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Four Thai Workers Wounded In Gaza Rocket Attack


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Four Thai workers wounded from fighting in Israel

GAZA: -- Four Thai workers in Israel were injured, one in critical condition, by rockets fired from Gaza strip late last night, a source in Thai Embassy in Tel Aviv said Saturday.

They were in En Habsor city, about 100 km from capital of Tel Aviv and near Gaza Strip.

They were sent to a hospital in Be'er Sheva by a helicopter. One of them is still in a critical condition while another one was released from hospital

Thai embassy in Tel Aviv is following the situation closely and already sent its diplomats to the hospital.


-- The Nation 2012-03-11

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Too bad for anyone and their families of any nationality or religion who were killed or injured in this ongoing struggle and terrible violence between Palestinians and Israel caused by both sides. Not surprising that the rare international news in The Nation speaks only when Thais are involved with no mention of tragedy to anyone else ever. Another striking example of Thai over inflated sense of self absorption and importance.

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I am neither pro or anti for either side in this terrible conflict but I think that it has got to be said that the Israeli security forces have killed their fair share of innocent civilians? there is little difference between the terrorism from pro palestinians or the state sponsered terrorism from Israel;surely anyone with any intelligence can see that neither side is black or white?

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Thai worker in Israel still unconscious

Photo : EPA


A Thai worker in Israel - wounded by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip early on Saturday - remains unconscious and under close watch by doctors in hospital, Thai Foreign Ministry spokesman Thani Thongpakdi said on Sunday.

Three other Thai workers injured in the same attack had been discharged by doctors, he said.

Israeli media reported that the four wounded Thais worked on a farm in Ein Habesor City near the border with the Gaza Strip, about 100 kilometres from Tel Aviv.

They were taken to a hospital in Be'er Sheva by helicopter.

Thani said diplomats from the Thai Embassy in Tel Aviv had been dispatched to the hospital to help the injured workers.

The group worked in Israel legally and their employers had already taken care of the medical expenses.

The spokesman refused to reveal the names of the workers, but said their families in Thailand had been informed of their condition and details.

Israeli airstrikes on Friday and early Saturday killed up to 10 Palestinians, most of them alleged militants, in the Gaza Strip. But militants fired a barrage of rockets back into southern Israel in the worst crossborder fighting in months.

The Thai workers were injured in the second airstrike, which saw at least 20 rockets were fired into Israeli territory.


-- The Nation 2012-03-11

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Too bad for anyone and their families of any nationality or religion who were killed or injured in this ongoing struggle and terrible violence between Palestinians and Israel caused by both sides. Not surprising that the rare international news in The Nation speaks only when Thais are involved with no mention of tragedy to anyone else ever. Another striking example of Thai over inflated sense of self absorption and importance.

Quite a lot of people getting killed in southern Thailand. Doesn't get much coverage on international news of other countries. Doesn't necessarily have to do with "sense of self absorption and importance" - International news aren't always very relevant to local readers/viewers unless there's an obvious connection.

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Too bad for anyone and their families of any nationality or religion who were killed or injured in this ongoing struggle and terrible violence between Palestinians and Israel caused by both sides. Not surprising that the rare international news in The Nation speaks only when Thais are involved with no mention of tragedy to anyone else ever. Another striking example of Thai over inflated sense of self absorption and importance.

Quite a lot of people getting killed in southern Thailand. Doesn't get much coverage on international news of other countries. Doesn't necessarily have to do with "sense of self absorption and importance" - International news aren't always very relevant to local readers/viewers unless there's an obvious connection.

And speaking of the southern Thai situation; I don't hear people accusing Thailand of being "state sponsors of terror" like they do with Israel (on this thread even).

Is Thailands behavior just and perfect towards the southern muslims or is it just that the anti semites like to pick on Israel with nor regard to the reality of the situation?

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I am neither pro or anti for either side in this terrible conflict but I think that it has got to be said that the Israeli security forces have killed their fair share of innocent civilians? there is little difference between the terrorism from pro palestinians or the state sponsered terrorism from Israel;surely anyone with any intelligence can see that neither side is black or white?

Yeah, the Palestinian rockets were after Jews, not Thais.
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Too bad for anyone and their families of any nationality or religion who were killed or injured in this ongoing struggle and terrible violence between Palestinians and Israel caused by both sides. Not surprising that the rare international news in The Nation speaks only when Thais are involved with no mention of tragedy to anyone else ever. Another striking example of Thai over inflated sense of self absorption and importance.

Quite a lot of people getting killed in southern Thailand. Doesn't get much coverage on international news of other countries. Doesn't necessarily have to do with "sense of self absorption and importance" - International news aren't always very relevant to local readers/viewers unless there's an obvious connection.

So four Thais were injured. Well I'm sorry about that, honestly. But how many were injured or died on Thailands roads in the past 24 hours? Are my senses of proportion and relevance at fault?

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Too bad for anyone and their families of any nationality or religion who were killed or injured in this ongoing struggle and terrible violence between Palestinians and Israel caused by both sides. Not surprising that the rare international news in The Nation speaks only when Thais are involved with no mention of tragedy to anyone else ever. Another striking example of Thai over inflated sense of self absorption and importance.

Quite a lot of people getting killed in southern Thailand. Doesn't get much coverage on international news of other countries. Doesn't necessarily have to do with "sense of self absorption and importance" - International news aren't always very relevant to local readers/viewers unless there's an obvious connection.

And speaking of the southern Thai situation; I don't hear people accusing Thailand of being "state sponsors of terror" like they do with Israel (on this thread even).

Is Thailands behavior just and perfect towards the southern muslims or is it just that the anti semites like to pick on Israel with nor regard to the reality of the situation?

I'm not sure there is evidence for the deliberate targeting of civilians by the Thai military concerning the southernconflict, but there is irrefutable evidence of this by both sides in Palestine and Israel...I was merely stating a fact and casting no judgement as to the rights and wrongs of this conflict, or indeed which side holds the moral high ground,which imho is neither

My post was replying to the one above which seemed to suggest that israel conducts itself with some degree of honour I would not condone targeting civilians by either side in this terrible conflict, why does this make me an anti-semite?

Edited by miksguevara
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Too bad for anyone and their families of any nationality or religion who were killed or injured in this ongoing struggle and terrible violence between Palestinians and Israel caused by both sides. Not surprising that the rare international news in The Nation speaks only when Thais are involved with no mention of tragedy to anyone else ever. Another striking example of Thai over inflated sense of self absorption and importance.

Quite a lot of people getting killed in southern Thailand. Doesn't get much coverage on international news of other countries. Doesn't necessarily have to do with "sense of self absorption and importance" - International news aren't always very relevant to local readers/viewers unless there's an obvious connection.

And speaking of the southern Thai situation; I don't hear people accusing Thailand of being "state sponsors of terror" like they do with Israel (on this thread even).

Is Thailands behavior just and perfect towards the southern muslims or is it just that the anti semites like to pick on Israel with nor regard to the reality of the situation?

I'm not sure there is evidence for the deliberate targeting of civilians by the Thai military concerning the southernconflict, but there is irrefutable evidence of this by both sides in Palestine and Israel...I was merely stating a fact and casting no judgement as to the rights and wrongs of this conflict, or indeed which side holds the moral high ground,which imho is neither

My post was replying to the one above which seemed to suggest that israel conducts itself with some degree of honour I would not condone targeting civilians by either side in this terrible conflict, why does this make me an anti-semite?

When on side uses unguided rockets with indiscriminate targeting to civilian areas as terror weapons vs the other side using guided munitions to attempt to minimize civilian casualties while attacking the rocket launching areas and crews, who use civilian areas as shields, it's hard to make a moral equivalence to the actions of both sides.

If your country had thousands rockets raining down each year from your neighbors, what do you think your government would do?

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yes but there is much evidence suggesting targeting of civilians by the israeli military using conventional weapons - to suggest that israel somehow has the moral high ground due to their use of high tech weaponary seems a bit off to me.I find it laughable that within one post containing a small criticism of israel there is already mention of anti semitism...if i voice the opinion that the us soldier who has just killed 16 civilians was wrong does this make me anti american? because US forces use smart weapons do they hold the moral ground in this conflict? or do said actions such as this undermine their credibility...this is exactly the point I am making RE israel and palestine

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yes but there is much evidence suggesting targeting of civilians by the israeli military using conventional weapons - to suggest that israel somehow has the moral high ground due to their use of high tech weaponary seems a bit off to me.I find it laughable that within one post containing a small criticism of israel there is already mention of anti semitism...if i voice the opinion that the us soldier who has just killed 16 civilians was wrong does this make me anti american? because US forces use smart weapons do they hold the moral ground in this conflict? or do said actions such as this undermine their credibility...this is exactly the point I am making RE israel and palestine

Yes, quite amazing how the Israelis manage to spin this. The palestinian rockets were in response to the Israeli killing an alleged Palestinian terrorist and a dozen more of his alleged mates, ie drivers, family members etc. Yet if anyone was reading the Western media one would think this was a retaliation from an unprovoked attack by Palestinion terrorists.Never mind that the Israelis started it, and then the Palestinians responded. Unbeilevable! Of course pointing out this obvious truth makes one an Anti Semite, or a holocaust denier. Bring on the Hasbara posters. By the way, what's the Hasbara going rate these days? Might be quite tempted myself!
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yeah but my point is that imho there is no side in this conflict that is right or wrong...they are both as bad as the other.I'm no expert but have done extensive reading on the history of the conflict and it really is an impossible situation...is indiscriminate killing of civs wrong by terrorists yup, but so is illegal settlement building...

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is indiscriminate killing of civs wrong by terrorists yup, but so is illegal settlement building...

There is really no comparison there and if the terrorists ended the indiscriminate killing of civlians and made peace, the Israeli would stop building. There is no reason to stop it as long as the Arabs keep trying to "push them into the sea."

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If it is true then I am pleased to see that the Thai employers are taking care of the medical expenses. Too many Thais end up having to work for unscrupulous companies offering work overseas. I too worked over in Israel a few years ago and like those Thai workers I weighed up the risk of being a casualty of their war against the earning potential, and like them I deemed it a small risk, it's a gamble though. Hope they recover.

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Four Thai workers wounded in Gaza fighting are out of danger


BANGKOK, March 12 -- Four Thai workers who were wounded as a result of fighting near the Gaza Strip in Israel on Friday are out of danger and officials from the Thai Labour Office in Tel Aviv have provided assistance to them, according to Department of Employment Director General Prawit Kengpol.

Israel has since Friday killed dozens of Palestinians in air strikes on Gaza in a campaign to stop rockets and mortars from being fired against the southern part of its territory.

Four Thai agricultural labourers were wounded in an attack on Friday. One was reported by Israeli media as being badly wounded.

Media reports said that the four Thais worked on a farm in Ein Habesor City near the border with the Gaza Strip, about 100 kilometres from Tel Aviv.

Mr Prawit said that the seriously wounded Thai worker was identified as Mee Wongsuwan. He was hit by bomb fragments on his right cheekbone and his abdomen. However, he is now out of danger.

The three other workers were slightly injured and have returned to work as usual, he said.

Mr Prawit said that the recruitment agency signed a contract accepting responsibility for the cost of medical treatment and that the workers could also benefit from a fund set up to help Thai workers abroad.

As for the security measures, he said that it was not an issue to be worried as their workplaces were not in the war zone. He explained that they had travelled out of their work site to meet friends and were by chance accidentally wounded in the rocket attack.

There are some 20,000 Thai workers in Israel, mostly working in the agricultural sector, he said, adding that the Israeli government has agreed to accept more 5,000 Thai labourers. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-03-12

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Too bad for anyone and their families of any nationality or religion who were killed or injured in this ongoing struggle and terrible violence between Palestinians and Israel caused by both sides. Not surprising that the rare international news in The Nation speaks only when Thais are involved with no mention of tragedy to anyone else ever. Another striking example of Thai over inflated sense of self absorption and importance.

Quite a lot of people getting killed in southern Thailand. Doesn't get much coverage on international news of other countries. Doesn't necessarily have to do with "sense of self absorption and importance" - International news aren't always very relevant to local readers/viewers unless there's an obvious connection.

And speaking of the southern Thai situation; I don't hear people accusing Thailand of being "state sponsors of terror" like they do with Israel (on this thread even).

Is Thailands behavior just and perfect towards the southern muslims or is it just that the anti semites like to pick on Israel with nor regard to the reality of the situation?

I'm not sure there is evidence for the deliberate targeting of civilians by the Thai military concerning the southernconflict, but there is irrefutable evidence of this by both sides in Palestine and Israel...I was merely stating a fact and casting no judgement as to the rights and wrongs of this conflict, or indeed which side holds the moral high ground,which imho is neither

My post was replying to the one above which seemed to suggest that israel conducts itself with some degree of honour I would not condone targeting civilians by either side in this terrible conflict, why does this make me an anti-semite?

Israel does not target "civilians." Please see the difference between an innocent civilian and a member of hamas or hezbollah who keeps his stash of rockets under his child's bed and has his wife set up a launching site while the kids run rockets back and forth. As regrettable as it is that children and women are killed; it is the militants who are making them targets, NOT the Israeli govt.

Israel does not target innocent civilians.

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"israel doesn't target citizens"

just look at the stats from this past weekend; Palestinian side; 20+ killed (half civilians) and 70 injured.

israeli side; 8 wounded

Israel has a right to defend itself, but in this case it began the exchange by targeting a Hamas leader when he was surrounded by other people. 2 were killed and many were injured. Of course the Palestinians would fire back.

Israel has great prowess in assassinations as it has proved in Iran; they have been able to target nuclear scientists with precise magnetic bombs that have no collateral damage and only kill the cars occupants.

Why do they never employ these methods with the Palestinians? Instead the constantly resort to air strikes which may kill the intended target, but also the people around him.

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"israel doesn't target citizens"

just look at the stats from this past weekend; Palestinian side; 20+ killed (half civilians) and 70 injured.

israeli side; 8 wounded

Israel has a right to defend itself, but in this case it began the exchange by targeting a Hamas leader when he was surrounded by other people. 2 were killed and many were injured. Of course the Palestinians would fire back.

Israel has great prowess in assassinations as it has proved in Iran; they have been able to target nuclear scientists with precise magnetic bombs that have no collateral damage and only kill the cars occupants.

Why do they never employ these methods with the Palestinians? Instead the constantly resort to air strikes which may kill the intended target, but also the people around him.

You just said yourself that they targeted a hamas leader; NOT civilians.

Again; Israel does not target civilians.

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It is a Jew vs Arab fight. I hope the Thai involvement is purely coincidental.

Don't really need Buddhist to join the never ending Islam vs Christian crusade.

Kind of a silly point. Nobody is asserting that the Gaza rocket people were targeting THAI people. That's an absurd thought. Also note, Israel is a Jewish state, not a Christian one, though of course many Israeli citizens are Christian Arabs.
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It is a Jew vs Arab fight. I hope the Thai involvement is purely coincidental.

Don't really need Buddhist to join the never ending Islam vs Christian crusade.

Kind of a silly point. Nobody is asserting that the Gaza rocket people were targeting THAI people. That's an absurd thought. Also note, Israel is a Jewish state, not a Christian one, though of course many Israeli citizens are Christian Arabs.

when does he make a good point?

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