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Chalerm Seeks Speedy Killing Of Drug Convicts


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Chalerm seeks speedy killing of drug convicts





BANGKOK: -- A legal study is underway at the order of Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung to find out whether drug-related convicts on death row could be executed within 60 days after final verdicts have been reached, in an attempt to combat rampant drug dealing.

Chalerm said a new regulation stipulated that verdicts in drug-related convictions were regarded final at the Court of Appeals, not the Supreme Court as in all other charges. A legal study is working to find out whether immediate execution would violate the Constitution, or the convicts' right to appeal for a Royal pardon, or any other laws, he said.

"If immediate execution - which I think should be done within 60 days after the final verdict [by the Court of Appeals] - is approved after the study finds it is lawful, a bill will be submitted to Parliament for amendment to put it into effect," he said.

Under Thai law, convicts condemned to death for all other crimes in the lower court have three chances to appeal against execution, through the Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court and royal pardons.

Chalerm said it was not widely known that drug-related convicts sentenced to death by the lower court and the Court of Appeals presently had no right to seek a third chance with the Supreme Court. "The process for the changes [excluding the Supreme Court step] began when I was the justice minister [in 1996 in the Banharn Silapa-archa government]."

In practise, a large number of convicts guilty of other crimes and drug-related cases on death row are not often executed immediately, awaiting their turn for years, after Royal pardons do not favour them.

Chalerm said he would visit China today and would meet with anti-narcotics agencies there to discuss bilateral policies against drugs, which were now transported along the Mekong River in addition to land routes. He said Burmese and Thai authorities were cooperating closely to combat drug abuse and dealing.

Chiang Rai police have arrested two suspects and seized 1,736,000 amphetamine tablets along with 37 kilos of crystal methamphetamine, or "ice". They also yesterday found and seized 13 kilos of "ice" abandoned in a botched deal between local traders.

The Chief Justice of the Criminal Court, Justice Thawee Prachuaplarp, echoed Chalerm's policy on the executions within 60 days, saying the judiciary could not simply stay put over rampant drug dealing after the administration was taking serious action.

"Following the government's heightened suppression, if the Criminal Court still hands the same penalties to drug-related convicts, damage would be done to the entire justice system," he added.

The criteria for handing down a death sentence to convicts has also changed, with those having only 10,000 amphetamine tablets now facing death, instead of 20,000 tablets as before. Judges on duty for considering arrest and search warrants will cooperate with police and anti-narcotics officials to speed up the process.

Drug users and addicts, normally granted leniency and considered victims rather than criminals, will now face harsher penalties in case of repeat offenders, while first-time offenders will still be eligible for rehabilitation and other measures, said Thawee.

Nationally, the number of drug-related trials increased to 8,787 last year from 6,004 the previous year, he said.


-- The Nation 2012-02-15

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Is Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung an good buddhist ?

Do he consider whether immediate execution would violate the buddhist religion and beliefs ?

Do he care ?

Give the man a gun and you will se an serial killer.


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and this came from Thaksin i take it !

you cant convict a man/women of a crime with a half hearted investigation and then kill them within 60 days, how many innocent people set up will lose thier lives?

He dont care ,,,,,,

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To bad that same law does not apply to cop killers. Must be nice to take the high moral ground while being balls deep in s**t.

That works two ways ,how about cops who kill innocent people here in Thailand?,but I do understand your point of view when you mention the supreme hypocrite Chalerm and cop killers .
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. But now that executions will move quicker and shave 1 or 2 years off their time on death row, certainly many will now rethink if it is worth it to sell drugs.

LOL! That is such a funny statement. !

They are really gonna think twice now because .........oooooooooooooooooooo I may die 1 or 2 years quicker now?


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and this came from Thaksin i take it !

you cant convict a man/women of a crime with a half hearted investigation and then kill them within 60 days, how many innocent people set up will lose thier lives?

Plus this makes a mockery of the judicial process. For some crimes people are entitled to go to the end of the line (the supreme court) to appeal. For drug related cases there right to appeal is one step short (if chalerm has his way). And there is ample evidence, long term, of the police charging scapegoats, planting evidence. Frightening.

In other world there would not be equal application of the law for all. And, strangely, this was one of the war cries of the pt / udd / reds in their riots etc., last year and in the run up to the elections. But of course not one word has been uttered about it after the election.

I say again, mr. chalerm when you have put one drug lord, one drug king pin, one politician, or one senriot policeman or senior military office behind bars (not out on appeal) then I will give you some points for credibility.

For the stuff in this thread mr. chalerm, you get minus points.

Edited by scorecard
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. But now that executions will move quicker and shave 1 or 2 years off their time on death row, certainly many will now rethink if it is worth it to sell drugs.

LOL! That is such a funny statement. !

They are really gonna think twice now because .........oooooooooooooooooooo I may die 1 or 2 years quicker now?


Drug pushers seem to fall into two categories:

- Those Need money for their own habit.

- Those who have no morals whatever, and will do anything to make big money quickly.

Neither of these groups give much thought to the consequences of being caught. If they did they wouldn't get involved.

Thinking 'hey I might get get executed one year earlier' is not in their analysis of this subject.

Edited by scorecard
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admission by Chalerm that the government dont know how to tackle rampant drug dealing and use in Thailand. But he could deal with it with other measures without advocating the death penalty , problem is that would damage the economy and business in the LOS

Edited by KKvampire
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