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Not Illegal, Not Unethical, Albeit Wrong Sub-Forum

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I am perplexed by the rudeness and sacrcasm in the replies to my post about how to solve the implied difficulties finding a safety box in Thailand. If a similar business to CISCO exists in Thailand (with equal or better facilities, practices etc) I welcome that information as Bangkok is my hub more than KUL or SIN. In retrospect I see that I should have placed it in a S.E. Asian sub-forum (though not sure if a business/finance-oriented sub-forum exists even exists on thaivisa, and when I enquire about a similar excellent forum on ther nations in the region I was told that is not allowed. Huh, if you don't cover those areas, what is the problem sharing info on who does?). A move to a more suitable sub-forum would seem to me to be a more gentlemanly response.

I simply shared the details of my experiences, which I did as a public service in order to help solve the challenge of finding such a service in Bangkok or Pattaya. Governments and corporations are like landlords - there is no need to feel unreasonably constrained by them. If you don't like their rules, go somewhere else (although the intertwinedness of todays colection of nation-states making true individual, family and national sovereignty more difficult than 50 years ago). Frankly I think my observations are useful in their detail. Posters do that often on other areas (entertainment, shopping, accommodation, etc) - since when is international movement of money by individuals taboo? I followed all laws to the letter in declaration and recommend others do the same. This is despite my ideological resistence to state interference in money flow. Currency is just a printed piece of paper/plastic like any other commodity. In a free market it should move freely. Thailand does not have as much of a financial free market as Singapore. Of course, one could perhaps rightfully say that Singapore state rules with fear more and their lack of privacy laws, and thus the safety box company probably does not mean by default that no information is shared with third parties without court order, but is shared secretly. I was at first impressed by their lack of what one cannot put in a box, compared to Canada where there would be a laundry list, even at u-store it places. At CISCO in Singapore (how does this compare to Thailand?) the rule was simple they are not responsible for knowing contents - seems totally reasonable to me. Oh, they only mentioned smelly items. The semi-private area in the locked area did have what looked like a two-way mirror so I wouldn't be surprised if allowed for staff to monitor 'private' box activities. That doesn't bother me except that they didn't TELL me of that possibility. In Canada we are told in writing what our privacy expectations should be (which effectively means by the banking cartel and governments, we have almost none, that everytime we use the services of either, we sign off). It is very depressing for this libertarianan with some minor reservations about unrestrained liberty when no one is hurt. Singapore seems more promising than both Canada and Thailand in financial areas anyway. If there are areas where Thailand has more (than Canada and Singapore) protected-by-law liberty I would be happy to hear about it.

I look forward to detailed threads on similar private, non-bank security box companies in Thailand.

Perhaps someone has started a similar thread on their SUCCESS opening a box in Thailand simply, easily and at low cost as I just did In Singapore. Seems to me that expats and frequent travellers do well to compare in the region and choose wherever suits their needs best ad the the compromises involved, if any.

But until I see a change in attitude and practice, by administration especially, I am leaving this forum. I am offended. I don't exepect everyone to agree with me, but to maintain a modicum of respect and open dialogue. I am happy to discuss my differences banking and finances with socialists and liberals. We might find that we even have some common ground (Marxists at least ask the right questions such as 'what is right and what is wrong with society and government regarding economics?').

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Maybe you need to think outside the box.


Please be more clear.

BTW, a usually helpful and clevel poster insinuated that my money was gained by illegal/immoral means. I inherited my money - if it is anybody's business. Maybe inheritance is immoral to some. It is not to me. And it is not illegal. Or even taxable in Canada (after devious 'probate' which gets one's provincial gov't treasury involved when it isn't even necessary as there is no family dispute. It is indirect confiscatory taxation).

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If you don't like their rules, go somewhere else

Good advice... and seems you will be following it...

But until I see a change in attitude and practice, by administration especially, I am leaving this forum.

bye bye and good luck shuffling money from safety box to safety box wai.gif

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Perhaps you would be better to keep it in notes in a variety of currencies under your mattress.

Or squander it on loose women and wild living, though I suppose there is still the question of how to carry the money in the meantime. A knapsack on one's back comes to mind.


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Fairly appalling responses to someone who is clearly in earnest. All too typical of TV these days.

Beginning to be worth every cent it costs.

What do you expect? ALL his posts are about moving his money around from safety box to safety box, because he does not trust governments, banks, corporations etc etc... ALL his posts imply that he has so much money that he needs to hide it in various places out of the eyes of tax and other governement authorities... Does he / can he expect sympathy on a forum like ThaiVisa?

May be the impression he gives about himself is completely wrong... but as I told him in another post... what goes around, comes around...

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I think there's plenty of threads on money-laundering in this forum, some of which I have found helpful in the past. But really, if you want to stay outside the oversight of the authorities, you really will need a brown paper bag and a tinfoil hat.


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Fairly appalling responses to someone who is clearly in earnest. All too typical of TV these days.

Beginning to be worth every cent it costs.

What do you expect? ALL his posts are about moving his money around from safety box to safety box, because he does not trust governments, banks, corporations etc etc... ALL his posts imply that he has so much money that he needs to hide it in various places out of the eyes of tax and other governement authorities... Does he / can he expect sympathy on a forum like ThaiVisa?

May be the impression he gives about himself is completely wrong... but as I told him in another post... what goes around, comes around...

I guess the question is: who made you judge and jury? And why, if you have nothing helpful to say, do you feel compelled to talk sh*t?

Given your propensity for wrong answers (ATM transfer speed, remember?), maybe you could stick to answering things you actually know something about, however limiting that may be.

The guy simply asked a question. If it was skirting the legal line, the mods are supposed to get involved, which so far they have not. If you have nothing on topic to say, why not just move on?

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Fairly appalling responses to someone who is clearly in earnest. All too typical of TV these days.

Beginning to be worth every cent it costs.

What do you expect? ALL his posts are about moving his money around from safety box to safety box, because he does not trust governments, banks, corporations etc etc... ALL his posts imply that he has so much money that he needs to hide it in various places out of the eyes of tax and other governement authorities... Does he / can he expect sympathy on a forum like ThaiVisa?

May be the impression he gives about himself is completely wrong... but as I told him in another post... what goes around, comes around...

I guess the question is: who made you judge and jury? And why, if you have nothing helpful to say, do you feel compelled to talk sh*t?

Given your propensity for wrong answers (ATM transfer speed, remember?), maybe you could stick to answering things you actually know something about, however limiting that may be.

The guy simply asked a question. If it was skirting the legal line, the mods are supposed to get involved, which so far they have not. If you have nothing on topic to say, why not just move on?

Given his alleged propensity for wrong answers, I think you are jeopardising us all, asking him to comment on things that he thinks he knows about.

Perhaps it would be easier if you assigned us topics that we were allowed to comment on?

I'd like the topic 'self-important pricks' but I realise that is a popular one


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Fairly appalling responses to someone who is clearly in earnest. All too typical of TV these days.

Beginning to be worth every cent it costs.

What do you expect? ALL his posts are about moving his money around from safety box to safety box, because he does not trust governments, banks, corporations etc etc... ALL his posts imply that he has so much money that he needs to hide it in various places out of the eyes of tax and other governement authorities... Does he / can he expect sympathy on a forum like ThaiVisa?

May be the impression he gives about himself is completely wrong... but as I told him in another post... what goes around, comes around...

I guess the question is: who made you judge and jury? And why, if you have nothing helpful to say, do you feel compelled to talk sh*t?

Given your propensity for wrong answers (ATM transfer speed, remember?), maybe you could stick to answering things you actually know something about, however limiting that may be.

The guy simply asked a question. If it was skirting the legal line, the mods are supposed to get involved, which so far they have not. If you have nothing on topic to say, why not just move on?

Thank you so very much your Highness for pointing me out... for explaining to me that one ill-informed answer makes me have a propensity for wrong answers...

and thinking about it... may I humbly ask you to give me guidance on which topics I am allowed to post answers, which topics you, your Highness, think I know something about? Given my bad reputational index (which is equal to yours...), I shall dearly appreciate your recommendations for my future posts here in TV...


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I think there's plenty of threads on money-laundering in this forum, some of which I have found helpful in the past. But really, if you want to stay outside the oversight of the authorities, you really will need a brown paper bag and a tinfoil hat.


I am NOT laundering money. Why do I say that? For what to me, at least, are obvious reasons...

1. Money that needs to be laundered is dirty (gained by illegal means and especially both illegal and immoral means). Mine is all legally and morally obtained. How is transferring legally gotten funds to another country 'money laundering'?

2. I declared my money out and in (without being given a receipt for my own protection/proof of having done so), and thus, in my view, bent over backwards to satsify the what seems to me to be overbearing limitations on free flow of cash. How is that 'laundering money'?

3. If the definiton of 'money laundering' is that adopted by current consensus of mega-nation states, viz. anything that doesn't meet common practices, especially those that make gov't monitoring easy, then yes I am a 'money launderer' [do not misquote me out of context]. But only in the same sense that someone who rescues Christian Karen from Myanmar, even without a fee, is a 'human trafficker'. Both are a contemptible misuse of common sense and the English language. If I prefer to dig a hole in the ground and collect rusty old tin cans out of the belief, almost certainly misguided, that that is a financial salvation for possible troubled times ahead, you may laugh, but to sneer and insult is beyond the courtesy expected on this forum.

4. Even information on what could be potentially used by real or quasi-criminals does not make the sharing of that infomation illegal or contemptible. I see a huge change in socially liberal tolerance since about 1982, that was used by both the left, right and nowheres. Used to be books were available on all sorts of weird and unsual subjects (including actual money laundering, smuggling, grow-ops, self-defence etc) - in all Anglo countries, especially the USA. Now, the attitude of society and indeed this forum has become more socially conservative (in the negative sense of restricting freedom of thought and writing, I am in many ways a conservative). I do not know if it is a legal, business or social consideration.

On a related note, why the snarky, condescending, confrontational tone? You say tomAYtoes, I say TomAAtoes. Who cares? I am happy to learn from the experiences of those whose opinion I do not share. Perhaps the negative reaction is due to my including too much political rhetoric and expressing my opinions about 'the way it should be' (or was in 1978). But no one has said that. So, I am.

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Perhaps the negative reaction is due to my including too much political rhetoric and expressing my opinions about 'the way it should be' (or was in 1978).

You have some valid points and the more you tell about your reasons, the clearer you can make yourself (am also referring to your other thread on the same subject of ranting and insulting you).

Let me just comment on the one sentence I quoted above: 1978 was my first trip to the US of A. Smoking permitted in the airplane. Gambling in Vegas and drinking Jack possible as I dressed like having money (which I did'nt) and nobody cared about my age (I was clearly underage for both activities). Nowadays I omit travels to the US of A whenever possible, I only go there if business forces me. Fingerprints on entry, machine guns pointing at me throughout the airport. Smoking nowhere near any building entry, no-smoking beaches in California, random police checks, shootings all over, religious nutheads allover, showing ID for having a beer at the bar (and clearly, I look my age)....

But I don't rant about, I accept that this is the society the American people have voted for through their presidents / governments and seem to accept and / or not change when voting for their next president / governors. So I have changed my place for holiday and later retirement to Thailand, KNOWING that the laws here are also not all in my favour (i.e. immigration reporting, ownership of land / houses, work permit etc. etc.), knowing that I will be Farang for lifetime even if I one day will speak and read and write Thai perfectly. BUT I do accept these laws and regulations and restrictions without complaining about them, BECAUSE it is the place I have chosen to live in my future.

Maybe, if you try to post your questions as questions ONLY whithout making the kind of political statements that you do, then you will get more "civilized" answers? Just a thought that you might or might not want to take into consideration.

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I think there's plenty of threads on money-laundering in this forum, some of which I have found helpful in the past. But really, if you want to stay outside the oversight of the authorities, you really will need a brown paper bag and a tinfoil hat.


I am NOT laundering money. Why do I say that? For what to me, at least, are obvious reasons...

1. Money that needs to be laundered is dirty (gained by illegal means and especially both illegal and immoral means). Mine is all legally and morally obtained. How is transferring legally gotten funds to another country 'money laundering'?

2. I declared my money out and in (without being given a receipt for my own protection/proof of having done so), and thus, in my view, bent over backwards to satsify the what seems to me to be overbearing limitations on free flow of cash. How is that 'laundering money'?

3. If the definiton of 'money laundering' is that adopted by current consensus of mega-nation states, viz. anything that doesn't meet common practices, especially those that make gov't monitoring easy, then yes I am a 'money launderer' [do not misquote me out of context]. But only in the same sense that someone who rescues Christian Karen from Myanmar, even without a fee, is a 'human trafficker'. Both are a contemptible misuse of common sense and the English language. If I prefer to dig a hole in the ground and collect rusty old tin cans out of the belief, almost certainly misguided, that that is a financial salvation for possible troubled times ahead, you may laugh, but to sneer and insult is beyond the courtesy expected on this forum.

4. Even information on what could be potentially used by real or quasi-criminals does not make the sharing of that infomation illegal or contemptible. I see a huge change in socially liberal tolerance since about 1982, that was used by both the left, right and nowheres. Used to be books were available on all sorts of weird and unsual subjects (including actual money laundering, smuggling, grow-ops, self-defence etc) - in all Anglo countries, especially the USA. Now, the attitude of society and indeed this forum has become more socially conservative (in the negative sense of restricting freedom of thought and writing, I am in many ways a conservative). I do not know if it is a legal, business or social consideration.

On a related note, why the snarky, condescending, confrontational tone? You say tomAYtoes, I say TomAAtoes. Who cares? I am happy to learn from the experiences of those whose opinion I do not share. Perhaps the negative reaction is due to my including too much political rhetoric and expressing my opinions about 'the way it should be' (or was in 1978). But no one has said that. So, I am.

Look I haven't read all this but it appears that you want somewhere to store some money. My very heavy fire proof safe is bolted to the floor ... you may use it for just a small fee ... all your worries have evaporated ... PM me

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Maybe you need to think outside the box.


The OP was talking about putting his money in a fridge yesterday...



And then I had a little chuckle at the damage that would be done trying to separate the wads of thousands after they'd been in the freezer compartment...

Probably best to stick them in the oven for ten minutes, put them in ziploc bags before they go in the freezer compartment.

Don't put them in the blender!

Oh Blether, what've you done? Its like confetti, so it is... He's going to be raging when he gets home...

Maybe the bank would be the safest place for money. Some of them specialise in that sort of thing...

Edited by StreetCowboy
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I think there's plenty of threads on money-laundering in this forum, some of which I have found helpful in the past. But really, if you want to stay outside the oversight of the authorities, you really will need a brown paper bag and a tinfoil hat.


I am NOT laundering money. Why do I say that? For what to me, at least, are obvious reasons...

1. Money that needs to be laundered is dirty (gained by illegal means and especially both illegal and immoral means). Mine is all legally and morally obtained. How is transferring legally gotten funds to another country 'money laundering'?

2. I declared my money out and in (without being given a receipt for my own protection/proof of having done so), and thus, in my view, bent over backwards to satsify the what seems to me to be overbearing limitations on free flow of cash. How is that 'laundering money'?

3. If the definiton of 'money laundering' is that adopted by current consensus of mega-nation states, viz. anything that doesn't meet common practices, especially those that make gov't monitoring easy, then yes I am a 'money launderer' [do not misquote me out of context]. But only in the same sense that someone who rescues Christian Karen from Myanmar, even without a fee, is a 'human trafficker'. Both are a contemptible misuse of common sense and the English language. If I prefer to dig a hole in the ground and collect rusty old tin cans out of the belief, almost certainly misguided, that that is a financial salvation for possible troubled times ahead, you may laugh, but to sneer and insult is beyond the courtesy expected on this forum.

4. Even information on what could be potentially used by real or quasi-criminals does not make the sharing of that infomation illegal or contemptible. I see a huge change in socially liberal tolerance since about 1982, that was used by both the left, right and nowheres. Used to be books were available on all sorts of weird and unsual subjects (including actual money laundering, smuggling, grow-ops, self-defence etc) - in all Anglo countries, especially the USA. Now, the attitude of society and indeed this forum has become more socially conservative (in the negative sense of restricting freedom of thought and writing, I am in many ways a conservative). I do not know if it is a legal, business or social consideration.

On a related note, why the snarky, condescending, confrontational tone? You say tomAYtoes, I say TomAAtoes. Who cares? I am happy to learn from the experiences of those whose opinion I do not share. Perhaps the negative reaction is due to my including too much political rhetoric and expressing my opinions about 'the way it should be' (or was in 1978). But no one has said that. So, I am.

We wash to keep clean, not to get clean.

Your ranting would be better in shorter paragraphs.

No thanks for the helpful comment on the tinfoil hat, by the way, but I appreciate the loss of face that is inherent in being seen to follow advice, so I'll just let it drop there.

I used Western Union for off-statement transfers, and also because they were cheaper and open later in the evening, but I doubt they would reach your standards of pimpernellic elusivity.


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Dear OP,

I would say you talk to much about politics and how the world has changed, when you really have a simple question, easily summarized in a sentence or two. You are not doing a public service with your libertarian waxing nostalgic circa 1980 and desire of a long gone time of less regulation and freedom before all this new fangled technology and ACH transfers, etc. Thus, when common users find your question ludicrous, naive or out of touch with reality, well mate, you are fair game. Don't take it personally, this is a tough, cynical audience.

Just to be fair and honest, and maybe why you've asked your question here, I believe there are loads of dodgy, closet farang billionaires in Thailand who loathe using banks and commerical financial services, therein brought in their legally obtained, double declared after-tax capital gains by concealing it in the soles of their shoes. After complying with the law, they go through a lot of trouble to disappear afterward. They all live in Issan and to keep up the ruse, join TV and complain openly about the foreign currency exchange rate, 150 Baht ATM fees (they don't use ATMs though, wink wink) and cost of diesel, just to "blend in" with the rest of us commoners. Ain't foolin' me, I know who they are, I can spot them a mile away at the Korat mall. They have pot bellies, gray hair and to flaunt their riches and status by walking arm in arm with lovely young brides and proudly whip out their platinum member card at Sizzler. It's so obvious!

Good luck in your quest given the post 9-11, post US Patriot Act day and age and how to get your sock load of dough from there to here without breaking The Man's law. If you are discreet, meaning not blabbering on in public TV forums, you'll be ok. My advice - wear larger sized shoes, you can fit more in there. Best regards, Jay.

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"until I see a change in attitude and practice, by administration especially, I am leaving this forum. I am offended. I don't exepect everyone to agree with me, but to maintain a modicum of respect and open dialogue"

Thank God for that, mind how you go.

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Well, I for one have quite enjoyed these threads. Its had everything one could ask for in a thread, bar misogyny and racism, but they're only young.

I had had to realise some assets to help prop up the faltering Scottish economy, but the asset holder was pissing me about with compliance with anti-money-laundering regulations; wanting an address and all sorts of crap. Anyway, I negotiated him down to a notarised copy of my passport, and as was transitting Bangkok the next day - not a problem, I thought. I'll stop by Wireless Rd and the nice chaps at the embassy will note my passport notoriiously.

Closed on a Friday afternoon. OFFS.

Visions of the East End of Glasgow decaying into anarchy filled my mind, as I set off to Soi Seven beer bar. THen suddenly, before me, I saw, sat in a box on Nana BTS Concourse AAA Notary Public. So, a moments' noting later, down to the Post Office below, Glasgow was saved from urban collapse!

So anyway, I've always been keen to advise people of that very public notary public on Nana BtS Concourse, should you need any notarisation. I'm not sure if he will commission oaths, though, or foul invective.

I suppose the OP and I must have had different games masters at school; I was taught to take hurdles in my stride, while he seems to delight in circumnavigating them


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Maybe you need to think outside the box.


The OP was talking about putting his money in a fridge yesterday...



And then I had a little chuckle at the damage that would be done trying to separate the wads of thousands after they'd been in the freezer compartment...

Probably best to stick them in the oven for ten minutes, put them in ziploc bags before they go in the freezer compartment.

Don't put them in the blender!

Oh Blether, what've you done? Its like confetti, so it is... He's going to be raging when he gets home...

Maybe the bank would be the safest place for money. Some of them specialise in that sort of thing...

He seems to be worried about privacy when using banks. I don’t remember any problem with that. When I placed anything in the bank’s safe deposit box, I packaged it first. I deposited a ‘brown paper parcel contents not known to the bank’ - they really never knew. Can that not be done now? Is that a change since 1978?

My own safe is also available for a reasonable charge. It is only bolted to the wall not the floor so it is not quite so secure. I have heard of robbers using heavy machines to take whole ATMs away. But they would have to find my safe and attach a hawser - neither of which would be easy.

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Staying off radar financially is nigh on impossible in this day and age. TBH why dont you invest in commodities, Thai gold is a good one. Then spread cash around banks that dont like talking about there customers there are quite a lot, (carribean, swiss, luxemburg). This way you can also maybe look at a safe deposit box for some cash as well. I dont know if this is what your after but without going all Jason Bourne i cant think of anything else!

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SC, may I be so bold as to ask a question of you? You don't read all that drivel posted by the OP do you? My limit is a paragraph and a half. However, I have been informed from people in the know that if you are suffering from the squits, such heavy reading is sure to bung you up.

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SC, may I be so bold as to ask a question of you? You don't read all that drivel posted by the OP do you? My limit is a paragraph and a half. However, I have been informed from people in the know that if you are suffering from the squits, such heavy reading is sure to bung you up.

How else could I come up with such precisely framed responses. Every question is important to us...

to be honest, I only visited banking and high finance forum because someone suggested he was pished as a little beetle, and I fancied a laugh. Seems they don't have the same sense of humour as the rest of us, though, they must all be from Chiang Mai...


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I think there's plenty of threads on money-laundering in this forum, some of which I have found helpful in the past. But really, if you want to stay outside the oversight of the authorities, you really will need a brown paper bag and a tinfoil hat.


I am NOT laundering money. Why do I say that? For what to me, at least, are obvious reasons...

1. Money that needs to be laundered is dirty (gained by illegal means and especially both illegal and immoral means). Mine is all legally and morally obtained. How is transferring legally gotten funds to another country 'money laundering'?

2. I declared my money out and in (without being given a receipt for my own protection/proof of having done so), and thus, in my view, bent over backwards to satsify the what seems to me to be overbearing limitations on free flow of cash. How is that 'laundering money'?

3. If the definiton of 'money laundering' is that adopted by current consensus of mega-nation states, viz. anything that doesn't meet common practices, especially those that make gov't monitoring easy, then yes I am a 'money launderer' [do not misquote me out of context]. But only in the same sense that someone who rescues Christian Karen from Myanmar, even without a fee, is a 'human trafficker'. Both are a contemptible misuse of common sense and the English language. If I prefer to dig a hole in the ground and collect rusty old tin cans out of the belief, almost certainly misguided, that that is a financial salvation for possible troubled times ahead, you may laugh, but to sneer and insult is beyond the courtesy expected on this forum.

4. Even information on what could be potentially used by real or quasi-criminals does not make the sharing of that infomation illegal or contemptible. I see a huge change in socially liberal tolerance since about 1982, that was used by both the left, right and nowheres. Used to be books were available on all sorts of weird and unsual subjects (including actual money laundering, smuggling, grow-ops, self-defence etc) - in all Anglo countries, especially the USA. Now, the attitude of society and indeed this forum has become more socially conservative (in the negative sense of restricting freedom of thought and writing, I am in many ways a conservative). I do not know if it is a legal, business or social consideration.

On a related note, why the snarky, condescending, confrontational tone? You say tomAYtoes, I say TomAAtoes. Who cares? I am happy to learn from the experiences of those whose opinion I do not share. Perhaps the negative reaction is due to my including too much political rhetoric and expressing my opinions about 'the way it should be' (or was in 1978). But no one has said that. So, I am.

Is the above novel (again) your idea of "leaving this forum"? None of my business. I'm just sayin'.......

I spent all my money on women and booze. The rest of it I wasted.

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I think there's plenty of threads on money-laundering in this forum, some of which I have found helpful in the past. But really, if you want to stay outside the oversight of the authorities, you really will need a brown paper bag and a tinfoil hat.


I am NOT laundering money. Why do I say that? For what to me, at least, are obvious reasons...

1. Money that needs to be laundered is dirty (gained by illegal means and especially both illegal and immoral means). Mine is all legally and morally obtained. How is transferring legally gotten funds to another country 'money laundering'?

2. I declared my money out and in (without being given a receipt for my own protection/proof of having done so), and thus, in my view, bent over backwards to satsify the what seems to me to be overbearing limitations on free flow of cash. How is that 'laundering money'?

3. If the definiton of 'money laundering' is that adopted by current consensus of mega-nation states, viz. anything that doesn't meet common practices, especially those that make gov't monitoring easy, then yes I am a 'money launderer' [do not misquote me out of context]. But only in the same sense that someone who rescues Christian Karen from Myanmar, even without a fee, is a 'human trafficker'. Both are a contemptible misuse of common sense and the English language. If I prefer to dig a hole in the ground and collect rusty old tin cans out of the belief, almost certainly misguided, that that is a financial salvation for possible troubled times ahead, you may laugh, but to sneer and insult is beyond the courtesy expected on this forum.

4. Even information on what could be potentially used by real or quasi-criminals does not make the sharing of that infomation illegal or contemptible. I see a huge change in socially liberal tolerance since about 1982, that was used by both the left, right and nowheres. Used to be books were available on all sorts of weird and unsual subjects (including actual money laundering, smuggling, grow-ops, self-defence etc) - in all Anglo countries, especially the USA. Now, the attitude of society and indeed this forum has become more socially conservative (in the negative sense of restricting freedom of thought and writing, I am in many ways a conservative). I do not know if it is a legal, business or social consideration.

On a related note, why the snarky, condescending, confrontational tone? You say tomAYtoes, I say TomAAtoes. Who cares? I am happy to learn from the experiences of those whose opinion I do not share. Perhaps the negative reaction is due to my including too much political rhetoric and expressing my opinions about 'the way it should be' (or was in 1978). But no one has said that. So, I am.

My attempt to this thread (and please do not assume that i am being sarcastic, i am being realistic)-

Dear Mr hermespan,

In thailand - when people want to keep anything valuable/secret/priceless/extravagant object safe, they resort to

1. Storing it under their own beds and sleeping with a gun

2. Keeping it with (or in their lockers thereof) the famers bank of thailand - i use them too

3. Keeping it in their old barn - in an unknown/secret farmland - looked after by their mum / brothers

4. or just storing it in a safe in their homes

The business of safety boxes in thailand is only restricted to the postal service. There are some businesses - but people dont trust their valuables sitting in somebody else's safe. They trust the banks / govt or just themselves.

This is a paradigm shift from your thinking (about not trusting / bending to how the govt takes care of the safety box).

Finally - i think you have alienated yourself and your posts by writing too much detail, i am sure brief descriptions would help in comparison.

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