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Thai Govt In Damage Control On Terror

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MONKFISH:"P.s. when was the last terrorist attack in Thailand aimed at foreign tourists?"

That question was asked in BALI: "when was the last terrorist attack in Bali aimed at foreign tourists?" before the Bali bombing happened.

History will repeat itself.

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gopnarak: So Thai cannot bash Thai government and the police for being incompetent. Look at what has been going on in the flood last year, and the problems in the south for more than a decade with thousand of life lost. Do not be a sheep, speak up.

A terrorist attack against foreigners in Thailand, as in Bali, is certainly not inevitable, but it most certainly is possible. My understanding is the US embassy alert regarding this current Hezbollah activity is still in effect.


There are too many Thai that think it will never happen in Thailand especially in Bangkok, it is always someone else problem until it happens. Look at what is happening in the south, the longer the problem goes on without solution, the more chance it will spread from the south into Bangkok, then the Bangkok people will wake up, but it will be too late! Bangkoknians are too separated from the south so they have false securities for now, Jai Yen yen for now but there will be a lot of tears later.


I can see how you think that is sounds like Deja Vu. However, Iraq and Iran were never the same country, similar spelling notwithstanding.

laugh.png yes lets see.......

1) Claims of WMD's.....check ( except this time it is called nuclear threat & as yet is not reality same as the Iraq WMD's)

2) Terrorist worldwide looking for us....check

Funny to note this is not new at all.

Yet they would like the sheep to believe it is.....

The same has been going on for a decade +

Here is something from 2003


Here's something from 2002 - Jemaah Islamiyah bombed Kuta killing 88 Australians, 38 Indonesians, various other nationalities, and 7 Americans who were the intended targets.

You might ask what did Jemaah Islamiyah have against Australia. SFA, in fact quite a few of the group were allowed to move to Australia because of oppression in Indonesia. They liked the place so much they included it their long-term plan for the Asian Islamic State (or whatever) which also includes New Guinea, Malaysia, PI, and THAILAND. That most of the people in most of those countries might object was immaterial, as was 88 Oz collateral damage deaths.

Ask me how I feel about people with that sort of mindless religious mania having an atomic bomb.


MONKFISH:"P.s. when was the last terrorist attack in Thailand aimed at foreign tourists?"

That question was asked in BALI: "when was the last terrorist attack in Bali aimed at foreign tourists?" before the Bali bombing happened.

History will repeat itself.

The last terrorist attack in Bangkok was NYE 2006, no one was ever caught or charged with it. But the main suspect is living in Dubai.

"The 2006 Bangkok bombings occurred on 31 December 2006 and 1 January 2007, during New Year's Eve festivities in Bangkok, Thailand. Four explosions went off almost simultaneously in different parts of the city at around 6:00 p.m. local time (1100 UTC), followed by several more explosions within the next 90 minutes. Two more explosions occurred after midnight. In total, eight explosions were reported during the night.

As of 1 January 2007, three people were confirmed dead and more than 38 injured.[1] One additional bomb exploded inside a movie theater, but went unreported until the next day due to fears of negative publicity."



Jingthing: Yes, it is just a matter of when, bomb does not care if you are Jews, American, European, Thai, Chinese; when it goes off, it will not care whom it kills!

Look at pearl harbor, 911, Mumbai, London, etc.

waza: Yep, it happened before in Bangkok (it will be small compared to what this latest plan of attack), and yet, the Government is still too worrying about losing the tourist's money.

MONKFISH:"P.s. when was the last terrorist attack in Thailand aimed at foreign tourists?"

That question was asked in BALI: "when was the last terrorist attack in Bali aimed at foreign tourists?" before the Bali bombing happened.

History will repeat itself.

Nobody claimed responsibility for the Bangkok bombings. Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont blamed the "old power clique" as the group responsible for the bombings, referring to the deposed government of Thaksin Shinawatra as well as all those who had lost political power due to the 2006 military coup.[3]..............Other military ordnance sources claimed the bombs were all ammonium nitrate fuel oil (ANFO)/M4 bombs.[22



Are there any countries in the world that are not under threat of Terrorist action? It is a "Fact of Life" in today's world. Civilisation is an extremely thin veneer.

Yes, I think there are some countries with very low chances of hosting terrorist attacks, either internal or external. Costa Rica comes to mind.


I lived in Costa Rica for many years. car bombings, assinations you name it. I suppose it depends on your definition of what constitutes a terroist action. I can tell you many many people live in terror there. I can think of no country that is exempt.

USamericans seem to think CR is perfect.

Oh yea, the Ticos (costa ricans) hate the fact that America and Americans are only from the USA. They are Americans too. Central Americans

greenland is pretty quiet !

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Sometimes I think the people of TVF are scarier than Hezbollah............

No TVF has blow up anyone (that we know of). I still rank the terrorists as scarier.

exactly, hez and the rest of the zombie followers of that totalitarian theocracy are in a league of their own, the nazi were horrific, the imperialist japanese were worse, but this group is exponentially worse than even those 2, case in point

you are all targets, paki terrorist Ramzi Yousef in the philipines, nat geo Air Crash Investigation: Bomb On Board



youtube (1/5) Philippine Airlines Flight 434 (Bomb on Board)

no crime against humanity is off limits for this organization, cuz they do not consider you HUMAN


a pattern of INTERNATIONAL actions from Iran that was happening now and linking it to the quite obvious heating up in Iran due to sanctions, the nuclear scientist murders, etc. She seemed to be hinting that terror activities in OTHER countries not yet named were on the radar as well. She was suggesting it was all related to Iran, including the Thailand news. Of course, Iran is the key backer for Hezbollah.

Oh boy................Dejavu

Paint it black before the attack............

This should be good for another decade of income for TPTB

I wonder who is next if we make it to 2022

It's pretty easy for people who want to bash America to poo poo the idea that Iran/Hezbollah IS out of control now internationally when they hear this from American officials. So how about this? From TURKISH intelligence, a very important country having bad relations now with Israel currently with Islamic theocratic elements in political power. Don't be so quick to deny info from the US government; sometimes it is TRUE. Sounds very similar to reports about the potential planned attacks in THAILAND from Hezbollah, yes? The US Homeland Security secretary may be on to something linking the news in Thailand to an international pattern -- from IRAN and HEZBOLLAH.

Report: Iran planning attacks on U.S. targets in Turkey


The report states that according to Turkish intelligence, it is likely that a cell of the Quds Unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard is planning to break into the U.S. Embassy or one of its consulates. The intelligence further stated that the cell is planning on staying at a five-star hotel in the city in which the attack is being planned, cautioning forces to focus on foreigners residing in those hotels.


Moreover, the report states that Hezbollah may take part in such attacks against Americans.


(Haaretz is a very LEFT WING news source from Israel)


OK, we know about the visible conflict between the USA embassy and the current government of Thailand. However, I think this is news. For the first time this recent Hezbollah terror threat news has broken, I saw an item that this is being commented on in Washington. It was a tv clip and I don't yet have a text link. Basically it was U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano talking about a pattern of INTERNATIONAL actions from Iran that was happening now and linking it to the quite obvious heating up in Iran due to sanctions, the nuclear scientist murders, etc. She seemed to be hinting that terror activities in OTHER countries not yet named were on the radar as well. She was suggesting it was all related to Iran, including the Thailand news. Of course, Iran is the key backer for Hezbollah.

I personally am not going to judge yet on whether this statement from her is a kind of propaganda as I don't know exactly what evidence she has. I could have said the same thing based on surface conclusions about the coincidental TIMING of all this.

It is all logical considering Iran and Syria's histories and histories with Hezbollah.

If you can spread out your enemies defenses, they are easier to defeat at any one point, than if they are all focused on your front. Second and third fronts are typical in large wars as equalizing strategies

In addition, if you are doing horrendous things at home, as Syria is doing,

distracting the worlds eyes can be a plus.


How far away does one have to get to truly get away from the American non-sense that constantly flows out of the government? Sorry, but meaningless scare tactics don't impress me. Furthermore, if two people can stimulate a panic without even doing anything, then the so-called bad guys win, period.

In addition, this 'cry wolf' crap is really getting old. Here's an idea America: try minding your own business and stop pissing on the rest of the world. See how that works instead of the normal gospel-spreading course, please.

Seems you speak English , your welcome.dry.png

Yes he does, unlike you and REM (who also can't spell). The word you are looking for is 'you're'...

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How far away does one have to get to truly get away from the American non-sense that constantly flows out of the government? Sorry, but meaningless scare tactics don't impress me. Furthermore, if two people can stimulate a panic without even doing anything, then the so-called bad guys win, period.

In addition, this 'cry wolf' crap is really getting old. Here's an idea America: try minding your own business and stop pissing on the rest of the world. See how that works instead of the normal gospel-spreading course, please.

Not only does he speak he English, he knows some proverbs as well! Crying wolf! A second you're welcome, and it's better to prepare in advance and be proactive than reactive after the attack. Also, I don't know if you're American or not, but if you're not, you probably aren't on the US Embassy mailing list, and thus weren't bothered, so why start writing and looking like a hypocrit? You could have been quiet and know one would have known!

Unlike your buddy you are referring you, you can spell ‘you’re’ correctly. But you really got in ‘up to your neck’ (a saying like ‘cry wolf’ – which is not a proverb, by the way) when you got to “hypocrit” and “know one” (no one)… Perhaps you are a 3000 baht a month ‘English teacher’? SIGH!!!!

PS. Did you mean "proactive RATHER than reactive"...?

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Can we please stop shrieking like six-year-old girls?


Do you think your embassy should send you s text message every morning reminding you how likely you are to die in a car accident?

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Can we please stop shrieking like six-year-old girls?

Do you think your embassy should send you s text message every morning reminding you how likely you are to die in a car accident?

and that makes terrorism ok how? so you are trying to justify terrorism then, good one

you want everybody being lambs led to the slaughter as the terrorism wolves circle them

i think most normal people want the perps of terrorism dead, and they want to know the truth of possible terror threats,

i may want to see the pyramids in egypt, but i am not dying to see them, "Egyptian tourist massacre"

Oct. 21, 1992:

A British woman is killed and two British men are wounded when their tourist bus is ambushed.

Feb. 26, 1993:

A Turk, a Swede and an Egyptian die when a bomb rips through a Cairo coffee shop. Twenty others are wounded.

June 8, 1993:

A bomb goes off near a tour bus on Pyramids Road in Cairo. Two Egyptians die and 22 people of various nationalities are wounded.

March 4, 1994:

A German tourist is killed when gunmen open fire at a Nile tour boat in southern Egypt.

Aug. 26, 1994:

A Spanish boy dies when a tourist bus comes under fire in southern Egypt.

Sept. 27, 1994:

Two Egyptians and two German tourists are killed in an attack on the Red Sea resort of Hurghada.

Oct. 23, 1994:

A British tourist is killed and three others are wounded when their minibus is attacked.

April 18, 1996:

Eighteen Greek tourists are shot and killed in an attack near the Pyramids. The gunmen said they thought they were killing Israelis.

Sept. 18, 1997:

Nine German tourists and their driver are killed in a shooting and firebomb attack outside the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Nov. 17, 1997:

Attackers kill 58 tourists and four Egyptians at an ancient temple near the southern town of Luxor. Six gunmen and three police officers also die. The Luxor massacre is the worst in Egypt in decades. The militants responsible for the massacre were leading members of Egypt’s largest Islamist group, Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya. It’s believed the attack was meant to destabilize Egypt’s tourist industry and its secular government.

Oct. 7, 2004:

Bombs go off outside the Taba Hilton hotel on Egypt’s border with Israel, killing 34 people. The area is a popular destination for Israeli tourists. A month earlier, Israel’s counter-terrorism agency warned that visiting the Sinai could be dangerous because of intelligence that pointed to the likelihood of an attack by militants on civilians.

April 7, 2005:

An attack in a Cairo bazaar kills an American and two French citizens as well as the suspected suicide bomber.

April 30, 2005:

A suicide bomber sets off a nail bomb, wounding seven, including two Israelis, an Italian and a Swede, near the Egyptian museum in central Cairo. An hour later, the man’s sister and fiancée open fire on a tourist bus in another part of Cairo. One commits suicide after killing the other. No tourists are injured in the attack.

July 23, 2005:

A series of car bombs explode in the popular tourist destination of Sharm el-Sheikh. At least 88 people are killed and more than 200 are wounded, including many foreigners. Most of the dead are Egyptians. It’s believed a suicide bomber rammed a car laden with explosives into the Ghazala Gardens Hotel after running over two police officers. A second car explodes at city’s old market. It’s believed the car was to have been detonated outside a second hotel.

Egyptian police are said to be looking for several Pakistani men in connection with the attack. An Egyptian group – the Mujahedeen – claims responsibility for the attack. Police were trying to determined whether there was a link between this attack and the bombing of Taba Hilton in October 2004.

July 24, 2005:

A man carrying an explosive is badly injured after it goes off while he is carrying it. Police investigate whether he was planning to detonate the device near the Pyramids.

All police officers in the city were sent to the area, a police source said in Luxor.

Hiroshi Sato, at the Japanese Embassy in Cairo, said: “I know at least three Japanese have been killed and one seriously injured. We are trying to account for teh others.

“Until the whole picture is known I am advising Japanese tourists not to travel.”

Medic: “Not many survived the attack”

On September 18, nine Germans and an Egyptian driver were killed when gunmen opened fire on a bus in Cairo.


Are there any countries in the world that are not under threat of Terrorist action? It is a "Fact of Life" in today's world. Civilisation is an extremely thin veneer.

Yes, I think there are some countries with very low chances of hosting terrorist attacks, either internal or external. Costa Rica comes to mind.


I lived in Costa Rica for many years. car bombings, assinations you name it. I suppose it depends on you definition of what constitutes a terroist action. I can tell you many many people live in terror there. I can think of no country that is exempt.

What you mentioned, targeted assassinations for specific cause directed at specific individuals, obviously aren't terrorism.

I beg to differ as the overall outcome is the same. Some of the attacks in CR may have been targetted, but it still serves to traumatize and demoralize the general population. How do I know, well, I lived in Bogota for many years during the FARC/ ELN bombing campaigns while Uribe was in office. Some attacks were targeted on government officials while other incidents were obviously only carried out for maximum terror effect.


When the Bali style bombing happens in Phuket or Bangkok, it is just a matter of when it will happen, you know whom the Thai government will blame for not giving out to warning.

Who, the katoeys on soi Crocodile?


Can we please stop shrieking like six-year-old girls?


Do you think your embassy should send you s text message every morning reminding you how likely you are to die in a car accident?

Tell it to the family's of those that died on 9/11. If the government had sent them a warning email prior to the attacks there is a chance it would have made a difference. In any case, no one is asking for daily reminders about things we do to our-self to cause death (like smoking and drinking) but if they have a reason to suspect a major event is going to occur that could kill many people then I am all but happy to receive the message. If you have a problem with the warnings then don't subscribe to the lists and just delete any warnings you get like all the other spam you're not interested in.


and that makes terrorism ok how? so you are trying to justify terrorism then, good one

you want everybody being lambs led to the slaughter as the terrorism wolves circle them

There are forums where you can be banned for nasty rhetorical tricks like that; I am, fortunately, not a member of any of them. I'd pledge the rest of my life and a regular donation, though, to one that imposed permabans for such a cavalier approach to punctuation.

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Using your logic, if you change the word from Terrorisism to"Nuclear Power" instead, the number you have put up will make it safe for using Nuclear power then? How many people die from Nuclear power accident? If we should not worry so much about terrorsism then if they blow up Nuclear power plant then it is no big deal then? And yet, many people oppose Nuclear power. Can we please stop shrieking like six-year-old girls when it comes to Nuclear power? Thailand wants to build Nuclear power plant and so many people opposing it or they are just bunch of shrieking six-year-old girls? More people die from car accident, plane crashes, drug overdoses than from Nuclear powe accident.



Using your logic, if you change the word from Terrorisism to"Nuclear Power" instead, the number you have put up will make it safe for using Nuclear power then? How many people die from Nuclear power accident? If we should not worry so much about terrorsism then if they blow up Nuclear power plant then it is no big deal then? And yet, many people oppose Nuclear power. Can we please stop shrieking like six-year-old girls when it comes to Nuclear power? Thailand wants to build Nuclear power plant and so many people opposing it or they are just bunch of shrieking six-year-old girls? More people die from car accident, plane crashes, drug overdoses than from Nuclear powe accident.

Yes. And?

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