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Sick To Be Called "Farang"

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and here I am walking around with a shirt that says "Besaat Farang"...

sure? Besaat farang? Should it not be Isaat farang? farang animal..

ai sat

I think the Poster means ประสาท (Prasart) meaning crazy, but the shirt should read ฝรั่งประสาท (Farang Prasart), not the other way around.


I usually ignore the "standard" English phonetics of Thai. As for: ปีศาจฝรั่ง, I would say "besaat farang" or Devil westerner

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here here all you farang bah and farang dum:

Hope you know that Thai members of this forum are laughing at you for making fools of yourselves.

Get a grip folks, its not a derogatory term so don't make it out to be. numbnuts!

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here here all you farang bah and farang dum:

Hope you know that Thai members of this forum are laughing at you for making fools of yourselves.

Get a grip folks, its not a derogatory term so don't make it out to be. numbnuts!

Old news, most of us know the word does not necessarely mean anything bad, however, for some of us, we simply do not want to be mixed up with, or associated with certain other (farang) nationalities that we consider less sophisticated.

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When my Thai Mrs stays here in Australia with me I tell her look whos the falung now! she says no not same

Right, because "falang" doesn't mean "foreigner" it means white person. Your Missus hears you saying "who's the white person now," so of course for her its not the same; a "falang" is a "falang" and even in a country different from her own she can never be a "falang" or a "foreigner" for that matter, she is Thai and Thai is Thai no matter where in the world you are (because Thailand is the center of the univers of course); YOU are "falang" and you will always be no matter where you are in the world.

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They never call me farang or falang, people call me Khun Henry, or Khun if they don't know my name.

And my family call me Khun henry, lung henry, or just Ta. And when people ask where I come from I simply answer Nonthaburi,55555

is 55555 your postcode? smile.png

nonthaburi is 11110 postcode.

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"...some members have passed their peak nd getting on in years. Everytime this subject is breached they forget about the many times it has already been discussed before."

The explanation is even simpler: most of us dead-heads who prefer to bitch and complain, just love beating a dead horse.

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"...some members have passed their peak nd getting on in years. Everytime this subject is breached they forget about the many times it has already been discussed before."

The explanation is even simpler: most of us dead-heads who prefer to bitch and complain, just love beating a dead horse.

"...some members have passed their peak nd getting on in years. Everytime this subject is breached they forget about the many times it has already been discussed before."

The explanation is even simpler: most of us dead-heads who prefer to bitch and complain, just love beating a dead horse.

Or . . . not everyone here has been around for ages and/or doesn't read every thread.

I find it odd how people complain about recurring themes . . . if every thread had to be original and never before discussed then TV could shut down.

Simple - if a thread doesn't interest you or you have commented on or read a similar one previously . . . don't read nor comment. Is it really that difficult?

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"...some members have passed their peak nd getting on in years. Everytime this subject is breached they forget about the many times it has already been discussed before."

The explanation is even simpler: most of us dead-heads who prefer to bitch and complain, just love beating a dead horse.

"...some members have passed their peak nd getting on in years. Everytime this subject is breached they forget about the many times it has already been discussed before."

The explanation is even simpler: most of us dead-heads who prefer to bitch and complain, just love beating a dead horse.

Or . . . not everyone here has been around for ages and/or doesn't read every thread.

I find it odd how people complain about recurring themes . . . if every thread had to be original and never before discussed then TV could shut down.

Simple - if a thread doesn't interest you or you have commented on or read a similar one previously . . . don't read nor comment. Is it really that difficult?

Or drink a lot, so's you forget what's been done before, and what hasn't.

Stop putting your problems on the rest of us, when the solution is in your hands. If you're not happy with the experience, look at it through other glasses...


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Profanity posts and replies have been removed.

Edit: A comment on moderation has been removed.

Perhaps you should have removed the post above as well, to remove the temptation.

You can always use the report button to report objectionable posts.

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