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Iran Envoy Claims 'Zionist Regime' Behind Bangkok Blasts


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Very cagy of The Nation to show a photo with only the flag of Iran and not the Thai flag in the picture, a concession to Thai allies opposed to Iranian terror and international cooperation. This is really not an "interview" as headlined. It is more of a patronizing concession to the Iranians to reinforce friendship as well as a typical "manipulation" to shift blame to "trouble between Israel and Iran" and having nothing to do with Thailand. If it was a real interview, The Nation would have asked serious questions about the arrested and confessed terrorists and other questions and not a platform for Bizmark to state his position without a query. It should be headlined more along the lines of a PR release rather than an "interview."

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The claim that Zionist’s were responsible for these attacks is reasonable given the nature of the USA and Israel, the run up to a war with Iran is remarkably similar to the war with Iraq, charge them with producing WMD, and being in league with terrorist organizations.

All we know for sure at this time is that these amateurs were carrying Iranian passports.

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All governments are about power and control, how do you expect them to tell the truth-- when the truth will undermine their control and ultimately their power. Through casual observation I have found that the Israeli government is still trading on the events of the Second World War to manipulate the West it allowing it to do almost anything it likes. In some circles criticism of Israel no matter how objective, is considered anti Semitic.

Criticism of Israeli policies as you would criticize the policies of any other country is of course totally cool. Anti-semitism totally is NOT cool. If you don't get the difference, maybe you should consider learning about it.

Here is a simple lesson:


Building new settlements in the west bank shows Israel is not serious about the peace process with the Palestinians.


The Zionist regime is the root cause of all the problems in the world today.

Edited by Jingthing
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All governments are about power and control, how do you expect them to tell the truth-- when the truth will undermine their control and ultimately their power. Through casual observation I have found that the Israeli government is still trading on the events of the Second World War to manipulate the West it allowing it to do almost anything it likes. In some circles criticism of Israel no matter how objective, is considered anti Semitic.

Criticism of Israeli policies as you would criticize the policies of any other country is of course totally cool. Anti-semitism totally is NOT cool. If you don't get the difference, maybe you should consider learning about it.

but his post is not far of the mark.

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Holocaust consciousness is not an easy thing to shake off. Give it another 100 years and then we can talk.

nobody is saying it is, but dealing with Israel must be like going on a blind date with a black Hispanic lesbian with PMT,

You don't like her, don't date her.
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Nobody sends in their own guys with passports from their own country. It simply is not done. The clumbsiest of the clumbsy do not do this. I am surprised that so many here on Thai Visa would think that any country would be that stupid especially one facing attack from arguably the most powerful force in the world.

If Iran is indeed behind this and it is thus state sponsored terrorism, they deserve to be vaporized by whomever gets there first. I simply have a hard time believing they would be that careless, much less that stupid.

You are forgetting that Iran is a country that almost daily publicly calls for the destruction of Israel and the US, saying they will wipe out every zionist etc.. I doubt they would be shy to send their own citizens against Israeli targets.

The speech took place in 2005 and there seems to be controversy over its translation : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad_and_Israel

Naturally of course Western Media sources rightly or wrongly have been making the most of this speech for the last 6 years. What must always be born in mind is that usually when someone creates something for whatever reason, they will do their best to protect it, even if it means manipulating existing laws in favour the creation. Hence the ultra sensitivity concerning discussion of Israel. The accusations levelled by the Iranians and the Israeli's needs to be looked at objectively without that ultra sensitivity. Remember Iranian nuclear scientists are being murdered-- with strong accusations being levelled at Mossad.

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Can we blame the government? Don't we all have bad people in our country.

If a few of our national went to do bad things, must the government take responsibility?

Are we saying that there are no known terrorist that is truely Americans, British, Irish, French, German, Spainish, Russian, etc (not those nationalised after they became adult)?

There are plentity of Thais caught and charge for terrorism last year (during the Red protest), and we are still proud of Thailand.

They were part of a coordinated attack on Israeli embassies internationally. Key word -- coordinated. They were clearly not independent actors. So the blame goes to their bosses. They were not suicide bombers.

They were not bombers period, or if they were, extremely bad ones

Dont get out a lot do you?

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After 9/11 no one accused Saudi arabia, even if the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.

Now most people say, bombings in Bangkok has to be Iran's works since the maniacs had Iranian passports

Was this Iran's or was it Israeli false flag operation that MKO helped?

Have you forgotten The Assassination of Hamas functionary Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai January 2010. Mossad agents used Irish, French, UK and German travel documents.

Israel has tried last 2-3 years convince all countries to Iran must be attacked, but no country wants to risk attacking Iran first.

U.S. knows that in the event of a war with Iran no American citizen would be safe anywhere in the world. EU countries know the risks involved to attack Iran.

It would not the first time Israel is using false flag op. They did it in 1954 in Egypt (Operation Susannah).

After 9/11 no one accused Saudi arabia, even if the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.

Now most people say, bombings in Bangkok has to be Iran's works since the maniacs had Iranian passports

Was this Iran's or was it Israeli false flag operation that MKO helped?

Have you forgotten The Assassination of Hamas functionary Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai January 2010. Mossad agents used Irish, French, UK and German travel documents.

Israel has tried last 2-3 years convince all countries to Iran must be attacked, but no country wants to risk attacking Iran first.

U.S. knows that in the event of a war with Iran no American citizen would be safe anywhere in the world. EU countries know the risks involved to attack Iran.

It would not the first time Israel is using false flag op. They did it in 1954 in Egypt (Operation Susannah).

Well said.

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The claim that Zionist’s were responsible for these attacks is reasonable given the nature of the USA and Israel, the run up to a war with Iran is remarkably similar to the war with Iraq, charge them with producing WMD, and being in league with terrorist organizations.

All we know for sure at this time is that these amateurs were carrying Iranian passports.

If they were working for Iran they would have been provided with foreign passports. Like Mossad use when they do their black opps and False Flag missions.

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Have all the anti-Zionists on here conveniently forgotten that these "people who are not really Iranians" had flights to Tehran?

Probably not a lot of Jewish people arrive at Tehran airport.

You imply that all others support Zionists. Do you?

Your question is illogical. If you have a real question, please make it clearer, as I did not imply anything. Thank you.

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Can we blame the government? Don't we all have bad people in our country.

If a few of our national went to do bad things, must the government take responsibility?

Are we saying that there are no known terrorist that is truely Americans, British, Irish, French, German, Spainish, Russian, etc (not those nationalised after they became adult)?

There are plentity of Thais caught and charge for terrorism last year (during the Red protest), and we are still proud of Thailand.

They were part of a coordinated attack on Israeli embassies internationally. Key word -- coordinated. They were clearly not independent actors. So the blame goes to their bosses. They were not suicide bombers.

They were not bombers period, or if they were, extremely bad ones

You don't read the news, do you?


India attack

Sorry, thought we were only talking about the Thai involvement here. Our were the same bombers responsible for the Georgia & Indian attacks as well?

All I saw here in Thailand was a damaged house, a dented taxi and a legless man later identified as an Iranian

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Can we blame the government? Don't we all have bad people in our country.

If a few of our national went to do bad things, must the government take responsibility?

Are we saying that there are no known terrorist that is truely Americans, British, Irish, French, German, Spainish, Russian, etc (not those nationalised after they became adult)?

There are plentity of Thais caught and charge for terrorism last year (during the Red protest), and we are still proud of Thailand.

They were part of a coordinated attack on Israeli embassies internationally. Key word -- coordinated. They were clearly not independent actors. So the blame goes to their bosses. They were not suicide bombers.

They were not bombers period, or if they were, extremely bad ones

Dont get out a lot do you?

More than you would think

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Have all the anti-Zionists on here conveniently forgotten that these "people who are not really Iranians" had flights to Tehran?

Probably not a lot of Jewish people arrive at Tehran airport.

You imply that all others support Zionists. Do you?

Your question is illogical. If you have a real question, please make it clearer, as I did not imply anything. Thank you.

You make a reference to some posters who maybe anti-Zionist. My father is Jewish and like most Jews and Israelis too is anti-Zionist. My question is only, if you and possibly many other posters support Zionism? Do you even know what it is? If you did you might realize that it's the greatest obstacle and threat to peace in Middle east and even the World today.

Edited by TantraMantra
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