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Christian Evangelicals In Thailand


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Love what the Christian Evangelicals have done to African nations like Nigeria! Where ever the CEs have gone in Africa you find religious conflict! GOOD JOB! Check out the tyeps of buildings that get burned down! The lasting legacy of CEs!! smile.png

The ills of Nigeria are more easily laid at the feet of Shell Oil, a decidedly non-evangelical organization. The current ills of the Middle East can be laid at the feet of what was once known as ARAMCO, another non-evangelical group. The ills of the Caspian region can be laid at the feet of BP, a group overwhelmingly led by Church of England adherents. The evangelicals are not the problem although due to their limited understanding of Christianity and shallow depth of their theology they are quick to align themselves with the far right corporate oligarchs.

I have not seem much impact upon the larger Thai society from well over a century of concerted evangelical activity. The few Thai Christians I know attend the wacko Thai evangelical churches, both in Thailand and in the US, where the religion is more a form of animism, as is Catholicism in South America. Yet some are my good friends, although I know when to excuse myself from their presence and I know not to engage them in theological conversation as their understanding of their religion goes no deeper than "I believe and accept Jesus as my savior". There is seemingly no need for values or ethics as long as one believes, amen!

Now I, an a-theist, have been befriended by some of the longest serving evangelicals in Chiang Mai, and I find them to be good people whose conversation I enjoy. I have also met some younger evangelicals who I found outright distasteful. But put together they have had a relatively good impact up north, especially regarding health, such as McCormick hospital and the entire modern dental infrastructure in Chiang Mai (although I am not sure if the Adventist are evangelicals), and education with Payap University and its generous scholarship programs aimed at minority youth. So like a few others here, I take them one at a time, ignore their peculiar beliefs, and judge them on other, more important factors.

A good buddy of mine is a christian pastor. Has a Phd in theology. Smart guy! He makes a distinction between evangelical christians and christian evangelicasl. He's not one to push his faith on others, but if asked would like me to convert or believe.

Sorry, but the CEs I've met in LOS are pretty darn narrow minded. It just blew my mind away! Repeated images of Palin, The Tea Baggers and political right wingers kept flashing before my eyes! It was surreal!

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Many of these missionaries create "Homes for Disadvantaged Children" or orphanages. Just imagine how vulnerable these children are and how easy it is for them to inject a new religion into these childrens minds.

Christians are generally not aggressive, there are exceptions as in every religion, some are bothersome and most will leave you alone when asked to do so, if it weren't for the orphanages and homes established by missionaries most of the kids they take in would end up either dead, begging on the street or trapped in prostitution, the orphanages usually do introduce the kids to the bible and the associated teachings, but if the child is adopted out to a family from another religion, such as Buddhism, which would be highly likely, then the new family would then teach the child the religion they follow. The religion I would be concerned about taking in children is the one that heavily indoctrinates children, you know the one that bombs police stations, hospitals, markets and others, at least by being taken in by christians the kids receive an education that follows the corriculum and are taught to be a responsible member of society. Whether the kids actually end up or if converted remain christians is their own choice, no one will put the threat of execution on them if they choose a different religion.

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One day a CE came to my sister's office. At first the CE was all smiles, and friendly until she was told that there was no soliciting. The CE left and as she made a pass of the office she screamed out,while pointing at my sis an a co-worker, "CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL!". My sis and her co-worker just laughed. Yea, CEs are pretty normal. :)

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Many of these missionaries create "Homes for Disadvantaged Children" or orphanages. Just imagine how vulnerable these children are and how easy it is for them to inject a new religion into these childrens minds.

Christians are generally not aggressive, there are exceptions as in every religion, some are bothersome and most will leave you alone when asked to do so, if it weren't for the orphanages and homes established by missionaries most of the kids they take in would end up either dead, begging on the street or trapped in prostitution, the orphanages usually do introduce the kids to the bible and the associated teachings, but if the child is adopted out to a family from another religion, such as Buddhism, which would be highly likely, then the new family would then teach the child the religion they follow. The religion I would be concerned about taking in children is the one that heavily indoctrinates children, you know the one that bombs police stations, hospitals, markets and others, at least by being taken in by christians the kids receive an education that follows the corriculum and are taught to be a responsible member of society. Whether the kids actually end up or if converted remain christians is their own choice, no one will put the threat of execution on them if they choose a different religion.

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One day a CE came to my sister's office. At first the CE was all smiles, and friendly until she was told that there was no soliciting. The CE left and as she made a pass of the office she screamed out,while pointing at my sis an a co-worker, "CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL!". My sis and her co-worker just laughed. Yea, CEs are pretty normal.

That was not a CE, that was a religious nutcase. That is the sort that gives Christians a bad name.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Many of these missionaries create "Homes for Disadvantaged Children" or orphanages. Just imagine how vulnerable these children are and how easy it is for them to inject a new religion into these childrens minds.

Christians are generally not aggressive, there are exceptions as in every religion, some are bothersome and most will leave you alone when asked to do so, if it weren't for the orphanages and homes established by missionaries most of the kids they take in would end up either dead, begging on the street or trapped in prostitution, the orphanages usually do introduce the kids to the bible and the associated teachings, but if the child is adopted out to a family from another religion, such as Buddhism, which would be highly likely, then the new family would then teach the child the religion they follow. The religion I would be concerned about taking in children is the one that heavily indoctrinates children, you know the one that bombs police stations, hospitals, markets and others, at least by being taken in by christians the kids receive an education that follows the corriculum and are taught to be a responsible member of society. Whether the kids actually end up or if converted remain christians is their own choice, no one will put the threat of execution on them if they choose a different religion.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

One day a CE came to my sister's office. At first the CE was all smiles, and friendly until she was told that there was no soliciting. The CE left and as she made a pass of the office she screamed out,while pointing at my sis an a co-worker, "CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL!". My sis and her co-worker just laughed. Yea, CEs are pretty normal.

That was not a CE, that was a religious nutcase. That is the sort that gives Christians a bad name.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Sounds like bullsh*t to me. I've never seen a Christian act like that in my life - other than the Westboro Baptist Church and that was on TV.

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One day a CE came to my sister's office. At first the CE was all smiles, and friendly until she was told that there was no soliciting. The CE left and as she made a pass of the office she screamed out,while pointing at my sis an a co-worker, "CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL!". My sis and her co-worker just laughed. Yea, CEs are pretty normal. smile.png

I smell a troll with an agenda.

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Ulysses G. I'm jsut relating a stroy that was told to me! It is a funny story! Why do you find this story so hard to beleive? hmmmm interesting! Dude, neither my sister nor myself are prone to telling lies!

BTW: I am spending a lot of time online cause Im recuperating! I dont spend nearly as much time online like this smile.png

Just sayin...

Peace brother :)

Edited by TheKeeNok
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One day a CE came to my sister's office. At first the CE was all smiles, and friendly until she was told that there was no soliciting. The CE left and as she made a pass of the office she screamed out,while pointing at my sis an a co-worker, "CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL!". My sis and her co-worker just laughed. Yea, CEs are pretty normal. smile.png

I smell a troll with an agenda.

Hmmmm Just because I look like a troll does not make is so!! Me? An agenda? Dude, I'm just retelling a story that was told to me by my sister when she worked in a property management office. You think there are no religious types that are a little off?

So sorry if I have hit a nerve of some sort! jap.gif

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Are they paid well?

How much would they earn a month?

How do they recruit?


As far as I am aware, the salary for a missionary is minimal, they are paid an allowance from their home church and are restricted in any other income, if they are on a missionary visa they can only earn locally what the local church they are attached to pays them, if they are found to be earning income not related to church activities they face deportation.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Are they paid well?

How much would they earn a month?

How do they recruit?


As far as I am aware, the salary for a missionary is minimal, they are paid an allowance from their home church and are restricted in any other income, if they are on a missionary visa they can only earn locally what the local church they are attached to pays them, if they are found to be earning income not related to church activities they face deportation.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Some get GREAT benefits! I know a guy who was sent to CM for 3months for christian training. He was given 100bt a day for personal spneding, but was put up at the Amari??(I think, some 5 star) for 3 MONTHS! All meals were buffets! smile.png This was several years ago so that 100bt stipend wasn t that bad!

Some of these missionary types are very well funded. dont kid urself!

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YES! And Rammed it down the throats of other countries. Isn't that a form of Religious Imperialism?

Somebody needs a history lesson. America was founded on the notion of freedom to practice any religion without prosectution from government. A right that has thankfully not yet been eradicted.

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YES! And Rammed it down the throats of other countries. Isn't that a form of Religious Imperialism?

Somebody needs a history lesson. America was founded on the notion of freedom to practice any religion without prosectution from government. A right that has thankfully not yet been eradicted.

Huh? Which countries exactly did America ram it's religion down the throat of? Honestly, it seems the most vocal Anti-American Europeans are lucky if they can find California on a map let alone have any knowledge of American history. Yes, freedom of religious persecution was a fundamental factor in Europeans coming to America. Several different sects of Christianity communities were established all over the country. The seperation of Church and State was a fundamental principle to the creaters of the American constitution. Perhaps you guys would like to provide some citations?

Edited by farang000999
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The seperation of Church and State was a fundamental principle to the creaters of the American constitution. Perhaps you guys would like to provide some citations?

It's rather ironic that the separation of church and state was such an important part of the US constitution yet it's nigh on impossible to get elected to be the POTUS unless you are a professing Christian.

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Somebody needs a history lesson. America was founded on the notion of freedom to practice any religion without prosectution from government. A right that has thankfully not yet been eradicted.


...and somebody needs a revised history course to set themselves straight from the redundancy of covention and manipulation.

Somebody else needs citations.

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The seperation of Church and State was a fundamental principle to the creaters of the American constitution. Perhaps you guys would like to provide some citations?

It's rather ironic that the separation of church and state was such an important part of the US constitution yet it's nigh on impossible to get elected to be the POTUS unless you are a professing Christian.

It would be especially difficult for anyone who didn't believe in God with a national motto of 'In God We Trust' plastered all over the money and the Pledge of Allegiance refering to 'one nation under God'.

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Perhaps Thailand should remain the reserve of criminals on the run, sex tourists, missfits and loosers.

Certainly if you had the mind to look for people who ought not be allowed into Thailand Christian Evanagelists or indeed any faith groups would not be the top of the list.

There are large numbers of disabled children dumped in orphanages, the stateless, people suffering from HIV/AIDS and the off spring of the sex industry who have nowhere to turn but to the help, food, accommodation, education and health care provided in Thailand by people of faith.

The OP no doubt makes his contribution and is nothing but a boon to Thailand.

On the contrary, most of them are here to make conversions to their particular faith and not to help suffering people with charity....

Their motives are selfish and certainly not altruistic.

Personally I think the Romans had the right idea................lions and all that.

Perhaps Thailand should remain the reserve of criminals on the run, sex tourists, missfits and loosers.

Certainly if you had the mind to look for people who ought not be allowed into Thailand Christian Evanagelists or indeed any faith groups would not be the top of the list.

There are large numbers of disabled children dumped in orphanages, the stateless, people suffering from HIV/AIDS and the off spring of the sex industry who have nowhere to turn but to the help, food, accommodation, education and health care provided in Thailand by people of faith.

The OP no doubt makes his contribution and is nothing but a boon to Thailand.

On the contrary, most of them are here to make conversions to their particular faith and not to help suffering people with charity....

Their motives are selfish and certainly not altruistic.

Personally I think the Romans had the right idea................lions and all that.

On the other hand ... I remember a feature on Phuket tv years ago with a middle aged nun (farang) who was, and still might be, using trucks/stations? to hand out baby milk to those mothers who couldn't afford to feed their infants properly owing to the piss poor salaries of local fish/shrimp etc factories. I remember her having the camera pan over to one well known factory and saying 'It's not right'.

So there is a difference between the unsung heroes and the blank eyed in your face irrational irritating grinning blank eyed zealots.

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Somebody needs a history lesson. America was founded on the notion of freedom to practice any religion without prosectution from government. A right that has thankfully not yet been eradicted.


...and somebody needs a revised history course to set themselves straight from the redundancy of covention and manipulation.

Somebody else needs citations.

Will Hutton's tome on the US would be a good first step. I believe Iggy Pop's referring to more recent quasi constitutional points. 'Yes you can practice anything other than the Chrischun way, but we still gonna hate ya fer it'.

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Some of you condemning these religious folks don't seem to be bothered much by the commercial operations of some wats or the money making opportunities of selling amulets. All I know that if I was in a car crash and lying by the roadside, one of those holy rollers would stop to offer assistance, while the rest of you naysayers would drive on by. You might have a different attitude if you knew what many of the legit groups do. Perhaps before condemning, one should go and have a look.

Willadmit that someof the points made are true!

The points about the amulets and wats may be true, but similar claims can be made about the CE tv networks, and mega churches in n,america!

Interesting point you make about christian TV networks as I have just returned from my wifes village after a short visit. Having cancelled my Truevisions there it has been replaced by the local satelite offering which is limited to 4 english language channels, 3 of which are CE. The other english channel was Russia Today so I would guess anyone looking to improve their english using these channels is either going to end up spouting the bible or some anti-american rhetoric.

I don't actually know as threw tv out years ago, but have recently read that Russia Today streets ahead with their science/quantum theory programming. Not sure you'd know either, anti America 'rhetoric's been everywhere since they invaded Vietnam, bombed the crap out of Laos and most recently embarked on a number of oil finding expeditions under the ruse of whipping up anti Islamic sentiment for the ignorant. But, I digress ...

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I think good works by anybody are good works and are to be admired. However, if these good works are CONDITIONAL on being preached to and/or converted, they are less good works, and greatly cheapened. Man does not need God or an old book to know that stealing and murder is bad, and helping the weak is good.

A significant number of the Thais I know working in the Professions; Engineers, Economists, Medicos have been educated in Thai Christian Schools and Colleges. Out of several dozen, I know of only two who are themselves Christian (all the others are Buddhist) and of the two I know who are Christian, one of those comes from a Christian Family - she was seemingly not converted at school.

There might be something wrong with your assertion that these schools are force feeding their students Christianity - Either that, or they are but they are not very good at it.

Certainly the evidence of the queues outside the gates of Thai Christian Schools suggests that Thais themselves see some value in getting their children into these Christian Schools.

I think good works by anybody are good works and are to be admired. However, if these good works are CONDITIONAL on being preached to and/or converted, they are less good works, and greatly cheapened. Man does not need God or an old book to know that stealing and murder is bad, and helping the weak is good.

A significant number of the Thais I know working in the Professions; Engineers, Economists, Medicos have been educated in Thai Christian Schools and Colleges. Out of several dozen, I know of only two who are themselves Christian (all the others are Buddhist) and of the two I know who are Christian, one of those comes from a Christian Family - she was seemingly not converted at school.

There might be something wrong with your assertion that these schools are force feeding their students Christianity - Either that, or they are but they are not very good at it.

Certainly the evidence of the queues outside the gates of Thai Christian Schools suggests that Thais themselves see some value in getting their children into these Christian Schools.

Yeah, the same as a driver I had in CM years ago, spoke perfect English owing to his Thai Buddhist parents sending him to a Catholic school ... to get the free/cheap English Language skills.

Edited by silsburyhill
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Imagine there's no Heaven

It's easy if you try

No Hell below us

Above us only sky.

J. Lennon

Imagine there's no Heaven

It's easy if you try

No Hell below us

Above us only sky.

J. Lennon

Yes and I also remember the chorus 'imagine no possessions'. And this from a man who rented an entire air-con apartment to keep his bloody wife's furs at just the right temperature,

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OK folks, watch

( what mormons really believe)( if I've done it properly) and then tell me these people should be around indoctrinating poor hill tribe kids. The guy that started this cult was known as a story teller. Edited by msg362
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Immediately after the tsunami, Kao Lak was inundated with CEs ALL with American accents, A huge scandal erupted with the local press reporting these religious nuts attempting to bribe the locals to convert. Of course many simply smiled, took the money and went back to their temples.

Meanwhile the rich and powerful of Thai society rushed to the scene of the disaster eager not to miss the land grab.

I don't recall any scandal in the local press over attempts to covert victoms to Christianity (perhaps the localexpat bloggers covered this) but the land grab was reported and was the bigger scandal.

But as they say, God helps he who helps himself. A point seemingly not missed by a few Rich and Powerful Buddhists.

Immediately after the tsunami, Kao Lak was inundated with CEs ALL with American accents, A huge scandal erupted with the local press reporting these religious nuts attempting to bribe the locals to convert. Of course many simply smiled, took the money and went back to their temples.

Meanwhile the rich and powerful of Thai society rushed to the scene of the disaster eager not to miss the land grab.

I don't recall any scandal in the local press over attempts to covert victoms to Christianity (perhaps the localexpat bloggers covered this) but the land grab was reported and was the bigger scandal.

But as they say, God helps he who helps himself. A point seemingly not missed by a few Rich and Powerful Buddhists.

THIS was not only reported in the Phuket Gazette, but also witnessed first hand by myself who happened to be a resident of Kao Lak at that time.

Seriously, what is the matter with you you MUST be right all of the time, veering off on to a completely different topic that was indeed the land grab by rich and powerful Thais. I do not dispute this, but it is utterly irrelevant to this topic and you could set up your own thread, nay, forum on this and every other subject you have an opinion on for your own pleasure/relief.


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Guidance from up above perhaps...

That's what the Catholic Inquisitors thought too. The ones who boiled and burned people (heretics, people who refused to convert, Jews, etc.) alive.

That was during the 'dark ages' when religion replaced faith and men decided that the Pope was God's representative on earth and God was effectively removed from the picture, the Catholic Church decided to do things for God without doing what God wanted, when people stop doing what God wants and start doing what they think God wants while referring to the guidelines man establishes instead of God's word, then the problems begin. There are numerous instances throughout history where people have decided they want to do things for God with little or no knowledge of God's word or will.

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Er???? then who is it that knows what God wants if it is not the Pope? Is it you or someone else? Maybe no one knows, maybe no god, just humans making it up as they go along?

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OK folks, watch

( what mormons really believe)( if I've done it properly) and then tell me these people should be around indoctrinating poor hill tribe kids. The guy that started this cult was known as a story teller.

Pretty wacky, but no more so than most other religions.

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OK folks, watch

( what mormons really believe)( if I've done it properly) and then tell me these people should be around indoctrinating poor hill tribe kids. The guy that started this cult was known as a story teller.

Thanks for the link.

If even partially accurate, we're fxxxkd

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