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Why Did You Decide To Leave Thailand?


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Nooooooooooooo, you want your kids to take cash from the poor for nothing. You should be ashamed of yourself, BUT, l think your trolling.

As they will be speaking good English, I was hoping they would be working in hospitals treating rich foreigners.

Why would I want them to work with 'the poor'.

Because even corn farmers get ingrown toenails?

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it was 0 C this morning and

I even saw a few snow flakes whiz by...


Stop boasting and making the rest of us jealous. How I envy you. What I wouldn't give for a nice snowfall....

Here it is just plain hot and miserable. You are correct Thailand has some things to be missed. The weather isn't one of them.

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Nooooooooooooo, you want your kids to take cash from the poor for nothing. You should be ashamed of yourself, BUT, l think your trolling.

As they will be speaking good English, I was hoping they would be working in hospitals treating rich foreigners.

Why would I want them to work with 'the poor'.

Aww Tomo, just when I was comming over to your side of the eargument you go and say something completely asinine.

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I have found over my years here that no one comes here for the same reasons. Sure there are commonalities but all have different reasons. I have also that found that UK folks vehemently defend their move to Thailand far more then US folks. As I continue to read it appears(Based on posts I have absolutely no hands on experience living in the UK) living in the UK is pretty bad. I am a US citizen(California) and am moving back to the US in a few weeks. I have been here 5+ years and have seen enough to know that while there are many things I like here what you give up is far to great.

During my stay here I have come to find that it is hard to find quality people to build friendships with. IMHO there are far more "runaways" here due to a bad life back in their home countries and this behavior is carried with them. Its also interesting in the fact something had been gnawing at me and I was really unable to put my finger on it until I went to get my Visa to leave. The entire 90 day check in thing is actually somewhat humiliating as it feels like you are checking with your Thai parole officer and if you miss you are in violation and stand to be fined or deported. 5+ years back when I arrived this was not a big deal but as time has gone on its really an annoyance and one you cannot insulate yourself from. Again comparing my life in US to here, there are some hard negatives living in Thailand that as a friend stated "Just cannot be balanced out". I am not going to list them as most certainly someone will cut and paste and take out of context.

I will say In the beginning I enjoyed what I perceived as "More freedom" here and less bureaucracy but as time goes on that plays against you. I believe most people have basic expectations on how things should be and you quickly find that those perceived freedoms also allow bad behaviors where a great number of folks can act like morons(Thais included) and there is virtually no enforcement or path for one to take to stop it. There is a lot of interference from the government to order things you need or want to buy or working the type of jobs you may want to. There is a ton of discrimination here Thais to Thais in the work place. Just read an ad on the internet and in the paper. As an expat(who does not want to marry and have everything in his Thai wifes name)you cannot establish a loan for a home. Sure developers will float you a 5 year note but you will be done. But in general you are forced to pay everything in cash which all seems great until you find that you cannot leverage your equity or assets to get cash should something arise where that is required. Good luck trying to sell your place should something require you to exit Thailand. Some houses never sell. Loans for used homes are very hard to secure. You are also not free of cheaply made houses and the neighbor who decided to open up a noodle or karaoke restaurant next door to your house. You also cannot own the land you have your house built on. While the US has its faults for sure at least it has an infrastructure and some discipline and your neighborhoods are zoned to control inconsiderate people and you have a system to take action should that happen. Here its who ever gives the police more money prevails.

One thing very clear to me is it is cheap to live poor and expensive as hell to live a normal middle class like most grownups want to do. Moving here on a fixed income is something I would never recommend unless you left your money in your bank and a path back to your home country. Things are far to unstable here to call it "Home". There are far to many variables that can take you from comfortable to broke in no time and if you are past your employment years you have no means to supplement your income.

As for why I am moving back, the major reason is I can buy a nicer house on some land(in my name), own a better car(for less money), Work in any field I want, buy better quality clothes for the same price and have a better living lifestyle then I do here for about the same overall cost and with less friction and I do not feel limited. It is simple as that. I am not saying Thailand is bad and a horrible place, it may work for some. I am moving for me and where I am at California is simply better. I mean its why we moved around right? I saw opportunities but after I landed and lived it and I dove into Thailand and as I peeled the onion back it gets a bit hard to manage basic daily life. I did not come here to live on a 100 baht a day like a peasant. While some find it fun, it wears thin very very fast. I moved here as I saw what appeared to be a better place and I wanted to come see. For me its not. No harm no foul. Thailand is a great vacation destination

One of the best posts I've seen on ThaiVisa.

We have grown ups amongst us.

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and I was really unable to put my finger on it until I went to get my Visa to leave. The entire 90 day check in thing is actually somewhat humiliating as it feels like you are checking with your Thai parole officer and if you miss you are in violation and stand to be fined or deported

Sorry. Don't quite understand the phrase '"visa to leave"

Plus you aren't going to get deported for missing a 90 day report.

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it was 0 C this morning and

I even saw a few snow flakes whiz by...


Stop boasting and making the rest of us jealous. How I envy you. What I wouldn't give for a nice snowfall....

Here it is just plain hot and miserable. You are correct Thailand has some things to be missed. The weather isn't one of them.

To each his own, but the hot weather is one of the things I love about Thailand. I spent a fair amount of my life traveling around the world to slide down mountains with boards on my feet. These days, if I want to see snow, I'll turn on the television. The older you get, the less tolerant of cold weather you become. Now, I get on my road bike and cycle 50 kilometers when it's 35C outside.

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it was 0 C this morning and

I even saw a few snow flakes whiz by...


Stop boasting and making the rest of us jealous. How I envy you. What I wouldn't give for a nice snowfall....

Here it is just plain hot and miserable. You are correct Thailand has some things to be missed. The weather isn't one of them.

To each his own, but the hot weather is one of the things I love about Thailand. I spent a fair amount of my life traveling around the world to slide down mountains with boards on my feet. These days, if I want to see snow, I'll turn on the television. The older you get, the less tolerant of cold weather you become. Now, I get on my road bike and cycle 50 kilometers when it's 35C outside.

I'm not fond of the broiling heat during hot season, but the rest of the year is pleasant weather. Anyway, I much prefer being hot for a few months to freezing during winter back home.

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Nooooooooooooo, you want your kids to take cash from the poor for nothing. You should be ashamed of yourself, BUT, l think your trolling.

As they will be speaking good English, I was hoping they would be working in hospitals treating rich foreigners.

Why would I want them to work with 'the poor'.

Because even corn farmers get ingrown toenails?

Or corns?

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If you are going the United States and happen to need a simple operation like an Appendectomy, you may get a hospital bill ranging from $1,529 to $183,000 depending on which hospital you roll up to. You can't shop around they won't reveal their prices and an Appendectomy is often an emergency. You just get stuck with a bill at the end.

Even with insurance you may end up getting screwed without even being kissed.


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I have found over my years here that no one comes here for the same reasons. Sure there are commonalities but all have different reasons. I have also that found that UK folks vehemently defend their move to Thailand far more then US folks. As I continue to read it appears(Based on posts I have absolutely no hands on experience living in the UK) living in the UK is pretty bad. I am a US citizen(California) and am moving back to the US in a few weeks. I have been here 5+ years and have seen enough to know that while there are many things I like here what you give up is far to great.

During my stay here I have come to find that it is hard to find quality people to build friendships with. IMHO there are far more "runaways" here due to a bad life back in their home countries and this behavior is carried with them. Its also interesting in the fact something had been gnawing at me and I was really unable to put my finger on it until I went to get my Visa to leave. The entire 90 day check in thing is actually somewhat humiliating as it feels like you are checking with your Thai parole officer and if you miss you are in violation and stand to be fined or deported. 5+ years back when I arrived this was not a big deal but as time has gone on its really an annoyance and one you cannot insulate yourself from. Again comparing my life in US to here, there are some hard negatives living in Thailand that as a friend stated "Just cannot be balanced out". I am not going to list them as most certainly someone will cut and paste and take out of context.

I will say In the beginning I enjoyed what I perceived as "More freedom" here and less bureaucracy but as time goes on that plays against you. I believe most people have basic expectations on how things should be and you quickly find that those perceived freedoms also allow bad behaviors where a great number of folks can act like morons(Thais included) and there is virtually no enforcement or path for one to take to stop it. There is a lot of interference from the government to order things you need or want to buy or working the type of jobs you may want to. There is a ton of discrimination here Thais to Thais in the work place. Just read an ad on the internet and in the paper. As an expat(who does not want to marry and have everything in his Thai wifes name)you cannot establish a loan for a home. Sure developers will float you a 5 year note but you will be done. But in general you are forced to pay everything in cash which all seems great until you find that you cannot leverage your equity or assets to get cash should something arise where that is required. Good luck trying to sell your place should something require you to exit Thailand. Some houses never sell. Loans for used homes are very hard to secure. You are also not free of cheaply made houses and the neighbor who decided to open up a noodle or karaoke restaurant next door to your house. You also cannot own the land you have your house built on. While the US has its faults for sure at least it has an infrastructure and some discipline and your neighborhoods are zoned to control inconsiderate people and you have a system to take action should that happen. Here its who ever gives the police more money prevails.

One thing very clear to me is it is cheap to live poor and expensive as hell to live a normal middle class like most grownups want to do. Moving here on a fixed income is something I would never recommend unless you left your money in your bank and a path back to your home country. Things are far to unstable here to call it "Home". There are far to many variables that can take you from comfortable to broke in no time and if you are past your employment years you have no means to supplement your income.

As for why I am moving back, the major reason is I can buy a nicer house on some land(in my name), own a better car(for less money), Work in any field I want, buy better quality clothes for the same price and have a better living lifestyle then I do here for about the same overall cost and with less friction and I do not feel limited. It is simple as that. I am not saying Thailand is bad and a horrible place, it may work for some. I am moving for me and where I am at California is simply better. I mean its why we moved around right? I saw opportunities but after I landed and lived it and I dove into Thailand and as I peeled the onion back it gets a bit hard to manage basic daily life. I did not come here to live on a 100 baht a day like a peasant. While some find it fun, it wears thin very very fast. I moved here as I saw what appeared to be a better place and I wanted to come see. For me its not. No harm no foul. Thailand is a great vacation destination

One of the best posts I've seen on ThaiVisa.

We have grown ups amongst us.

Aboslutely agree, it's very very good all entirely true.

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Do you think anyone outside of Thailand would ask the opinion of a Thai doctor?

In general, Thai doctors and dentists are pretty good and many of them have studied in the US or UK.

UG, you know that and I know that. I have had three stays in Thai hospitals and they were 1000% better than stays at hospitals in the US. I stayed in private rooms, wards and the ICU. All three were better and at three different hospitals in three different parts of the country.

This thread is about meanness and anger. Dressed up and disguised but still about meanness and anger.

I would imagine it is reasonable to assume people reading Thai Visa like Thailand. You know, Visas are for people who want to stay in Thailand so they get a Thai Visa. Seems logical to me.

If a person didn't like Thailand any more and was leaving why would they post a topic about it on a Thailand site where everyone/most likes Thailand except to create anger and conflict? See what I am saying? Meanness.

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I have found over my years here that no one comes here for the same reasons. Sure there are commonalities but all have different reasons. I have also that found that UK folks vehemently defend their move to Thailand far more then US folks. As I continue to read it appears(Based on posts I have absolutely no hands on experience living in the UK) living in the UK is pretty bad. I am a US citizen(California) and am moving back to the US in a few weeks. I have been here 5+ years and have seen enough to know that while there are many things I like here what you give up is far to great.

During my stay here I have come to find that it is hard to find quality people to build friendships with. IMHO there are far more "runaways" here due to a bad life back in their home countries and this behavior is carried with them. Its also interesting in the fact something had been gnawing at me and I was really unable to put my finger on it until I went to get my Visa to leave. The entire 90 day check in thing is actually somewhat humiliating as it feels like you are checking with your Thai parole officer and if you miss you are in violation and stand to be fined or deported. 5+ years back when I arrived this was not a big deal but as time has gone on its really an annoyance and one you cannot insulate yourself from. Again comparing my life in US to here, there are some hard negatives living in Thailand that as a friend stated "Just cannot be balanced out". I am not going to list them as most certainly someone will cut and paste and take out of context.

I will say In the beginning I enjoyed what I perceived as "More freedom" here and less bureaucracy but as time goes on that plays against you. I believe most people have basic expectations on how things should be and you quickly find that those perceived freedoms also allow bad behaviors where a great number of folks can act like morons(Thais included) and there is virtually no enforcement or path for one to take to stop it. There is a lot of interference from the government to order things you need or want to buy or working the type of jobs you may want to. There is a ton of discrimination here Thais to Thais in the work place. Just read an ad on the internet and in the paper. As an expat(who does not want to marry and have everything in his Thai wifes name)you cannot establish a loan for a home. Sure developers will float you a 5 year note but you will be done. But in general you are forced to pay everything in cash which all seems great until you find that you cannot leverage your equity or assets to get cash should something arise where that is required. Good luck trying to sell your place should something require you to exit Thailand. Some houses never sell. Loans for used homes are very hard to secure. You are also not free of cheaply made houses and the neighbor who decided to open up a noodle or karaoke restaurant next door to your house. You also cannot own the land you have your house built on. While the US has its faults for sure at least it has an infrastructure and some discipline and your neighborhoods are zoned to control inconsiderate people and you have a system to take action should that happen. Here its who ever gives the police more money prevails.

One thing very clear to me is it is cheap to live poor and expensive as hell to live a normal middle class like most grownups want to do. Moving here on a fixed income is something I would never recommend unless you left your money in your bank and a path back to your home country. Things are far to unstable here to call it "Home". There are far to many variables that can take you from comfortable to broke in no time and if you are past your employment years you have no means to supplement your income.

As for why I am moving back, the major reason is I can buy a nicer house on some land(in my name), own a better car(for less money), Work in any field I want, buy better quality clothes for the same price and have a better living lifestyle then I do here for about the same overall cost and with less friction and I do not feel limited. It is simple as that. I am not saying Thailand is bad and a horrible place, it may work for some. I am moving for me and where I am at California is simply better. I mean its why we moved around right? I saw opportunities but after I landed and lived it and I dove into Thailand and as I peeled the onion back it gets a bit hard to manage basic daily life. I did not come here to live on a 100 baht a day like a peasant. While some find it fun, it wears thin very very fast. I moved here as I saw what appeared to be a better place and I wanted to come see. For me its not. No harm no foul. Thailand is a great vacation destination

One of the best posts I've seen on ThaiVisa.

We have grown ups amongst us.

Aboslutely agree, it's very very good all entirely true.

It is difficult to be objective without being critical so I apologize to those whom my objectivity seems critical.

I had an opportunity to make a fortune in Thailand when I was 22 years of age. The Thai people I was in business with are now rich, homes and Mercedes in both Thailand and the US. But I left Thailand and went to work in California because I thought the government of Thailand was unstable 40 years ago. I found the people in California too nutty to endure. I went from California to San Francisco which really was a different country back then. And San Fran was nuttier than the rest of California. I ended up in Colorado selling T shirts that said, “Don't Californicate Colorado.”

I agree with anyone under 55 getting out of Thailand. Under 55 it is a difficult place. Over 55 with a steady income it is quite nice here. Thailand becomes difficult if you have to be someplace at a particular time. I have no deeds to do, no promises to keep, life is groovy. Falling in love, having children and all that stuff; I can't imagine. Drugs and crime and kids too much for me to contemplate. I am so happy mine are all grown up.

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This debate over why we come to Thailand or why we leave, which is better and why, has been going on as long as I can remember. A very, very long time ago it was the subject of a popular Thai television debate program on channel 5. As farangs, three of us were arguing that it was better to live in Thailand. It fell to the Thais to argue in favor of living overseas.

It is not meanness to discuss such things, it can even be entertaining and enlightening. There may be meanness in the way some individuals express themselves but the topic remains as topical today as it was back then.

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If a person didn't like Thailand any more and was leaving why would they post a topic about it on a Thailand site where everyone/most likes Thailand except to create anger and conflict? See what I am saying? Meanness. [/size]

I think you are asking the wrong question. It is perfectly reasonable to discuss the reasons why expats leave Thailand here on a website dedicated to issues relating to expat life in Thailand. I myself come and go depending on my job, others come, find it doesn't suit them while some have pressing reasons beyond their control that force them to leave.

I believe this thread had brought forward some interesting and thought provoking views, certainly views which of inyerest to people considering their own future in or beyond Thailand.

Which brings me to the question - Why, if you are so happy and sure of your choices and life in Thailand do views that contradict your own upset you so much?

As I have said many times, no opinion expressed by others, good bad or indifferent has any bearing on how I find my day in Thailand.

Nothing anyone else says or rights about Thailand, Thais or life in Thailand unsettles my view of life here - it often provokes me to think and see different views but never winds me up.

To tell you how I feel - well I'm comfortable with my choices and I see the good along with the warts - I don't deny either and I don't mind at all if others see the warts too.

If I was not happy with my choices, if I thought I jad made a mistake coming here or if I wad lying to myself about how good life is I might feel different, truths about the downside of life here might then be inconvenient.

Views never upset me. I am in a different time warp then most of the posters here. I was just saying that it sould be pointed out that to post this kind of thread is in keeping with the nest of vipers here on Thai Visa. Who was it that first said the posters here were a "nest of vipers?"

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If a person didn't like Thailand any more and was leaving why would they post a topic about it on a Thailand site where everyone/most likes Thailand except to create anger and conflict? See what I am saying? Meanness. [/size]

I think you are asking the wrong question. It is perfectly reasonable to discuss the reasons why expats leave Thailand here on a website dedicated to issues relating to expat life in Thailand. I myself come and go depending on my job, others come, find it doesn't suit them while some have pressing reasons beyond their control that force them to leave.

I believe this thread had brought forward some interesting and thought provoking views, certainly views which of inyerest to people considering their own future in or beyond Thailand.

Which brings me to the question - Why, if you are so happy and sure of your choices and life in Thailand do views that contradict your own upset you so much?

As I have said many times, no opinion expressed by others, good bad or indifferent has any bearing on how I find my day in Thailand.

Nothing anyone else says or rights about Thailand, Thais or life in Thailand unsettles my view of life here - it often provokes me to think and see different views but never winds me up.

To tell you how I feel - well I'm comfortable with my choices and I see the good along with the warts - I don't deny either and I don't mind at all if others see the warts too.

If I was not happy with my choices, if I thought I jad made a mistake coming here or if I wad lying to myself about how good life is I might feel different, truths about the downside of life here might then be inconvenient.

Sadly it would seem a minority of posters here see anger and conflict in almost anything. As the saying goes, if you look for it...

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Views never upset me. I am in a different time warp then most of the posters here. I was just saying that it sould be pointed out that to post this kind of thread is in keeping with the nest of vipers here on Thai Visa. Who was it that first said the posters here were a "nest of vipers?"

But you've told us that you do object to people expressing the views in this thread.

And yes you are right, a nest of vipers, but I reserve this for the host of missfits here on TV take pleasure in vindictive and personal attacks on other people's wives, g/fs, children, loved ones, businesses, careers, investments, or any other positive thing they have going in their life.

Again, this doesn't come from a contentment with their own life choices.

Apply the six M's test to cr@p you find here on TV.

Is the poster Missfit, a Malcontent, a Misenthrope, a Misogynist or a Mental Miget?

If so, feel free to ignore.

If you cannot ignore ask yourselg why are such low life able to wind tou up so easily?

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Views never upset me. I am in a different time warp then most of the posters here. I was just saying that it sould be pointed out that to post this kind of thread is in keeping with the nest of vipers here on Thai Visa. Who was it that first said the posters here were a "nest of vipers?"

But you've told us that you do object to people expressing the views in this thread.

And yes you are right, a nest of vipers, but I reserve this for the host of missfits here on TV take pleasure in vindictive and personal attacks on other people's wives, g/fs, children, loved ones, businesses, careers, investments, or any other positive thing they have going in their life.

Again, this doesn't come from a contentment with their own life choices.

Apply the six M's test to cr@p you find here on TV.

Is the poster Missfit, a Malcontent, a Misenthrope, a Misogynist or a Mental Miget?

If so, feel free to ignore.

If you cannot ignore ask yourselg why are such low life able to wind tou up so easily?

Perhaps I didn't say it correctly, god knows I say enough things poorly. I don't object to him expressing his views. I do think the caveat should be added that he is a malcontent, missfit or something like that who is expressing said views to rid himself of some personal angst. I had a friend in college whose mother was a slum landlord. We used to kid her about turning poor people out in the snow to freeze to death. It was all in good fun of course.

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Views never upset me. I am in a different time warp then most of the posters here. I was just saying that it sould be pointed out that to post this kind of thread is in keeping with the nest of vipers here on Thai Visa. Who was it that first said the posters here were a "nest of vipers?"

But you've told us that you do object to people expressing the views in this thread.

And yes you are right, a nest of vipers, but I reserve this for the host of missfits here on TV take pleasure in vindictive and personal attacks on other people's wives, g/fs, children, loved ones, businesses, careers, investments, or any other positive thing they have going in their life.

Again, this doesn't come from a contentment with their own life choices.

Apply the six M's test to cr@p you find here on TV.

Is the poster Missfit, a Malcontent, a Misenthrope, a Misogynist or a Mental Miget?

If so, feel free to ignore.

If you cannot ignore ask yourselg why are such low life able to wind tou up so easily?

Very good points GH but I can't help but asking did you type that last sentence with your nose mate?

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Views never upset me. I am in a different time warp then most of the posters here. I was just saying that it sould be pointed out that to post this kind of thread is in keeping with the nest of vipers here on Thai Visa. Who was it that first said the posters here were a "nest of vipers?"

But you've told us that you do object to people expressing the views in this thread.

And yes you are right, a nest of vipers, but I reserve this for the host of missfits here on TV take pleasure in vindictive and personal attacks on other people's wives, g/fs, children, loved ones, businesses, careers, investments, or any other positive thing they have going in their life.

Again, this doesn't come from a contentment with their own life choices.

Apply the six M's test to cr@p you find here on TV.

Is the poster Missfit, a Malcontent, a Misenthrope, a Misogynist or a Mental Miget?

If so, feel free to ignore.

If you cannot ignore ask yourselg why are such low life able to wind tou up so easily?

Very good points GH but I can't help but asking did you type that last sentence with your nose mate?

That's what Chang does. biggrin.png

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Do you think anyone outside of Thailand would ask the opinion of a Thai doctor?

In general, Thai doctors and dentists are pretty good and many of them have studied in the US or UK.

UG, you know that and I know that. I have had three stays in Thai hospitals and they were 1000% better than stays at hospitals in the US. I stayed in private rooms, wards and the ICU. All three were better and at three different hospitals in three different parts of the country.

This thread is about meanness and anger. Dressed up and disguised but still about meanness and anger.

I would imagine it is reasonable to assume people reading Thai Visa like Thailand. You know, Visas are for people who want to stay in Thailand so they get a Thai Visa. Seems logical to me.

If a person didn't like Thailand any more and was leaving why would they post a topic about it on a Thailand site where everyone/most likes Thailand except to create anger and conflict? See what I am saying? Meanness.

KerryK, no one on this thread has said that they do not like Thailand. Liking something and being able to breathe it every waking moment is entirely different. Please refrain from taking things out of context to suit you're own needs.
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Do you think anyone outside of Thailand would ask the opinion of a Thai doctor?

In general, Thai doctors and dentists are pretty good and many of them have studied in the US or UK.

UG, you know that and I know that. I have had three stays in Thai hospitals and they were 1000% better than stays at hospitals in the US. I stayed in private rooms, wards and the ICU. All three were better and at three different hospitals in three different parts of the country.

This thread is about meanness and anger. Dressed up and disguised but still about meanness and anger.

I would imagine it is reasonable to assume people reading Thai Visa like Thailand. You know, Visas are for people who want to stay in Thailand so they get a Thai Visa. Seems logical to me.

If a person didn't like Thailand any more and was leaving why would they post a topic about it on a Thailand site where everyone/most likes Thailand except to create anger and conflict? See what I am saying? Meanness.

KerryK, no one on this thread has said that they do not like Thailand. Liking something and being able to breathe it every waking moment is entirely different. Please refrain from taking things out of context to suit you're own needs.

From the OP and that is just for starters, “Lack of education among the most educated, anti white mentality (bigots), corruption, lack of honesty (dishonesty).” I would hate to be a person you disliked if the above is not dislike.

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Perhaps he me meant 'those who are still living here and do not want to leave' are not posting comments saying they do not like Thailand?

You seem to have a problem with anyone posting anything negative. As others have pointed out - this is an expat forum for people to post their views etc., and this is not a problem, even though you disagree with some of their views...

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KerryK, as always, you quote things out of context to suit you're own needs. What you are basically saying is:

- Thailand is not corrupt (Really? are you really saying this?? Do you live under a rock??)

- There are no anti-western government polices in place (you cannot own land, etc. You must actually live under a rock??)

- Honesty???? (I don't know where you pulled this one from?????)

You are the Sarah Palin of TV. You make things up to suit you're own needs. I can no longer take you seriously.

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KerryK, as always, you quote things out of context to suit you're own needs. What you are basically saying is:

- Thailand is not corrupt (Really? are you really saying this?? Do you live under a rock??)

- There are no anti-western government polices in place (you cannot own land, etc. You must actually live under a rock??)

- Honesty???? (I don't know where you pulled this one from?????)

You are the Sarah Palin of TV. You make things up to suit you're own needs. I can no longer take you seriously.

I didn't make anything up. The above was part of your opening post about Thai people.

“Lack of education among the most educated, anti white mentality (bigots), corruption, lack of honesty (dishonesty).” Those are not things you say about people you like.

I didn't say anything about it not being true for you. It is not true for me. My Thai friends are educated, not anti white, corrupt and don't lie ot treat me dishonestly in any way. Sorry you have had some bad luck. I got here in 1968 and the same was true then. Like I said sorry for you. But you are not everybody. Get over it. I don't live under a rock I live in a condo. Same one I lived in when I got here. It is still standing after 40 years.

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- Thailand is not corrupt (Really? are you really saying this?? Do you live under a rock??)

- There are no anti-western government polices in place (you cannot own land, etc. You must actually live under a rock??)

- Honesty???? (I don't know where you pulled this one from?????)

I don’t think honesty is a cultural trait. Due to face issues honesty might be masked sometimes and you don’t get as straight an answer as in the west for example but on the whole people in Thailand are as honest or dishonest as other people elsewhere.

Not sure how “cannot own land” would be an anti western government policy. Can people from Russia , Japan or Africa own land in Thailand?

Regarding corruption sure there is corruption but the good thing about Thai corruption is that anybody irrespective of their social background can participate (and does participate) unlike the west where there is a much greater distinction between briber and bribee.

Interesting discussion btw.smile.png

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KerryK, as always, you quote things out of context to suit you're own needs. What you are basically saying is:

- Thailand is not corrupt (Really? are you really saying this?? Do you live under a rock??)

- There are no anti-western government polices in place (you cannot own land, etc. You must actually live under a rock??)

- Honesty???? (I don't know where you pulled this one from?????)

You are the Sarah Palin of TV. You make things up to suit you're own needs. I can no longer take you seriously.

I didn't make anything up. The above was part of your opening post about Thai people.

“Lack of education among the most educated, anti white mentality (bigots), corruption, lack of honesty (dishonesty).” Those are not things you say about people you like.

I didn't say anything about it not being true for you. It is not true for me. My Thai friends are educated, not anti white, corrupt and don't lie ot treat me dishonestly in any way. Sorry you have had some bad luck. I got here in 1968 and the same was true then. Like I said sorry for you. But you are not everybody. Get over it. I don't live under a rock I live in a condo. Same one I lived in when I got here. It is still standing after 40 years.

KerryK, For the sake of civility, let's agree to disagree.
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