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Tennessee teacher indicted after having sex with underage students


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but she needs to be removed from society until a very, very good assessment of her level of psychopathology can be determined.

Whereas in other parts of the same country there would be no reason to " remove her from society" as there would be no crime to answer for, merely bad judgement on her part.

I would be interested to know in what parts of the US this wouldn't be a crime.

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I wonder what the responses would be like if it was a 16 year old girl and a 28 year old male teacher.

Still waiting for an answer to this...

Males and females are different, not just physically (though forensic scientists can't determine sex - from a skeleton under the age of 7), but emotionally.

Teenage males are hunting to stick their u-no-what in any slippery hollow they can. Teenage females tend to be pickier and have a bunch of societal restrictions put upon them in that regard. So females have heavy moral proclivities to deal with, mixed with their innate sensitivities. Plus, males are generally stronger and can therefore overpower an unwilling victim. Men indicate their arrousal by getting a hard-on, so sex forced upon a man has to be at least somewhat consensual.

Men can impregnate a victim, whereas a woman forcing herself on a male cannot impregnate him, therefore cannot saddle that other person with that giant responsibility.

In most Moslem countries and also Ecuador, a man raping a girl (no matter age difference) can get charges dropped if the girl marries him. Plus, the girl can avoid being ostracized and being a single mom if she marries him. It's an atrocious law, because it actually encourages men (usually a lot older) to rape pretty young girls.

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but she needs to be removed from society until a very, very good assessment of her level of psychopathology can be determined.

Whereas in other parts of the same country there would be no reason to " remove her from society" as there would be no crime to answer for, merely bad judgement on her part.

I would be interested to know in what parts of the US this wouldn't be a crime.

The age of consent in many states is 16 years old. I'm pretty sure that 18 is the top age.

Charging and sentencing this woman for consensual sex with horny 16 and 17 year old boys is the real crime as far as I am concerned.

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but she needs to be removed from society until a very, very good assessment of her level of psychopathology can be determined.

Whereas in other parts of the same country there would be no reason to " remove her from society" as there would be no crime to answer for, merely bad judgement on her part.

I would be interested to know in what parts of the US this wouldn't be a crime.

The age of consent in many states is 16 years old. I'm pretty sure that 18 is the top age.

Charging and sentencing this woman for consensual sex with horny 16 and 17 year old boys is the real crime as far as I am concerned.

I fully agree.

Here'a a link for ages of consent in the USA Scott.


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This is the beginning of the victim-victimizer cycle and it's not a healthy situation. Let's remember one of the boys was 16. She did not enter into an emotional relationship, this was sexual exploitation.

I used to pray to be "victimized" by a 28 year old woman at that age. I don't see them as victims at all.

Our religious education teacher was hot and always wore a short skirt but alas I never felt victimized.

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First is the assumption that she is hot. Maybe, maybe not. But let's say that a teacher that starts putting the moves on a boy is 50+ and 30kg overweight and she's got a face that makes Seabiscuit look cute.

Oh, and by the way, if you want to pass her English class, you have to put out.

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First is the assumption that she is hot. Maybe, maybe not. But let's say that a teacher that starts putting the moves on a boy is 50+ and 30kg overweight and she's got a face that makes Seabiscuit look cute.

Oh, and by the way, if you want to pass her English class, you have to put out.

It doesn't take google but a second to find some pictures of her, and she ain't all that. Not bad, but probably not what 17 year old guys are dreaming about when there are 17 year old cheerleaders nearby. Can definitely see the guys going for it though!

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She is not hot, but I would have given her one back when I was 17 and she is not accused of blackmail. She is accused of having consensual sex with 16 and 17 year old teenagers.

I do think that her teaching license should be taken away and maybe have to pay a fine because of her position, but doing serious time in prison is a travesty in this case.

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Similar vein.. was recently asked if i would shift my seat on a Qantas flight as an unaccompanied minor was going to sitting next to me and Qantas doesn't allow unaccompanied minors to sit next to grown men...

Qantas, eh; horrible airline. I hope you told them to FO! They shouldn't fly unaccompanied minors if they have to resort to shifting passengers.

The whole thing is <deleted> anyway. Alright she shouldn't have seduced students, but it's not as if they're 13 <deleted>! And it's not like it's going to damage them irreparably; heck, more likely a great life lesson for them. In many places the AOC is 16, some of the euros 12-13! All I can say is Tennessee is stuck in some time warp if they bang her up.

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This is the beginning of the victim-victimizer cycle and it's not a healthy situation. Let's remember one of the boys was 16. She did not enter into an emotional relationship, this was sexual exploitation.

I used to pray to be "victimized" by a 28 year old woman at that age. I don't see them as victims at all.

I was 'victimized' by my Biology teacher when I was around 16 or 17 and she was around 28. This was out in the barn during a party at her and her husbands farm where my older sister was a guest. After the 4th or 5th 'victimization', my dad (who happened to also be the village policeman) said enough is enough and kicked my arse so hard I couldn't sit straight for a week.

But sh!t that was awesome!

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I wonder what the responses would be like if it was a 16 year old girl and a 28 year old male teacher.

Still waiting for an answer to this...

Umm... she was probably asking for it. No?

I suspect it would be more along the lines of 'cut his nuts off, the filthy pervert' especially if it was the daughter of one of the posters on this thread who seem to think it's ok in reverse. Nothing like a little hypocrisy eh?

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We are talking about apples and oranges in some regards. First there is the psychological implications and the second is the legal one.

The boys may not have experienced any harm, but I am not so sure that that is true. Seventeen year olds should be learning the art of wooing and seduction of the opposite sex. They should be learning caring, respect and the importance of looking at someone as a person, not a sexual object. They are still students and they are still very much in a learning phase of life.

She, if she is normal, should have been getting her jollies down at the local bar, where she could pick up a few young stallions in their early 20's if that's what she likes.

This is the beginning of the victim-victimizer cycle and it's not a healthy situation. Let's remember one of the boys was 16. She did not enter into an emotional relationship, this was sexual exploitation.

As for the legal consequences, well, it's difficult to know, but she needs to be removed from society until a very, very good assessment of her level of psychopathology can be determined.

Hmmmmmmmmm, think you are a bit wrong here. If l were a 16 lad (again), l would love to ''lee-aise'' with any lady, what ever age or what ever her job was. :)

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I wonder what the responses would be like if it was a 16 year old girl and a 28 year old male teacher.

Still waiting for an answer to this...

Umm... she was probably asking for it. No?

I suspect it would be more along the lines of 'cut his nuts off, the filthy pervert' especially if it was the daughter of one of the posters on this thread who seem to think it's ok in reverse. Nothing like a little hypocrisy eh?

a girl who is raped is not 'asking for it,' except in rare scenarios. Some people posting herein seem to be enmeshed in hyper PC, where we're supposed to think that boys and girls are the same. They're not.

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Totally insane possible sentence. Yet 50 years ensures a very healthy payment for the private corporations looking after the jails, so in truth, nobody cares about the woman. Did she do anything wrong?....not really.

The USA is a magnificent country with some totally awe inspiring scenery but I just no longer have the heart to visit it. Getting in is a PIA and the TSA/Immigration are the rudest jobsworth bunch I have ever met. Do they keep the USA safer? nope! The sentence is a simple indication of the madness going on in the country, and when Congressmen try to put bills through to charge women with murder if they have a miscarriage then the world has gone mad.

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but she needs to be removed from society until a very, very good assessment of her level of psychopathology can be determined.

Whereas in other parts of the same country there would be no reason to " remove her from society" as there would be no crime to answer for, merely bad judgement on her part.

I would be interested to know in what parts of the US this wouldn't be a crime.

It is indeed a sad state that the place of birth, and not actual maturity, determines if you are 'mature' or not.

Washington state has age of consent at 16. Most Europeans nations even lower. Yes, it can be a minor felony if the person is in a position of authority over the 'minor'. But that should be the case for any age...if it can be proven that this was abused in any way.

'Black and white' laws based on morality instead of actual events will always be a bad thing.

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TAWP Said: 'Black and white' laws based on morality instead of actual events will always be a bad thing.

That is very true. A number of years back, I worked in the field of abuse and the general rule of thumb, from a psychological-social point of view was a 5 year age difference between the partners (I talking about teens and early 20's), where one was under age and the other considered an adult. Prosecution was not recommended unless there were other factors--such as mental impairment, intimidation etc..

Mandatory sentencing causes more problems than it solves.

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a girl who is raped is not 'asking for it,' except in rare scenarios. Some people posting herein seem to be enmeshed in hyper PC, where we're supposed to think that boys and girls are the same. They're not.

It was statutory rape not violent rape. If the situation was reversed and consensual sex took place - which is what appears to have happened here - there'd be a great outcry that the guy should be hung by his nuts.

Regardless of whether boys and girls are the same the law should be applied equally to both.

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Everytime I hear stories like the OP I think back to one of those teenage coming-of-age movies from the 1980's, "My Tutor". There's only one young actor who went on to make something of himself - Crispin Glover. Anyway, it's about a rich high school kid flunking French so his father gets him a (smoking hot) French tutor for the summer to live with them. I just found this racy preview on YouTube and could not imagine anything like this being shown on the movie screen today. We have become so much puritanical since the 70s-80s it is ridiculous.


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I wonder what the responses would be like if it was a 16 year old girl and a 28 year old male teacher.

Still waiting for an answer to this...

Umm... she was probably asking for it. No?

I suspect it would be more along the lines of 'cut his nuts off, the filthy pervert' especially if it was the daughter of one of the posters on this thread who seem to think it's ok in reverse. Nothing like a little hypocrisy eh?

It is not hypocrisy at all. 16-17 old boys can't potentially ruin their lives by getting pregnant and they should be strong enough to resist a 28-yr old woman.

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It's hypocrisy when people are expecting those charged with a criminal offence to be treated differently according to their gender. Most 16 year old boys would shag a wet towel given half a chance.

No it isn't.Not in this case. This isn't the same as robbing a bank.

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It's hypocrisy when people are expecting those charged with a criminal offence to be treated differently according to their gender. Most 16 year old boys would shag a wet towel given half a chance.

I don't agree with your first sentence, but agree to your second. may I add: overripe cantaloupe.

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