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Most of the complainers are old (60+) and kinda set in their ways.

Don't fret though; between the rising cost of living here, the economic state of many their homelands and the resultant consequences for the currencies in which their pensions/incomes are denominated, it's very likely we'll see even more of 'em return home soon anyway.

Still, it doesn't stop them from posting on here.

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I guess most people who contribute to this Forum are mainly middle to old aged, and have burned their boats in their home countries, so feel that they are part of Thailand now and can give their opinions on most matters. However, people of this age group, with options fast disappearing for change, tend to have negative views of what goes on around them. They would be the same back home. As a young expatriate in Africa, there were huge differences in attitudes between young expats and older ones. I get fed up wherever I live after a few years and I have lived in a few countries so I recognise this fact. For those with no choices available, it must really grind them down, so they take it out on their keyboards. Even worse for those whose retirment dreams have all gone sour for many reasons such as exchange rates, family problems, health problems, even loneliness when friends pass away. I don't really think they want anyone to take notice of their rants, and I certainly don't let it get to me when some guys grouch. My turn will probably be next.

One thing which annoys me slightly is when people reply that if you don't like it, just bugger off. They may be secure in their lives here, but maybe in future years then they will be the ones moaning

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The reason they stay is probably that they can see beyond the negative.

Thailand is a lovely country with many flaws. Because someone chooses to recognize and discuss these flaws it does not mean as so many posters unimaginatively put it they should 'leave if they don't like ít', and 'don't let the door hit them on the way out'.

There are many ideal and wonderful things in Thailand that for many by far outweigh the negative. Thus in my opinion there is nothing wrong with discussing these issues and hoping things will improve.

That said: There are a number of negative posters who genuinely believe Thai's don't like us or want us here.... and write extremely negatively of Thai's as a people. My wife reads this forum and its testament to her character that she doesn't hate all westerners after reading some of the insults on here. However, she has picked out one of two of the more 'flavored' posters as being nothing more than uneducated buffoons…. It is amusing that some of the members names she has mentioned are the very same posters I find highly bigoted and idiotic.

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Just shows that the internet and blogs like this allow anyone with a keyboard and basic language skills can spew their 'thoughts' and get their 15 minutes of fame. Unfortunately have to sort through the drivel to get to the intelligent interesting commentary.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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I think the level of negativity towards Thailand is less than the level of negativity towards Western countries, governments of western countries, people in western countries of various races, Muslims, western women, ex-pats, old people, fat people...

I think its good, because it reminds us that there are so many unpleasant people in the world, with whom we hopefully will never interact in the real world at any more than a superficial level.

It might also be that some of these people who seem, on the forum, to be so opinionated and uncharitable are in fact reasonable in real life; to be fair, a lot of them are reasonable on the forum, except when a topic arises on which they have strong views, and they feel obliged to air those views, sullying their otherwise good character.


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I would agree with what Richard Smith wrote on this subject. Most of us can see the failings and problems in Thailand. And, if we have spent any amount of time here we have also see many of the poorer class Thais who do pretty stupid things. But, that doesn't mean we don't also weigh the bad with the good, and in most cases the good usually out weighs the bad. However, personal finances can make a huge different in the outlook of many people.

As I've said many times, it is the things than annoy us the most that are also part of what we love about Thailand and its people.

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I would agree with what Richard Smith wrote on this subject. Most of us can see the failings and problems in Thailand. And, if we have spent any amount of time here we have also see many of the poorer class Thais who do pretty stupid things. But, that doesn't mean we don't also weigh the bad with the good, and in most cases the good usually out weighs the bad. However, personal finances can make a huge different in the outlook of many people.

As I've said many times, it is the things than annoy us the most that are also part of what we love about Thailand and its people.

Well certainly a lot of good points here.

For myself I tend not to see bad things I see different things. That is not to say if it is bad by Thai standards I will then call it bad. The hardest part for me is to drop all my western standards and try to fit in to the eastern standards. Some times I am great at it other times I don't do that well.

Please be careful with the age profiling I am 70 and loving it here in Thailand. I am in my seventh year here in Thailand and enjoying it. (that is both being 70 and being in Thailand)

It was certainly refreshing to read the number of non biased opinions here.

Keep them coming.

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I would agree with what Richard Smith wrote on this subject. Most of us can see the failings and problems in Thailand. And, if we have spent any amount of time here we have also see many of the poorer class Thais who do pretty stupid things. But, that doesn't mean we don't also weigh the bad with the good, and in most cases the good usually out weighs the bad. However, personal finances can make a huge different in the outlook of many people.

As I've said many times, it is the things than annoy us the most that are also part of what we love about Thailand and its people.

Well certainly a lot of good points here.

For myself I tend not to see bad things I see different things. That is not to say if it is bad by Thai standards I will then call it bad. The hardest part for me is to drop all my western standards and try to fit in to the eastern standards. Some times I am great at it other times I don't do that well.

Please be careful with the age profiling I am 70 and loving it here in Thailand. I am in my seventh year here in Thailand and enjoying it. (that is both being 70 and being in Thailand)

It was certainly refreshing to read the number of non biased opinions here.

Keep them coming.

Why would you want to abandon your own standards? Why would you want to adopt foreign standards?

Personally, I don't think that I have the perception to fully understand what Thai standards are, and to superficially behave according to my perception of their standards would be rash, I think. I'm quite hapy to accept that I am a foreigner here whose tastes, opinions and manners may differ from my neighbours, but I hope that my standards are sufficiently flexible and that my behaviour is sufficiently courteous to avoid causing offence.

But I'm not going to start burning rubbish, or playing loud music late at night, or driving too close to the car in front, or praying to spirits just because my neighbours do.


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Your topic is as old as the hills.

Thailand has a lot of problems however many turn a blind eye to them, I mean when you get run over and no one is held responsible perhaps you will think differently, when you see the guy who did it waltz past you everyday smirking as his Dad is head of Police or something let us know what you think then.

Some people have no choice to leave, some of their wives earn GOOD money here ie 200k a month +.

I would moan about ANY country I was in, somethings here are just plain DUMB DANGEROUS AND STUPID failing to realise that would make you the same.

Edited by travelmann
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.... And, if we have spent any amount of time here we have also see many of the poorer class Thais who do pretty stupid things. ...

I reckon the local's ability to do pretty stupid things is not restricted to the 'poorer class'; the recent mismanagement of the annual flooding is testament to that. That clusterf*ck wasn't wrought by the great unwashed but on the great unwashed.

Ah yes, this class thingamabob. Why does the foreigner who has decided to park his working or retired arse in Thailand always consider that they are up there with the hi-so's?

Off to burn some rubbish now as is part of my Thai character assimilation program. I can't see why my fellow farang condo dwellers have a perpetual cow about it though.

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Thai character assimilation program.

Cleverly disguised akin to a Stepford assimilation 6-step program.

Those that regard themselves safe from them are clearly not paying attention.....they do get you in the end.

No one is safe.

Watch for the "pods".

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coffee1.gif Answer: usually because they didn't get the bj they expected yesterday, so now they are p-ssed off, and therefore now they "hate Thailand and Thais".

Do you remember the movie, "Good Morning Vietnam"?

There's a line in there I love. There is a NCO that is always rude and grumpy to everyone.

His commanding officer tells him, "Sgt., I believe you are in more dire need of a b---job than any other person I've ever met in my life".

Same idea applies.


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To comment and make observations of your environment is one thing to be expected. To rant, rave and foam at the mouth regarding the realities of your host country is another. It may make for fun to a point, after that, its just embarrassing. Quite interesting to watch people make fools of themselves as they launch into tirades into the abyss of the internet. I'm sometimes curious if these people are as obnoxious in person, but I just have to reflect on some of the dregs I've seen stalking about in LOS to answer my question. Guess a whiner in TL, would be a whiner anywhere.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Why? Because they see themselves as victims.

Victims see problems as an occasion for persecution rather than a challenge to overcome. They feel persecuted by everyone and everything. They are angry, annoyed and and are not happy if they are not complaining about something or someone. It is not a problem with Thailand, the problem lays within.

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Well its like the conversation I used to have with a friend who owned an internet company, lived in a bkk penthouse and had more 'things' than most men could dream of. All he did was cry about how everything sucked. I would simply suggest he get a job working for someone else back in the West. Like magic, end of conversation.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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I love living in Thailand have a wonderfull Thai familly and lots of nice Thai friends ,i am also one of those "grumpy" over 60's although i usually have a smile on my face . But it still does not change the fact that half the Thai people i come across ,especially the m/bike drivers couldnt blow their hats off if their brains were made of gunpowder.

have a nice day

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Its quite simple, you can attribute all the bad things and stupid things (there are enough of those here) to the Thais. You can put them down as much as you want and feel good about yourself because you are not Thai. Normally in your home country you would create a sub group like immigrants to blame for your troubles. Here there is no need. You dont blame the idiot doing it you just blame all Thais.

Fair to say i see a lot of stupid and dumb things here. But my wife agrees those are stupid things. Its not like Thais dont hate the corruption (many of them do). Its not like Thais don't have problems with the police. They do. But they will complain the police. We just say Thais no need for use to go to subcategories to exclude ourselves. We are already exuded.

Dual pricing.. i hate it.. my Thai friends who went fishing with it found it crazy too. Its not all Thais but its easier to blame em all because you don't belong to that group so its easier to comment on them.

Now when we complain foreigners here we will say fat foreigners.. so you can exlude yourself if your not fat. Or we blame the fresh of the boat types for something. Ect ect.

By the way i got plenty to complain about in Thailand and plenty to love. I complained about Holland a fair bit too because no country is perfect and its normal to complain about things.

But because here its easier to separate yourself from the group you can complain harder and tar a bigger group with the same brush.

That is just my take on it.

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I would agree with what Richard Smith wrote on this subject. Most of us can see the failings and problems in Thailand. And, if we have spent any amount of time here we have also see many of the poorer class Thais who do pretty stupid things. But, that doesn't mean we don't also weigh the bad with the good, and in most cases the good usually out weighs the bad. However, personal finances can make a huge different in the outlook of many people.

As I've said many times, it is the things than annoy us the most that are also part of what we love about Thailand and its people.

Well certainly a lot of good points here.

For myself I tend not to see bad things I see different things. That is not to say if it is bad by Thai standards I will then call it bad. The hardest part for me is to drop all my western standards and try to fit in to the eastern standards. Some times I am great at it other times I don't do that well.

Please be careful with the age profiling I am 70 and loving it here in Thailand. I am in my seventh year here in Thailand and enjoying it. (that is both being 70 and being in Thailand)

It was certainly refreshing to read the number of non biased opinions here.

Keep them coming.

Why would you want to abandon your own standards? Why would you want to adopt foreign standards?

Personally, I don't think that I have the perception to fully understand what Thai standards are, and to superficially behave according to my perception of their standards would be rash, I think. I'm quite hapy to accept that I am a foreigner here whose tastes, opinions and manners may differ from my neighbours, but I hope that my standards are sufficiently flexible and that my behaviour is sufficiently courteous to avoid causing offence.

But I'm not going to start burning rubbish, or playing loud music late at night, or driving too close to the car in front, or praying to spirits just because my neighbours do.


I had no standards in Farong land it was a keep up with the Jones's land where your private standards were never nurtured instead take in all around you.Here I find that most of them were just a way of stifling my own development. Here there is a freedom that I never enjoyed back home why would I want to ruin that?

Some things I will never take on but it will be by choice not societies dictate.

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I would agree with what Richard Smith wrote on this subject. Most of us can see the failings and problems in Thailand. And, if we have spent any amount of time here we have also see many of the poorer class Thais who do pretty stupid things. But, that doesn't mean we don't also weigh the bad with the good, and in most cases the good usually out weighs the bad. However, personal finances can make a huge different in the outlook of many people.

As I've said many times, it is the things than annoy us the most that are also part of what we love about Thailand and its people.

Well certainly a lot of good points here.

For myself I tend not to see bad things I see different things. That is not to say if it is bad by Thai standards I will then call it bad. The hardest part for me is to drop all my western standards and try to fit in to the eastern standards. Some times I am great at it other times I don't do that well.

Please be careful with the age profiling I am 70 and loving it here in Thailand. I am in my seventh year here in Thailand and enjoying it. (that is both being 70 and being in Thailand)

It was certainly refreshing to read the number of non biased opinions here.

Keep them coming.

Why would you want to abandon your own standards? Why would you want to adopt foreign standards?

Personally, I don't think that I have the perception to fully understand what Thai standards are, and to superficially behave according to my perception of their standards would be rash, I think. I'm quite hapy to accept that I am a foreigner here whose tastes, opinions and manners may differ from my neighbours, but I hope that my standards are sufficiently flexible and that my behaviour is sufficiently courteous to avoid causing offence.

But I'm not going to start burning rubbish, or playing loud music late at night, or driving too close to the car in front, or praying to spirits just because my neighbours do.


I had no standards in Farong land it was a keep up with the Jones's land where your private standards were never nurtured instead take in all around you.Here I find that most of them were just a way of stifling my own development. Here there is a freedom that I never enjoyed back home why would I want to ruin that?

Some things I will never take on but it will be by choice not societies dictate.

Too be honest, back in the Netherlands you had to keep up with the neighbors. Here i can live as cheap as i want and save loads of money for later. No need to keep up appearances. I can spend a lot more if i want to but i choose to save it for a rainy day. For instance my home, im paying almost nothing for it. But if i had to buy a home in relation to my income i would have to pay a lot more. I prefer to save cash and spend it on other things. Less pressure because here i am an outsider already.

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I think it's just the ages of the majority of Farangs in Thailand, they would be moaning wherever they lived.

Miserable old git, Grumpy old Fart, etc etc..

Although I do in some ways understand it, they live in a country where nothing is sure, can't get free medical, currency rates are hurting many, they know that the young wife is just waiting for them to pop their clogs so she can get a Thai man her own age at last, now she is financially secure that is.

I do know some elderly chaps that are not miserable though, but they are financially secure and stay here by choice, they do not have to stay here because they have nowhere else to go.

Oh Hum. jap.gif

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