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Thai PM Yingluck Concedes Severe Floods Likely This Year


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Ok, that's good. Now we have some sort of preemptive information policy. The biggest issue will be whether they are sincere about providing TIMELY information for businesses and individuals. When will this happen? How can we avoid a panic and work together to provide assistance to those in more flood prone zones. Also, the government needs to work with businesses to plan ahead for shortages of certain goods. I've seen piles of super-cheap water at Tesco. Maybe they should stockpile that stuff (water was expensive during the recent floods = water was profitable = it will be again [when in floods]) and devote a little less room for inventory in less profitable departments. These are tiny, tiny steps in the right direction. Do I think anyone has considered any of this? Ha, no need to answer that question...Thai society is about as flexible as a slab of granite...Bon Chance!!!

The lack of supply of certain goods was due to a combination of the loss of production in the flooded industrial estates along with a pretty much centralised distribution set up. The lessons should have been learnt from last year so as all their eggs are not in one basket so to speak. The bigger and long term problem will be that if those same industrial estates flood for a second year running I would be surprised if anyone considers reopenning a factory in them.

For there sincerity I would advise people of Yingluck's upcoming 4 day tour to 33 different provinces. How sincere is that going to be.

I can just see it now. Only meetings that allow her any time to even look at some thing will be at night when her helicopter can't fly because it has no lights or night time equipment on it. I doubt that she will even get to see one home ruined by the flood.

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It doesn't take an Einstein to work out,that on this occasion Yingluk is probably hedging her bets,in order to be right.

A serious water control problem such as Thailands,was always going to take years to solve,and not 6 months.

See how long the Dutch worked at mastering their water control problem.And yes they were two different problems, but this one will take years to solve,the same as the Dutch problem.

Edited by MAJIC
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I am surprised no one has picked up on the following;

Reforestation will also be the government’s priority as there is now more than 10 million rai of deteriorated forest out of the existing 20 million rai of forest areas

When 50% of the natural containment and control mechanism is impaired, all the dams and retaining areas will not work as efficiently and as cost effectively as a restoration of the natural methods. It is a telling point, and one that underlines why there is a problem. This flooding isn't about the PTP or Democrats per se, but is a reflection of the complete indifference to the illegal developments, and other encroachments on Thailand's forests. Stop the rape of the land, enforce the laws and a big step will be taken towards controling the flood exposure.

It all gets back to corruption, doesn't it? Isn't there anyone in Thailan that cares enough to speak up and to say no? Until someone takes a bit out of corruption, progress will not be made.

Got to agree with you on that issue GK.

I saw the figures and discredited them. 50% seem way to high a figure to me.

But it makes no difference they must put a stop to the deforestation and start regrowing forest's.

As well as competent water management they need competent urban growth management.

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BANGKOK, 11 February 2012 (NNT) - Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has conceded Thai people may have to face a new round of floods this year but confirmed the government would try its best to handle the problem.

The PM really knows how to restore confidence amongst the foreign investors. Surely they will flock to Thailand now with big bags of money and begging to be allowed to invest in some prime riverside properties rolleyes.gif

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It doesn't take an Einstein to work out,that on this occasion Yingluk is probably hedging her bets,in order to be right.

A serious water control problem such as Thailands,was always going to take years to solve,and not 6 months.

See how long the Dutch worked at mastering their water control problem.And yes they were two different problems, but this one will take years to solve,the same as the Dutch problem.

A cooperation of Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands with competent scientist resolved the Rhine problems in one year.

In Thailand you have to start with the corruption control of the overfloaded greedy minds first. Yes, not 6 months, but 6 years is a got prognostic.

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It's good that she's giving advance warning and also taking some precautions. Maybe she whispered in a few ears at the Garden Party about this announcement in advance. It sure would have been nice to see a bunch of photos of the Garden Party. You can't tell the players without a scorecard.

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I am missing where she said it is "likely" as well as wondering who isn't aware that flooding is a natural, common and normal thing to occur in Thailand and this region. Even with all the success they have had here in building tunnels and infrastructure to prevent severe flooding in densely populated areas, rural areas will always face flooding as will areas that are flood basins ... especially when you have extraordinary high rain fall.

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Confidence in the industrial areas affected by the last flooding must now be at an all time low, foreign investor s are going to be treading carefully and Yinglucks comments are indeed damaging to the country.

The stentorian statements made concerning the plans made to limit the flooding and the construction of a flood relief system in the time slots announced by the government are indeed laughable. Anyone with an iota of common sense knows that those comments and grand schemes are just not feasible. Yet again a multitude of people are going to lose all they may have or may have recovered in the newly created flood plains, compensation possibly paid misery guaranteed.

Looking at the current water management situation I detect panic management, there doesn't seem to be a logical thought process and logical plans short or long term put into place by qualified people.

Let's have a reality check

Just step back a pace or two and consider the rhetoric coming from her her cronies via the puppet master and as to the reasons what the truth of the matter may be ?

Why not consider what the lady says as a statement as to what the puppet master may want people to focus on so as to divert their attention as a diversion to what is actually going on behind the scenes concerning charter rewrites and brother no 1 return plans etc ?

There is indeed a lot of smoke out there and a large number of mirrors too.

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Where is the date about flooding next year coming from? Is there some scientific basis for this? I know that long range forecasts are possible, but they are often far off the mark.

A lot of talk about something that might happen, without any indication of why they think it might happen.

It was mentioned somewhere that the La Nina effect which leads to higher rainfall last about 2 years but was due to end soon - maybe it is the tail end of this that they are concerned about. Since it is cause by changes in ocean surface temperatures it could be what some of the long range forecasts are based on.

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<"The upstream area could delay water by planting forests">

Due to Thailand's world class research and being a hub of agriculture development, they must have developed a new generation of trees that if planted will grow to maturity in 2 months. Plans are to plant them by Friday and the massive growth will be finished in 60 days in time to stop the flood waters. drunk.gif

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help locals in flood-prone areas to adapt themselves to a new lifestyle, for example, by introducing them to jobs in water-related fields.

what floating markets, boat making and teaching swimming?

Don't forget underwater golf ball retrieval, canal dredging with shovel and pail, retrieving coins that Chinese tourists throw at you in the funky water, and the lucrative khan koke farming.

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Water has apparently been released from northern Dams in what seems an unregulated way. Water levels have risen here in Nakhon Sawan and there is flooding reported to the east and north of here. It seems like no lessons have been learnt and no plans are place for the forthcoming rainy season so its not a surprise then that dispite all the waffle and committees nothing has changed and the PM has realized the same.

To much talk and not enough do!

Maybe it would be a good idea to seek "outside advice" but oweing to the totally insane Thai Idea that to admit you could well be wrong and others may think better, means "loss of face" THIS IS HARDLY LIKELY TO HAPPEN ,better let business's go under and tens of thousands of homes and rural lifestyles ruined plus loss of life , than to admit you just ain't a clue violin.gif
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Due to Thailand's world class research and being a hub of agriculture development, they must have developed a new generation of trees that if planted will grow to maturity in 2 months. Plans are to plant them by Friday and the massive growth will be finished in 60 days in time to stop the flood waters

It seems as if there is a plan afoot to distribute bags of fertiliser to the farming community thus the tree growth will be accelerated and tree maturity will be reached in 60 days as per the governments instructions.

See below an image of the government supplied growth nutrients that are currently being manufactured and packed ready for distribution to the concerned growers.


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Due to Thailand's world class research and being a hub of agriculture development, they must have developed a new generation of trees that if planted will grow to maturity in 2 months. Plans are to plant them by Friday and the massive growth will be finished in 60 days in time to stop the flood waters

It seems as if there is a plan afoot to distribute bags of fertiliser to the farming community thus the tree growth will be accelerated and tree maturity will be reached in 60 days as per the governments instructions.

See below an image of the government supplied growth nutrients that are currently being manufactured and packed ready for distribution to the concerned growers.


"The most dangerous animal in our World is our tongue."

That is what women say.

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if you take highway 1263 into Chiang Mai from Mae Hong Song you will see why reforestation will not happen. The hill tribe people are dependant on the clear cutting of the forest to plant there crops. As one rides along on this highway there are huge areas of forest that have been clear cut. Many of these farms are Royal Projects established to eradicate the growth of poppies.

I guess if the choice is reforestation then back to poppie growing as more money can be earned for less destruction of land.

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I am surprised no one has picked up on the following;

Reforestation will also be the government’s priority as there is now more than 10 million rai of deteriorated forest out of the existing 20 million rai of forest areas

When 50% of the natural containment and control mechanism is impaired, all the dams and retaining areas will not work as efficiently and as cost effectively as a restoration of the natural methods. It is a telling point, and one that underlines why there is a problem. This flooding isn't about the PTP or Democrats per se, but is a reflection of the complete indifference to the illegal developments, and other encroachments on Thailand's forests. Stop the rape of the land, enforce the laws and a big step will be taken towards controling the flood exposure.

It all gets back to corruption, doesn't it? Isn't there anyone in Thailan that cares enough to speak up and to say no? Until someone takes a bit out of corruption, progress will not be made.

Got to agree with you on that issue GK.

I saw the figures and discredited them. 50% seem way to high a figure to me.

But it makes no difference they must put a stop to the deforestation and start regrowing forest's.

As well as competent water management they need competent urban growth management.

Whilst reforestation is a really good idea they need to plant trees with deep roots rather than shallow roots which spread just under the surface and when the first stong wind comes along the trees are blown over.

Another problem may be that due to deforestation the topsoil could have been washed away down the hillside and into the streams and rivers already over the years leaving precious little soil for the trees to grow in.

A third problem is they need to plant trees with little commercial value otherwise in a few years some other barsteward will come along and cut the new trees down and the dance will begin again.

For every tree you cut down replace it by 3 more.

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PM to visit Uttaradit to observe water management at major dam.


Uttaradit, the twelfth Feb - The Prime Minister is Due to Visit Sirikit Dam on Monday to follow up on Progress in water Management and Flood Prevention plans for upstream areas.

The Lower Northern Province of Uttaradit is preparing to Welcome the Prime Minister and her Entourage. Nawin Sinthusa-ard, deputy Uttaradit governor, said about 200 plainclothes and uniformed police officers will be deployed to provide security to the prime minister during her visit tomorrow.


Ministers of Natural Resources and Environment, of Science and Technology and Agriculture and Cooperatives Will brief Ms Yingluck about Royally-Initiated Projects, Database Development, weather forecasting and the Dam's water Management protocols.

The Premier's trip to Uttaradit is Part of her UpCountry trip from February. 13-17 to visit many provinces from the upstream North to downstream areas affected by last year's flood. (MCOT online news).


-- TNA 2012-02-12

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Surely they have learned from last year and can avoid anything approaching the same scale reoccurring.

Incidentally, what happened to all the escaped crocs? Were they all caught? I only remember reading that 2 or 3 were caught...leaving around 100 out there still...breeding??

How about the green mambas

I heard that the Grren Mambas was a hoax.

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I am surprised no one has picked up on the following;

Reforestation will also be the government’s priority as there is now more than 10 million rai of deteriorated forest out of the existing 20 million rai of forest areas

When 50% of the natural containment and control mechanism is impaired, all the dams and retaining areas will not work as efficiently and as cost effectively as a restoration of the natural methods. It is a telling point, and one that underlines why there is a problem. This flooding isn't about the PTP or Democrats per se, but is a reflection of the complete indifference to the illegal developments, and other encroachments on Thailand's forests. Stop the rape of the land, enforce the laws and a big step will be taken towards controling the flood exposure.

It all gets back to corruption, doesn't it? Isn't there anyone in Thailan that cares enough to speak up and to say no? Until someone takes a bit out of corruption, progress will not be made.

Got to agree with you on that issue GK.

I saw the figures and discredited them. 50% seem way to high a figure to me.

But it makes no difference they must put a stop to the deforestation and start regrowing forest's.

As well as competent water management they need competent urban growth management.

Whilst reforestation is a really good idea they need to plant trees with deep roots rather than shallow roots which spread just under the surface and when the first stong wind comes along the trees are blown over.

Another problem may be that due to deforestation the topsoil could have been washed away down the hillside and into the streams and rivers already over the years leaving precious little soil for the trees to grow in.

A third problem is they need to plant trees with little commercial value otherwise in a few years some other barsteward will come along and cut the new trees down and the dance will begin again.

For every tree you cut down replace it by 3 more.

Geriatrickid is right to highlight the out of control illegal destruction of Thai forests but as also mentioned the solution isn't as simple as just re planting. It takes a long time to establish a forest and you don't just rebuild it overnight once the damage to the land has been done. But this is 'Miracle Thailand' now so let's all start praying to any of the gods for one and quick.

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"...it will help locals in flood-prone areas to adapt themselves to a new lifestyle, for example, by introducing them to jobs in water-related fields."

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!

'Hey, you people severley affected by flooding, why don't you just get yourselves jobs in water-related fields?'

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"about 200 plainclothes and uniformed police officers will be deployed to provide security to the prime minister during her visit tomorrow."

Interesting, the PM clone would need so much protection from the people that elected her with a so called mandate as some posters claim.

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