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As I'm having problems with my external HD storage device (as posted earlier today), I was wondering in any of you techies could recommend a safe and free online storage site?

Which sites do you guys use and what are the pros and cons of those sites?

I'm thinking of using one as an additional back up for my files (nothing top secret, just stuff I want to keep for future reference).

Thanks in advance.

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You can also,use



Google has a documents section which is quite useful

Which devices will use the storage?


You can also,use



Google has a documents section which is quite useful

Which devices will use the storage?

Sorry, but I don't understand the question "Which devices will use the storage?" What exactly do you mean?

What he is referring to are the devices you will access the "cloud" based storage with. re- smart-phone, tablet, laptop, PC and etc. I use Drop Box for personal and corporate needs. It is seamless and efficient. I can add and send files from my Blackberry, take photos add them to the Drop Box files and they are instantly available to my engineers back in the office via shared folders. It is this type of instant access via mobile devices that makes cloud storage value added for me.


What he is referring to are the devices you will access the "cloud" based storage with. re- smart-phone, tablet, laptop, PC and etc. I use Drop Box for personal and corporate needs. It is seamless and efficient. I can add and send files from my Blackberry, take photos add them to the Drop Box files and they are instantly available to my engineers back in the office via shared folders. It is this type of instant access via mobile devices that makes cloud storage value added for me.

Thank you, I thought that was what he/she meant, but wasn't sure. The only device I'll be using with a cloud storage is my laptop - I have loads of files (mainly pdfs) that I don't want to loose. Unfortunately all-in-all it's about 20GB...

I have loads of files (mainly pdfs) that I don't want to loose. Unfortunately all-in-all it's about 20GB...

5-7GB is easy to find for free. For larger amounts of pay storage iDrive may be worth looking at.

Or you could just open several different free accounts from SkyDrive, Gdrive, iDrive etc. which should easily get you up to 20GB.

PDFs can usually be "optimised" to a smaller file size if you have suitable PDF creation software.


What he is referring to are the devices you will access the "cloud" based storage with. re- smart-phone, tablet, laptop, PC and etc. I use Drop Box for personal and corporate needs. It is seamless and efficient. I can add and send files from my Blackberry, take photos add them to the Drop Box files and they are instantly available to my engineers back in the office via shared folders. It is this type of instant access via mobile devices that makes cloud storage value added for me.

Thank you, I thought that was what he/she meant, but wasn't sure. The only device I'll be using with a cloud storage is my laptop - I have loads of files (mainly pdfs) that I don't want to loose. Unfortunately all-in-all it's about 20GB...

Storing online doesn't necessarily mean they are safe. Best to keep them more than one place.


Chap that I know works in the same oil & gas industry as myself and also hot-shots all over the world swears by carbonite.co.uk

Never has issues with accessing his stuff and doesn't worry about his laptop or other luggable going tits-up at the 11th hour. As long as he has access to a computer with an internet connection, he is still in business.


Chap that I know works in the same oil & gas industry as myself and also hot-shots all over the world swears by carbonite.co.uk

Never has issues with accessing his stuff and doesn't worry about his laptop or other luggable going tits-up at the 11th hour. As long as he has access to a computer with an internet connection, he is still in business.

O/p asked for free service.


Maybe Microsoft has gotten tired of having its stuff jumped by Apple, because today they've jumped in with a big announcement re mostly good MS SkyDrive changes that kind of pre-empts any Google Drive announcement. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in Redmond when they were talking about when and how to release their news.


If you get an invite to Dropbox and follow that invite link you get an extra 500mb free (as does the person who invites you). You can do this to boost the free account up to to 16GB.

Send me a PM and I will send you a Dropbox invite by return - good for both of us! thumbsup.gif


It sounds like Google Drive will launch today/tomorrow? 5 GB free, up to 100 GB paid.


They did launch of course, but all my Google accounts say my drives aren't ready yet, and if you log in there, they'll offer to email you when the drive capacity is added to your Google account.

Here's the feature set for the Google Drive, which has some very nice components:



Be careful using the Google Drive. Read their ToS. Anything you upload to them they say they own and have global rights to it...and they WILL use it for "promotional" purposes...whatever that means.

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Heres a new one, (for me anyway) SocialFolders. I posted a TV topic HERE. Great for backing up all yoru social netowrk stuff to your desktop and then copying and pasitn between them. Click here for for both of us to get some added services and file up-downloads.


It sounds like Google Drive will launch today/tomorrow? 5 GB free, up to 100 GB paid.


They did launch of course, but all my Google accounts say my drives aren't ready yet, and if you log in there, they'll offer to email you when the drive capacity is added to your Google account.

Here's the feature set for the Google Drive, which has some very nice components:


Between me and the wife we have 4 gmail/google accounts; no drives were ready yet for any of the accounts, but I did follow google's procedure to email me when they are ready. Seemed like maybe if a person don't ask, google may not prepare a drive for you.


Some short articles with charts comparing MS SkyDrive and GoogleDrive. Link Link2 Link3

Lot more out there...seems to be more articles popping up every minute as everyone rushes to write an article comparing these two new/upgraded cloud storage services.


Thanks for posting that article, Pib... Having read it, I think it's a bit one-sided and unfair to MS...

For example, it gives the impression that the SD base free allocation is 7 GB, whereas all existing SD users can keep their current 25 GB allocation per account if they want it.

Also, there's already integration and document saving/storage between SD and MS Office suite, and it's supposed to get deeper with the upcoming version of Office.

That said, the feature list for Google Drive listed several things that looked very appealing and weren't mentioned at all in the article you posted, such as rollback versioning of documents stored on Google Drive and the ability to open various file types there even if the user doesn't have the corresponding application installed on their computer. Those kinds of things, assuming they work in real life, are nice touches.


...all my Google accounts say my drives aren't ready yet, and if you log in there, they'll offer to email you when the drive capacity is added to your Google account...

Same here.


Thanks for all the feedback. Much appreciate it.

I opened an account with dropbox - very easy and straight forward.


I must have got lucky with my Google drive. Saw it mentioned on another website Tuesday night, all set up in less than 10 minutes and was uploading files at a decent rate. Works in well if you already use Gmail and Google Docs.


...all my Google accounts say my drives aren't ready yet, and if you log in there, they'll offer to email you when the drive capacity is added to your Google account...

Same here.

Took about 36 hours to get the emails from Google that our 4 GoogleDrives were ready (4 Google accounts between the wife and I).

Still playing/learning with my 7GB MS SykDrive I setup a few days ago...will learn it a little more over the next few days before trying out GoogleDrive...may help me from getting confused between the SkyDrive and GoogleDrive. Will have to say for the few days I've used SkyDrive I like it.

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