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Sick In Bangkok


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Anybody noticed or heard anything about a bug/illness going around? I'm just now starting to get over being sick with a lingering chest cough for more than a week but at its peak was pretty nasty and left me with no power for a few days. My wife went to the hospital when she got it and the doctor prescribed meds but said it would take a week to runs its course. Didn't ask at the time but it seemed like he was very familiar with the symptoms as if he has been seeing it a lot of it lately.

Anyway, now my daughter appears to be getting it and I noticed a number of people coughing while I was out today and wondering if there is something going around and if so, what it actually is and what period is it contagious. It felt in a lot of ways like the flu but really was almost all about a very bad and uncontrollable cough that starts out as dry tickle in your throat cough to finally working its way up to a productive but still uncontrollable coughing attacks.

Edited by Nisa
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Not just Bangkok the same symptoms are doing the rounds all over ChiangRai. Most people are putting it down to the smoke polluted air that we are breathing from the slash and burn farming methods - don't know if this is affecting you people down there but it certainly is here!!

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Wifey got sick early this week here in Chonburi. Feeling lousy, achy, runny nose. Now I got it! Just feel terrible. Like a really bad hangover. Real bad. Cough, runny nose, watery eyes, achy...

I'm going to move this over to the health forum.

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I'm in Chiang Mai and had it a while ago. I thought it was due to the smoke but maybe it was a virus now that I read other people with very similar symptoms. Mine ended up working it's way up to my ears giving me a nice ear infection so I ended up on antibiotics. Much better now but it took what seemed like a month to get rid of that cough completely.

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Yeah, loads of people I know have had a nasty cough type illness. Three of my friends had pneumonia with it. Nasty stuff. I went to the night market the other night and I noticed quite a few Thai people having coughing fits and not looking or sounding too healthy.

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Well, at least we know we are not alone but wish everyone the best in getting better quickly but this thing just doesn't want to go away .. every time I think I am getting better it is like another wave comes and hits me. But kind of like an earthquake .. the aftershocks are getting less severe but still draining.

I just picked up some antibiotics since it seems to have gone to my ears but I have a feeling it is not an infection ... or at least the Doc. didn't think so when my wife went in and she is now much better with just a a few coughs here and there.

PS. The other thing the Doctor gave her was a face (surgical) mask to wear. So, definitely seems contagious. I wish she would have asked questions but she was content just having him confirm she was sick, giving some pills and saying she should be better in a week.

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Wifey got sick early this week here in Chonburi. Feeling lousy, achy, runny nose. Now I got it! Just feel terrible. Like a really bad hangover. Real bad. Cough, runny nose, watery eyes, achy...

I'm going to move this over to the health forum.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you but took me about a week after my wife got sick before I got it and then another week before out daughter got it ... daughter is 22 and isn't around the house as much.

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I had it (or something similar) a few weeks ago in Pattaya (so did my 18mth old, who handled it a lot better than me!), not as severe as you describe but it started with me being Nauseous and then left a bit weak, I seem to recall a bad chest too.

Neither of us went to the doctor and it passed quite quickly.

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Wifey got sick early this week here in Chonburi. Feeling lousy, achy, runny nose. Now I got it! Just feel terrible. Like a really bad hangover. Real bad. Cough, runny nose, watery eyes, achy...

I'm going to move this over to the health forum.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you but took me about a week after my wife got sick before I got it and then another week before out daughter got it ... daughter is 22 and isn't around the house as much.

Thanks! I'm up as I can't sleep. Unusual for me. Just feel horrible. This is now day 3. I have a friend who got it last week also, took 3-4 days to recover. NO FUN!

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Thanks! I'm up as I can't sleep. Unusual for me. Just feel horrible. This is now day 3. I have a friend who got it last week also, took 3-4 days to recover. NO FUN!

I'm currently suffering with the same symptoms as others described, for 3rd day already and it sucks;

sulidine (< 50 baht; 1 pill x 3 times per day) does help me to some extent, it also makes me sleepy and drowsy quite a lot.

not good if you're working, not bad if you can't get a proper amount of sleeping I assume.

Edited by princessa
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Thanks! I'm up as I can't sleep. Unusual for me. Just feel horrible. This is now day 3. I have a friend who got it last week also, took 3-4 days to recover. NO FUN!

I'm currently suffering with the same symptoms as others described, for 3rd day already and it sucks;

sulidine (< 50 baht; 1 pill x 3 times per day) does help me to some extent, it also makes me sleepy and drowsy quite a lot.

not good if you're working, not bad if you can't get a proper amount of sleeping I assume.

Best I can tell from everyone around me is it lasts about a week with the cough occasionally continuing for a while after (my wife finally seems to be near 100% after just over 2-weeks). The worst is about 3 days in the middle of the first week where it really feels like a flu that drains all your power.

I hope it clears up quick for you. I am at about a week and a 1/2 and still have the coughing sometimes (more at night) but I still feel sluggish but much better.

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all this is anecdotal(sp) ; most respiratory stuff is viral, hence antibiotics are for secondary infections, so you manage the symptoms, till it clears, drinking loads of water, using paracetomol, resting, fresh air, light exercise, and religiously wash hands and possibly using some 10 % bleach on surfaces ....... chok dii

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all this is anecdotal(sp) ; most respiratory stuff is viral, hence antibiotics are for secondary infections, so you manage the symptoms, till it clears, drinking loads of water, using paracetomol, resting, fresh air, light exercise, and religiously wash hands and possibly using some 10 % bleach on surfaces ....... chok dii

Chubby I don't think anyone suffering this particular virus will be off on a bicycle ride in a hurry, lol.

My testimony may be a bit flawed as i suffer from URT issues that worsen cold symptoms, but I'm just recovering from one monumental virus, that hit my chest and throat like a steam train. The main symptom was a sudden onset uncontrollable cough that left me whooping, so severe that it caused vomiting. Secondary symptoms were a sore throat, and headache, and airways that felt like I'd been snorting acid.

Not nice!

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I contracted the virus in North America in late Nov. 2011. It was on a roll on the North American east coast from Nov. until mid January. It is indeed a respiratory infection and stays with you for 2-3 weeks. I was clean when I went to Hong Kong and arrived back in Thailand after I got rid of the bug, so you can't blame me. :)

Edited by geriatrickid
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