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US Embassy Warns Of Possible Terrorist Attack In Bangkok


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I have always thought the odds of a terrorist attack on Thailand carried out by groups from outside of Thailand to be relatively small

I guess you don't know about all the bombings in the south that happen almost every month. I think Thailand is a prime target.

Did you actually read what you quoted? Are the 'insurgent' attacks in the South carried out by Thais or foreigners? I wrote my comments very deliberately to avoid the debate about the problems in the South as it is totally unrelated to this thread.

Are the 'insurgent' attacks in the South carried out by Thais or foreigners? -- ( or both? )

Do you know the answer to this ? I'm sure the Thai Gov knows many things along with input from the CIA but none of them are talking. So do you know the answer to your own ? is it all connected somehow?

Most reports i have read about the trouble in Southern Thailand either state or infer that it is Thai groups responsible, although they may have assistance from elsewhere. The fact is though that the attacks have never spread from the areas in question, as someone referred to earlier, that for example Bangkok has never been targeted by whoever is behind them. I don't know if anything we are told by governments or media is true though so I have to pick my way through what is and isn't more likely. I tend to err on the side of less likely as I have seen too many lies from both governments and media in the past.

My point earlier, which has been echoed by others, is that whether what we are told is true, credible or whatever about 'terrorism' or possible attacks, the odds of being caught in one are negligible, and particularly in Thailand in my opinion for the reasons I gave earlier, so the Embassy warning is more a back covering exercise than an attempt to avoid potential death or injury to people, and could also be part of what others have referred to, an attempt to maintain the fear level, and justifying government policy, taxes and expenditure.

I don't live in Bangkok (but used to) and rarely travel there now but I very much doubt I would alter my routine or plans because of something like this if I did, for two reasons: firstly, it is allowing the terrorists, whoever they are, to win, and secondly, because of what i have already assessed about the potential risk. Others will judge differently based on their own assessments, I just thought I would contribute mine. I was living and travelling in London during the height of the IRA campaign and never changed my behaviour, and I don't intend to start doing so now or in the future without cast iron reason. I'm not criticising the issuing of the US Embassy information, just calling it as I see it.

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Quote " alerts U.S. citizens in Thailand that foreign terrorists may be currently looking to conduct attacks against tourist areas in Bangkok in the near future. U.S. citizens are urged to exercise caution when visiting public areas where large groups of Western tourists gather in Bangkok."

The American Citizen Services Unit of the U.S. Embassy is located at 95 Wireless Road in Bangkok

It obvious where to avoid if this piece of news is genuine, isn't it?


Obvious if you can't read. Is the US Embassy a tourist area? Not really.

You mean US tourist will never go to US Embassy?

Obviously your poor eye sight didnt finish reading the whole sentence as they mentioned public area and where western tourist gather.

Edited by Commentor
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Are the 'insurgent' attacks in the South carried out by Thais or foreigners? -- ( or both? )

Do you know the answer to this ? I'm sure the Thai Gov knows many things along with input from the CIA but none of them are talking. So do you know the answer to your own ? is it all connected somehow?

Most reports i have read about the trouble in Southern Thailand either state or infer that it is Thai groups responsible, although they may have assistance from elsewhere. The fact is though that the attacks have never spread from the areas in question, as someone referred to earlier, that for example Bangkok has never been targeted by whoever is behind them. I don't know if anything we are told by governments or media is true though so I have to pick my way through what is and isn't more likely. I tend to err on the side of less likely as I have seen too many lies from both governments and media in the past.

My point earlier, which has been echoed by others, is that whether what we are told is true, credible or whatever about 'terrorism' or possible attacks, the odds of being caught in one are negligible, and particularly in Thailand in my opinion for the reasons I gave earlier, so the Embassy warning is more a back covering exercise than an attempt to avoid potential death or injury to people, and could also be part of what others have referred to, an attempt to maintain the fear level, and justifying government policy, taxes and expenditure.

I don't live in Bangkok (but used to) and rarely travel there now but I very much doubt I would alter my routine or plans because of something like this if I did, for two reasons: firstly, it is allowing the terrorists, whoever they are, to win, and secondly, because of what i have already assessed about the potential risk. Others will judge differently based on their own assessments, I just thought I would contribute mine. I was living and travelling in London during the height of the IRA campaign and never changed my behaviour, and I don't intend to start doing so now or in the future without cast iron reason. I'm not criticising the issuing of the US Embassy information, just calling it as I see it.

so no embassies should never issue travel alerts and warning, good one

so it is better to be a good little lamb, being led to the slaughter in blissful ignorance, good luck with that

oh, and i am guessing you know exactly who is committing terrorism in south thailand, same as everybody knows, hell the group even brags about it, not much of a secret

Edited by wxyz
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Plans to attack Bangkok are now cancelled


are you informing the terrorists that their mission has been cancelled?

or are you informing the potential victims?

and are you in a command & control position to make that call?

Edited by wxyz
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Plans to attack Bangkok are now cancelled


are you informing the terrorists that their mission has been cancelled?

or are you informing the potential victims?

and are you in a command & control position to make that call?

I'm guessing that as Chalerm is on the case the terrorists know they can't outwit the genius of a man and will have cancelled

accordingly. rolleyes.gif

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Plans to attack Bangkok are now cancelled


are you informing the terrorists that their mission has been cancelled?

or are you informing the potential victims?

and are you in a command & control position to make that call?

Think number 3 is the closest


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Quote " alerts U.S. citizens in Thailand that foreign terrorists may be currently looking to conduct attacks against tourist areas in Bangkok in the near future. U.S. citizens are urged to exercise caution when visiting public areas where large groups of Western tourists gather in Bangkok."

The American Citizen Services Unit of the U.S. Embassy is located at 95 Wireless Road in Bangkok

It obvious where to avoid if this piece of news is genuine, isn't it?


Obvious if you can't read. Is the US Embassy a tourist area? Not really.

You mean US tourist will never go to US Embassy?

Obviously your poor eye sight didnt finish reading the whole sentence as they mentioned public area and where western tourist gather.

The embassy is not a public area. Unless you are talking about the street outside. The original alert was for Israeli citizens in tourist areas where they gather. Do some research.

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Quote " alerts U.S. citizens in Thailand that foreign terrorists may be currently looking to conduct attacks against tourist areas in Bangkok in the near future. U.S. citizens are urged to exercise caution when visiting public areas where large groups of Western tourists gather in Bangkok."

The American Citizen Services Unit of the U.S. Embassy is located at 95 Wireless Road in Bangkok

It obvious where to avoid if this piece of news is genuine, isn't it?


Obvious if you can't read. Is the US Embassy a tourist area? Not really.

You mean US tourist will never go to US Embassy?

Obviously your poor eye sight didnt finish reading the whole sentence as they mentioned public area and where western tourist gather.

The embassy is not a public area. Unless you are talking about the street outside. The original alert was for Israeli citizens in tourist areas where they gather. Do some research.

Yeh right. Why not you continue on your research and start a new topic where it is beyond this context. RESEARCHER !

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Are the 'insurgent' attacks in the South carried out by Thais or foreigners? -- ( or both? )

Do you know the answer to this ? I'm sure the Thai Gov knows many things along with input from the CIA but none of them are talking. So do you know the answer to your own ? is it all connected somehow?

Most reports i have read about the trouble in Southern Thailand either state or infer that it is Thai groups responsible, although they may have assistance from elsewhere. The fact is though that the attacks have never spread from the areas in question, as someone referred to earlier, that for example Bangkok has never been targeted by whoever is behind them. I don't know if anything we are told by governments or media is true though so I have to pick my way through what is and isn't more likely. I tend to err on the side of less likely as I have seen too many lies from both governments and media in the past.

My point earlier, which has been echoed by others, is that whether what we are told is true, credible or whatever about 'terrorism' or possible attacks, the odds of being caught in one are negligible, and particularly in Thailand in my opinion for the reasons I gave earlier, so the Embassy warning is more a back covering exercise than an attempt to avoid potential death or injury to people, and could also be part of what others have referred to, an attempt to maintain the fear level, and justifying government policy, taxes and expenditure.

I don't live in Bangkok (but used to) and rarely travel there now but I very much doubt I would alter my routine or plans because of something like this if I did, for two reasons: firstly, it is allowing the terrorists, whoever they are, to win, and secondly, because of what i have already assessed about the potential risk. Others will judge differently based on their own assessments, I just thought I would contribute mine. I was living and travelling in London during the height of the IRA campaign and never changed my behaviour, and I don't intend to start doing so now or in the future without cast iron reason. I'm not criticising the issuing of the US Embassy information, just calling it as I see it.

so no embassies should never issue travel alerts and warning, good one

so it is better to be a good little lamb, being led to the slaughter in blissful ignorance, good luck with that

oh, and i am guessing you know exactly who is committing terrorism in south thailand, same as everybody knows, hell the group even brags about it, not much of a secret


You are obviously being deliberately obtuse. I never said that I know who is behind any attacks, we can only read, view and listen to what is presented to us and make our own judgements from that, unless we happen to be part of the groups close to the action, but then again we are unlikely to be posting on here if we were. I never said that embassies should not issue travel alerts or warnings either, just what my interpretation is of the reasons for the one this thread is about. And i certainly never inferred, said or meant anything like the ridiculous comment you have made about blissful ignorance and lambs to the slaughter.

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I guess the areas around Soi Cowboy and patpong will be like a ghost town tonight after this warning..

Na, just free of Americans apparently.

I always thought Nana Plaza would be a prime target for jihadists on a mission from God. Full of sinful girls, booze, infidels (oh yeah, and Arabs). Several pounds of C4 exploded in the middle would create a compression wave that would be devastating, and then there is only one way out. Scary thought.

I think Nana is probably safe. History shows terrorists like to party first before jihad-ing, so that would be soiling their own playground.

Some of the logic and reasoning on these forums is "precious"

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Police chief says detained Lebanese man admits planning attack in Bangkok but aborted, no fertiliser for bombmaking found; will be deported without charge /MCOT

A would-be bomber who admits planning an attack in Bangkok, according to this report, is going to be deported without charge?

Is the Thai government going to be providing the airplane flight as well, same as they did for the 1972 Israeli Embassy attackers in Bangkok???

Planning a bomb/terrorist attack isn't violating any law in the Kingdom other than immigration?

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Police chief says detained Lebanese man admits planning attack in Bangkok but aborted, no fertiliser for bombmaking found; will be deported without charge /MCOT

A would-be bomber who admits planning an attack in Bangkok, according to this report, is going to be deported without charge?

Is the Thai government going to be providing the airplane flight as well, same as they did for the 1972 Israeli Embassy attackers in Bangkok???

Planning a bomb/terrorist attack isn't violating any law in the Kingdom other than immigration?

I agree. It sounds bizarre and I can't explain it. Perhaps something to do with Thailand's desire the remain a xenophobic island of neutrality to the greater world's conflict.
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Some points:


.Remember Bali? The thing is besides a nightclub I can't think of anywhere that would not have the locals out-numbering tourists 10-1.

I don't know about the ratio...but my uneducated guess is that it is a nightclub with many farang tourist customers.

2. Why Americans specifically?

Did you see the recent photos in the news of those Marines supposedly urinating on those Taliban bodies in Afghanistan?

3. Why Thailand?

NATO...most European countries...including the U.K. ... are part of NATO.


#2... If this really is Hezbollah, why would they care about the urination on Taliban members. Hezbollah isn't from or interested in Afghanistan.

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Some points:


.Remember Bali? The thing is besides a nightclub I can't think of anywhere that would not have the locals out-numbering tourists 10-1.

I don't know about the ratio...but my uneducated guess is that it is a nightclub with many farang tourist customers.

2. Why Americans specifically?

Did you see the recent photos in the news of those Marines supposedly urinating on those Taliban bodies in Afghanistan?

3. Why Thailand?

NATO...most European countries...including the U.K. ... are part of NATO.


#2... If this really is Hezbollah, why would they care about the urination on Taliban members. Hezbollah isn't from or interested in Afghanistan.

Yes and no. The fact is that Iran is deeply involved in infiltrating in Afghanistan and has been described by locals as a cancer. Iran is heavily into setting up proxy powers/proxy wars in their general region and obviously their nuclear ambitions are a play to be the undisputed big power in the middle east. But I think much more likely right now to do mostly with the nuclear scientist murders and the fact that the economic sanctions on Iran are causing a lot of pain there now. Edited by Jingthing
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Why exactly would the Thai authorities believe the word of a captured, admitted terrorist about canceled plans at face value? Amazing.

Because they were probably bullied by the USA to make such arrest.

Before the public knew about these "terrorists" the USA and or Israel made probably a request to arrest these people. But Thailand has no reason to arrest them, nor sees the Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation and didn't want act on orders given by the USA.

Then the USA made big noise with their warning about an imminent terrorist attack and now the Thai authorities had to do something.

There was never a danger that your favorite beer bar get blowing up, Hezbollah isn't know for Bali style bombings, They condemned the 9/11 attacks on the WTC for example.

It's more or less a resistance movement in Lebanon against attacks by Israel and as political party part of the government in Lebanon.

Only few countries see them as terrorists like Israel and the USA. but not Thailand.

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Why exactly would the Thai authorities believe the word of a captured, admitted terrorist about canceled plans at face value? Amazing.

Because they were probably bullied by the USA to make such arrest.

Before the public knew about these "terrorists" the USA and or Israel made probably a request to arrest these people. But Thailand has no reason to arrest them, nor sees the Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation and didn't want act on orders given by the USA.

Then the USA made big noise with their warning about an imminent terrorist attack and now the Thai authorities had to do something.

There was never a danger that your favorite beer bar get blowing up, Hezbollah isn't know for Bali style bombings, They condemned the 9/11 attacks on the WTC for example.

It's more or less a resistance movement in Lebanon against attacks by Israel and as political party part of the government in Lebanon.

Only few countries see them as terrorists like Israel and the USA. but not Thailand.

Uh, others think differently about Hezbollah:

Between 1982 and 1986, there were 36 suicide attacks in Lebanon directed against American, French and Israelis forces by 41 individuals with predominantly leftist political beliefs and of both major religions,[120]killing 659.[18] Hezbollah denies involvement in any attack, though it has been accused of some or all of these attacks:[121][122][123]

Since 1990, Hezbollah has been accused of the following attacks and attempted attacks (Hezbollah leaders denied involvement[citation needed]):


I think Thailand should be worried. Also, Hambali was caught here planning bomb attacks against various targets. Serious stuff for sure.

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#2... If this really is Hezbollah, why would they care about the urination on Taliban members. Hezbollah isn't from or interested in Afghanistan.

Yes and no. The fact is that Iran is deeply involved in infiltrating in Afghanistan and has been described by locals as a cancer. Iran is heavily into setting up proxy powers/proxy wars in their general region and obviously their nuclear ambitions are a play to be the undisputed big power in the middle east. But I think much more likely right now to do mostly with the nuclear scientist murders and the fact that the economic sanctions on Iran are causing a lot of pain there now.

Yeah, no way Hezbollah or Iran would waste effort to attack based upon the urination thing. Hezbollah is funded by Iran and Syria but they do things that match their agenda, and their agenda often coincides with Iran.

Iran also funded the ANC, but the ANC wouldn't go 5,000 kms away to take some action to benefit Iran or another of Iran's beneficiaries like ETA.

The whole thing is suspicous. Iran has a good political and economic relationship with Thailand... I doubt they would sanction an attack here.

More likely are either... 1) Israel and the US are trying to drum up domestic and international support for their imminent attack on iran, OR... 2) There is a terrorist threat but not related to Hezbollah.

Edited by erobando
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It wouldn't be an attack ON Thailand! It would be an attack IN Thailand. Geez!

Was the Bali event an attack on Indonesia? No.

Was the Argentina event an attack on Argentina? No.

Was the historic Thailand Israeli embassy event an attack on Thailand? No.

Edited by Jingthing
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coffee1.gif Okay...one more time then I'm off this topic.

I am now retired and I have been so for 15 months.

Therefore, I have no current information on any such threats...especially as to if they are valid or not.

Before I retired I had some expeience in this matter...and that's enough about that.

Also notice in my other post I never specifically mentioned Bangkok.

And as I said in that post....about the (time of) Bali (nightclub bombing).....

I was being intentionally vague in that other post.

Now read between the lines and see if you can figure out what I wanted you to understand.

Not all western tourists are in Bangkok, are they?

I'm sorry, but I can't be any clearer than that here.

I do NOT know if this is a valid warning. But from my previous experience I have no specific reason to believe it is false.

I wouldn't worry but as it says in the bible, "They that have eyes, let them see; and they that have ears, let them hear".

But you probably don't believe me anyhow...why should you?

And that ends my posting on this topic.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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It wouldn't be an attack ON Thailand! It would be an attack IN Thailand. Geez!

Was the Bali event an attack on Indonesia? No.

Was the Argentina event an attack on Argentina? No.

Was the historic Thailand Israeli embassy event an attack on Thailand? No.

No, not an attack against Thailand, but it would certainly have a detrimental effect on Thailands toursim, economy and international image.

Thailand would not want an attack here and, since Iran has economic interests here, they have no interest in straining Thai-Iranian relations.

Stop mentioning the Thailand Israeli embassy attack. That was before the Lebanese Civil War and is of no relavence to Hezbollah. Also well before the Iranian Revolution.

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