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High Ranking Customs Official Physically Abuses Airport Security: Thailand


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We can only hope this ridiculous goon will serve jail time, for this assault. Rank means nothing. When one is talking about security, nobody should be above the law. Would love to see someone rough this punk up. He deserves that.

As you say, that when one is talking about Security, I am not so sure as you he was breaking any laws at all. You don't see him with a Carry-on Bag, or even a Lap Top, or stopping to pick up a Bag or Suitcase. Who travels anywhere without any luggage at all? So I highly doubt he was going on a trip and therefore he should not be subject to a flight clearance check. Do you Strip Search the Cleaning Lady every time she goes in to clean your toilet, or comes back from lunch?

He simply may have been going to his own office. If that is the case should he be subject to a search every time by a metal detector possibly exposing a Hand Gun, Knife, or Explosives, which are mostly plastic anyway, which are dangerous to have on a flight he is not taking? That is searching every time he leaves and returns to his office? I think not. I also think that a Senior Customs Official be giving a certain amount of trust, like a Judge or High Ranking Police Officer.

Notice he becomes upset at the younger Customs Official not because he is being scanned but mostly because he did not recognize his ID Badge on his left hand pocket, which as you can see all Cutoms Officers are wearing, including him. Can we not assume from this that if you cannot recognize your own Boss wearing his ID Badge in the place it is suppose to be, that you for sure will not recognize a Terrorist. This is because you are not paying attention to your job.

I do not approve of his discipline methods, especially the boxing of the ears, or the public tongue wipping. But then maybe the boxing of the ears is a Culture thing and an Asian Method to discipline a gone astray employee. Whereas in our Culture we may get 3 days off without pay. Who knows? But how many of us here can honestly say they have never had there Boss raise there voice at them when other co-workers were around? Few are far between I think.

It is obvious that the error was committed by the younger Customs Official for not paying attention to his job. In my industry, if you do that, you can die and also take a bunch more with you. It is also obvious that the Senior Customs Official was too harsh with his punishment. So I think fare punishment for the Senior Official should be a stern warning, and to apologize to the employee for his harsh behavior. Jail time for this is like cutting the hand off of a Boy for steeling an Apple from the Apple Tree. Far Too Harsh!

General Patton did quite the same thing and his punishment was to apologie to this sholder and the people who were also present when he slapped the kid with his gloves and kicked his Butt outside the Hospital Tent to send him back to the front line. I am not sure he was so wrong in doing that either. But if that is enough punishment for Patton it should be enough for everyone else to.

The easiest way to subvert a security checkpoint is to find the exceptions, and then use them to your advantage. Should the next terrorist with a badge be allowed to walk through without a check? Is it impossible that a "regular" could be bribed or coerced to carry something through?

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The airport security checks here are nothing compared to what the TSA in the US put you through. Ron Paul says if he is elected President, he's doing away with the TSA and making the airlines hire their own security. I like it. Not only does it save the taxpayers millions and millions of dollars, if you don't like the way security treats you at one airlines, switch to another.

Nice thought but if the airlines have to provide security do you think that will impact the price of the ticket?

I have been through TSA security in the U.S. and Thailand and I see only one difference. In the U.S. you don't have to stand in line and go through passport control when leaving the country.

The last time I left there, I did.

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The airport security checks here are nothing compared to what the TSA in the US put you through. Ron Paul says if he is elected President, he's doing away with the TSA and making the airlines hire their own security. I like it. Not only does it save the taxpayers millions and millions of dollars, if you don't like the way security treats you at one airlines, switch to another.

Nice thought but if the airlines have to provide security do you think that will impact the price of the ticket?

I have been through TSA security in the U.S. and Thailand and I see only one difference. In the U.S. you don't have to stand in line and go through passport control when leaving the country.

The last time I left there, I did.

You had to go through immigration passport control at the airport when leaving the USA? I've never seen that before. Which airport and when?

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The airport security checks here are nothing compared to what the TSA in the US put you through. Ron Paul says if he is elected President, he's doing away with the TSA and making the airlines hire their own security. I like it. Not only does it save the taxpayers millions and millions of dollars, if you don't like the way security treats you at one airlines, switch to another.

Nice thought but if the airlines have to provide security do you think that will impact the price of the ticket?

I have been through TSA security in the U.S. and Thailand and I see only one difference. In the U.S. you don't have to stand in line and go through passport control when leaving the country.

The last time I left there, I did.

You had to go through immigration passport control at the airport when leaving the USA? I've never seen that before. Which airport and when?

We may or may not be speaking of the same thing, When I left Detroit (DTW) I had to show my passport before boarding the plane that was headed to Narita with a connection to Bangkok. This was October of 2010.

My wife works at the BKK International Airport in security (Suvarnbhumi). She was on shift when this happened. The guy made the portal buzz and EVERYONE who does so is subject to having the "wand" passed over them for contraband. This joker objected and then started abusing the security agent. (The young guy, who was the station supervisor). The older guy does not work for security, he works for customs control which is a different entity than those who screen the passengers here. No one is exempt, not even air crews.

Edited by Gandalf8353
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@Goldbuggy, the elder gentleman assaulting the younger gentleman (the security officer) is NOT a security official, ergo NOT his boss. He works in a different section of the airport. He alarmed the metal detector, that is why the security officer was going to "wand" him.

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The easiest way to subvert a security checkpoint is to find the exceptions, and then use them to your advantage. Should the next terrorist with a badge be allowed to walk through without a check? Is it impossible that a "regular" could be bribed or coerced to carry something through?

It already happened back in 1972 resulting in the destruction of a CX airliner over Vietnam with all lives lost.Police Lieut Somchai Chaiyasut was accused of using contacts at Don Muang to place a bomb in a Cathay flight to Vietnam.Newspaper reports at the time mention a policeman coming on board before take off and placing a parcel under the seat of Somchai's 20 year old mistress who was accompanying (this is the scarcely believable part) his own 7 year old daughter on a shopping trip.By coincidence Somchai had just taken out large life insurance policies on the soon to be dead couple.After 11 years he was found not gullty by a Thai court - lack of evidence (though most will have a different conclusion).Somchai thereafter fled to the U.S though shortly after died of cancer.

There's reference to all this in the other paper today in an excellent article by Vorani.

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The easiest way to subvert a security checkpoint is to find the exceptions, and then use them to your advantage. Should the next terrorist with a badge be allowed to walk through without a check? Is it impossible that a "regular" could be bribed or coerced to carry something through?

It already happened back in 1972 resulting in the destruction of a CX airliner over Vietnam with all lives lost.Police Lieut Somchai Chaiyasut was accused of using contacts at Don Muang to place a bomb in a Cathay flight to Vietnam.Newspaper reports at the time mention a policeman coming on board before take off and placing a parcel under the seat of Somchai's 20 year old mistress who was accompanying (this is the scarcely believable part) his own 7 year old daughter on a shopping trip.By coincidence Somchai had just taken out large life insurance policies on the soon to be dead couple.After 11 years he was found not gullty by a Thai court - lack of evidence (though most will have a different conclusion).Somchai thereafter fled to the U.S though shortly after died of cancer.

There's reference to all this in the other paper today in an excellent article by Vorani.

Almost makes you believe in karma - what a prize prick.

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The easiest way to subvert a security checkpoint is to find the exceptions, and then use them to your advantage. Should the next terrorist with a badge be allowed to walk through without a check? Is it impossible that a "regular" could be bribed or coerced to carry something through?

It already happened back in 1972 resulting in the destruction of a CX airliner over Vietnam with all lives lost.Police Lieut Somchai Chaiyasut was accused of using contacts at Don Muang to place a bomb in a Cathay flight to Vietnam.Newspaper reports at the time mention a policeman coming on board before take off and placing a parcel under the seat of Somchai's 20 year old mistress who was accompanying (this is the scarcely believable part) his own 7 year old daughter on a shopping trip.By coincidence Somchai had just taken out large life insurance policies on the soon to be dead couple.After 11 years he was found not gullty by a Thai court - lack of evidence (though most will have a different conclusion).Somchai thereafter fled to the U.S though shortly after died of cancer.

There's reference to all this in the other paper today in an excellent article by Vorani.

Almost makes you believe in karma - what a prize prick.

Even socio-paths can father children they will never care a jot about.

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It's a good thing this Video come up to publicity as clearly shows this sicken society how things works here...

The young man is typical low salary worker who dont want to loose his good job so even he make wai and say sorry for being doing his job for that crook official.

Elite thais and corrupt high ranking officials often act like this, we need more undercover stories to show this up to the public. Sadly nobody really cares as the normal hard working good heart majority sick of them already and they know its useless to point it out because nothing will happened. The high ranking official even dont want to show up to the police but i think this is his last days until he gets an arrest warrant.

I wish he get a huge penalty and will make others think twice before they think they are so cool...

Anyway, a customs official how he can think he is the king of the world and dont be checked, come'on he should be the first who want to test the guy work good in a normal country. There is no exception for people walking trough security checks, even they have 100 stars or police badges, if they are so VIP person should enter a special gateway or backdoor with a specific card to get access. Just think a terrorist using a fake card to act like a customs officer and he already can take a gun to a plane? What the hell is he thinking...

With the current terror threat and this particular case I firmly beleive there is major flaws in the Thai security for sure...

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The official was very lucky he didn't pull that stunt at an Australian airport. This news report with CCTV vision shows what happened to a 72 year old man at Perth International Airport when he had a dispute with customs officials which resulted in intervention by Australian Federal Police...http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/couple-in-the-clear-after-airport-argument/story-e6frg143-1226246799468


Edited by kkerry
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Animatic... I had read the first portions of this thread on my mobile... which didn't display the embedded video...!

I appreciate the pointer, and the link! Thanks very much for that!

In as I have ALWAYS admired your thoughtful and informed input on the items of interest here... {looked FORWARD to seeing your input once I see your avatar!} and maybe I'm a little too sensitive, but... it's rather hurtful, and disappointing, to receive a {are-you-blind?} "put-down" from you... in your first line... Geeeze...!

Best Respects (mutually, next time?)


>>>Miraculous Thailand<<<

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The official was very lucky he didn't pull that stunt at an Australian airport. This news report with CCTV vision shows what happened to a 72 year old man at Perth International Airport when he had a dispute with customs officials which resulted in intervention by Australian Federal Police...http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/couple-in-the-clear-after-airport-argument/story-e6frg143-1226246799468


There is a huge difference between Australia and Thailand when it comes to airport security and terrorist threats.

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Wow... I finally got to SEE this video... And it is astounding...! MUCH worse than I imagined! angry.png

Besides what I'd been hearing described as the physical attack... I can see the ranking official HIT the security guard on his shoulders, and grab him by the shoulders... and box his ears not once, but TWICE!

The second ear-boxing apparently ruptured his ear-drum at that time, since the guard puts his hand to his ear briefly....

THEN this humble guard CONTINUES (in the intense state of pain from a ruptured eardrum {how painful is THAT!!!}), to bow, bow, bow and bow again!!!

AND THEN!!! the official starts going after him a THIRD time, when the lady to the right of the victim intervenes by holding up her hand, saying something, like "stop" or "enough!!!" in Thai... Without that lady... he would have been in for a THIRD ATTACK!!!

What a nightmare... this time caught on video, for the whole world to witness.

I was thinking last night... that the certain "hell" that awaits this Hi-so monster would be something like... him doing some menial devil-required duty... then getting attacked and smacked around by (his evil Karma) Devil, getting his ears boxed again and again, rupturing BOTH his eardrums... again, and again, and again... on for eternity.

One can only hope for KARMA, in this case! Whew!!!

Thanks again for the pointer, Animatic!

Best regards, Pawpcorn

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Wow... I finally got to SEE this video... And it is astounding...! MUCH worse than I imagined! angry.png

Besides what I'd been hearing described as the physical attack... I can see the ranking official HIT the security guard on his shoulders, and grab him by the shoulders... and box his ears not once, but TWICE!

The second ear-boxing apparently ruptured his ear-drum at that time, since the guard puts his hand to his ear briefly....

THEN this humble guard CONTINUES (in the intense state of pain from a ruptured eardrum {how painful is THAT!!!}), to bow, bow, bow and bow again!!!

AND THEN!!! the official starts going after him a THIRD time, when the lady to the right of the victim intervenes by holding up her hand, saying something, like "stop" or "enough!!!" in Thai... Without that lady... he would have been in for a THIRD ATTACK!!!

What a nightmare... this time caught on video, for the whole world to witness.

I was thinking last night... that the certain "hell" that awaits this Hi-so monster would be something like... him doing some menial devil-required duty... then getting attacked and smacked around by (his evil Karma) Devil, getting his ears boxed again and again, rupturing BOTH his eardrums... again, and again, and again... on for eternity.

One can only hope for KARMA, in this case! Whew!!!

Thanks again for the pointer, Animatic!

Best regards, Pawpcorn

Yes this incident is beyond the pale.

And sorry if I veered that way a bit also.

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I wonder if ICT manage to located the person who post the video to check his shirt color.

What would it matter?

Whoever posted it should get the biggest Oscar for having the guts to expose the ugly underbelly of a hierarchical society that runs roughshod over the little guy. Enough middle class (and certainly little guys) are raising a big enough fuss to make it a widespread scandalous incident. Good on 'em. wink.png

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Animatic... I had read the first portions of this thread on my mobile... which didn't display the embedded video...!

I appreciate the pointer, and the link! Thanks very much for that!

In as I have ALWAYS admired your thoughtful and informed input on the items of interest here... {looked FORWARD to seeing your input once I see your avatar!} and maybe I'm a little too sensitive, but... it's rather hurtful, and disappointing, to receive a {are-you-blind?} "put-down" from you... in your first line... Geeeze...!

Best Respects (mutually, next time?)


>>>Miraculous Thailand<<<

you will get used to it on TV as there's not much respect on here sometimes

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*Waiting for followup*

Just read in the Bangkok Post that the official has failed to turn up to the police for the second time claiming he is sick.

it is beyond belief that he doesn't turn up why don't they go arrest him for assault?

It is not beyond belief, quite the contrary in fact. When a 'high-up' is caught bang to rights doing something wrong, this is the standard operating procedure. The supposed 'arrest' was just to quiet the baying public. The whole thing now will be drawn out until everybody has forgotten.

Do you really think the police are raring to arrest him? Again, quite the opposite, there is no benefit in them doing this. This man is a high-level customs officer. He has influential friends.

Your post shows you are mistaken with regards to the role of the law enforcement authorities here. This is not Kansas or anywhere else like it. All are not equal before the law.

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*Waiting for followup*

Just read in the Bangkok Post that the official has failed to turn up to the police for the second time claiming he is sick.

it is beyond belief that he doesn't turn up why don't they go arrest him for assault?

It is not beyond belief, quite the contrary in fact. When a 'high-up' is caught bang to rights doing something wrong, this is the standard operating procedure. The supposed 'arrest' was just to quiet the baying public. The whole thing now will be drawn out until everybody has forgotten.

Do you really think the police are raring to arrest him? Again, quite the opposite, there is no benefit in them doing this. This man is a high-level customs officer. He has influential friends.

Your post shows you are mistaken with regards to the role of the law enforcement authorities here. This is not Kansas or anywhere else like it. All are not equal before the law.

I know I was being slightly sarcastic and making a point

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