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Why Do Most Female Expats Dress Like Hippies.


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You dont agree with my comments because you failed to read the op correctly.

I stated that the areas i see western women are not tourist areas.

What you actually said was "Walking or driving around bangkok daily i tend to see many female farangs. Usually walking alone and in areas that tourists dont go. This is why i think they are usually expats. Married to a thai man or teacher etc."

Pardon me for missing the part where you said you don't go into ex pat areas.

But you seem to have missed the part where I said "they may not want to wear makeup and dress up to impress total strangers"

The part where you say "This is why i think they are usually expats. Married to a thai man or teacher etc." may answer your own question.

If woman is married, has a boyfriend, or other relationship, there may not be a need to try and look attractive to a total stranger. For example, girls I am in a relationship with, will get dressed up when we go out...dinner, movie...all that stuff. However, when I am not around, when going to the grocery store, running errands, taking the car for an oil change, the dogs to the vet, etc., a pony tail, sweat pants and a t-shirt generally suffice. I see plenty of women do that in the United States.

If they're at work/business, then sure a woman will try to look good because it's professional. If she's going out for a night out to maybe meet someone, then she'll look good. However, if she is just doing the errands of her life, she might not want to be bothered. It does take a bit of time to do her hair and makeup, or even coordinate their "pretty flower dress" with the right shoes and purse (women spend more time coordinating than I think most men realize). Anyways it's like this, perhaps a woman does not want to spend the time or effort to be eye candy to a complete and total stranger? Especially when she's already in a relationship.

I think that is normal.

So if thats the case Thai women are not normal?

Ever morning when i take my kids to school. The thai women (not all but most) are dressed up very smart or sexy and caked in makeup. Sure some might be going to work but i bet many are not.

Anyway my point is i cant ever remember seeing a farang expat dolled up.

And guess what? There are 2 farang mothers that take there kids to my kids school. I let you guess how they dress.

Edited by maiphedmaiaroi
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You dont agree with my comments because you failed to read the op correctly.

I stated that the areas i see western women are not tourist areas.

What you actually said was "Walking or driving around bangkok daily i tend to see many female farangs. Usually walking alone and in areas that tourists dont go. This is why i think they are usually expats. Married to a thai man or teacher etc."

Pardon me for missing the part where you said you don't go into ex pat areas.

But you seem to have missed the part where I said "they may not want to wear makeup and dress up to impress total strangers"

The part where you say "This is why i think they are usually expats. Married to a thai man or teacher etc." may answer your own question.

If woman is married, has a boyfriend, or other relationship, there may not be a need to try and look attractive to a total stranger. For example, girls I am in a relationship with, will get dressed up when we go out...dinner, movie...all that stuff. However, when I am not around, when going to the grocery store, running errands, taking the car for an oil change, the dogs to the vet, etc., a pony tail, sweat pants and a t-shirt generally suffice. I see plenty of women do that in the United States.

If they're at work/business, then sure a woman will try to look good because it's professional. If she's going out for a night out to maybe meet someone, then she'll look good. However, if she is just doing the errands of her life, she might not want to be bothered. It does take a bit of time to do her hair and makeup, or even coordinate their "pretty flower dress" with the right shoes and purse (women spend more time coordinating than I think most men realize). Anyways it's like this, perhaps a woman does not want to spend the time or effort to be eye candy to a complete and total stranger? Especially when she's already in a relationship.

I think that is normal.

So if thats the case Thai women are not normal?

Ever morning when i take my kids to school. The thai women (not all but most) are dressed up very smart or sexy and caked in makeup. Sure some might be going to work but i bet many are not.

Anyway my point is i cant ever remember seeing a farang expat dolled up.

And guess what? There are 2 farang mothers that take there kids to my kids school. I let you guess how they dress.

geez, I hope you don't have daughters.

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On a side note.

If i was a farang female id be shopping like crazy everyweek here. Havent any of you guys been to places like platinum plaza where the clothes are very attractive and dirt cheap.

People mention Farang woman having a bigger frame which is true of course but most of the farang females i see her are of normal size.

I just cant work them out.

Thailand is great for ladies to shop so why oh why go for the fisherman pants and hippy 2nd hand l shirt look??

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Streetcowboy, you don't need all that makeup...you're pretty just the way you are. biggrin.png

...and in anticipation of your next question, no that pretty flower dress does not make your ass look big. ph34r.png

I think its quite flattering. Last time I wore it I'm sure I heard someone say "what an arse!"


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there are thai ladies in my building that look immaculate going to fetch water or do the laundry on a sunday morning

there is a beauty salon and a hairdresser in every apartment block in my street (find a street in the uk with that )

thai women get their hair and nails done frequently (manicures ,pedicures ,make up ,hair care )

looking your best at all times seems more important in thailand than the west

there is very few farang women in my area to compare against ,almost all the farang in our locality are men with a thai woman

it doesnt seem to happen much the other way around :)

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On a more serious note, most of the Western ladies I see at my kids' school are reasonably smartly dressed, whereas a lot of the Wrestern people I see in Sukhumvit look like tourists. I've never really had any grave discord between expectation and reality, but I would suggest that the OP move to Singapore or Hong Kong, if the sartorial deportment of our expats here is not up to his expectations.

I should put a post in the "What Simple things would improve Thailand" every time I make a helpful suggestion like that, shouldn't I?


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Ever morning when i take my kids to school. The thai women (not all but most) are dressed up very smart or sexy and caked in makeup. Sure some might be going to work but i bet many are not.

Anyway my point is i cant ever remember seeing a farang expat dolled up.

And guess what? There are 2 farang mothers that take there kids to my kids school. I let you guess how they dress.

(1) they are probably working, or going to work.

(2) if they are not working, then they may have just gotten dressed up for the rest of the day, or

(3) they may be going out later with their significant other and want to look attractive

(4) they may be single or

(5) I don't know.

All I know is if I want to go out for groceries, go to McDonald's, go get gas for my car, I go out with my hair uncombed and with stubble, in ratty jeans and a t-shirt. If I do it, I can't complain about a woman doing it too.

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On a side note.

If i was a farang female id be shopping like crazy everyweek here. Havent any of you guys been to places like platinum plaza where the clothes are very attractive and dirt cheap.

People mention Farang woman having a bigger frame which is true of course but most of the farang females i see her are of normal size.

I just cant work them out.

Thailand is great for ladies to shop so why oh why go for the fisherman pants and hippy 2nd hand l shirt look??

Why don't you just ask them if you're that interested? As others have said, they have seen Western expat females dressed up nice in areas that are not generally considered tourist hotspots.

In general, when Western women make an effort, they would rather evoke envy from other females who generally have a more critical eye when it comes to fashion and the female form than admiration from a man whose appreciation of both subjects is unlikely to be considered remotely relevant since he may just want to get in her thong.

If a Western woman does specifically want men to appreciate her appearance, rest assured, she'll A) want it from men she finds attractive not some battered old chamois leather-skinned fossil with pants nestling under his man-boobs who may just be over here beering it up with second-rate gusset on the street and B), she won't bother with anything fashionable when any short skirt and high heels does the trick for most of us.

Edited by HardenedSoul
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No female members. Only that young american girl that replied?

Which young American girl?!?!?! Streetcowboy? I hate to break the news to you but......

.....Streetcowboy is not American. :)

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But i am asking them. Im asking here.

No female members. Only that young american girl that replied?

The farang women I see regularly in Bangkok appear to take much more pride in their dress and appearance than the farang men I see regularly.

Perhaps the OP would like to post a picture of himself on the forum so members can judge his sartorial styling in the same way he is labelling farang women.

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No female members. Only that young american girl that replied?

Which young American girl?!?!?! Streetcowboy? I hate to break the news to you but......

i thought the one called ihunnybunny was a girl

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No female members. Only that young american girl that replied?

Which young American girl?!?!?! Streetcowboy? I hate to break the news to you but......

i thought the one called ihunnybunny was a girl

Sometimes its as well to suspend judgement and avoid jumping to conclusions... I've learnt that the hard way


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Ok here is a reply from a western expat street cowboy tongue.png

To the OP: I dont know where you are seeing these women, but most western women i know here dress very well and are in good shape...and they do it for THEMSELVES (and of course their partners, because dont we all generally like to look good for our partners..?). I enjoy dressing nicely. Even wearing just jeans and a tshirt can look nice if crisp and clean. Tiring to forever read about so-called fat frumpy bad tempered etc etc western women, by western men. I have a full and active life, am a pleasant and friendly person, and i hope to stay that way as much as possible until the day i drop dead! ..and, i can say, that the woman i know, are attractive, happy, and well dressed women! I decided to put a photo of the kinds of things wear during the DAY..and that includes heels depending on where im going, even if makes me tall..because i like them. Sadly i cant (well wont) put photos of my friends, because feels wrong without their permission, but they are very presentable attractive ladies. Anyway, make any nasty comment you like, but here are some photos (threw in the dtracker one for the heck of it. Dont usually wear such casual stuff if im on a proper ride):

Got no idea how to embed a photo on here now so linking (could someone fix for me?): http://imageshack.us...2/20564207.jpg/post-33493-0-72969800-1331874691_thumb.j

(Ahh ok, i dunno how to embed, but ive attached)

Edited by eek
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Well, I’m all in agreement with western women wearing hippy clothes, having a scruffy appearance and especially not wearing make-up. The thought of any human being having to slap paint on their face in different colours to feel confident enough to go out in public is, frankly, hilarious. If they are ugly surely they should be able to demonstrate the fact to everyone. Actually, they should be made to demonstrate the fact.

I am totally disgusted when from time to time I am exposed to the truly appalling sight of a farang couple walking hand in hand, especially when the woman is old enough to be his wife, and don’t even get me started on western men in their 20’s and 30’s with Thai women of similar age. Now that is so embarrassing to behold. Have they any idea how other people see them?

Let’s face it, women will never be equal to men, ...... well, not until they too are able to waddle down the street with a bald head, yellow teeth, hair growing out of their ears and nostrils, a beer gut, double or treble chin, sweat stained shirt, sandles with socks, nicotine stained fingers and food stained shorts........and still think they are sexy!


I The look you have so well described is all too common in Thailand. and its cringe worthy!

The Thais are exceptionally clean people within their person and the putrid smell and filthy appearance that many of the farang seem to possess is horrifying, I think farang men are more guilty to be frank.

Arriving at the Immigration office/hospital/government buildings in a nice clean pair of chinos, loafers and shirt would do wonders for their reputation and credibility but these old men with comb over specials accompanied with girls old enough to be their grand children on their arms dressed in inappropriate filthy attire is not a good look imo

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The farang women I see regularly in Bangkok appear to take much more pride in their dress and appearance than the farang men I see regularly.

I would agree with this assessment, and not just BKK, but all over Thailand.

As a side note, most of the Thai girls I see in Chiang Mai are usually not "all dressed up." But an attractive Thai girl could look good with just a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, sans make-up. Wonder if that's what the OP is referring to...?

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Well, I’m all in agreement with western women wearing hippy clothes, having a scruffy appearance and especially not wearing make-up. The thought of any human being having to slap paint on their face in different colours to feel confident enough to go out in public is, frankly, hilarious. If they are ugly surely they should be able to demonstrate the fact to everyone. Actually, they should be made to demonstrate the fact.

I am totally disgusted when from time to time I am exposed to the truly appalling sight of a farang couple walking hand in hand, especially when the woman is old enough to be his wife, and don’t even get me started on western men in their 20’s and 30’s with Thai women of similar age. Now that is so embarrassing to behold. Have they any idea how other people see them?

Let’s face it, women will never be equal to men, ...... well, not until they too are able to waddle down the street with a bald head, yellow teeth, hair growing out of their ears and nostrils, a beer gut, double or treble chin, sweat stained shirt, sandles with socks, nicotine stained fingers and food stained shorts........and still think they are sexy!


I The look you have so well described is all too common in Thailand. and its cringe worthy!

The Thais are exceptionally clean people within their person and the putrid smell and filthy appearance that many of the farang seem to possess is horrifying, I think farang men are more guilty to be frank.

Arriving at the Immigration office/hospital/government buildings in a nice clean pair of chinos, loafers and shirt would do wonders for their reputation and credibility but these old men with comb over specials accompanied with girls old enough to be their grand children on their arms dressed in inappropriate filthy attire is not a good look imo

I sometimes have to bottle up my spleen to avoid looking like a bigot, so' like you, I'm grateful for this forum where I can pour scorn on others.

As I was told, never criticise a man till you've walked a mile in his shoes, or run, if he sees you take them


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The farang women I see regularly in Bangkok appear to take much more pride in their dress and appearance than the farang men I see regularly.

I would agree with this assessment, and not just BKK, but all over Thailand.

As a side note, most of the Thai girls I see in Chiang Mai are usually not "all dressed up." But an attractive Thai girl could look good with just a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, sans make-up. Wonder if that's what the OP is referring to...?

thats very correct ,a girl with a good body looks good in anything she puts on ,effortlessly

a woman with a few "problem areas" has to wear "flattering" clothes to look even half reasonable .....

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Poor KT just wishes the black guys wore tighter jeans so he could get a better look at what his GF's been raving about laugh.png

Just making a point; one racial term deserves another...........to be honest I could give a flying you know what about how people dress. If I had my way everyone would wear a mumu.

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Poor KT just wishes the black guys wore tighter jeans so he could get a better look at what his GF's been raving about laugh.png

Just making a point; one racial term deserves another...........to be honest I could give a flying you know what about how people dress. If I had my way everyone would wear a mumu.

So which racial term was it that proved so irksome that you felt forced to respond in kind?

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Just ignore them. They cannot compete with most of the local population, so why make a fuzz.

Well horses for courses.

I have a Thai male acquaintance who loves big farang women and has no interest in Thai women. So much so that he 'engineered' a situation whereby he landed a very job job managing a chain of Thai restaurants (about 10 restaurants, all have different names) in England.

He's been there about 10 years, has had three marriages to farang women, also divorced from all three and looking. In all cases the farang wives filed for divorce because of his numerous extramarital activities.

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A few people are asking about what i wear or what do i look like?

Why? This is irrelevant. The thread is about my opinion that western women seem to let themselves go when they come to thailand. Expats i mean.

Its like they are travelling around india or something.

As i said it would be pleasant to see more women making a effect. I know its hot here but come on surely a nice flower patterned dress wouldnt make you sweat much more.

Now thats another one? Ever seen a farang lady not in a tourist area wearing a dress??? I havent.

ive talked to (farang ) girls that cant find clothes that fit ,my ex gf was from south america

she wasnt fat but had a big ass and a good rack

she was unable to find jeans ,bras ,tops etc in the big c that could fit her kind of body

another old gf was german ,she also complained about the lack of clothes on sale she could wear

and also the shoes were not the right size either (flip flops yes ,but sexy kind of shoes no )

and she also could not get bras that she could wear

so you could easily find a kidnapper but you were unable to help your ex find clothes that fit?

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