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Why The Big Forum Obsession With Thai-Chinese Tail?

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while we may both have thai wives 20 years younger than ourselfves ,they most certaintly are NOT cut from the same cloth

my wife comes from an exotic hi -society region of thai chinese origin and she is fantastically well educated ,successful and wealthy and her family are also immensely wealthy and powerful +she was a virgin when we got married

your wife is the illigitmate daughter of a peasant in an esarn village ,she has no education ,no skills bar sucking and swallowing and scamming customers at the pattaya bar where you found her

i dont want to sound judgemental but some of us like differnt things from our women ......... whistling.gif


Does you wife speak Chinese? You will not known if she does or not because you do not to bad

I speak Chinese great I can tell

You and wife can meet us so we can check each wife. Or are afraid for her to speah a Chinese speaking Black Farang

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Would I tend to hang out with the kind of guys that marry obviously former prostitues? Probably not, but perhaps that is my bias showing through a bit.

I have no problem hanging out with guys who married prostitutes, if I did I would probably never speak to a white person (face to face) again, or be able to post on this forum. But I draw the line at letting my wife meet the other wives, causes way to many problems.

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Would I tend to hang out with the kind of guys that marry obviously former prostitues?  Probably not, but perhaps that is my bias showing through a bit.

I have no problem hanging out with guys who married prostitutes, if I did I would probably never speak to a white person (face to face) again, or be able to post on this forum. But I draw the line at letting my wife meet the other wives, causes way to many problems.

I think the American President Andrew Jackson fought a duel over similar statements made about his wife and I have to tell you I hang out with guys whose wives have been bar workers and go go dancers all the time. I post on Thai visa? I talk to white people and black people and yellow people. I don't like talking to racist people except Thai racists. I have never met a Thai who not a racist so if I didn't it would be hard to find people to talk to here. I think it would be OK if you included men with hookers as wives among your friends and still talked to white people and posted on Thai Visa. I have never been able (nor wanted to) prevent a wife from seeing people whom she wanted to see regardless of their jobs. How do you prevent your wife from seeing other Thai women who may have been prostitutes? Since that is between 10 and 30% of the population that is or was in some way involved in the business how do you identify all those women.

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And what is it that leads men to get women much younger than them based entirely on their looks and age instead of a independent succesful woman their own age ? Insecurity ?

No, evolution.

Young girls make better breeders.

Beauty is related to symmetry which indicates good health.

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And what is it that leads men to get women much younger than them based entirely on their looks and age instead of a independent succesful woman their own age ? Insecurity ?

No, evolution.

Young girls make better breeders.

Beauty is related to symmetry which indicates good health.

I'm with Arthur

Who wants to have sex with a woman that can't have babies? What would be the point?

Might as well sleep with a ladyboy or another guy if you're not bothered about reproduction.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I think a lot of guys our there who would be happy to have sex with plenty of women without knowing (or caring tbh) if they can potentially have babies or not. lol.

I prefer ladies who were brought up in Thailand by Thais and have preferably never spoken to an American or watched American TV.

..because Thai Lakorn is so much more sensible (sorry, couldnt resist) :P

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It is just another way to say my wife isn't a prostitute from the bar......

Saying she is Thai-Chinese with wealthy background just sounds better.

Finally! Someone has spoken the real truth! The guy just wants you to think his wife isn't a hooker. Though even the Thai-Chinese women I've met will still sleep with you for 1,000 baht.

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I think a lot of guys our there who would be happy to have sex with plenty of women without knowing (or caring tbh) if they can potentially have babies or not. lol.

I prefer ladies who were brought up in Thailand by Thais and have preferably never spoken to an American or watched American TV.

..because Thai Lakorn is so much more sensible (sorry, couldnt resist) tongue.png

I quite enjoy channel 7 offerings.

Currently the evil magician and the good man had their sons swapped at birth, so each raised the others child.

The evil magicians pet demon has taken over the good mans son, some guy just forced one of the evil magicians twin girls into bed. Now the evil magician and the good man have had a magic fight to kill the possessed son. TBC

Can't wait till the next episode.

As for the last series, school for teenage witches who dress as belly dancers when doing magic ....... compulsive viewing.

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As for the last series, school for teenage witches who dress as belly dancers when doing magic ....... compulsive viewing.


Looks good, but I would imagine it could be easily ruined by dialogue or storylines. Probably better to watch with the sound turned off*


* not just in case it clashes with the superleague commentary on the wireless

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No mate, that's Brussels sprouts named after the Belgian city; looks like your Ivy League education came up short if you can't spell where you live with your HiSo wife

OK, you got me. Sorry.


I thought about playing the game with you, but I anticipated that it wouldn't be much fun since we both know more-or-less how it's going to go.

You bait me. I rip you. You come back. Perhaps another guy joins in on either side. The mod comes in and deletes our stupid posts and issues us warnings. One or two 'responsible' posters make posts about getting back onto the topic. You and I get a bit upset that we typed these long-winded, silly posts that are now deleted and realize that we are powerless to get them back, and because we have no real interest in actually arguing our points with each other, rather than sending personal messages to each other, we instead just give up, more interested in selfishly feeding our individual boredom, ignoring each other for the rest of the day, and we get back to posting random, often silly things on an anonymous board.

Yes You're right - it does tend to be boredom; we really should find something better to do.

I see you have posted that you were leaving the thread; that's a pity since I wanted to question your assertion that Neanderthals were our ancestors. They were not and I think you will find that while the two types of humans were around at the same time, there is little evidence of interbreeding and that is hotly disputed.

There's some evidence from DNA sequencing that ? up to 5% of our genome (those of non African descent) is Neanderthal ( off topic, but did Neanderthals have souls? what amount of DNA qualifies?)

I said that Neanderthals were not our ancestors ie we evolved from them; There is nothing to suggest that the earliest modern humans were anything other than a group who had evolved in Africa without contact with Homo Neanderthaliensis. The two species of humans co-existed in North Africa and Europe and there may have been some interbreeding but the scanty DNA evidence is quite new and is disputed. Such evidence as has been presented is also restricted, as far as I recall to a much smaller population than you are suggesting.

I know nothing of souls and as a convinced atheist would not want to get involved in any theoretical discussion on something I reject entirely.

Edited by pastitche
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And what is it that leads men to get women much younger than them based entirely on their looks and age instead of a independent succesful woman their own age ?  Insecurity ?

No, evolution.

Young girls make better breeders.

Beauty is related to symmetry which indicates good health.

I'm with Arthur

Who wants to have sex with a woman that can't have babies? What would be the point?

Might as well sleep with a ladyboy or another guy if you're not bothered about reproduction.

You are kidding right? You don't mean that you expect a baby everytime you have sex or that you would leave your wife if for some medical reason she could not have any more children?

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Ok coming from a expat who's married to a Thai-Chinese woman from a decent family;

What I can't understand is some westerners obsession with other westerners who are with Thai Chinese women who come from a decent back ground. They always come off sounding like spiteful crabs, jealous and mocking. Almost as if to say, "I rescued some splay toed Essan hooker from the bar and a broken family, why didn't you?!?"

Guys, really, stop riding us, we don't care who you marry here, why do you care about us?

I think you are all missing the point. The OP asked why you told people about it not why Thai Chinese women are so much better than Thai women. The answer of course is, that the men who care what other people think of their wife or wives are very insecure. The same genre as the illiterate kids on here who find it offensive that old men have beautiful women. Insecurity. Unless you are making a point about Thai Chinese women being less expensive than Thai women to keep. I can see that. Or being good cooks. But why would you mention her ethnic background. Or to insult someone mention her toes? One of the above posters said something about splayed toes. Now that is weird. My wife is a good cook and has a tight *****. Now those are qualities that would endear a women to most men. Or my wife does not nag me. Or my wife smells good. Who cares where she is from or what shade of brown she is? More importantly why would you think I/we care?

And what is it that leads men to get women much younger than them based entirely on their looks and age instead of a independent succesful woman their own age ? Insecurity ?

I guess if one was to subject himself to many years of grief, constant arguments (mostly about money), needing to sleep with one eye open, balcony door firmly locked and knives stored well out of reach..you may as well do it with a young and sexy one.

The situation does not get any better with age

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And what is it that leads men to get women much younger than them based entirely on their looks and age instead of a independent succesful woman their own age ? Insecurity ?

No, evolution.

Young girls make better breeders.

Beauty is related to symmetry which indicates good health.

I'm with Arthur

Who wants to have sex with a woman that can't have babies? What would be the point?

Might as well sleep with a ladyboy or another guy if you're not bothered about reproduction.

You are kidding right? You don't mean that you expect a baby everytime you have sex or that you would leave your wife if for some medical reason she could not have any more children?

But, according to him, he measures his success in relationships by how many children he can produce.

My God, the people this country attracts, eh??!!

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^ So basically , Neanderthal and Thai Chinese are the two main socioecoethno groups found in Thailand , with minority groups such as Wannabe HiSo Partners , Bonafide HiSo Partners and Farmers Daughters Partners and other smaller tribes making up the rest .

Sorry to be a spoilsport Luke but Neanderthals never got to Asia except the Middle East and MAYBE Siberia; that's why I think that it's unfair to claim them as ancestors unless you are a Northern European. Any interbreeding that happened can be witnessed on a weekly basis at Ibrox or Parkhead
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I think the simple answer why Thai/Chinese are held in such high esteem,comes down to money,taken from the top down,Thaksin is highly revered,and is very obvious Chinese /Thai,(and so is the rest of his family) it's no coincidence that he and the family,just happen to be highly wealthy.

Who owns all the gold shops in Thailand? Chinese and Chinese Thais! And most of the large and small businesses too.It would not be too far out,to say that the Chinese and Thai/Chinese appear to own most of Thailand.

Thais are not Nationalistic,towards Thai/Chinese,and small wonder too, as a large part of Thai origin and roots,is Chinese.

Wealth creates unwarranted, Respect and Adoration,and a desire to be just like them,and be on the winning side! and have the perceived,ultimate partner by your side.Which raises respect for the Farang (in their eyes)

Thankfully the ambition to be considered Hiso (wealthy),and have a Hiso wife/Gf (of great intelligence?) and Beauty? doesn't apply to all Farangs.

Edited by MAJIC
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^ and a prime example of why i dont have a TV biggrin.png

Helps me with my Thai, I now know what 'Ka' (ancient version of Chan) and 'Goo' (Impolite version of Pom) mean

Lots of swearing and slang you hear in everyday life but the Thais will never tell you what it means.

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But, according to him, he measures his success in relationships by how many children he can produce.

My God, the people this country attracts, eh??!!

Lets look at it this way, I'm just taking advantage of your unused quota.

You are kidding right? You don't mean that you expect a baby everytime you have sex or that you would leave your wife if for some medical reason she could not have any more children?

I've already been offered an additional wife, no need to get rid of any unproductive ones.

Then you can go for 'mia noi', this is Thailand Kerry, no need to ever dump a wife.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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^ and a prime example of why i dont have a TV biggrin.png

You don't have a tv but you have a computer? You miss out on all the things that make life worthwhile like.....wait while I have a think

Use my computer for many things. 3d/2d graphics. Video editing. Writing. Information. Study. Research. Banking. Booking. Connections with friends and family. List goes on and on. Love it. With TV you usually plonk yourself in front of it and watch. Of course, life isnt my computer either though. I have an active life outside. But really love what a computer can offer.

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^ and a prime example of why i dont have a TV biggrin.png

You don't have a tv but you have a computer? You miss out on all the things that make life worthwhile like.....wait while I have a think

Use my computer for many things. 3d/2d graphics. Video editing. Writing. Information. Study. Research. Banking. Booking. Connections with friends and family. List goes on and on. Love it. With TV you usually plonk yourself in front of it and watch. Of course, life isnt my computer either though. I have an active life outside. But really love what a computer can offer.

I'm still trying to think of all the things that tv makes worthwhile .......whistling.gifblink.png
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^ and a prime example of why i dont have a TV biggrin.png

You don't have a tv but you have a computer? You miss out on all the things that make life worthwhile like.....wait while I have a think

Use my computer for many things. 3d/2d graphics. Video editing. Writing. Information. Study. Research. Banking. Booking. Connections with friends and family. List goes on and on. Love it. With TV you usually plonk yourself in front of it and watch. Of course, life isnt my computer either though. I have an active life outside. But really love what a computer can offer.

I'm still trying to think of all the things that tv makes worthwhile .......whistling.gifblink.png

I used my TV as a challenge to my tranquility and serenity, to achieve zen and complete calm, while ESPN pissed about with their schedules, and showed some bloody rounders game instead of the Philippines v Sri Lanka Div. 1 final from Manila. To be fair, it was the second repeat of that game, so I can understand why it was not high on their list of priorities.

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The Sopranos

The Wire

Life on Mars

Breaking Bad

Sons of Anarchy

The Good Wife


Game of Thrones

Ali G.

... There are plenty of reasons to have a TV.

Yeh, but UG, you can still watch TV on your computer, or download programs you want etc. No waiting for the TV's schedule, or countless adverts etc.

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As long as you can watch TV programs on it. I thought that might be one of those, "I'm too intellectual to watch TV" posts. tongue.png

I don't see how people could live without.

This weekend we have the UAE v Hong Kong game, both Heineken Semi-Finals, and Wire v Bulls on the way to Wembelee! Wembelee!

Not to mention the SOuthern hemisphere...


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