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Opening A Little Business!


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Hello everyone!

So, well i'm new here and like to have some advise and know what you all think about Business in thailand.

I will have a bout $20,000 to open my business. and will do this with my GF there. Im thinking of opening a Gym or a crepery. or both but need to start just with one first. Im not interested on making lots of money there! i just want to have a good, easy, relaxing, conformable life there. in france is no way to do so, life is to expensive and cant ever open a biz here i be just working 8 hrs a day on a stupid job that i hate, so i want to change and move to thailand.

so what you all think? it be good if the reply are most from people living in thailand that are forang with biz or thai people :)

thank you guys!


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If you are not in business to make money, anywhere in the world, don't open a business!

A year back I thought just like you about a business in Thailand. Nice and relaxing, not too much stress. Have my GF help run it. After research and now having spent a lot of time there, I realise Thailand is not the place for a 'relaxing' business. I think you will find running a business in Thailand is much harder than your home country. The successful business farangs i have met in Thailand treated their business like they would in their home country. As work that required sound planning and management.

It'd be less stressful to give your 20k away to a random person in the street, perhaps cheaper also in the long term.

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It's possible but very difficult for a foriegner to open a business here in Thailand.

In the first place many professions are limited by law to Thais only. So your first problem will be finding a business that you can legally run and operate as a foriegner here in Thailand.

If you get past that hurdle, you come to the fact that by Thai law you can't own land...only Thais can actually own the land a building is on. Yes, a foriegner can lease the land, but basically the land must be owned by a Thai.

Then there is the employee issue. If you run a business, as a foriegn owner, you must have 4 Thai employess.

Then add in the financial requirements. You will be required to invest a minimum amount of capital into the business by law. I don't know the actual amount required by law....but your 10,000 dollar amount is not going to be enough.

Some of these requirements can be avoided if, and only IF, you are legally married to a Thai and he or she is the actual owner and owner of the business. Just remember, however, that in that case the Thai person is in control of the business by law...not you.

If you did that, your Thai wife could hire you as the business manager, and probably sponsor you for the required work permit....but in that case she would still be the owner....and could fire you at any time she felt like it.

I'm not trying to scare you off, but you need to understand that although what you want to do is theoretically possible it will take you:

1. A lot of time

2. A lot of money

3. A lot of forms and paperwork

4. Thai partners at best

5. And a lot of time and hard work to keep it running at a profit.

Farangs (foriegners) in Thailand have a joke about opening and running a business in Thailand.

We say, "The best way to make a small fortune in Thailand (without a lot of work), is to start out with a big fortune...and very quickly that big fortune (invested) will soon turn into a small fortune".

In short...you're probably going to lose money.


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<deleted> is a Creapery

A creperie sells crepes (Breton pancakes).

A creapery is a bar where weirdos hang out.

To return to the topic, the OP should be aware that even though his girlfriend is surely perfect in every way and totally honest, many other farangs have lost everything by investing their money in similar ventures here.

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Well I beg to differ from what other posters have said!

I started off with much less than the OP has and my part-time business is now in it's 5th year! It is not making hundreds of millions of Baht, just a few million each year to afford myself and my partner a comfortable life style. That being said, do your research first and choose a good location, start small and don't put all your eggs in one basket.jap.gif

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<deleted> is a Creapery

A creperie sells crepes (Breton pancakes).

A creapery is a bar where weirdos hang out.

To return to the topic, the OP should be aware that even though his girlfriend is surely perfect in every way and totally honest, many other farangs have lost everything by investing their money in similar ventures here.

I like that ‘Darrel’ very tactful……But I think that will go over his head.

Edited by Tonto21
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Well I beg to differ from what other posters have said!

I started off with much less than the OP has and my part-time business is now in it's 5th year! It is not making hundreds of millions of Baht, just a few million each year to afford myself and my partner a comfortable life style. That being said, do your research first and choose a good location, start small and don't put all your eggs in one basket.jap.gif

Well congrats to you. You are about 1 in a 100, though, when it comes to a foreigner finding business success here. But I'm sure that the OP, after reading your comments, will believe that he can also be the 1 in a 100. Good luck to him as well.

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Well I beg to differ from what other posters have said!

I started off with much less than the OP has and my part-time business is now in it's 5th year! It is not making hundreds of millions of Baht, just a few million each year to afford myself and my partner a comfortable life style. That being said, do your research first and choose a good location, start small and don't put all your eggs in one basket.jap.gif

Well congrats to you. You are about 1 in a 100, though, when it comes to a foreigner finding business success here. But I'm sure that the OP, after reading your comments, will believe that he can also be the 1 in a 100. Good luck to him as well.

Biggest problem IMHO is the fact that you have to employ 5 Thais for every foreigner working. A stupid it rule. Especially if your opening your own business.

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Hi ‘steph21’

Its Simple mate…….. Don’t do it. Where the hell do I start listing why it’s a bad idea? I think it best you read and digest ALL that gets posted in reply to your question.

I would also recommend, as you appear a little green around the edges, (no offence intended) if you have been discussing with other what available money you have for starting a business…… Stop talking now; I’m sure you’ll be getting enough helpful information and offers of help by now!

If you really want to start a business here, then I would recommend you first spend some time in Thailand, long enough to see past the veneer surface.

Bottom line mate…..It’s up to you.

Good luck

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My advice is for you to keep enough money to get back home. It's not impossible to start a successful small business but there are many hoops to jump through. Keep in mind that you will work harder and many more hours than you ever have at home.

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A French guy started a small Brittany style creperie in Jomtien a while back. They also sold excellent pastry which they bought in. The crepes (savory and sweet) were pretty good. Not the best I've had but the place was recommended to me by French people. Anyway, it only lasted a few months. Not sure if lack of business or what. The crepes were priced fine for the quality but I wonder if people were comparing to the street crepes which are sold so many places so cheaply.

Edited by Jingthing
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Think every sad man in a dead end job that comes to Thailand for a holiday has the same idea. I was one many years ago, but I wasn't stupid enough to believe that I could come with a hand few of Dollars and compete against people that new what they were doing, farang and Thai. OP do your homework, see what you have that you can use, read and learn and maybe you will see an opportunity. Took me 8 years to get set up and a hell of a lot of money, but we made it in the end. Poor planing leads to piss poor performance. Jim.

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I agree with basically all the posts here.

But if you want to open a small business here, then go for the crepery.

Thais like that stuff (and sweet pastry in general).


Brand it as if your target customers are 6 year old children. Bright colours, a cute name, and perhaps a Doraemon cartoon figure. You'll have all the office staff within a 10km radius queuing up at lunch time.

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Hi ‘steph21’

you appear a little green around the edges

Says an x landlord of a Welsh pub in nowheresville, lots of street cred there fella, lmao.

Very brave ‘VeraLynn’ from someone, (anonymous) to try and slag me off……and owner of a Wales pub actually, (for two years)

You obviously have a personal problem with me……..Are you brave enough to PM me, identify yourself and get off your chest what’s got your panties in a bunch.

Just read your replies to topics on TV……….You appear to write short one liners…Of the bitter and twisted type. I have to say I’m a little disappointed I’m not the only one……I did think I may have got my own fan club.

So, if you find yourselves feeling extra brave one day….PM, OK.

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The major mistake you are making is shown in your Post :

"i just want to have a good, easy, relaxing, conformable life there"

Opening and running a business anywhere is not easy and relaxing - not if you want to be able to live on the proceeds. Be prepared to work much more than a 8 hour day for the first few years at least.

If you feel you cannot open a successful business in France - where I presume you speak the language fluently and are acquainted with all the rules and regulations ...... or at least you can find them in the French language and clearly understand them - how can you possibly imagine that it will be easier in a foreign Country where you do not have those advantages?


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<deleted> is a Creapery

A creperie sells crepes (Breton pancakes).

A creapery is a bar where weirdos hang out.

To return to the topic, the OP should be aware that even though his girlfriend is surely perfect in every way and totally honest, many other farangs have lost everything by investing their money in similar ventures here.


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Make that 2 in a 100. Started off 5 years ago with about same amount as OP intended. ROI within 3 years, had a 2nd branch and now planning the 3rd.

It's possible to do business in Thailand but the hours will be long and workers are a load of stress. If it's not life threatening, Best is just be positive and take things lightly especially with workers and customers.

I don't make hundreds of millions but the income generated from the business is enough to give my family of 4 a comfortable lifestyle plus bi-annual vacation.

Well congrats to you. You are about 1 in a 100, though, when it comes to a foreigner finding business success here. But I'm sure that the OP, after reading your comments, will believe that he can also be the 1 in a 100. Good luck to him as well.

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I think you will find running a business in Thailand is much harder than your home country.

You obviously have not got a clue about the Red Tape France slaps on people trying to start their own business.

It'd be less stressful to give your 20k away to a random person in the street, perhaps cheaper also in the long term.

Second thoughts, perhaps you have.

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Well I beg to differ from what other posters have said!

I started off with much less than the OP has and my part-time business is now in it's 5th year! It is not making hundreds of millions of Baht, just a few million each year to afford myself and my partner a comfortable life style. That being said, do your research first and choose a good location, start small and don't put all your eggs in one basket.jap.gif

Listen to this man and ignore the losers on this forum.

Jingjingna, confirms that it is possible to succeed - the losers around here hate nothing more than someone else getting on in life.

Edited by GuestHouse
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