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Does She Really Care (Thai Gf)


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why do you worry what other people think or not think if your arrangement suites you both what the hell have fun most men your age deep down would love to swap places with you my wife is thai we live in a back drop of a town in England there is 7 years between us which is not a lot people often stare at us who cares what they think were not there for them good luck to you both as thai say dont think to much

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Some of you really need to get over your puritanical perspective on the age-gap between partners. Young women have been pairing with older men since the beginning of time, nothing new here. The reasons are too many to list, but yes, security and safety are at the top of the list.

This is not a phenomenon exclusive to Thailand or SEA. Travel to any Latin country and you will see the same may-november couples as you do it SEA, perhaps many more. Shock and awe, it is even finding it's way into western culture. My current GF in the west is 28 years younger than me and half my age. She is a professional person who has no need for me to support her, so she must be with me for other reasons. Go figure as I guess she has never read TV to realize she is doing something wrong.

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Some of you really need to get over your puritanical perspective on the age-gap between partners. Young women have been pairing with older men since the beginning of time, nothing new here.

Correction: since the money were invented.

If you want to go further back when people acted as animals, then the strongest men would get to chose the females and old dudes aren't the strongest.

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I knew a 72 year old derro dutchie in the north of bali a few years ago. Married a local girl 18 years of age and actually managed to get her pregnant! He's built her a house and now she only has to wait a few more years until he pops his cloggs and she has the house. Not a bad deal for a local village girl with nothing.

Correct, not a bad deal.

Indeed a deal it was.

He got himself a combi maid/ young lover.

You said it, and proved the point that some men just refuse to step out of the dark ages.

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Some of you really need to get over your puritanical perspective on the age-gap between partners. Young women have been pairing with older men since the beginning of time, nothing new here. The reasons are too many to list, but yes, security and safety are at the top of the list.

This is not a phenomenon exclusive to Thailand or SEA. Travel to any Latin country and you will see the same may-november couples as you do it SEA, perhaps many more. Shock and awe, it is even finding it's way into western culture. My current GF in the west is 28 years younger than me and half my age. She is a professional person who has no need for me to support her, so she must be with me for other reasons. Go figure as I guess she has never read TV to realize she is doing something wrong.

And some of us need to step out of the 18th century.


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I knew a 72 year old derro dutchie in the north of bali a few years ago. Married a local girl 18 years of age and actually managed to get her pregnant! He's built her a house and now she only has to wait a few more years until he pops his cloggs and she has the house. Not a bad deal for a local village girl with nothing.

Correct, not a bad deal.

Indeed a deal it was.

He got himself a combi maid/ young lover.

You said it, and proved the point that some men just refuse to step out of the dark ages.

Why should we go where we're not wanted?

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A long time ago in England I had a group of mischievous friends who would go into newsagents and buy what were then known as "top shelf magazines".

I remember clearly that some of these magazines had a section called "readers wives". The photographs in this section were shocking. Many of you will know what I'm talking about.

This thread reminds me of "readers wives". The only difference is that this time around I have a series of mental images as opposed to a set of disturbing photographs.

I have a strong image of Mr Mataus's wife. I picture her as being in her early thirties. I imagine she has a short and possibly quite severe hairstyle. I see her wearing sensible shoes. Her skirts are of an appropriate length. I picture her as a woman with a "no nonsense" taste in undergarments.

Mr Kerry's girlfriend also paints an interesting image. I imagine that she too wears sensible shoes. I see her as what some might describe as a "handsome" woman. I see her as practical and perhaps a little plump. I imagine she is rather thrifty; and I imagine that she may be prone to flatulence!

Mr Luddite's wife is similarly vivid. She is thin and dark, and she comes across as the kind of girl who can run quickly when the need arises. She smiles openly as foreign men, and looks away sullenly when she sees a policeman. I imagine her undergarments fall into that price range that starts at about 50 baht and peaks at around 70 baht. I picture her with a furtive tattoo near her private parts!

As for the OP, I see his 20 year-old girlfriend as warm and bubbly, and as pure as the air near a metropolitan industrial estate. I picture her wearing tight-fitting jeans and immodest blouses. I imagine she is the kind of girl who buys her fragrances from vendors outside of shopping malls as opposed to those within. I see her with imitation jewelry and a cheap-looking navel chain. I picture her as a woman who eats insects and travels in non-airconditioned buses.

Now ..... back to work.

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Some of you really need to get over your puritanical perspective on the age-gap between partners. Young women have been pairing with older men since the beginning of time, nothing new here.

Correction: since the money were invented.

If you want to go further back when people acted as animals, then the strongest men would get to chose the females and old dudes aren't the strongest.


Males don't choose, females choose. And they choose the Alphas, which are rarely young men.

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Some of you really need to get over your puritanical perspective on the age-gap between partners. Young women have been pairing with older men since the beginning of time, nothing new here.

Correction: since the money were invented.

If you want to go further back when people acted as animals, then the strongest men would get to chose the females and old dudes aren't the strongest.


Males don't choose, females choose. And they choose the Alphas, which are rarely young men.

Not wrong especialy if he was talking about the begining of time when we were not far from animals. If you ever watched a National Geographic or similar chanels, you would know that males in all sort of animals are competing with each other to be with a felame and ... well older ones getting kicked in the ass, they aren't Alpha anymore even if they used to be. I was definetelly not talking about 18 Y.O. if that what you mean by young men.

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