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So you are saying that if YOU haven't seen or heard anything then in must be false ? lol!! giggle.gif

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has, for the past few months, sought and received visa to enter the United States, his legal adviser Noppadon Pattama said on Friday

read again what i said.

There is no confirmation or evidence but just words of a puppet.

I can make a statement that i have 3 brains, but it does not for certain mean i have 3 brains just because i said so, does it?rolleyes.gif

PS. Have YOU seen the visa?

I think I have made and will rest my case. thumbsup.gif

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So you are saying that if YOU haven't seen or heard anything then in must be false ? lol!! giggle.gif

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has, for the past few months, sought and received visa to enter the United States, his legal adviser Noppadon Pattama said on Friday

read again what i said.

There is no confirmation or evidence but just words of a puppet.

I can make a statement that i have 3 brains, but it does not for certain mean i have 3 brains just because i said so, does it?rolleyes.gif

PS. Have YOU seen the visa?

I think I have made and will rest my case. thumbsup.gif

you have made what? and what was your case? just posting baseless country bashing nonsense?

  • Like 1

Gee I thought the NASA base permission was going to get Thaksin his visa to the US. Was that just a week ago

My how time flies and stories change

It's good to see Mr Kasit back at it again. I miss his shamelless lying when he was FM ! biggrin.png Remember how that money that Thaksin gave hime was not a bribe - instead he used it to help out impecunious thais stranded in Europe and overseas. hahahaha. What a guy and good that the Thai media never asked for just ONE person who could back up his story.

We beleive you Mr Kasitthumbsup.gif


The headline leads the reader to believe that there would be a specific quote by the foreign minister stating that Thailand should severe its ties with the US. The article is poorly written and is an example of journalism at its worst.

The Thailand severing its ties with the US should be a great circus to follow. Definitely three rings.


The headline leads the reader to believe that there would be a specific quote by the foreign minister stating that Thailand should severe its ties with the US. The article is poorly written and is an example of journalism at its worst.

The Thailand severing its ties with the US should be a great circus to follow. Definitely three rings.

Zero zero and zero chance.

  • Like 1

So you are saying that if YOU haven't seen or heard anything then in must be false ? lol!! giggle.gif

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has, for the past few months, sought and received visa to enter the United States, his legal adviser Noppadon Pattama said on Friday

read again what i said.

There is no confirmation or evidence but just words of a puppet.

I can make a statement that i have 3 brains, but it does not for certain mean i have 3 brains just because i said so, does it?rolleyes.gif

PS. Have YOU seen the visa?

I think I have made and will rest my case. thumbsup.gif

you have made what? and what was your case? just posting baseless country bashing nonsense?

He's made a case to confirm that he is of borderline IQ, if he believes anything that Noppadon says

  • Like 1

...... He prefers grandiose claims, subterfuge, and innuendo rather than factual proof.

Sounds like he already posts on this forum then.

It wouldn't be totally surprising if Noppadon utilized proxies. When he was Foreign Minister, his People Power Party was flush with them.



No need to involve Thailand's Foreign Ministry nor the American State Department. As stated previously regarding Noppadon's claim that Thaksin has a USA visa, the whole matter can be cleared up quickly and simply by Noppadon proving what he said is true, but that's never been Noppadon's forte.

He prefers grandiose claims, subterfuge, and innuendo rather than factual proof.


Whereas both Kasit, Suthep and the democratic party en masse are the godfathers of truth and do not make "grandiose claims, subterfuge, and innuendo" in any way shape or form....................

The Truth About Interpol Warrant for Thaksin

Now the truth that had been kept secret during the two and a half years when the Democrat-led government was in power has finally come to light when new Foreign Minister Surapong Towijakchaikul revealed that ousted former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was never on the wanted list of International Police, or Interpol, from the start...............

.................... It is unbelievable that the Intepol warrant for Thaksin that had been trumpeted about by the Democrat-led government has turned out to be just a hoax.


  • Like 1
Truth About Interpol Warrant for Thaksin

Now the truth that had been kept secret during the two and a half years when the Democrat-led government was in power has finally come to light when new Foreign Minister Surapong Towijakchaikul revealed that ousted former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was never on the wanted list of International Police, or Interpol, from the start...............

.................... It is unbelievable that the Intepol warrant for Thaksin that had been trumpeted about by the Democrat-led government has turned out to be just a hoax

OMG how could that be??????

Wait you don't think this VISA thing is all who-eey too? blink.png .Shock, Gasp,


No need to involve Thailand's Foreign Ministry nor the American State Department. As stated previously regarding Noppadon's claim that Thaksin has a USA visa, the whole matter can be cleared up quickly and simply by Noppadon proving what he said is true, but that's never been Noppadon's forte.

He prefers grandiose claims, subterfuge, and innuendo rather than factual proof.


Whereas both Kasit, Suthep and the democratic party en masse are the godfathers of truth and do not make "grandiose claims, subterfuge, and innuendo" in any way shape or form....................

No need to insert false exaggerations of what was not posted.

But, if you wish to enter a contest for listing the most "grandiose claims, subterfuge, and innuendo"... Team Thaksin is the clear winner.... by a "landslide".



Times and situations change... but it certainly doesn't change what actually occurred in the past.

What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.Credibility takes another nose dive despite the back pedalling.

It is only relatively recently we were being told that Thaksin was a third world outcast (at a time when he was already travelling to Western Europe).Actually it's not so long ago the usual suspects were spouting rubbish about Interpol and imminent extradition.

  • Like 1

We were told not so long ago he could only travel to third world hell holes.

Well he was pictured in Manchester a few months ago so it'd be difficult to disagree with that.biggrin.png

Have you been to Manchester?

No need to involve Thailand's Foreign Ministry nor the American State Department. As stated previously regarding Noppadon's claim that Thaksin has a USA visa, the whole matter can be cleared up quickly and simply by Noppadon proving what he said is true, but that's never been Noppadon's forte.

He prefers grandiose claims, subterfuge, and innuendo rather than

factual proof.


Not really. The only real proof will be whether Thaksin visits the US or not.In practice he seems to be able travel freely to wherever he likes.

We were told not so long ago he could only travel to third world hell holes.Naturally those who broadcast this nonsense are keeping quiet now, or dreaming up obscure ways of making political capital.

Why "not really"? Thaksin is a big fan of photo ops and displaying his various travel documents. Providing one more photo op with him flashing his Ugandan, Montenegrin, or Thai passport with an American visa would be good proof.

So for all time (years) he spent bouncing around from "hell hole" places like Nicaragua and Zimbabwe while avoiding non-hell hole places, he did so purely out of his own personal choice?

Talk about "nonsense."

Times and situations change... but it certainly doesn't change what actually occurred in the past.


What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.Credibility takes another nose dive despite the back pedalling.

It is only relatively recently we were being told that Thaksin was a third world outcast (at a time when he was already travelling to Western Europe).

Where is the deception? the backpedaling? None in my post.

As stated, times and situations change.

For a time (years), he did bounce around "hell-holes" to the exclusion of non-helI-holes. More recently, that has changed.

Just because of that change, those times in the past are not magically erased.

If you could quote a specific example of your claim,

It is only relatively recently we were being told that Thaksin was a third world outcast (at a time when he was already travelling to Western Europe).

it might be more understandable.



I find it had to believe the US granted Thaksin a VISA with a criminal record (whether political or not). Or maybe its a sting operation to grab him.

  • Like 1

Gee I thought the NASA base permission was going to get Thaksin his visa to the US. Was that just a week ago

My how time flies and stories change

It's good to see Mr Kasit back at it again. I miss his shamelless lying when he was FM ! biggrin.png Remember how that money that Thaksin gave hime was not a bribe - instead he used it to help out impecunious thais stranded in Europe and overseas. hahahaha. What a guy and good that the Thai media never asked for just ONE person who could back up his story.

We beleive you Mr Kasitthumbsup.gif

I thought it is agreed already to install the US equipment in a Thai airplane that can go up to 10.000 Meter?

Kasit....yes....I read some letters Kasit sent to Germany.....he got catched lying and the letters itself were worse than any bar girl could write it. He is a shame for Thailand. And it is a shame that Abhisit didn't kick him out.

But that doesn't make Thaksin any better.

Truth About Interpol Warrant for Thaksin

Now the truth that had been kept secret during the two and a half years when the Democrat-led government was in power has finally come to light when new Foreign Minister Surapong Towijakchaikul revealed that ousted former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was never on the wanted list of International Police, or Interpol, from the start...............

.................... It is unbelievable that the Intepol warrant for Thaksin that had been trumpeted about by the Democrat-led government has turned out to be just a hoax

OMG how could that be??????

Wait you don't think this VISA thing is all who-eey too? blink.png .Shock, Gasp,

"OMG how could that be??????"

Well that's obvious,, the democrat party lied about the status of an alleged arrest warrant for Thaksin even though there is no such thing. They kept the lie going for over two years. What else do you think they lied about?

Would it surprise you if Noppadon and Sathit met for a cold beer every now and then and hatched these stories?

They probably watch the press and have a good chuckle and then cone on here for dessert!


I thought he was going to get a VISA if they let the NASA plane be based at Utapo?? That was last week, has it already changed?

Now its like he already has one???? - Brain swiimming ...... mind on overload ... confusion .... and its not even football season yet!!

Maybe when the Dems blocked the Nasa plane base-ing the US decided hey you know what ... lets give Thaksin a VISA. Now that would be cool thumbsup.gif


The US government will act in its own interests, all principles aside. This has been demonstrated dozens of times over the last decade. If there is some benefit to be reaped by allowing Thaksin to enter the US, especially if the benefit is political, America will oblige. This should hardly surprise anyone. The Europeans have been very easygoing regarding Thaksin's visas. I wonder why Thailand isn't fussing about them. Also, getting a US visa and entering the US are two very different things. Many have been granted visas only to be turned away at the port of entry. The litmus test will be whether Thaksin actually visits the United States, which I cannot believe he will (as I don't believe he really has a visa or that he will be allowed to enter), as that will inflame political problems in Thailand that America has been VERY keen to stay out of.

"We have always given the US our cooperation. If the US does not cooperate with us [and extradite Thaksin], we must condemn and all Thais must sever ties with the US,'' he said.

Good luck with that. The military cooperation alone between the two countries is far to valuable for Thailand and the Thai government to just suddenly give Uncle Sam the bird. There is no conceivable way to do any of this. Business ties are very solid. Another absurd suggestion from a jingoistic Thai nobody.


We have always given the US our cooperation. If the US does not cooperate with us [and extradite Thaksin], we must condemn and all Thais must sever ties with the US,'' he said.

Don't know where this quote came from BUT my local county has about 5 outstanding warrants for major crimes none of which are being extradited by Thailand - Thailands extradition agreements are very interesting documents and UNLIKE other nations extradition agreements - I 'm sure that if you really want Thaksin to be extradited the United States will.do so, provided you honor our laundry list of say 60 plus criminals who we have been trying to extradite from thailand for years, decades.

One of those is a former MP, former member of goverment.

Okay so we both know that will never happen. biggrin.png But never say the offer is not there, if you really want Thaksin then time to be honorable


In a democracy, an MP has the right to speak. Actually, its almost a requirement of the position. ;-)

And in Thailand a right not too. :-)


In a democracy, an MP has the right to speak. Actually, its almost a requirement of the position. ;-)

And in Thailand a right not too. :-)

Agreed: a matter of judgment as to what is in the best interests of the nation. Looks like no-one's batting average will be very high based on that criterion.


Well I took a cursory scan of the article read two posts and came to the conclusion must be a slow day for news.

Who cares if they did they did and maybe the states should set up a United States Visa Forum and complain about who they let in to there country.

If Thailand wants reconciliation they are going to have t stop fixating on Thaksin. such a article as this is as important to Thailand as the TV forum of various opinions is to Thailand. It is merely a chance to keep the Thaksin story going.


Haha, do it. Hurt Thailand way more than US. How many millions in foreign aid did we give Thailand last year and how many did they give us? Thailand severing ties would save US tax payers a lot of money.

Let's see if China comes running to assist next time there is a natural disaster or who will bail Thailand out if Chinese currency credit swaps implode, their currency appreciates rapidly and causes instability in Asian markets with heavy reliance and dependence upon them. Haha, Thailands needs a reality check as its national language could become Chinese without US backing or support.

Thailand apparently has no comprehension of the economic pressure we can place on both China and Japan. We have 3.2 trillion of China's currency. We can also cause their currency to rapidly appreciate thereby making their products no longer cheaper than US products. Japan, well Japan will play ball with US even without economic pressures. I am seeing visions of Japanese plants in Mexico.

You're barking up the wrong tree.

It's not Thailand that want to sever ties with the USA but a nutcase who happened to be the foreign minister of the previous democrat government and a PAD leader, which shows how out of touch with the reality these two organizations are.

Your right, but unfortunately nut cases in or with perceived power tend to have a knack for messing it up for all the rest. Thailand seems like such a bandwagon population. They hear something from their guy so it must be true and then they jump on for the ride.

People like this guy are just keeping Thailand so messed up. Really sucks for all the good people in Thailand who deserve better.

The good people of Thailand do not deserve better, they deserve the government they elected, as is the case in all democracies.

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I thought he was going to get a VISA if they let the NASA plane be based at Utapo?? That was last week, has it already changed?

Now its like he already has one???? - Brain swiimming ...... mind on overload ... confusion .... and its not even football season yet!!

Maybe when the Dems blocked the Nasa plane base-ing the US decided hey you know what ... lets give Thaksin a VISA. Now that would be cool thumbsup.gif

I am a little confused with your claim that the Democrtas blocked the Nasa request for U-Tapao.

Granted it was discussed when the Democrats were in power but IF the government had used the time available, some 10 months instead of 2 weeks it could have been brought up, discussed, thrashed out and a decision made without all of this hoha.

The Democrats didn't block it, they did ask questions that nobody in the government wanted to answer, so the PTP government turned the request down themselves and now they want to discuss it after the project starts and maybe then give permission or not.

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Thaksin's US VISA exchanges with nothing: Surapong

Supalak Ganjanakhundee

The Nation

Phnom Penh

BANGKOK: -- Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra obtained US entry VISA since May this year, said Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul, dismissing an allegation made by the opposition of exchange with Utapao use.

The former premier applied the visa from the country where he lived in exile since April and the United States granted him a multiple visa, which is valid for 10 years, on May 6, according to Surapong.

The opposition Democrat Party alleged earlier that the current government under Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra offered the US to use Utapao airbase for NASA scientific research project in exchange with the visa for Thaksin.

The Democrat alleged that foreign minister Surapong made the deal during his visit to the US on June 11-17.

Surapong said the request to use Utapao and Thaksin's visa were not related matters and the former premier obtained visa more than a month before the visit.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced a cancellation of its weather research project on June 26 as Thailand failed to grant permission to use facility at Utapao airbase on schedule.

"The opposition should not politicize the issue only for their interest. Such destructive politics could hurt our country," Surapong told reporters in Phnom Penh where he arrived on Sunday for Asean meeting.

Surapong demanded the oppositions to take responsibility for false accusation against him and the foreign ministry.

"Shame on the oppositions, they should confess before priests for this sinful act, if they were Christians or make merit to release the sin if they were Buddhists," he said.

Surapong said he did not know about Thaksin's visa until a phone call to the ex-PM over the weekend after the news of the visa granted broken by Thaksin's legal advisor Noppadon Pattama.


-- The Nation 2012-07-08

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