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Why Are Farangs Terrified Of Thai Guys ?


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I was talking to 2 ThaI guys last night, one a shoe shiner, one a watch seller, my Thai is good so we can actually converse.

They hate , and I agree, Farangs that give them the big brush off ( No pun intended ) or wont give them the time of day, ( Ok, that was intended ).

But we came to a general conclusion that Farangs are absolutely terrified of Thai guys, why ?

Do you think they are all Muay Thai experts ?

I have seen big Farangs nearly piss their pants when faced with a 5 foot Thai guy, Thai guys love this and thrive on it.

Believe me, if you stand up and actually act like a man instead of a pussy, 99% of the time the Thai guys will walk away, just like they would if they lived in the USA.

All you guys that bend over and take it are detrimental to the rest of us and contribute to Thai guys laughing at us.

Man up <deleted>.

Edited by MrsMills
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I doubt any Westerners are "terrified" of Thai guys rolleyes.gif .

However, those of us who have lived here for a while learn that showing anger is not acceptable and, if you get angry enough to cause someone to 'lose face' - you could end up in trouble.....

Edit - You're right insofar as they will walk away. But, a few will bear a grudge and attack later, whilst you have forgotten all about it!

Its a different culture and needs to be understood as such.

Edited by F1fanatic
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Slight generalisation there, methinks smile.gif

Given their respective profession, it's more likely that

1) The Farang is wearing flip-flops ( and wife-beater ) therefore is in no need of a shoe-shine.

2) Has a dislike for Moody timepieces.

3) They need to change their deodorant.

Edited by chonabot
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No - i am with the OP on this one.

I fall into the wuss category and I am not going to mess with those evil little fockers. They may shine shoes or sell watches by day but fill them full of lao khao and they are loose canons - literally! There have been a number of shootings in our area where some so-called "short-arse" Thai (replete on alcohol and yabba) has blown someone else away. In one case it was a plain clothes copper !!

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Slight generalisation there, methinks smile.gif

Slight? Let's see - 2/65,000,000 x100 = .000003076% of the population thinks farangs are afraid of Thai men. biggrin.gif

Never noticed it and most of my friends are Thai and we are comfortable with talking about nearly anything. Probably more farangs I see that I would be afraid of then Thais. wink.gif

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I don't think farang men are terrified of Thai guys. I DO think however it is a Thai trait to voice agreement with what other people say, whether they actually agree with that person or not, so that person doesn't lose face for looking stupid. Mighty decent of them really, but it can lead to confusion such as yours.

Edited by lannarebirth
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I don't believe your theory for one minute,but sensible "Farangs" understand that Thais that lose their temper,often do not know where the limits are,and it's best for safety sake to walk away.

A generalisation perhaps,but no more so than your provocative post.

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I had a situation some time back when a Thai neighbour accused my cats of killing his prized show-bird. I guessed he was trying scam me as the bird wasn't actually his and it was probably his own negligence that caused its death. Also, my moggies were only five months old and the bird cage was over two meters off the ground at the front of his house. No way could my cats have jumped that high.

He demanded 9,000 baht 'compensation'. I told him to get stuffed, politely of course, smiling... My GF did the translating.

A bit later five of his mates came over and they all gathered in his front yard, talking loudly and looking and gesturing towards my house. I went over to talk to him in front of his friends, one of whom had his hand behind his back. maybe he was carrying, I don't know. My GF wasn't too happy but I was damned if I was going to be intimidated in my own soi. I poured scorn on him for needing five friends to sort out a problem over a stupid bird. I didn't raise my voice or make any threatening gestures, just stuck to my guns and smiled while my GF translated that I held him in utter contempt. His friends seemed uneasy and taken aback by my bold approach. I then pulled my trump card which he didn't suspect I had.

I knew the owner of 'his' house. He was renting from a Swedish friend of mine and I told him that any further menaces from him, I would call my friend and have him evicted. Then we left.

Long story short, he carried on the same way (minus his friends who I think left him to deal with it alone) for another couple of days so I called my friend. The Thai agent he used came round the following day and evicted the nasty little piece of work. I gave him a sarcastic smile as he left and never saw him again.

I don't go looking for trouble and personally don't like violence but I won't be intimidated or abused by anyone, Thai or falang, anywhere. Stand your ground and most of them are cowards who will melt. Sure, you have to pick the times to walk away, they might come back with some heat but if it's right outside your front door what are you going to do?

Just my tuppenyworth.

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I think that brave folk like 'SimonD' are the exception rather than the rule. I think most foreigners are aware of a few things which causes them to act with more caution - after all we can't always threaten someone with eviction to diffuse a situation like SimonD, can we? Thailand has a high murder rate, a high rate of gun ownership, a shitty, corrupt police force and a general truism is that Thais, like other Asians, never fight alone - the general fear comes from these facts.

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"I was talking to 2 ThaI guys last night, one a shoe shiner, one a watch seller, my Thai is good so we can actually converse.

They hate , and I agree, Farangs that give them the big brush off ( No pun intended ) or wont give them the time of day"

I'm sorry, I just don't understand the rationale of this thread. Are "Farangs" supposed to stop and pass the time of day with every street vendor who accosts them? <deleted> to that. And how does the "big brush-off" from a "Farang" differ from the rejection of their wares by a Thai person?

And as for "we came to a general conclusion that Farangs are absolutely terrified of Thai guys" - what nonsense.

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