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Soi Forbidden To Farangs


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Have you ever seen any other Farangs in this Soi?

I would have thought up near OnNut there would be quite a few.

Well, at least one or two.


Dreams are not necessarily an accurate reflection of reality.

Why do you keep coming back to my topics?

Each of them you don't believe them and you keep dissing everything I say ...

what's the point ?

Are you that deranged that you need to read someone you never believe ?

Maybe he's frustrated that the cricket season is over?

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perhaps like you they were as foolish enough to judge a stranger

So me and the lad found ourselves in a red light district of Kobe with a bit of a thirst on. There were loads of places there that looked like they sold drink, and with signs outside, but with big numbers, and we were frightened we'd get charged that much for a bit of a sing-song. So we carried on walking, and eventually came to a place called "London Pub" which we reckoned was a banker for a beer. Down some stairs, through a heavy door, into a little room "Two beers please" with our cheeriest friendly smiles.

"Don't have beer" and, to be fair, that could have been true, but it was obvious they didn't want us there. So we went back to the suburbs to 7-11. I blame that on my naivite, ignorance, and lack of endeavour, rather than trying to pass any blame to the Japanese involved; we could have persevered, and got drink there, or somewhere else, but it did not seem worth it. It wasn't near my house, so it was not a big issue; it did not affect my future lifestyle


Really? How bizarre.

What kind of shirt were you wearing?

I forget. I should make notes of the shirt I wear whenever I am refused service, to see if there is a correlation.

Then I can try returning, without the shirt, and see if that improves matters


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So what are you complaining about? The weirdo who told you to go and sling your hook or being a women?

If you consider not having a partner as a disadvantage, than that’s your choice and so is living in any particular area.

You have two options, either move to somewhere where you feel more secure and comfortable or stay in your environment where you have to tolerate a lot of crap (as you put it) and save yourself the inconvenience of moving.

Problem solved, end of story and have a good life.

I am not complaining

I am responding to your "I have been here 30 years and nothing happened to me"

Things happens to me more because I am an easier prey for lunatics, that's all

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Soi On Nut runs from Sukhumvit Road to On Nut. Maybe it joins Soi Pattanakarn at On Nut (not sure about that, but I think On Nut is further South and further East); there's certainly a few muslim communities in that quarter; particularly the big mosques on the South Side of Rama IX near Patanakarn.


You must have failed miserably at geography.

How does a road that runs to east to west have a south side?

.........................................Northern Side


West....................................Rama IX .........................................East


.........................................Southern Side

Sometimes a Picture says ...

I had to hold my PC upside down, because I was standing on the North side. Then all the silvery powder fell down and obscured your illustration, and I realised I'd been given an etchasketch instead of an ipad....


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Try another soi.

it's 100 meters from my house, I have been also thrown out of a shop on my own soi because it was muslim

Use something like this next time.


Good luck getting the dog to wear that. rolleyes.gif

Already been commented.

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whistling.gif Are you a male or a female?

Here's the thing about some Muslims and dogs.

There is a story....I believe Muslims would call it part of the stories about Mohammed which I think (may not have the name right) is called the Hadith or oral tradition about Mohammed.

The story is that before he was accepted in mecca, Mohammed had to leave Mecca and go to the nearby city of Medina. At that time Mohammed was in some political and doctrinal problems with the then established political and religious authorities in Mecca.

Mohammed therefore fled from Mecca at night....and as he was leaving a dog barked at him, waking up some people in the nieghborhood.

To many devout Moslems, that is why dogs are disliked.

I once saw a man in Saudi Arabia deliberately try to run down a dog wandering in the road with his car. i was with a Saudi friend who spoke good English...and he's the one who told me that Islamic tradition about dogs.

Did you notice if there was, by chance, a Mosque or prayer room in that area? Was that person who stopped you possibly a Moslem?

Because it sounds to me like you might have encountered a very devout Moslem....and IF

1. You are female....dressed (by his terns) "inappropriately".

2. Walking a dog near where he was going to pray or had just left after prayers.

3. And were a westerner-infidel (again by his definition)

then you triggered his angry response.

Basically, you can't do anything about it.....so just ignore him as best you can.


All of it is irrelevant. Because Thailand is not a Muslim country and Bangkok is certainly not a suburb of Yala.

Unless he or some imam bought the entire soi including public road he has no right to open his mouth

Are we all to refrain from opening our mouths unless we own the street, or only Muslims? Or only bigots? If the latter, please provide a list of bigots that we can enforce your rule. I assume you own your street.


Well a bigot would think he can dictate who can and who can not walk down the public streetthumbsup.gif

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You should get about 50 farangs together and walk up and down the soi for a few hours

See what happens then. Maybe they think they can deter you if you are alone, wonder

if they are as tough if you are a large group

If that fails, you could send a group of Jehovah's Witnesses down the soi, that should teach them to behave.

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Keep taking the tablets girl!

'I am not complaining

I am responding to your "I have been here 30 years and nothing happened to me"

Things happens to me more because I am an easier prey for lunatics, that's all'

Edited by somchai jones
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Call me crazy but I always thought bkk was a Buddhist city.

Perhaps next time tell him to f.... Off and give him to the count of 5 or you would set the dog on him.

Of course prominently Buddhist, but their will be areas that land is traditionally owned by Muslims. The OP knows she lives in a Muslim area, so again doesn't it come down to showing some basic respect towards their customs/beliefs, rather than taking actions that are going to antagonise the local community. if it were a traditional Jewish area would you walk your pet pig, leave it in front of a Jewish owned shop without expecting a negative response?

Only OP did not go on their land, she/he walked down the public street, a street owned by the state, a Buddhist state. Sure if she/he was perhaps to enter a Mosque with a pet pig or pork sandwich we could talk about respect.

Though, Mosques around Thailand do not particularly show much respect for its BUDDHIST neighbors when they start blasting the preyers over the loud speakers 3 times per day, every day.

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Call me crazy but I always thought bkk was a Buddhist city.

Perhaps next time tell him to f.... Off and give him to the count of 5 or you would set the dog on him.

Of course prominently Buddhist, but their will be areas that land is traditionally owned by Muslims. The OP knows she lives in a Muslim area, so again doesn't it come down to showing some basic respect towards their customs/beliefs, rather than taking actions that are going to antagonise the local community. if it were a traditional Jewish area would you walk your pet pig, leave it in front of a Jewish owned shop without expecting a negative response?

Only OP did not go on their land, she/he walked down the public street, a street owned by the state, a Buddhist state. Sure if she/he was perhaps to enter a Mosque with a pet pig or pork sandwich we could talk about respect.

Though, Mosques around Thailand do not particularly show much respect for its BUDDHIST neighbors when they start blasting the preyers over the loud speakers 3 times per day, every day.

Five times. One of the pillars of Islam is prayer five times a day, if I recall correctly.

I think my local mosque has a different programme each day, and Friday is particularly strident, while Saturday is less so - perhaps even absent. I'm not sure, because I only really notice the early morning call, and I'm normally half-asleep and in no mood for taking notes. I suppose I also notice the evening call, though again, I don;'t take notes on the composition of the call


EDIT: WHen I was very much younger than I am today, in my home town, they used to ring the church bells as a call to prayer, and the Town Hall bells were rung extensively at 6 pm, as well as the hourly chimes. That didn't annoy me either.

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I would simply take my dog for a walk somewhere else. Or move apartments.

Quite simple stuff really....who wants to live with unhappiness and fear?

I must say your experience is quite different to that experienced recently by phuturatica.....and wonder to myself....why is that so?

Because I don't live in a condo with a security paid to give hiding to people being rude to me.

I live in a detached house with garden not in a moobahn because I have 4 dogs and they need the space

It took me ages to find a 2 storey (keep the second floor dog free and clean) house with a decent size garden that is not a 5/7 bedroom palace out of my prices and that is not to far from work, and I just moved in 6 months ago

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How does a road that runs to east to west have a south side?

.........................................Northern Side


West....................................Rama IX .........................................East


.........................................Southern Side

Sometimes a Picture says ...

I had to hold my PC upside down, because I was standing on the North side. Then all the silvery powder fell down and obscured your illustration, and I realised I'd been given an etchasketch instead of an ipad....


You have to remember that I'm from the Southern Hemisphere and here everything, according to you guys is upside down.


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You must have failed miserably at geography.

How does a road that runs to east to west have a south side?

From having an East end and a West end, and sides to either side of it. On the South side (in thailand) traffic runs from East to West, while on the North side, traffic runs from West to East. Imagine yourself standing on that road. Perhaps it would help to go there and stand on the road, or at the side of it. Either side. Now hold out one arm. Either arm. In the other hand, hold your compass. Sorry, I should've mentioned that earlier, shouldn't I. Follow the arm that you are holding out, and look in that direction. Now use the compass to determine in which direction that arm is pointing. Let's call that side of the road by that direction.

I can see now why the chicken crossed the road...


I assume the chicken crossed the road because he was escaping those with pathetic lives who waste most of there time peddling nonsense and critiques on others posts here on this debate forum.... Rednecks always hate the Native Americans and now muslims........

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Am a bit confused, is it the dog or you they dont want to enter the soi?....

Well so am I, he said no dogs allowed but other dogs were there

And the GO HOME was not for my dog

Yea, he told you to go to Farangland, right? Was this before or after your dog goes nuts because of other dogs that live there? I'm guess this is an everyday thing your causing commotion on the Soi given him telling you not to come back tomorrow either.

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Why do dog lovers not realise that it is not a pleasure for other people to have to put up with dog faeces outside their homes - why not let your dog do its business outside your home in your soi and then there will be no problem !! Are you a good citizen and remove the dog faeces each time or do you just leave it on the ground ???

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Call me crazy but I always thought bkk was a Buddhist city.

Perhaps next time tell him to f.... Off and give him to the count of 5 or you would set the dog on him.

Of course prominently Buddhist, but their will be areas that land is traditionally owned by Muslims. The OP knows she lives in a Muslim area, so again doesn't it come down to showing some basic respect towards their customs/beliefs, rather than taking actions that are going to antagonise the local community. if it were a traditional Jewish area would you walk your pet pig, leave it in front of a Jewish owned shop without expecting a negative response?

Only OP did not go on their land, she/he walked down the public street, a street owned by the state, a Buddhist state. Sure if she/he was perhaps to enter a Mosque with a pet pig or pork sandwich we could talk about respect.

Though, Mosques around Thailand do not particularly show much respect for its BUDDHIST neighbors when they start blasting the preyers over the loud speakers 3 times per day, every day.

Five times. One of the pillars of Islam is prayer five times a day, if I recall correctly.

I think my local mosque has a different programme each day, and Friday is particularly strident, while Saturday is less so - perhaps even absent. I'm not sure, because I only really notice the early morning call, and I'm normally half-asleep and in no mood for taking notes. I suppose I also notice the evening call, though again, I don;'t take notes on the composition of the call


EDIT: WHen I was very much younger than I am today, in my home town, they used to ring the church bells as a call to prayer, and the Town Hall bells were rung extensively at 6 pm, as well as the hourly chimes. That didn't annoy me either.

May well be 5, only this is not a muslim state where a vast majority NON muslim have to be forced to listen.

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Why do dog lovers not realise that it is not a pleasure for other people to have to put up with dog faeces outside their homes - why not let your dog do its business outside your home in your soi and then there will be no problem !! Are you a good citizen and remove the dog faeces each time or do you just leave it on the ground ???

i suggest you re-read OP again

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Why do dog lovers not realise that it is not a pleasure for other people to have to put up with dog faeces outside their homes - why not let your dog do its business outside your home in your soi and then there will be no problem !! Are you a good citizen and remove the dog faeces each time or do you just leave it on the ground ???

Actually ... with 4 soi dogs at your home, I was wondering what you do with their droppings?

In my country, you are asked, in public, to carry a small plastic bag to collect them ... how do you do it ... collect their droppings I mean.

Also, have you met another member here ... AnandaSatvha?

He or she is very keen on stopping pollution and has contributed many ideas about how to achieve that.

Maybe you two can get together and be a stronger force because sometimes Ananda seems also a little lonely.

But you might have to wait a bit because Ananda has not been seen for a little while and presumably out there helping Thailand fight adversity … or having a holiday.


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May well be 5, only this is not a muslim state where a vast majority NON muslim have to be forced to listen.

All a bit medieval nowadays isn't it? Everyone has a watch now, why not just give them a timetable, or send SMS's?

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Why do dog lovers not realise that it is not a pleasure for other people to have to put up with dog faeces outside their homes - why not let your dog do its business outside your home in your soi and then there will be no problem !! Are you a good citizen and remove the dog faeces each time or do you just leave it on the ground ???

My dog don't pooh on other people doorstep, as a responsible dog owner I don't allow them to do that.

My neighbor's dog on the other hand does get freed every morning and evening so he can pooh on my front house, and that pisses me off. His owners are too lazy to walk him so the soi people must clean after them !

It's not the people who walk their dog you have to worry about, it's the ones that just let him out on his own and do as he please !

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Why do dog lovers not realise that it is not a pleasure for other people to have to put up with dog faeces outside their homes - why not let your dog do its business outside your home in your soi and then there will be no problem !! Are you a good citizen and remove the dog faeces each time or do you just leave it on the ground ???

Actually ... with 4 soi dogs at your home, I was wondering what you do with their droppings?

In my country, you are asked, in public, to carry a small plastic bag to collect them ... how do you do it ... collect their droppings I mean.

Also, have you met another member here ... AnandaSatvha?

He or she is very keen on stopping pollution and has contributed many ideas about how to achieve that.

Maybe you two can get together and be a stronger force because sometimes Ananda seems also a little lonely.

But you might have to wait a bit because Ananda has not been seen for a little while and presumably out there helping Thailand fight adversity … or having a holiday.


They pooh primarily home, in the back garden.

When exercising I don't allow them to piss or pooh anywhere on sois, only in wild herbs out where there are no houses

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May well be 5, only this is not a muslim state where a vast majority NON muslim have to be forced to listen.

You'e not forced to listen. I don't.

I find it a far less intrusive noise than poorly silenced motorbikes, which I also don't use.

All a bit medieval nowadays isn't it? Everyone has a watch now, why not just give them a timetable, or send SMS's?

Some of my colleagues have an iPhone App. Personally, I find the call to prayers quaintly attractive, although I would recommend, whenever you are considering buying a property, you view shortly before dawn, to find out how convenient you are for the local mosque. There is a limit to convenience... Might actually be worth going a few hours earlier, as well, around pub chucking out time.

While we're on the topic of constructive advice

Its worth noting also that mosques are renowned for haphazard parking for Friday mid-day and evening prayers.


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I would simply take my dog for a walk somewhere else. Or move apartments.

Quite simple stuff really....who wants to live with unhappiness and fear?

I must say your experience is quite different to that experienced recently by phuturatica.....and wonder to myself....why is that so?

Because I don't live in a condo with a security paid to give hiding to people being rude to me.

I live in a detached house with garden not in a moobahn because I have 4 dogs and they need the space

It took me ages to find a 2 storey (keep the second floor dog free and clean) house with a decent size garden that is not a 5/7 bedroom palace out of my prices and that is not to far from work, and I just moved in 6 months ago

How you describe it, it looks like a very nice house, good for you, and i guess lots of people would envy you.

It seems to me you worry too much about unpleasant people.. just avoid them, and try to be happy with the good things in life smile.png

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Call me crazy but I always thought bkk was a Buddhist city.

Perhaps next time tell him to f.... Off and give him to the count of 5 or you would set the dog on him.

Of course prominently Buddhist, but their will be areas that land is traditionally owned by Muslims. The OP knows she lives in a Muslim area, so again doesn't it come down to showing some basic respect towards their customs/beliefs, rather than taking actions that are going to antagonise the local community. if it were a traditional Jewish area would you walk your pet pig, leave it in front of a Jewish owned shop without expecting a negative response?

Only OP did not go on their land, she/he walked down the public street, a street owned by the state, a Buddhist state. Sure if she/he was perhaps to enter a Mosque with a pet pig or pork sandwich we could talk about respect.

Though, Mosques around Thailand do not particularly show much respect for its BUDDHIST neighbors when they start blasting the preyers over the loud speakers 3 times per day, every day.

A tad pedantic, you will know if it's a Muslim area. Never heard about Buddhists complaining about the call to prayer, nor Muslims complaining about sounds coming from a Wat during ceremonies.

It gets to me that foreigners bring their preexisting prejudices to Thailand and complain when they receive a negative response when not respecting the culture of the local people, local does include Muslims. The CIC of the Thai Armed Forces was a Muslim. After retiring from the Army in 2007, he became Deputy Prime Minister, in charge of national security. Today it was announced the appointment of the new head of the national police who is a Muslim.

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