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I am looking for some help to get rid of a cat infestation in and around our home. We don't own a cat or any pets for that matter but we seem to be plaqued by 100's of cats. Constant fighting 24/7 defacting in pot plants and the garden urinating all around the house including on the walls and doors. We are spending a fortune on bleech scrubbing the outside areas everyday and the wife is chewing my arse off as if the whole thing is my fault. We even had one of the vermon have a litter in a basket of washing a few nights back. Those one were easy to destroy. We have tried everything like putting scat jellies in the gardens, pot plants plastic bottles filled with water. No one seems to own them and they are breeding like mad. I was considering laying baits or offering a bounty to the locals kids for every fresh carcass they get.

Need some tips to get rid of this vermon.

Oh we live in Chiangmai.


You could get the Mrs to ask the local government to do something, they take care of too many dogs at times, so I don't see why they would not do the same for cats.

A fearless little Jack Russel dog is what you want, although cats aren't scared of dogs they prefer to stay away from them.


Don't transfer it to the visa forum, he'll end up needing a work permit before he can do anything aboout them!

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Cat repellent plants like Coleus canina, known by most as Scaredy Cat, are another natural option you might have for getting rid of cats.

The plant itself may be used as a barrier for gardens or other areas of your lawn, producing a foul smell that cats simply hate once they touch it.

You might even want to try using wild roses and bramble bushes as natural barriers to such things as your garden.

Or there's always the trusty BBQ method...


I think this will be best over in the pets forum. The General forum can be a bit rough.

Topic Moved.

I was going to post it there but I thought the cat lovers would jump on me and say to let them be and do as they please, that is why on asked on the general forum.


Anti freeze.

Although I don't condone this method,it is proven.

Anti freeze? Sounds rather cruel. If you don't condone it, why suggest it as an option?


Cat repellent plants like Coleus canina, known by most as Scaredy Cat, are another natural option you might have for getting rid of cats.

The plant itself may be used as a barrier for gardens or other areas of your lawn, producing a foul smell that cats simply hate once they touch it.

You might even want to try using wild roses and bramble bushes as natural barriers to such things as your garden.

Or there's always the trusty BBQ method...

The plants are a good long term solution.


Anti freeze.

Although I don't condone this method,it is proven.

Anti freeze? Sounds rather cruel. If you don't condone it, why suggest it as an option?

Because I can,are the Internet police coming to arrest me for suggesting such a callous method of removing vermin.

It's obvious that the welfare of animals especially cats and dog's is high on people's agenda in the LOS.


I think this will be best over in the pets forum. The General forum can be a bit rough.

Topic Moved.

I was going to post it there but I thought the cat lovers would jump on me and say to let them be and do as they please, that is why on asked on the general forum.

It's a tough call. If you feel you aren't getting the results you need, we can always move it back!


Whenever you see a cat, get the hose out and spray it! They will quickly realise that they get wet in your garden, and will stay away.

V glad that you have no intentions of getting a dog. Only those who 1) love them and 2) are able to take care of them should ever do so. Getting a dog purely as a 'deterrent' is not fair on the dog. They are 'social' animals and deserve better.


Anti freeze.

Although I don't condone this method,it is proven.

Anti freeze? Sounds rather cruel. If you don't condone it, why suggest it as an option?

Because I can,are the Internet police coming to arrest me for suggesting such a callous method of removing vermin.

It's obvious that the welfare of animals especially cats and dog's is high on people's agenda in the LOS.

So you DO condone it? Why did u say u don't condone it then? very odd... happy.png


Go to the Chiang Mai Zoo and get the sweepings from the cages of big cats. The local moggies are frightened to death of big cats. Seems to be hardwired into them.

If possible get urine. Buy it from the zoo if you have to. It works.


Anti freeze.

Although I don't condone this method,it is proven.

How does it work?

They lick it up then die of kidney failure.

Actually, one sure way to stop them crapping in the garden is to put food and water there. I believe there is a charity that will come and neuter them. They will be quieter after that and over time there will be less of them.


Anti freeze.

Although I don't condone this method,it is proven.

How does it work?

They lick it up then die of kidney failure.

Actually, one sure way to stop them crapping in the garden is to put food and water there. I believe there is a charity that will come and neuter them. They will be quieter after that and over time there will be less of them.

Not that I would do it but is it possible to buy anti freeze in Thailand?

I like the idea of cat repellent plants if it works.


Infestation? hundreds? or just a few? Capture and sterlize the ones you can, release them at a nearby temple and give the monks some big bags of cat food.

for the remaning ones srpay them with water (it does work wonders) as well as repellent plants and mothballs. I hesitate to suggest poison because if any of your neighbors has a pet and you poison their pet that will be far nastier than the cat issue. Something to consider.


Infestation? hundreds? or just a few? Capture and sterlize the ones you can, release them at a nearby temple and give the monks some big bags of cat food.

for the remaning ones srpay them with water (it does work wonders) as well as repellent plants and mothballs.

Agree. likely male cats having turf wars and these are the least exopensive to sterilize. Catch a few of the alpha males, get them sterilized and then release and use the water spray on any and all cats that come by again. Should work.

There are also sprays you can buy which have odors that repel cats and dogs.

I hesitate to suggest poison because if any of your neighbors has a pet and you poison their pet that will be far nastier than the cat issue. Something to consider.

Not to mention the eternal damnation of your soul...or, if you prefer the Buddhist slant, 7 lifetimes of misery.

Sorry, the Cat Lover in me couldn't resist.

Every culture i know of, even those not fond of cats or inclined to keep them as pets, has beliefs to the effect that harming them brings bigtime bad karma.

(Wiped out a large poportion of the population of Europe at one time, in fact, so not without a basis in fact).


Infestation? hundreds? or just a few? Capture and sterlize the ones you can, release them at a nearby temple and give the monks some big bags of cat food.

for the remaning ones srpay them with water (it does work wonders) as well as repellent plants and mothballs.

Agree. likely male cats having turf wars and these are the least exopensive to sterilize. Catch a few of the alpha males, get them sterilized and then release and use the water spray on any and all cats that come by again. Should work.

There are also sprays you can buy which have odors that repel cats and dogs.

I hesitate to suggest poison because if any of your neighbors has a pet and you poison their pet that will be far nastier than the cat issue. Something to consider.

Not to mention the eternal damnation of your soul...or, if you prefer the Buddhist slant, 7 lifetimes of misery.

Sorry, the Cat Lover in me couldn't resist.

Every culture i know of, even those not fond of cats or inclined to keep them as pets, has beliefs to the effect that harming them brings bigtime bad karma.

(Wiped out a large poportion of the population of Europe at one time, in fact, so not without a basis in fact).

I'll have to take your word for it.

Whilst on holiday in the Philippines I saw a cat that had obviously been poisoned, whilst an old lady sat there watching it and smiling....

We took it back to where we were staying to at least sit up all night giving it comfort whilst it died mad.gif .

On holiday in a 'top' resort on Phi Phi there were many friendly cats. Next thing we knew some idiot complained that one of them had bitten her (rubbish! god knows what she did to get bit...). The management had no compunction in rounding up all the cats, taking them out to sea and dropping them in the ocean.


if just few cats ( not hundreds ), then you could consider to put orange peel or citrus peel around your garden. cats don't like the smell from the skin of citrus fruits.

get a big pomelo if you like :-)


we had a household cat, a calico that took up residence and very personable and she liked me...whenever I came home when working away she came around and purred nicely and hanged close by...I always fed her well with whiskas dried food otherwise she just got scraps when I was away...

but she always had a litter when in estrus and it got to be annoying as she would go up to the roof space to give birth and smelled, etc... and I said: 'is she gonna be a pet or not? if so take her to the vet hospital and get her fixed...' but, oh no...that was bad karma...

when I came home in Sept I asked about the cat and the wife said she got to be a nuisance and took her to the wat...


now we have a cat infestation on the back terrace where the family kitchen/eating area is...ugly, feral cats but the family doesn't mind even when they come in the house and spray cat piss everywhere...

but I mind and was thinking about one of them lethal sling shots and tossing the carcasses out in the swamp in the back for the monitor lizards to feast...can't win fer losin' with these dumb thais...gotta go with the flow, I guess...it ain't the cats' fault...


Infestation? hundreds? or just a few? Capture and sterlize the ones you can, release them at a nearby temple and give the monks some big bags of cat food.

for the remaning ones srpay them with water (it does work wonders) as well as repellent plants and mothballs. I hesitate to suggest poison because if any of your neighbors has a pet and you poison their pet that will be far nastier than the cat issue. Something to consider.

It seems like hundreds, to many to count and they are making life unbearable. We do not want to try an sell up but it may get that way. We can't even have the doors open as the stench of the things is overpowing and they tear the flyscreens. If you do not constantly chase them away the odd one gets into the house and pisses and shits inside. They are the dirtiest foul smelling creatures on the planet. What this vermon is doing to our lives, nothing could give us greater pleasure than watching them all die a slow agonising death. They are all those skinny mongrel looking things with sores and broken tails. Our son was constantly getting sick and after many tests it came down to cat shit and urine that he was coming into contact with. It is not our responsibilty to catch and spade a cat that others had allowed to breed out of control. It is our resposibilty to protect our children from vermon. Could not find any antifreeze as some suggested but we tried pork pieces laced with draino (Chemical used to unblock drains) and it seems to be working as we have found 9 dead ones in the garden in the last few days still many many more to go.

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re your last post you really need to either poison or bring in pest control to shoot them... or if you have done that and they came back, get 2 fully grown thai ridgeback dogs or even a pitbull.

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