a geat job that must have been, seeing the world, pretty cabin crew, good salary and obviously a great pension scheme! I know what I will tell me kids to be!!!!!

The thing that I find funny is that they think others believe them!!! Maybe some do but me??? nah.

BA ... pretty cabin crew? Been a while since you have flown BA eh?


I don't drink, I seldom visit bars, I have a non-Thai partner, I don't have tattoos, I don't shave my head, I am not morbidly obese, I exercise regularly, I have given up smoking, I don't think all Thais are stupid or lazy or both and I am generally positive about life here. In Pattaya, I AM the weirdo !!!!:blink:

Well! to be percectly honest with you YES, and welcome to the club.

Seems like OP created this thread just to brag about some supposed girl of Chinese ethnicity that he spent the night with in lower sukhumwit, in the process leaving his car parked there overnight, who had to take the BTS back home to Chinatown because he always gets lost there even though the BTS does not go to Chinatown. My guess is that OP paid a hooker for sex and created the whole "Chinese" angle in his head. Yes, to answer the OP's question, there are some very very weird farang in Thailand. :whistling:

Jealous that it eeally happened?

Im sorry

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