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Alert For Possible Unrest Over Songkran Holiday


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If we wish a secure safe future all over Thailand for tourists and locals alike people in the deep South should enjoy the fruits of their resources in these areas (rather than those just in Bangkok) - fishing rights and oil. Staying silent has already created 5,200 dead, 20,000 maimed and hundreds missing. And tourism industry for Hat Yai will be well down with loss of jobs. From what I have heard the Muslim religion has the protection of indigenous peoples as one of their goals - unlike the barbaric treatment and policy of assimilation of the American Indians, Austrlalian aborigines and New Zealand Maoris by the white man.

The history of our world - one and one makes one. Everyone is too afraid to talk regards independence as it will look like cowering to demands. Then again, these people once had a homogenous population, ethnic Malay, so are they really asking for the Earth. Many died fighting for their homogenous ethnic populations in World War 2. Just because Western nations are now post World War 2 happy to create ethnic/muslim melting pots does that mean they are wrong to want to be homogenous like the Japanese, Chinese or Tibetans? However, do the few bombers represent the wishes of the majority? A referendum by an external country may make the bombing stop completely if it showed that very few wanted independent rule. Even talk of a referendum could halt the killings - and also it could teach the bombers that they don't represent the majority. This has yet to be ascertained. And who is currently representing the affairs of these people? Is it local community leaders or "outsiders"? Seems the waters are very murky. If anyone can shed some light on things much appreciated. It is interesting the show of strength of buddhist monks in central Yala over the last several days - if not provoking? We are not leaving I guess it is demonstrates very boldly. With buddhism being an extreme minority in this area is it really worth putting their lives, soldiers and all community members at risk and the risks of tourists all over the country and of course the economy and livelihoods that go with it? I think not. So much unnecessary bloodshed for egos to be stroked - for the sake of peace?

You might noticed that all round the world muslims seem to like blowing people and things up indiscrimitably, I suspect this nothing to with oil or fishing and has nothing to do with the "white man" either. I admit to not knowing what is going down there, what all the violence is for, have never heard of any claims or demands. To me its just what some exremists seem to do kill for reasons unknown, what a strange religion it is. Edited by nong38
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The warning for vigilance is particularly timely as the Islamists make a point in mounting attacks to coincide with the religious festivals of their victims, as 50 dead in Nigeria over Easter demonstrates. With respect to the Thai South the usual excuses will be trotted out such as poverty, lack of education or prospects, but intentional segregation makes these a self-fulfilling prophecy. The choices are stark; either eliminate the capacity of the insurgents to fight or give the troubled provinces autonomy/independence; though as sure as night follows day that would lead to either ethnic cleansing of the Buddhist minority or at best them having to accept dhimmi status, though perhaps that is indeed what will happen just as European governments are defacto inflicting the same on their own majorities.

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The warning for vigilance is particularly timely as the Islamists make a point in mounting attacks to coincide with the religious festivals of their victims, as 50 dead in Nigeria over Easter demonstrates. With respect to the Thai South the usual excuses will be trotted out such as poverty, lack of education or prospects, but intentional segregation makes these a self-fulfilling prophecy. The choices are stark; either eliminate the capacity of the insurgents to fight or give the troubled provinces autonomy/independence; though as sure as night follows day that would lead to either ethnic cleansing of the Buddhist minority or at best them having to accept dhimmi status, though perhaps that is indeed what will happen just as European governments are defacto inflicting the same on their own majorities.

I would worry that even if you gave the independence or more home rule that the violence would just further north until they aquired more living space, perhaps they would be happier being part of Malayasia, not that ther violence would likely stop then either. There might come a time, sad to say when Thailand might have to evict them one way or another, its a difficult problem to solve, particularly when one side does not want to talk or tell you what their problem is.
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The warning for vigilance is particularly timely as the Islamists make a point in mounting attacks to coincide with the religious festivals of their victims, as 50 dead in Nigeria over Easter demonstrates. With respect to the Thai South the usual excuses will be trotted out such as poverty, lack of education or prospects, but intentional segregation makes these a self-fulfilling prophecy. The choices are stark; either eliminate the capacity of the insurgents to fight or give the troubled provinces autonomy/independence; though as sure as night follows day that would lead to either ethnic cleansing of the Buddhist minority or at best them having to accept dhimmi status, though perhaps that is indeed what will happen just as European governments are defacto inflicting the same on their own majorities.

I would worry that even if you gave the independence or more home rule that the violence would just further north until they aquired more living space, perhaps they would be happier being part of Malayasia, not that ther violence would likely stop then either. There might come a time, sad to say when Thailand might have to evict them one way or another, its a difficult problem to solve, particularly when one side does not want to talk or tell you what their problem is.

I quite agree with you, but I would love to remove all the pretexts they have for violence so that when the violence does continue the only inescapable conclusion is that this is all about jihad. When horse trading with the British all those years ago the Thais would have been well advised to accept some territory elsewhere, such as part of modern day Burma rather than any land once considered part of the Islamic world.

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I'm wearing that expensive cream that makes my underarms very white and hairless...

Ohh... but to really show you, I'd have to take off my dress and thus show my ample cleavage.

Are you guys with the cameras ready???

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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The warning for vigilance is particularly timely as the Islamists make a point in mounting attacks to coincide with the religious festivals of their victims, as 50 dead in Nigeria over Easter demonstrates. With respect to the Thai South the usual excuses will be trotted out such as poverty, lack of education or prospects, but intentional segregation makes these a self-fulfilling prophecy. The choices are stark; either eliminate the capacity of the insurgents to fight or give the troubled provinces autonomy/independence; though as sure as night follows day that would lead to either ethnic cleansing of the Buddhist minority or at best them having to accept dhimmi status, though perhaps that is indeed what will happen just as European governments are defacto inflicting the same on their own majorities.

I would worry that even if you gave the independence or more home rule that the violence would just further north until they aquired more living space, perhaps they would be happier being part of Malayasia, not that ther violence would likely stop then either. There might come a time, sad to say when Thailand might have to evict them one way or another, its a difficult problem to solve, particularly when one side does not want to talk or tell you what their problem is.

I quite agree with you, but I would love to remove all the pretexts they have for violence so that when the violence does continue the only inescapable conclusion is that this is all about jihad. When horse trading with the British all those years ago the Thais would have been well advised to accept some territory elsewhere, such as part of modern day Burma rather than any land once considered part of the Islamic world.

What if eh. The islamic problem is not going away, its a ticking time all round the world where tolerant countries have given them, the extreemists too much leaway, soon they must reap what has been sown, sorry to say I DO NOT SEE A PEACEFUL SOLUTION.
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If we wish a secure safe future all over Thailand for tourists and locals alike people in the deep South should enjoy the fruits of their resources in these areas (rather than those just in Bangkok) - fishing rights and oil. Staying silent has already created 5,200 dead, 20,000 maimed and hundreds missing. And tourism industry for Hat Yai will be well down with loss of jobs. From what I have heard the Muslim religion has the protection of indigenous peoples as one of their goals - unlike the barbaric treatment and policy of assimilation of the American Indians, Austrlalian aborigines and New Zealand Maoris by the white man.

The history of our world - one and one makes one. Everyone is too afraid to talk regards independence as it will look like cowering to demands. Then again, these people once had a homogenous population, ethnic Malay, so are they really asking for the Earth. Many died fighting for their homogenous ethnic populations in World War 2. Just because Western nations are now post World War 2 happy to create ethnic/muslim melting pots does that mean they are wrong to want to be homogenous like the Japanese, Chinese or Tibetans? However, do the few bombers represent the wishes of the majority? A referendum by an external country may make the bombing stop completely if it showed that very few wanted independent rule. Even talk of a referendum could halt the killings - and also it could teach the bombers that they don't represent the majority. This has yet to be ascertained. And who is currently representing the affairs of these people? Is it local community leaders or "outsiders"? Seems the waters are very murky. If anyone can shed some light on things much appreciated. It is interesting the show of strength of buddhist monks in central Yala over the last several days - if not provoking? We are not leaving I guess it is demonstrates very boldly. With buddhism being an extreme minority in this area is it really worth putting their lives, soldiers and all community members at risk and the risks of tourists all over the country and of course the economy and livelihoods that go with it? I think not. So much unnecessary bloodshed for egos to be stroked - for the sake of peace?

You might noticed that all round the world muslims seem to like blowing people and things up indiscrimitably, I suspect this nothing to with oil or fishing and has nothing to do with the "white man" either. I admit to not knowing what is going down there, what all the violence is for, have never heard of any claims or demands. To me its just what some exremists seem to do kill for reasons unknown, what a strange religion it is.

My guess is it is funded by foreign muslims, at least definitely Malays. They are not learning to make the bombs themselves nor paying for the explosives. This is a dirt poor area. I don't think anywhere knows much about what is happening - I don't think anyone cared until this explosion. From recent reports it seems its the only employment on offer in the region. They are paid one million for every bomb. There is no other way to earn a living down there - life stranger than fiction. I imagine this area is not a Fortune 500 dream investment destination. However, if this can be resolved the less chance of me being blown up. As I see it there is circle of violence with the killing of tourists being used to damage the tourist industry so that the Thai government will capitulate into giving them autonomy. My guess is they will be aiming for a Bali style bombing to achieve this end if Lee Gardens is any signal. I for one will not be visiting any prime tourist spots in Thailand or Asia anymore. See the poor souls burnt has put me right off. Saw one woman running from the building who appeared to have her hand dismembered. So sickening puts me of travelling altogether where there is any possible of a bombing. One poster advised keep away from Muslim countries - this may be the best bet. Thailand has far more Muslims than is stated in my estimate. Almost all Muslims here are very nice people. They are very well mannered, civilised and respectful of foreigners. Suffice to say they get a very bad rap for the 0.00000000000001% who bomb places. The bible and koran which are almost the same from what I have been told gave them a very good education. We must thank the Arabs for that. It is a very liberal form of Muslim here. They inter-marry with buddhists and drink whiskey and visit karaoke bars. As one Muslim said to me in the deep South people should be free to choose what to do. I think this is something the Bali bombers failed to understand - they were not born to play God with peoples lives. In summary I think you are tarring all Muslim souls with the same brush. From my experience Muslims have been the nicest people I have met in Thailand by a long long long long way. Edited by heiwa
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I'm wearing that expensive cream that makes my underarms very white and hairless...

Ohh... but to really show you, I'd have to take off my dress and thus show my ample cleavage.

Are you guys with the cameras ready???

"Look another farang jumper on the balcony"

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With any good luck and a following wind Songkrahn will be it's usual chaotic fun time and no civil unrest.

However I do wonder as to what the situation may be in the relevant border areas and indeed across the border due to the Lemming like stampede of the faithful to and from Thailand to visit their Messiah over the holiday period.

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Replying to heiwa I know some very nice muslims myself, unfortunately there are some very, how shall I put it evil? one too and yes they tar all the rest with the same colour. The vast majority seem incapable of reigning the extremists in and its not just here, many countries in the world have the same problem. They are allowed into tolerant countries and then allowed to demonstrate against the indegineous way of life, issue death threats, jihads and generally try to impose their way of life on their "new" country. It seems they wish to change the world to a muslim/islam world by one way or another using local laws to achieve their aim. Even in a "free" society much of what goes on is kept from the general public for fear of upsetting the ( at present ) minorities. How long will it be before the birth rate will dictate that they will soon be able to elect their own lawmakers in their "new" countries.

Sad to say trouble and strife is begining in the western world as the locals try to assert their presence in their homeland, you tube has brought this our attention and it does make good watching.

I would like to see solutions, especially down south but I really cannot see a way forward whilst a certain group seems intent on killing innocent people.

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Replying to heiwa I know some very nice muslims myself, unfortunately there are some very, how shall I put it evil? one too and yes they tar all the rest with the same colour. The vast majority seem incapable of reigning the extremists in and its not just here, many countries in the world have the same problem. They are allowed into tolerant countries and then allowed to demonstrate against the indegineous way of life, issue death threats, jihads and generally try to impose their way of life on their "new" country. It seems they wish to change the world to a muslim/islam world by one way or another using local laws to achieve their aim. Even in a "free" society much of what goes on is kept from the general public for fear of upsetting the ( at present ) minorities. How long will it be before the birth rate will dictate that they will soon be able to elect their own lawmakers in their "new" countries.

Sad to say trouble and strife is begining in the western world as the locals try to assert their presence in their homeland, you tube has brought this our attention and it does make good watching.

I would like to see solutions, especially down south but I really cannot see a way forward whilst a certain group seems intent on killing innocent people.

I think there is a distinction to be made between people and ideology. Yes, I agree my experience of Muslim people in Thailand has been almost universally positive. Unfortunately you will not find the same in much of the western world, or indeed it would seem in the Southernmost provinces. I read a recent study undertaken by Harvard University which concluded that contrary to liberal opinion radical Islamists tended not to be poor and uneducated, but the converse, so bang goes a couple of the excuses trotted out for violence. I firmly believe it is a poisonous ideology we are fighting and this stems from supporters of said ideology who have oil money backing then as they indoctrinate and radicalize populations who would otherwise be far more tolerant.

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There is nothing on earth that make me go to the southern provinces and I feel for the people who live there.

I suppose the extremists could move of the border and live like some expats are reputed to live here, without a visa, that might be an option if they want to live in a Muslim country, somehow I dont think that would solve the problem, I think the only way that might work is if the govt waged a guerilla war against the perpertraitors, as some might say "make them disappear."

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I can not understand why any non-muslims would want to stay in the deep South. This is purely provocative when you know the population has extreme views and can not tolerate buddhism evidenced by the frequent throwing of hand grenades at temples down there. Can not think of two religions more incompatible. One religion where all bow to God and mortals are equal under God and Budhism where they bow to elite mortal humans in Bangkok. However Islam, Jews and Christians both having God are not without conflict to say the least. The people in the deep South must bow to the elite in Bangkok and is it true that they must accept Budhism as their first religion? Either demand from the Bangkok elilte is a very big ask. I think non-muslims in the deep South really should consider consulting a psychiatrist. Does the Thai government pay non-Muslims danger money to stay in the deep South? I am being serious. I think the best solution is for all non-Muslims to leave and just let them kill each other. History shows the killing will not stop. At the same time they would have no reason to kill tourists in hotels any longer. No reason for jihad. At this time so many young soldiers being killed or maimed (the guys selling lottery tickets all over Thailand) by bombs financed I guess by Malays and Arab money. The Koran requires them to fight to the death so this is not going away until a Aceh style area is formed. Whether this is what the vast majority wants - I don't know. Referendum would be a helpful way to let the bombers know the locals don't want an Aceh style governance. You have to understand that the Muslims down there have the whole Muslim world backing them and if they can no longer blow up bombs in the deep South they will go to Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket. The Thai government should try to nip it in the bud. Sometimes when you lose you win. In conclusion when you get two groups you will have conflict. When two tribes go to war. The only thing you can do is try to minimise conflict and try to make sure it does not spill over to a third group - tourists - like it already has in the numero uno tourist mecca of Hat Yai - Lee Gardens Hotel. The terrorists need not attack now - the tourists are noticably absent. They have already made local Muslims disappear, Tak Bai etc, many local young men vanished off the face of the Earth - and this I believe is why the Malay and Arab bomb money is flowing in. One must think of the consequences of making people disappear especially with a religion where the value of one life lost means another life must be lost. And you are fighting the whole Muslim world - not just the deep South. And in answer to other posts I can not understand why Europe has let in so many Muslims when it is obvious that Muslims who follow the Koran can wage war against civilians and issue death sentences to civilians. Yes, this is the 0.000001% but even this is too much. The Koran is not compatible with Western society. But no doubt Western society with Muslim birth rates European nations will soon become Muslim Kingdoms. This is inevitable and like the people in the Deep South are beginning to wake up - resistance in futile. Shows that Western leaders are far more corrupt than any Asian leaders.

Edited by heiwa
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I agree with almost everything you wrote. I can only assume western leaders are either incredibly stupid to be in complete denial about their little Islam problem, or more likely their silence has been bought with oil money. Thailand does have one advantage; aside from the deep south their Muslim population causes no problems. Perhaps Thai pragmatism and horse trading to protect their interests will lead to them disposing of their problem territories, after all they never vote red.

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