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Thai Only At The "Tide Resort"


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> This is just the other side of the coin of the main reason we like it here. If you want squeaky clean PC straight and narrow move to Singapore or Switzerland.

yes in Thailand, but in other countries it would be illegal and the business would be eaten alive from the political correct.

Of course, but what's your point? Mine is that this is Thailand, this is the way things are here and you might as well complain about the heat or the corruption, what's the point, we're totally sick of people acting all surprised and indignant about such totally normal aspects of Thai life.

Hey guys, did you know that Thais eat a stew made from fish and crab that's been buried for weeks called "plaa raa", it really smells OMG tell them to stop!!!

Concur, When we travel to the night markets, ((the Mrs. & I)she loves to shop for everyday clothes there) I let her walk 20ft ahead of me and when she finds a piece of clothing she likes she holds it out and then looks my way if I agree with her and then she purchases it, otherwise the price is doubled. (She, well Educated Thai School Teacher)

If you're trying to save money, never let a Thai bargain for you, they'll stop at the point where they start to lose face for being a cheap charlie or feel sorry for the vendor.

I routinely take tuk-tuk trips for B30 that my SO insists can't be got for under 40, I often will get items for another 20% lower than the lowest price she could get. You just stay friendly and calm, never show you really want what they offering (your nod there puts a high floor on the negotiation) and be ready to just shrug turn and walk away to talk to the next vendor.

Same tactic keeps the SO in line as well, especially the bold bits. But bluffing doesn't work in that case, you have to really mean it.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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One of the things I like about Thailand is the sense of nationalism (even if it is misguided at times). It's a pity that more western countries Australia & Britain for example didn't follow these principles, had they done so then maybe more of the locals would have a sense of national pride and maybe more young people would have a chance to buy a house if prices weren't pushed up by foreign investment.

Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.

Albert Einstein

The difference between patriotism and nationalism is that the patriot is proud of his country for what it does, and the nationalist is proud of his country no matter what it does; the first attitude creates a feeling of responsibility, but the second a feeling of blind arrogance that leads to war.

Sydney Harris

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Guys... businesses set prices at the point where they think sales (volume x price) is maximised... setting a lower price encourages greater volume with the optimal price depending on customers' price elasticity of demand... this hotel simply assumed (maybe wrongly) that the gradient of this curve is different on average for Thais and non-Thais (in simple terms they think Thais are stingy)... their pricing decision would obviously not have been set based on any preference for Thai people as they have already assumed that Thai people are on average more stingy... this is just basic economics, nothing to be upset about (unless you are a Thai who has an issue with being considered stingy)

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Guys... businesses set prices at the point where they think sales (volume x price) is maximised... setting a lower price encourages greater volume with the optimal price depending on customers' price elasticity of demand... this hotel simply assumed (maybe wrongly) that the gradient of this curve is different on average for Thais and non-Thais (in simple terms they think Thais are stingy)... their pricing decision would obviously not have been set based on any preference for Thai people as they have already assumed that Thai people are on average more stingy... this is just basic economics, nothing to be upset about (unless you are a Thai who has an issue with being considered stingy)


I've done Economics 101, 201, 301, 401 and 501.

You are wasting your time trying to explain basic concepts to most of this mob.

They are just pissed off that their pensioners card doesn't work, in which case they'd somehow turn it into some sort of anti-farang scam.

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Let me make it real clear, I love living in LOS, and I understand its my choice to stay. I am just venting about a situation that just really stuck in my craw. The positives still out weigh the negitives. wai.gifsmile.pngwai.gif

No, no, no,

You dared bite the very hand that accepted you

You deserve exile for ever

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Let me make it real clear, I love living in LOS, and I understand its my choice to stay. I am just venting about a situation that just really stuck in my craw. The positives still out weigh the negitives. wai.gifsmile.pngwai.gif

Could you make that a bit more clear please? The red font was a bit blurry. rolleyes.gif:lol:

Edited by Payboy
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In the Northern Territory Australia the hotels will offer a discount for NT residents when the wet season is on. Drivers license is required to be produced. This is the low tourist season. Maybe the Thai hotel is trying to get local business in the low tourist season.

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In the Northern Territory Australia the hotels will offer a discount for NT residents when the wet season is on. Drivers license is required to be produced. This is the low tourist season. Maybe the Thai hotel is trying to get local business in the low tourist season.

Exactly; this is a practical and obvious explanation that illustrates my general point

Businesses make pricing decisions based on economic rationale (not based on racial preferences)

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Some 10 yrs ago, i was in Khao San Road with a Thai friend of mine, we went to an agency to buy a bus ticket to Chiang Mai, and we were told :- No Thais allowed..-blink.png

We were a bit baffled, but we just took another bus.

I don't understand the price policy of this resort, but, racist or not, i would boycott them.

Lol this still happens in krabi now bus to khoa San road is 600 bht but guess what no thai people allowed on this bus the Thais have to take the government bus cheapest ticket around 900 bht just cannot work out the reasoning behind it

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Foreigner concerns about discrimination here are often trivial compared to what Thai nationals have to deal with in form of skin shade requirements, unreasonably restrictive age range requirements etc. for employment.

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> This is just the other side of the coin of the main reason we like it here. If you want squeaky clean PC straight and narrow move to Singapore or Switzerland.

yes in Thailand, but in other countries it would be illegal and the business would be eaten alive from the political correct.

Of course, but what's your point? Mine is that this is Thailand, this is the way things are here and you might as well complain about the heat or the corruption, what's the point, we're totally sick of people acting all surprised and indignant about such totally normal aspects of Thai life.

Hey guys, did you know that Thais eat a stew made from fish and crab that's been buried for weeks called "plaa raa", it really smells OMG tell them to stop!!!

Concur, When we travel to the night markets, ((the Mrs. & I)she loves to shop for everyday clothes there) I let her walk 20ft ahead of me and when she finds a piece of clothing she likes she holds it out and then looks my way if I agree with her and then she purchases it, otherwise the price is doubled. (She, well Educated Thai School Teacher)

If you're trying to save money, never let a Thai bargain for you, they'll stop at the point where they start to lose face for being a cheap charlie or feel sorry for the vendor.

I routinely take tuk-tuk trips for B30 that my SO insists can't be got for under 40, I often will get items for another 20% lower than the lowest price she could get. You just stay friendly and calm, never show you really want what they offering (your nod there puts a high floor on the negotiation) and be ready to just shrug turn and walk away to talk to the next vendor.

Same tactic keeps the SO in line as well, especially the bold bits. But bluffing doesn't work in that case, you have to really mean it.

My point is: That Thailand is complete right, but our home countries are complete degenerated with that "political correctness" madness.

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Didn't know Thailand was so prejudice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are any of you aware of B.S. like this?????

Take a Thai to Khao San and get to try book one of these many buses taking people to the Islands or wherever...


In their own country. :cheesy:

Gotta laugh.

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Now, what could a Thai senior citizen possibly enjoy at The Tide Resort? unsure.png

The same as a senior farang ? whistling.gif

I hope Tide Resort has access to the internet then. rolleyes.gif

Yes and if not, they still have the 50% discount on the 'massage'. tongue.png

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Big Skip...I have been coming to Thailand for over 10 years.I did not realize the extent of prejudice in Thailand until I had my friend (Thai national) book a room for me. When I arrived to check in the price went way up! <deleted> ...I recently was called a racist by a TV member....me racist? My wife is Thai...we have a beautiful daughter and most of my friends are Thai. That being said...their are a couple TV members that will tell you the Thai's are not prejudice! BS...There are two prices. Thai price and Farang...price. Land of 1000 smiles...now you know why they are smiling!!! Sorry...sad but true!

Concur, When we travel to the night markets, ((the Mrs. & I)she loves to shop for everyday clothes there) I let her walk 20ft ahead of me and when she finds a piece of clothing she likes she holds it out and then looks my way if I agree with her and then she purchases it, otherwise the price is doubled. (She, well Educated Thai School Teacher)

Are you saying that you choose what clothes your wife (educated school teacher and all) should buy? rolleyes.gif

No Jackass we respect each others opinion

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Big Skip...I have been coming to Thailand for over 10 years.I did not realize the extent of prejudice in Thailand until I had my friend (Thai national) book a room for me. When I arrived to check in the price went way up! <deleted> ...I recently was called a racist by a TV member....me racist? My wife is Thai...we have a beautiful daughter and most of my friends are Thai. That being said...their are a couple TV members that will tell you the Thai's are not prejudice! BS...There are two prices. Thai price and Farang...price. Land of 1000 smiles...now you know why they are smiling!!! Sorry...sad but true!

Concur, When we travel to the night markets, ((the Mrs. & I)she loves to shop for everyday clothes there) I let her walk 20ft ahead of me and when she finds a piece of clothing she likes she holds it out and then looks my way if I agree with her and then she purchases it, otherwise the price is doubled. (She, well Educated Thai School Teacher)

Are you saying that you choose what clothes your wife (educated school teacher and all) should buy? rolleyes.gif

No Jackass we respect each others opinion

So, why does she want an ok from you?

" I let her walk 20ft ahead of me and when she finds a piece of clothing she likes she holds it out and then looks my way if I agree with her and then she purchases it."

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Lol this still happens in krabi now bus to khoa San road is 600 bht but guess what no thai people allowed on this bus the Thais have to take the government bus cheapest ticket around 900 bht just cannot work out the reasoning behind it

KSR bus is privately run in a competitive market and free to set their own prices. Government grants a monopoly franchise sets the price for maximum profit to the franchise holder and his bureacrat buddies, don't want competition in the local market.

Also I was told they used to have major problems with thieving out of bags while the backpackers slept, sledgehammer solution but. . .

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Lol this still happens in krabi now bus to khoa San road is 600 bht but guess what no thai people allowed on this bus the Thais have to take the government bus cheapest ticket around 900 bht just cannot work out the reasoning behind it

KSR bus is privately run in a competitive market and free to set their own prices. Government grants a monopoly franchise sets the price for maximum profit to the franchise holder and his bureacrat buddies, don't want competition in the local market.

Also I was told they used to have major problems with thieving out of bags while the backpackers slept, sledgehammer solution but. . .

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God not this old rubbish AGAIN?

It is not prejudice to give discounts to certain groups: it is common marketing practice. It happens all over the world.

Are the five % discount tourists get in Emporium discriminatory, for example? No, it's marketing? Are Happy Hour specials for ladies in Lan Kwai Fong bars discriminatory? No, it's marketing. What about Models night at Bed Supperclub, or special rates for air crew at hotels ?

Get over it people - Jeeeezus.

Edited by bendix
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By definition, it IS discrimination. Everyone discriminates. Do you eat rancid meat? Do you prefer Latinos to Russians? So the real question, is how much harm does it do to the classes of people left out of this promotion. I think it's very trivial. Just don't go there if you don't want to pay the non promotion price. Such price discrimination is certainly sometimes more serious if it is for essential things that you have little choice of not consuming. Personally, I think the discriminatory pricing situation at Thailand private hospitals for foreigners has indeed become serious for expats who really need the services. For a medical tourist, they can choose Thailand, India, Mexico, or wherever. But for many expats, we can become a captive audience for the health services.

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Big Skip, if you call they will give you a room for 2740 baht, so you only pay 140 baht for being a pasty faced Gringo. clap2.gif

The ding bat I talked to did say I could call back and speak to Khun Tittty-gorn in the morning to see if he would let me "hab Thai peeeepol pro-mo-shun.


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This is the second time for this kind of B.S., 4 weeks ago I went to buy the i-phone from "true move" for 50% off with the package, if you buy before 16apr12, they said "Thai People Only"

I went for that offer and applied as a True Visions customer, they didn't say anything to me about it being for "Thai people only" they did say that you need to have a MasterCard or Visa credit card, which I didn't have, but, despite the fact I'm not Thai and didn't have the required credit card, I am now the proud owner of my new phone courtesy of the True 50% offer.

So you're basically saying that BigSkip is either making this up or is full of sh*t? Because I would agree with you on both counts.

Chonburi Central Mall, True Visions Center, I had my Thai Wife with me, (Thai Teacher of English & IT), no language barriers, no mistakes, no misquotes on my part. You got lucky with a employee who didn't want to argue about the offer...............................

But isn't that always the case in Thailand, different branches different interpretation of the rules.

I went to the True shop in Siam Square in Bangkok, they couldn't have been more helpful.

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Big Skip...I have been coming to Thailand for over 10 years.I did not realize the extent of prejudice in Thailand until I had my friend (Thai national) book a room for me. When I arrived to check in the price went way up! <deleted> ...I recently was called a racist by a TV member....me racist? My wife is Thai...we have a beautiful daughter and most of my friends are Thai. That being said...their are a couple TV members that will tell you the Thai's are not prejudice! BS...There are two prices. Thai price and Farang...price. Land of 1000 smiles...now you know why they are smiling!!! Sorry...sad but true!

Concur, When we travel to the night markets, ((the Mrs. & I)she loves to shop for everyday clothes there) I let her walk 20ft ahead of me and when she finds a piece of clothing she likes she holds it out and then looks my way if I agree with her and then she purchases it, otherwise the price is doubled. (She, well Educated Thai School Teacher)

Once, my wife found an item at a higher end shopping mall for a price of 400 baht. I was having coffee in the mall while she was shopping. She realized had left her money at home, so she rang me and asked me bring her the dosh to the shop. I did, and amazingly the price went up to 950 baht. We left, but not before my wife told the shop owner off - including calling her a racist in Thai -เหยียดผิว yìat pĭw

Edited by Koratpat
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Didn't know Thailand was so prejudice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are any of you aware of B.S. like this?????

Take a Thai to Khao San and get to try book one of these many buses taking people to the Islands or wherever...


In their own country. cheesy.gif

Gotta laugh.

Wife and I have run into the same thing up here in Chiang Mai. Special rate VIP buses but no Thai Nationals allowed. What is up with that?
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A classic Cheap Charlie thread. Love it!smile.png

2600 for Thai versus 4000 baht for white folk.

Completely unfair and racist.

it is not about cheap, but about what is right.

double pricing is unfair but it isn't racist...usually the rip off Thais who doesn't know anything the same way.....I have seen double pricing at some silly "HiSo" Thais....

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