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Are Thais People Really That Aggressive, Revengeful, Mafia & Fearless ?

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Some Thais in some situations do go beserk, totally out of control, and there are plenty of guns and other weapons around. Statistically Thailand is pretty close to the top for violent deaths per capita.

I hope you are going to back that up with a reliable statistical source, because it's a big call.

Here you go... As far as overall homicide rate, Thailand ranked in at 4th in the world with 41.4 murders per 100,000 people; do the Google search

I was prepared to be amazed at this until a later post revealed the real figure.

Thailand ranking in the mid 30s does not put it in the upper reaches of a significantly violent society to me, as originally claimed.

Edited by bendix
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Some Thais in some situations do go beserk, totally out of control, and there are plenty of guns and other weapons around. Statistically Thailand is pretty close to the top for violent deaths per capita.

I hope you are going to back that up with a reliable statistical source, because it's a big call.

Here you go... As far as overall homicide rate, Thailand ranked in at 4th in the world with 41.4 murders per 100,000 people; do the Google search

I was prepared to be amazed at this until a later post revealed the real figure.

Thailand ranking in the mid 30s does not put it in the upper reaches of a significantly violent society to me, as originally claimed.

Yes, but it's still in the top 20% worldwide, that to me is a very violent society, but each to their own opinion. More - clarification, Thailand is 4th in the world for homicide by gun shot

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Where does America rate on this 'scale of violence'?

USA Firearm homicides

  • Number of deaths: 11,493
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 3.7

URL: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/homicide.htm

Thailand info at URL:


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Years ago I witnessed a horrible attack on the corner of Sukhumvit & Asok in Bangkok. Three younger Thais (2 guys, one woman) punched, kicked, beat and brutalized one Thai young man. More than 50 people were watching and doing absolutely nothing to stop them.I was horrified but did nothing more than try to call the police. I failed to reach them.

When the attackers picked up a brick and started smashing his head, I shouted. I could not stop myself. They were killing him. Oh my God, they stopped and turned on me. I felt and still feel like a complete coward. I raised my hands, as if in surrender and backed away. They continued to hurt him. Eventually I persuaded a Thai to call the police who showed up moments later. The police arrested all three attackers and tried to save the guy's life. I don't know if he died or not.

Another time I witnessed two Thai men fighting outside a temple. People allowed it to run it's course until one picked up a stone and started hitting the other. Then an old woman quietly walked over and gently took the stone away. She then walked away, letting the two sort it out. I found that most interesting.

Only once did a drunk Thai man come at me. I was at a public event, sitting in a chair watching the celebration and he decided he wanted that chair. I jumped out of the chair and quickly stood next to the nearest armed policeman. Problem solved. (By the way, the policeman ran the guy off and made sure I got my chair back. Still makes me smile)

So I've seen some severe violence first hand. Does this mean all Thai people are like this? Of course not. People are individuals and make individual choices. I agree alcohol plays a huge part; I've seen that too.

I agree with the advice that says, use common sense, avoid loud aggressive drunks (of any nationality) and if pressed, walk away.


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I saw a murder at the corner of 3rd rd & pattaya tai.

An older man whom i assumed was the owner of the bar was pointing a gun at a young boy,

then his 2 young henchmen started to smash the head in with various stones and bricks while the older man left.

When they were done they threw the body on a bike with sidecar from the warehouse and went off into the night,

to dump it somewhere i presume

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I dont feel any less comfortable in Pattaya than i did when in Blackpool for a stag do.

I also believe that most thais dont think of westerners as <deleted> too,just the ones who act like <deleted>.

Thailand is a safe country compared to many but one still has to be in control

Just on a visit are you?

Been here 9 years mate,waht about u,just a visit

First arrived May 1990.coffee1.gif

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I think the USA & Thailand are somewhat similar in the homicide rate. But the difference is in America the violence is concentrated in the black areas. In Thailand it is more spread out so you notice it more.

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I think a lot of their violence stems from the use of Yabaa.

You may find that anyone using Yabaa is almost virtually on another planet.

Yes it's easy to regress to primeval times on that stuff.

Wasn't Fred Flintstone the first fervent Yaba user?

Yaba I do was the slogan or something like that.

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I think a lot of their violence stems from the use of Yabaa.

You may find that anyone using Yabaa is almost virtually on another planet.

Yes it's easy to regress to primeval times on that stuff.

Wasn't Fred Flintstone the first fervent Yaba user?

Yaba I do was the slogan or something like that.

A lot of the aggresion on the roads like tailgating is no doubt a result of Yaa-Baa use. And don't get me started on the mini busses and yaa baa. Keeps ya going without the need for sleep.

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Where does America rate on this 'scale of violence'?

USA Firearm homicides

  • Number of deaths: 11,493
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 3.7

URL: http://www.cdc.gov/n...ts/homicide.htm

Thailand info at URL:


you do realize those Thai numbers are from 1998?

My error; another URL that talks to 2010 homicide rates. Thailand slightly higher than USA per 100,000 of population


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Where does America rate on this 'scale of violence'?

USA Firearm homicides

  • Number of deaths: 11,493
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 3.7

URL: http://www.cdc.gov/n...ts/homicide.htm

Thailand info at URL:


you do realize those Thai numbers are from 1998?

My error; another URL that talks to 2010 homicide rates. Thailand slightly higher than USA per 100,000 of population


Thats all homicides, not firearms, just looked at the UN website and there is no data for Thailand's firearm homicides.


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SBK - regards your post re UN reporting

Sure, that's why I used Wikipedia, as it provides an indication of the level of violence within a country. As you will see on some sites their are disclaimers regarding data analyisis as obviously will depend on the rigour of relevant agencies reporting, political intererence and so on. One thing I did notice is reportedly the level of reported gun shot homicides in Thailand have reduced significantly over the past 12 years; This seems to run counter to the media reports in Thailand on a nearly daily basis of murders due to "business conflicts", silencing people, drug trade, "didn't like the way he looked at me", robberies etc etc let alone incidents that are not reported, Don't get me wrong, I am content here in Thailand, but my perception is that their is an increase in violence since I last lived here in 2003/2005; no doubt others will disagree...

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Its all about "Loosing Face" A thai would prefer to die than Loose Face.

Yes its a gang mentality here.

absolutely incorrect ... what rubbish !!

' Loosing Face ' is false ... it simply means ' how much money will i loose ' or ' geeze i'm gunna look bad from my friends perspective because i was stupid ' or any reason where a thai has lost out instead of winning ..... it's as simple as that and it's common guilt know to man for hundreds of years ... only thai's use the ' save face ' excuse which is so false.


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SBK - regards your post re UN reporting

Sure, that's why I used Wikipedia, as it provides an indication of the level of violence within a country. As you will see on some sites their are disclaimers regarding data analyisis as obviously will depend on the rigour of relevant agencies reporting, political intererence and so on. One thing I did notice is reportedly the level of reported gun shot homicides in Thailand have reduced significantly over the past 12 years; This seems to run counter to the media reports in Thailand on a nearly daily basis of murders due to "business conflicts", silencing people, drug trade, "didn't like the way he looked at me", robberies etc etc let alone incidents that are not reported, Don't get me wrong, I am content here in Thailand, but my perception is that their is an increase in violence since I last lived here in 2003/2005; no doubt others will disagree...

Or just an increase in reporting.

That argument aside, I must remind some members that insist on violating forum rules by making denigrating comments about all Thais, it will stop now.

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OP, the simple answer is don't fight in Thailand, don't get involved with Mafia types, don't get drunk and aggressive, and don't get involved with the seedier types here.

Advice that applies to just about every country I would say.

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I had a drunk Thai in Udon asking me where I was going because I had wandered into his area I suppose. Anyway I just said nevermind. He started saying F you, F you repeatedly. I said you like man? You want to F me?

I walked off, he sat down.

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Some Thais in some situations do go beserk, totally out of control, and there are plenty of guns and other weapons around. Statistically Thailand is pretty close to the top for violent deaths per capita.

I hope you are going to back that up with a reliable statistical source, because it's a big call.

Here you go... As far as overall homicide rate, Thailand ranked in at 4th in the world with 41.4 murders per 100,000 people; do the Google search

Wikipedia has Thailand at 33rd in the world for intentional homicide, just ahead of the US which is 34th. It's rate is more than 4 times that of the UK according to the same source.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

Number 3 for death by gunshot from a reputable source, i.e. not Wiki.


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I think a lot of their violence stems from the use of Yabaa.

You may find that anyone using Yabaa is almost virtually on another planet.

Yes it's easy to regress to primeval times on that stuff.

Wasn't Fred Flintstone the first fervent Yaba user?

Yaba I do was the slogan or something like that.

A lot of the aggresion on the roads like tailgating is no doubt a result of Yaa-Baa use. And don't get me started on the mini busses and yaa baa. Keeps ya going without the need for sleep.

Violent people all over the world just have the ability to somehow completely forget or don't even consider the consequencies of the act they about to commit. As other posters have said it's everywhere

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I think a lot of their violence stems from the use of Yabaa.

You may find that anyone using Yabaa is almost virtually on another planet.

Yes it's easy to regress to primeval times on that stuff.

Wasn't Fred Flintstone the first fervent Yaba user?

Yaba I do was the slogan or something like that.

A lot of the aggresion on the roads like tailgating is no doubt a result of Yaa-Baa use. And don't get me started on the mini busses and yaa baa. Keeps ya going without the need for sleep.

Yet its strange that you don't get road rage (among the Thais) anything as serious as it is in, say UK where the incidents can be mental. Hope it never becomes a trait over here. Keep the violence to the streets and bars where most falangs don't go or are invited.

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