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There have been over the years quite a few high input inmates that have disappeared leaving no more than a blank page

I guess the thread serves a purpose providing identification of the reason for departure, constructive criticism perhaps

sadly it would appear not a view adopted by many.....if only a few rethink their posting technique the thread has served a purpose

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I find that TV is a great place to share information learned and learn new information. Getting into a discussion here many times turns out to be futile. If I post a question I can always expect a few folks to chime in with what a dumbass I am and so forth but I just ignore them. There are plenty of helpful members that will come forward with the correct info and those are the ones I give thanks and appreciate. The others that only have negative to say and don't seem to add any value to any thread just get added to the ignore list.

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Goodbye everyone,

I'm leaving this forum. From time to time, there is some good advice and some good dialogue. However, lately this forum has an overly negative slant to it, in my opinion, from disgruntled westerners who come to this part of the world with their own personal agendas and rigid value systems and base a lot of their opinions about the culture based on their experiences with bar-girls or alcohol oriented people. For example, I post a simple question about building a house or buying a ring for my wife and I just get negative feedback about how dishonest and dangerous the people are here.

Yeah, I know all that, but that wasn't my question.



What do you mean lately I find it's been very negative for years there is to many long time posters sit at their pc all day and post just for the sake of posting if you stay away from the general forum it's not to bad sometimes they do follow you onto the other sub forums though I honestly think the mods don't like to ban or suspend the longtime posters although this week was a first when George actually asked someone to slow down with their posts to give other members a chance

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I believe the OP is correct. The only topics with any amount of attention are the negative ones. Positive posts die a frequent death on thaivisa. I'm trying hard to be more negative rather than my former positive self in the past. I've been flamed many times and only reply with sensible answers. But, sensible answers are not wanted here. But, that's okay, I have a thick skin.

Trying to start a 'positive' thread just for the sake of it with nothing to back it up other than the wonderful scenery is pointless - we live here and see the wonderful scenery everyday.

Although I somewhat agree with you, but not all people here in Thailand are aware of the beauty all around them. I've always backed up my pictures with a bit of a story. On the fishing forum there were posters who said mahseer were not common in Thailand. I proved them wrong. I've also shown there is more to Pattaya than the tiny night scene of hookers and bar beers. Most of those that can actually see know there are beaches nearby, but many think all beaches are polluted. That's just not so. Yes, after you see one Thai temple you've seen just about all of them. But, there ARE a few that are unique.

Sure, there are many rivers and reservoirs that are polluted, but I know many places where you can swim safely in clear, clean fresh water. I wouldn't advise drinking water straight out of a lake or river... ANYWHERE in the world. There is a nasty little thing called "Beaver fever" in the clear mountain rivers of Canada.

Yes, as a rule the Thai police force is mostly ineffectual, but that is balanced in a more relaxed lifestyle, and I can assure you that a simple traffic offence is far far cheaper in Thailand than anywhere in North America.

Thai relationships areually what puts most complainers in their nasty mood, but that's normal wherever you go in the world. There is such a thing as realistic expectations. Those that get stung in Thailand should have seen it coming from the bad choices THEY have made.

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What's the point in announcing your departure from the forum? Seriously, there are some idiots on this site (myself included), but there is some good advice here. You just got to pick through it.

I don`t think you’re an idiot mrtoad, I’ve always thought your posts were of common sense anyway.

I think the problem is that some posters get disgruntled when they don’t receive they’re expected answers.

Many of us here have a wealth of experience and will advise about the negatives and the pitfalls of entering into certain projects. Most of them are well meaning with good intentions and reply in good faith.

In many cases, pose a silly question, get a silly answer.

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Yes i know where you are coming from and i agree with you. To many Bolshy people, Cut and past 10 paragraph long answers. Sad because nobody knows it all. people have diffrent oppinions but have the same answer. maybe knoledge lost.

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What do you mean lately I find it's been very negative for years there is to many long time posters sit at their pc all day and post just for the sake of posting if you stay away from the general forum it's not to bad sometimes they do follow you onto the other sub forums though I honestly think the mods don't like to ban or suspend the longtime posters although this week was a first when George actually asked someone to slow down with their posts to give other members a chance

Is that really one sentence? Whew . . .

There, an annoying post, but long-time <snigger> posters sitting at their pc all day . . .

. . . 1655 posts in 9 years is - umm - err - aahh - not many per day

Edited by Sing_Sling
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I know how you feel, I left the forum for a little over a year because of the negative comments, but since I came back on the forum, I just put these trolls on my ignore list and their posts are hidden and not shown.

Hope you reconsider your decision.

I have met many great people on this forum, as we have many of the same interest in common.

Good luck, take a little break, maybe you will feel like coming back later, again Good Lick.


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Did I detect a number of small nasty comments in your post ?

Yes, you might be offended as you probably are one of those bitter, cynic and lonely people. I think thaivisa is great though, it is better you are here, than bothering people on the street.

It's not the bitter, cynical and lonely people that get offended, it's the delicate flowers that are easily bruised like you, that get offended.

Get a thicker skin.

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This forum is filled with bitter and cynic westerners, many of them already retired, and the results are usually that this forum is filled with childish nonsense, overly negative comments etc.

But it also fills a function, because many of these bitter and cynic people are also lonely people, so it is a way for them to socalize, and they do that by making small nasty comments that normal people would never bother doing.

So you have to be retired to become childish ?

No, but it helps, because you are more likely to have a lot of spare time, and usually you become more lonely.

Did I detect a number of small nasty comments in your post ?

Yes, you might be offended as you probably are one of those bitter, cynic and lonely people. I think thaivisa is great though, it is better you are here, than bothering people on the street.

Not offended at all - just seeking clarification on the intent of your post.

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Focus, you're throwing the baby out with the bath water. On a typical post, I'll get a few stupid remarks, a few that are relatively useless, a few "trolls", and some useful, informative replies.

Yes, and you will get replies urging you to be careful. I've lived here 5 years and I've been burned and scammed more than once by Thais on various things. Most of those happened in the first 18 months I was here. Live and learn. Many of the individuals who urge caution are doing just that -- passing on their experience. Not all, but many.

Sure, there are some folks out there that have an overly negative view of Thais, and they probably always will. If you don't find their remarks useful, skip them and move on.

But let's look at your comments: You allude to all these Disgruntled Westerns who get there information from bar girls or other drunk, sloshed, alcoholics (I'm paraphrasing here). You're painting with a pretty broad brush there too, sport.

My experiences and those of a large number of Expats who have lived here for over 5 year are based on personal experience -- we're not "disgruntled" and we don't get our experiences in an alcohol induced stupor from questionable sources. Many of us are married, have jobs, are family oriented, and enjoy Thailand enough to accept the good with the bad.

So, if you're really that self-righteous sport, the only advice I can give you is, "Don't let the door hit you on the butt on the way out." Otherwise, cool down and accept this forum for what it is, and accept the good with the bad.

Up to you! wai.gif

Edited by connda
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The advice I gave you regarding building a house in Vientiane was honest and if I say so myself, quite helpful. If you choose not to take advice offered then don't. No need to throw your toys out of the pram. Just cherrypick what you consider to be good advice and laugh at the b*ll*cks....


Interesting. Nice catch Lovelaos. I looked though the thread and, by golly, I don't see a bunch of "Disgruntled Alcoholics" responding to Focus' initial post. There is good information there.

So Focus -- what is your real problem. Amazing. Yeah dude-- goodbye!

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Not offended at all - just seeking clarification on the intent of your post.

To tell you the truth.

As you understand it.

I wasn't sure if you intended to sound like a pretentious prick (because I am sure you are not one) or whether you accidently achieved that objective.

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Goodbye everyone,

I'm leaving this forum. From time to time, there is some good advice and some good dialogue. However, lately this forum has an overly negative slant to it, in my opinion, from disgruntled westerners who come to this part of the world with their own personal agendas and rigid value systems and base a lot of their opinions about the culture based on their experiences with bar-girls or alcohol oriented people. For example, I post a simple question about building a house or buying a ring for my wife and I just get negative feedback about how dishonest and dangerous the people are here.

Yeah, I know all that, but that wasn't my question.



What do you mean lately I find it's been very negative for years there is to many long time posters sit at their pc all day and post just for the sake of posting if you stay away from the general forum it's not to bad sometimes they do follow you onto the other sub forums though I honestly think the mods don't like to ban or suspend the longtime posters although this week was a first when George actually asked someone to slow down with their posts to give other members a chance

Yes as you state a first and a bad president IMO as it was quite unjust and arbitrary as if the system somehow won't allow other posts by other posters because someone else is posting so quickly to answer the multitude of posts (almost 20) that used his previous quotes and required responses after being offline for quite some time (in which the member couldn't possibly post leaving the entire board to other members) on a thread that was moving at light speed.. It was also late at night when most other members are already asleep, nonsense it was, honestly.. As there's no number of posts allowed listed anywhere in the forum rules so we have to guess at what arbitrary number is placed upon us at a given time..

As a result some who have asked questions of the poster have to be ignored not knowing who or how many responses are appropriate? Is that fair to those who've posed their questions on a forum designed to have exchanges and responses to their questions and share ideas and points of view? I say hardly...

Edited by WarpSpeed
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