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Songkran....Who Is Playing And Who Is Not


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"Water fights ...woohoo.." are not part of Thai culture and are not embraced by them - only the moronic minority add ice and pump guns !


An Australian, unfamiliar with culture, may think otherwise.

Who's an Australian? What has this to do with Australians? There's idiots from many different countries spoiling the fun.

Idiots + alcohol + Songkran = TROUBLE .... it doesn't matter where they are from

"Woohoo" is an Australian expression - ergo highly likley cardholder is an Australian

ergo - highly unlikely.

Read back on the posts and you will see that "Woohoo" was a quote taken from samsian's earlier post.

Cindy Lauper is renaming her song just for him - "Boys just want to have fun.fun, fun, fun , fun.........."

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Practically just another armchair expert. Why not keep the windows rolled down at all times so you can attain some understanding about what the issues are? Endander yourself and your group like you endanger others, esp. the motorbike drivers and their passengers?

just remember we will be having fun....along with all the thai people enjoying their holiday and the vast majority of the the rest of the people.....

the simple choice for others to avoid having a good time is to stay indoors....or go away somewhere......easy really.

Let me know exactly where you're going to be and I'll come along and spray ice water at high pressure straight into your face - if you have the courage to wind down your window.

Edited by tropo
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Out of the 30 odd times i have holidayed in Pattaya over the last 20 years or so i have only managed to catch Songkran once. Never again!

I got conjunctivis from the dirty water, almost knocked of my motorbike and had to bite my lip countless times. Fun for some but not for me.

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if you not like my country and people holiday whay live in my country please stop talk bad we like fun you know try some

A lot of Thai people living in Pattaya don't like Songkran in Pattaya. Many of them leave and go upcountry to escape.

You can live in a country without having to like EVERYTHING about it.

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if you not like my country and people holiday whay live in my country please stop talk bad we like fun you know try some

Songkran in Pattaya is just over the Top (in some places) and many (Farang and Thai) people just don't like it and stay indoors or leave because they don't want to participate.

My Wife (Thai) likes it and she goes out, while I (Farang (obvious maybe) stays indoor just waiting and hoping that my wife comes back home unhurt and not too drunk wink.png

Edited by MJCM
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Here in buriram we dont have the pump guns and blocks of ice.... Songkran here is fun and its a full on water war and yes i love it and will be out there fully loaded with ammo in reserve passifier.gif

Congratulations Huayrat for embracing the fun that is songkran.

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Here in buriram we dont have the pump guns and blocks of ice.... Songkran here is fun and its a full on water war and yes i love it and will be out there fully loaded with ammo in reserve passifier.gif

Congratulations Huayrat for embracing the fun that is songkran.

It obviously escaped your notice that he says "We don't have the pump guns and blocks of ice". Unlike you!
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The respect has gone. Children playing is fine, even they get bored after a short time.

For me to pour water over my mother in law and father in law's palms is an honour.

To throw water at any one not participating in a frenzy of disrespect is not Thai.

Somehow it has become the norm; I guarantee a photo of farangs "enjoying" Songkran on all media.

I would not disrespect my Thai family by doing such a blatant act of disrespect.

I expect the same from them to me.

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Here in buriram we dont have the pump guns and blocks of ice.... Songkran here is fun and its a full on water war and yes i love it and will be out there fully loaded with ammo in reserve passifier.gif

Congratulations Huayrat for embracing the fun that is songkran.

samsiam - maybe beyond your capabilities but go have a look at post #76 to see how it should be done.

Edited by cardholder
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Here in buriram we dont have the pump guns and blocks of ice.... Songkran here is fun and its a full on water war and yes i love it and will be out there fully loaded with ammo in reserve passifier.gif

Congratulations Huayrat for embracing the fun that is songkran.

samsiam - maybe beyond your capabilities but go have a look at post #76 to see how it should be done.

I think the thai people can play songkran as they wish in their country.

I have been upcountry many times in the midst of thai only towns with areas of full on water fights the same as in Bangkok.....but all Thai...not a foreigner in sight.

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When we lived in bangkok we used to hire a tuk tuk for 500b for half a day...put 2 big buckets in there and 4 people.

Now that was fun.

I am guessing that you don't get let out much during the rest of the year.... :)

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Here in buriram we dont have the pump guns and blocks of ice.... Songkran here is fun and its a full on water war and yes i love it and will be out there fully loaded with ammo in reserve passifier.gif

Congratulations Huayrat for embracing the fun that is songkran.

samsiam - maybe beyond your capabilities but go have a look at post #76 to see how it should be done.

I think the thai people can play songkran as they wish in their country.

I have been upcountry many times in the midst of thai only towns with areas of full on water fights the same as in Bangkok.....but all Thai...not a foreigner in sight.

Full on water fight here in buriram and all Thais.... If your in ur car on the wrong road then its a snails pace if u get stuck behind all the pick ups and the battle

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For all of you that think this is an 'urban myth'..

Do you really believe that the youth of Pattaya are happy to see fat, sweaty, aged foreigners walking hand in hand [grasping tightly for fear of escape?] young thai females?

Do you not think it most likely that the one time of the year they can inflict urine,filthy water and god knows what else on them in the name of 'fun' they will not take advantage of the situation?

Last year I saw a large tanker refuelling the drums of pick up trucks..

I had seen this tanker earlier in the year on my estate emptying cess pits...


Urine in water pistols ,sewage water [why use water you have to pay for?] in all weapons.Pick-ups with drums refilled from tankers that usually empty cess pits.

Drunken beer soaked foreigners reeking of serious B.O .playing cowboys and Indians,thinking they are Rambo'

Thai teenagers that throw ice and filthy powder at all foreigners .

And you wonder why I have no intention of participating in this 'festival'

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For all of you that think this is an 'urban myth'..

Do you really believe that the youth of Pattaya are happy to see fat, sweaty, aged foreigners walking hand in hand [grasping tightly for fear of escape?] young thai females?

Do you not think it most likely that the one time of the year they can inflict urine,filthy water and god knows what else on them in the name of 'fun' they will not take advantage of the situation?

Last year I saw a large tanker refuelling the drums of pick up trucks..

I had seen this tanker earlier in the year on my estate emptying cess pits...


Urine in water pistols ,sewage water [why use water you have to pay for?] in all weapons.Pick-ups with drums refilled from tankers that usually empty cess pits.

Drunken beer soaked foreigners reeking of serious B.O .playing cowboys and Indians,thinking they are Rambo'

Thai teenagers that throw ice and filthy powder at all foreigners .

And you wonder why I have no intention of participating in this 'festival'

I am afraid that is what you must expect if you live on an estate.

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